Friday Night
April ‘00
Category: Whatever YOU call online chatting!
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Nope! Summary: Just an interesting online conversation between two of my favorite people.
Disclaimer: They ain’t mine! (But I wish they were!)

This is short. REALLY short. In fact, you may not even be able to discern a so-called “plot”’s just what may be a likely conversation between Jessie and James if they didn’t actually have to look each other in the face. ^_^ Oh well, it was fun to write! Enjoy!
email me! (for I love it so)

Princess17 logged on Friday, 3.31.00 @ 8:03:49 PM

One buddy online: JBondRose logged on Friday, 3.31.00 @ 7:43:12 PM

[Princess17:] ::pulls out paper fan:: WHACK!

[JBondRose:] ouch

[JBondRose:] what was that for?

[Princess17:] it keeps my stress levels down

[Princess17:] ...Ooooh, I feel *so* much better...hehe

[JBondRose:] why me though?

[JBondRose:] ???

[Princess17: ]because you volunteered...when you joined TR!

[JBondRose:] true, true

[Princess17:] you're my punching bag!! ^_^

[JBondRose:] well that’s cool, I guess

[JBondRose:] I only let you do it because you’re so hot

[Princess17:] Of course I’m hot! I’m the best looking girl around!

[JBondRose:] you got that right

[Princess17:] seriously, what are you doing home alone on a Friday night??

[JBondRose:] because I’m too wussy to ask you out on a I sit at home and mope

[Princess17:] Ooooh, I see ^_^ yeah right!!

[JBondRose:] and you think I’m joking.... that is the sad thing

[Princess17:]'re not joking?

[JBondRose:] maybe

[JBondRose:] not really

[JBondRose:] interested

[JBondRose:] ???

[JBondRose:] Aaaah, just forget I said’s cool, I don’t want to upset you, or make you not my friend or anything.

[Princess17:] No, you didn’t upset me...I’m just...I don’t know, not very used to this whole relationship thing, you know?

[Princess17:] I just have to think about how I want to word what I'm if I'm a little slow responding, it's nothing against you!!! I just have to think about it a while....I don’t want to say the wrong thing.

[JBondRose:] No, no, it’s cool

[JBondRose:] just forget about it...forget I said anything

[Princess17:] ok

[JBondRose:] if you’re trying to like spare my feelings or what not....

[Princess17:] no, I'm just trying to say how I feel, I guess

[Princess17:> I REALLY hate computers!!! It's so much harder to express your feelings!!!!

[Princess17:] ::kicks comp::

[JBondRose:] haha, ouch, don’t hurt it ^_^**

[Princess17:] naaah, piece of junk, who cares??...

[JBondRose:] ^_^

[Princess17:] Do you ever have one of those days where you wish you were on a cruise, doing nothing but tanning and eating a lot? It’s kinda one of those days....

[JBondRose:] well pretty much everyday is like that for me

[Princess17:] hehe...okay, let’s pack our bags and get out of here!

[Princess17:] I’m so sick of working for TR...

[Princess17:] I could just scream! More than I do already! ^_^**

[JBondRose:] I’ll go if you go

[JBondRose:] For real, I really will run away with you if you want to

[JBondRose:] I need someone to run away with

[Princess17:] Sounds like a good plan to me. I wouldn’t want to run away with anyone else.

[JBondRose:] hold on a sec...brb

[Princess17:] ::humming::

[Princess17:] la la la la la la la...

[Princess17:] YOU ARE SO SLOW!!! >_<

[JBondRose:] ok I’m here! Sorry!!

[Princess17:] hi again!

[Princess17:] ::does a little dance::

[Princess17:] you're back, you're back! ^_^

[Princess17:] you feel loved yet?

[JBondRose:] nope, not yet

[Princess17:] well good grief, what do I have to DO?

[Princess17:] ^_^

[JBondRose:] ...sexual favors

[Princess17:] give me a break...::blushes:: ^_^**

[Princess17:] such as? ::cough cough::

[JBondRose:] anything you feel you should do!!

[JBondRose:] just a kiss on the cheek from you...that would be nice...I’d feel pretty lucky lucky after that

[Princess17:] haha...that’s so sweet I wanna puke.

[JBondRose:] So, when can I pick up my prize?

[Princess17:] well, you know where I live...

[JBondRose:] really? Are you offering??

[Princess17:] NO. What kind of girl do you think I am, anyway??!?!?!?

[JBondRose:] sorry

[JBondRose:] I didn’t mean to make you mad

[JBondRose:] Jess?

[JBondRose:] you there?

[Princess17:] yeah

[JBondRose:] are you mad at me?

[Princess17:] no

[JBondRose:] you sure?

[JBondRose:] Jessie?

[Princess17:] I’m sorry. I’m such an idiot.

[JBondRose:] what?

[Princess17:] I just...I don’t want to be mean to you and then it just slips out and...I don’t know. I’m really sorry.

[JBondRose:] me too.

[JBondRose:] ::hugs:: so, are we still buds?

[Princess17:] always

[Princess17:] ^_^

[JBondRose:] I need to sign off. I’ve got some stuff to take care of.

[Princess17:] such as???...

[JBondRose:] secrets

[Princess17:] tell me!

[JBondRose:] it wouldn’t really be a secret then, would it?

[Princess17:] JAMES!!! TELL ME!

[JBondRose:] nope ^_^

[Princess17:] grrrrrrrrr...

[JBondRose:] you’ll find out soon

[JBondRose:] ^_^

[Princess17:] PROMISE?

[JBondRose:] yep

[Princess17:] ok, but remember you promised!! See ya later, have a good evening!

[JBondRose:] you too

[Princess17:] ::hugs:: buh-bye

[JBondRose:] hey, I love you, Jess...

JBondRose logged off Friday, 3.31.00 @ 8:21:56 PM

[Princess17:] ...I love you too, James

Princess17 logged off Friday, 3.31.00 @ 8:22:18 PM
