Disclaimer: Team Rocket and Pokemon do NOT belong to me, blah blah blah, you all know the rest....

(AN: Do take into consideration that I have no idea what actually goes on in a prison…of course ^_^)

A Girl's Best Friend

Chapter 1: Stuart Opray

"Disaster struck today as two members of Team Rocket were found running from the scene when the Pokemon centre in Charachi City was destroyed by a C4 bomb. Five people were injured, 1 seriously. Luckily no pokčmon were injured as Nurse Joy had already transferred all pokčmon to the nearest Pokčmon centre, as a precaution when she saw the two Rockets sneaking around outside." "The two Rockets, Jessica Stanwell and James Diamond, are being held under suspicion of terrorism and the use of illegal explosives. They are being held in Charachi prison until the courts have decided a date to which they will be judged. If they are found guilty, each one will earn a 5-year prison sentence in Charachi prison. In other news today…"

Giovanni switched off the big screen TV and leaned back into his chair. He smiled to himself.

"Finally, those two will be out of my way for good."

He looked down to his Persian sitting by his side.

"I hope they don’t expect me to come down there and bail them out!" He laughed and the Persian purred evilly in agreement.

Meanwhile, in Charachi prison…

"Alright you two move along!" said the guard, as he pushed Jessie and James into a cell with the back of his rifle.

"Ya can’t do any more trouble in there" he snickered as he locked the barred door.

"You won’t get away with this! I want my lawyer!" shouted Jessie, watching the guard move down the corridor through the bars.

"I want my mummy!" whined James, sitting on the floor.

"Shut up James!" snapped Jessie

Suddenly, a deep, gruff voice came through the bars of the cell next to them.

"So, what are you in for?"

James got up and both him and Jessie turned to see where the voice was coming from. They saw a man sitting on a bench in the cell next to them. He wore a pair of very dirty Jeans and a black t-shirt.

"My name's Stuart Opray."

Stuart got up and extended his arm through the bars. James stepped forward and shook his hand. Stuart was a very tall man, about 6’2". Black hair and deep green eyes.

"I’m James, this is Jessie. Why are you in here?"

"Murder. Six to be precise."

James stared wide-eyed at him, and gulped as he realised he was shaking to hand of a murderer.

"As I asked before," started Stuart, "Why are you in here?" Stuart took his hand away from James’s and James stood back.

"Bomb." Stated Jessie, "We set of a bomb in the Pokemon centre." She said proudly

"Cool." Said Stuart, "Kill anyone?" he said hopefully.

"Nooo!" shrieked James.

Stuart shrugged, then realised what clothes they were wearing.

"Team Rocket huh? I’ve heard you guys can be pretty tough."

"Of course we are!" snapped Jessie.

James looked around the cell then asked;

"How long to they keep us down here?"

"Well, I’ve been down here for a couple of days now. They just keep you here until the courts are ready to see ya. If your found not guilty then they set ya free."

"What happens if you’re found guilty?" asked Jessie, nervously.

Stuart smiled evilly at them.

"Then they take you down to Level 66."

"What’s at Level 66?" James asked.

Stuart leaned closer to the bars.

"In one word…hell."

James and Jessie sweat dropped.

"Level 66 is where the real prison is. One of my friends got a sentence for 10 years down there, and after 4 weeks they found him dead, hanging from the light in his cell room…suicide.

Jessie went pale.

"Only real tough guys can survive down there." He continued

James went pale.

4 days later…

"Alright you two, this is your judgement day."

The guard unlocked the cell door to see Jessie and James sitting near the back talking quietly. Stuart had been called for judgement the day they arrived, he had been found guilty and had been sent down to level 66 for a lifetime sentence.

"Come on, out ya go."

He waited until Jessie and James had walked out the cell, then he walked behind them, his rifle aimed at them the whole time if they were to make any sudden movements.

Chapter 2: Escapee

"Sir! Sir!"

A young man in a white lab coat came running into Giovanni’s office.

"What is this!?" demanded Giovanni.

"Sir we’ve done it!"


"We’ve done it, we’ve mixed two types, we’ve created a new pokčmon!"

Giovanni leapt up from his desk.

"Show me!"

Giovanni practically ran out of his office and followed the scientist down the corridor to a door. The scientist opened it and entered the gigantic laboratory.

Inside was a bustle of white lab coats, most of them grouped around a table, some holding clipboards ferociously scribbling down notes while talking with the other scientists.

Giovanni walked up to them.

"Let me see."

The clump of scientists moved aside to let Giovanni see their new pokčmon. The small pokčmon cowered inside the small cage as it looked up at Giovanni with big black eyes.

"This is excellent work. Which types did you combine it with?"

"Electric and normal."

"And it can use both?"

"We not sure yet."

Giovanni turned to see where the young female voice had come from. Walking up behind him was a young girl, about 19, holding a clipboard with a pair of glasses on top of her head. She was tall, 5’10", with deep purple eyes and lavender blue hair tied up in a bun on top of her head.

"I beg your pardon."

The young scientist put her glasses back on the end of her nose and looked at her clipboard.

"Although its types are normal and electric, we haven’t fully tested its overall power yet. We’ll have to do a few more experiments first. Make sure it’s body structure is stable and that it won’t overpower itself. Technically it is still a new born pokčmon, it probably needs to learn the attacks first."

Giovanni looked back at the scientist who brought him here.

"Who is this? And why is she here? She is far to young to be a scientist."

"Well sir, she did come…"

"I left you in charge of employing scientists who can actually create good pokčmon, not give me reports on how it still has to learn the attacks!" he bellowed. The poor scientist stepped back.

"But sir, she, she came very highly recommended. She’s already got her PhD in pokčmon body structure and psychology."

"Maybe, but why did you take me all the way down here to see a pokčmon that isn’t even ready to be used yet!?"

The girl decided to help the man.

"But sir, I asked him to bring you down here because…"

"…You asked him?"

Giovanni grabbed the young girl by the front of her lab coat.

"You do NOTHING! You are a new employee here and you DON’T NOT ask ANYTHING of ANYONE here do you understand?!"

The girl dropped her clipboard and sweat dropped

"I’m, I’m sorry sir, I just thought…"

"The only thing YOU should be thinking of his how to get this pokčmon to learn its moves ULTRA quickly or your FIRED! DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?!?!"

The girl nodded her head quickly.

"Yeee, yes sir."

Giovanni let go off her.


He turned back to the rest of the scientists.

"And that goes for the rest of you too."

He turned back to the young girl.

"Just remember, you can be easily be replaced."

With that said, Giovanni stormed out of the lab and back to his office. The scientists stood staring, as the young girl he had yelled at fell to her knees.

"I can’t do anything right." She sobbed.

One other scientist, Dalel, came up to her and put his hand on her shoulder.

"Don’t worry Josie, you’ll just have to get used to him."

She looked up at him through her big purple eyes and smiled softly. She got up and picked up her clipboard. She took her glasses off and rubbed her eyes. Putting them back on, she stepped over to where their new pokčmon was in the cage.

Then, horror.

"What?! Where is it?" she shrieked.

Dalel walked up behind her and gasped. The cage, where their pokčmon was being held, was empty. The small barred door was hanging off its hinges, and the lock seemed to be charred.

"It’ll be long gone by now." Said Dalel

Josie gulped

"Who’s gonna tell the Boss?"

"I’ll tell him." Another man, older that Josie and Dalel, walked up behind them.

"I think you two have got into enough trouble today."

Chapter 3: Judgement day

The trial came and went, and all that was left was for Jessie and James to be judged.

The judge sat behind the big, wooden desk and looked towards Jessie and James.

"Will the accused please stand?"

Jessie and James looked at each other and stood up. The judge turned towards the Jury.

"Have you come to a verdict?"

A middle-aged man rose from the Jury.

"Yes your honour. We have the same verdict for both of the accused."

"Very well. Does the jury find Jessica Stanwell and James Diamond guilty, or not guilty?"

Jessie and James stood there shaking. This was it. Either they were going to go free, or spend 5 years down at Level 66.

"The Jury finds Jessica Stanwell and James Diamond……guilty."

At that moment the world came crashing down for Jessie and James. The judge turned back toward them.

"Very well, Jessica and James, you will be serving a 5 year prison sentence in Charachi prison for the attempt of murder of human and Pokemon at Charchi’s Pokčmon centre."

Jessie and James looked at each other and knew this was it. Charachi prison here they come.


The next few hours were terrible for them both. They were taken in a police van back to Charachi prison. Their pokčball’s were taken from them and their Team Rocket uniforms were taken, and instead were given the regulation prison uniforms; the usual dull grey colour.

Separate guards came for both of them, two Officer Jenny’s for Jessie, and two male guards for James. They were both taken to different sections of Charachi prison, one section for women, the other for men. James didn’t know how he was going to get through 5 years without seeing Jessie, and vica versa for Jessie.


The two guards walked James down the dimly lit corridor. A few ceiling lamps above flickered and the walls were dirty and grey. The guard led him to his cell, and his cellmates.

"Time to get acquainted." One of the guards snickered, as he un-locked the door and pushed James through.

James stood, back against the now closed and locked cell door, looking at two bunk beds, and the bottom of each being occupied.

The occupants of the bed were cast in shadow, but they rose from their lairs and cast their dark eyes on their next victim.

One of the men was a tall man, about 6’0". He had dark brown hair and dark brown eyes, so dark you could hardly see the pupils. The other was slightly shorter, 5’10’. He had very dark purple hair and bright blue eyes. Eyes so sharp they pierced the soul of whoever he looked at.

James gulped. These did not seem the welcoming type. The two men advanced on James like a vulture that’s spotted its prey.

James tried to edge his way around the wall, but the two men followed him.

James reached the bunk bed against the wall and could move no further. The taller of the men stood in front of James, while the other stood to the other side of him. James was trapped.

"Well," said the one in front, "What have we here Dean?"

Dean snickered.

"I dunno Josh, a pretty boy by the looks of it."

They both laughed, but James didn’t find it funny.

"I’m Josh" he said to James, "This here is Dean. Who are you?"

Inside, James was shaking with fear, but he wouldn’t show it on the outside. He tried to steady his rapid heartbeat and took a deep breath.

"I’m, I’m James." He stammered.

Josh smirked at Dean.

"Did you here that voice?"

Dean burst out laughing and mimicked James’s posh voice.

"Oh yes I did indeed Josh."


Josh put his hands on James’s shoulders.

"Well then, James. Why don’t we show him our way of saying hello huh Dean?"

Dean smiled evilly, "Great."

James sweat dropped. He was petrified. What did this guy mean by ‘their way’ of saying hello? James couldn’t hold it in any longer; his body started shaking with fear. He had never been in a situation like this before. Josh could feel James shaking under his hands, and snickered at him.

"Well would ya look at this? Pretty boy is scared."

Dean laughed at Josh’s mockery. Josh turned back to James and drew his fist back.

"Welcome to Level 66, James."

James screwed up his eyes and turned his head to one side, waiting for the blow. But it never came. At exactly the right moment, the cell door opened and a guard pushed the last remaining cell mate through the door. James turned his head to see who it was and was shocked.



"Back off girl. No one messes with me!!"

Jessie had settled in straight away, by letting everyone in her cell know that she was the boss.

Her cellmates were Charlotte, Kathy, and Melissa. Melissa seemed to be the Boss, the one that everyone always followed cause she was considered the ‘cool’ one. She had a bigger mouth than Meowth’s (now that’s saying something.) She had short, black hair and brown eyes.

Kathy was the show-off. Always flicking her golden hair around as if she as God’s gift to Earth, and fluttering her ocean blue eyes.

Charlotte was the quiet one, but could be never trusted. If she ever did say anything, you could guarantee it wouldn’t be nice. She had shoulder length dark, green hair and also green eyes.

"So," stared Melissa, "I here you’re the one who blew up the pokčmon centre with that other guy, what was his name again? Oh yeah, James. Kinda cute too. I saw you both on the news downstairs."

Jessie felt like strangling her for even thinking that her James was cute. She…wait a minute, her James? Since when had…?

Jessie thought about this for a moment, but shrugged it off. Suddenly, a feeling surged through her, and she felt very lonely. She looked around the cell, and even though there were three other people with her, she felt something was missing. She felt like only half of herself was there, if that made sense? She then realised that even though it had only been just over an hour, Jessie missed James terribly.

That’s it. She had to get out of there. She wasn’t going to be able to survive 5 years without her best friend. She had to get back to him. She had to be with him. She had too. Somehow.

To be continued…