Disclaimer: I do not own pokemon, team rocket or any related article or trademark they belong to some incredibly rich guy who created them.

Authors note: hey I know this stinks but it’s my first try at fan fiction
Rating: um how bout PG.

Summary: when Jesse gets scared from the big raging thunderstorm, who is there to comfort her? Well whom do you think!

Feedback: please please please I’m begging you! Alysha_rocket@hotmail.com

Forever protected
By alysharocket

Jesse’s point of view.

Thunder crashed outside the window of the extraordinarily large team rocket cabin that we were staying in, I was huddled under my blankets, scared to death and trembling, wishing that I was in James’s arms, feeling protected from the storm.

I have always hated thunderstorms, especially when there is fork lightning every where but kept it inside of me, I don’t want to let on that I was scared of some thing so pathetic as thunder.

Suddenly a huge explosion jerked me violently from my thoughts, hardly knowing what I was doing; I screamed out loud then fell silent shocked at myself.

Precisely at that moment James burst into my room, looking worried and wide-awake. I felt so relieved that he was here that I just wanted to hug him, but of course I have MUCH more self control then that, so I stood, still trembling with fear and stared at him.

Jesse are you all right? James asked me softly but I could barley speak. Then I totally lost control of myself and started to cry.

I just cried and cried with my head down, not looking at James or anything else for that matter.

I must say that I was pretty shocked when James walked up and pulled me into a tight, warm embrace, I looked up at him, tears still rolling down my cheeks, and he brushed them gently away with his fingers and caressed my cheek.

I felt a wave of love for him; stronger than ever before and new I had to do something about it before I exploded.

I slowly moved my arms around his neck, and gazed into those gorgeous green eyes of his, then before I knew what I was doing, I pressed my lips to his and kissed him softly and passionately, after a few moments I broke off and looked at the ground, silently cursing myself.

Sorry, I mumbled quietly, without lifting my gaze. James tipped my head up so he could look into my eyes, no matter how much I tried I couldn’t tear myself away from his eyes.

Sorry I whispered again sullenly, still gazing into his eyes, James just pulled me deeper into his embrace, and moved his head slightly.

Sorry for what, he murmurs right into my ear, I swear my heart must have skipped a beat. I suddenly feel dizzy, shaky anything but calm, as James runs his fingers through my hair, which has come down from its usual style.

James continues to run his fingers through my hair, and breathes on my neck, until I really can’t stand it anymore.

I slowly draw back to gaze into his eyes once again, and then slowly as if a gravitational device is puling me forward I slowly lean in and press my lips to his.

After a few moments James kisses me back softly and passionately, I am convinced that I am living in the best possible moment ever, I must be in heaven. The kiss is magical, the storm forgotten and the one I love is right here in my arms, holding me in his embrace.

And I knew that I was protected from the storm, and everything else, Forever.