A Girl’s Best Friend
Part 4

Chapter 8: Reunited

After some more un-locking of doors, making more guards fall asleep, and figuring out which cell Jessie was in, James and Pikapuff made their way to the woman part of the prison.

"Alright Pikapuff, "James whispered, "Sing them to sleep."

Pikapuff sang it’s song to the four Officer Jenny’s guarding the door and they all fell to floor asleep. Pikapuff opened the door and walked down the corridor, closely followed by James.

"Jessie’s in Cell number…" James sighed at the number, "…66." He rolled his eyes and quietly made his way down the corridor.

"63…64…65… here we are, 66. You know what to do Pikapuff."

Pikapuff used its electricity to un-lock the door, and sure enough, there was Jessie, as well as Melissa, Kathy and Charlotte

"Hi." James said nervously, "Umm…bye."

James looked down at Pikapuff and it sang the other three to sleep before they couldn’t even say anything. Jessie looked at the Pikapuff, then at James. An overwhelming sence of joy over came both of them at the same time and they ran to each other and flung their arms around each other.

"Oh James I’ve missed you so much, I hated it in here, I hated it without you." She started crying into his shoulder.

"So did I Jessie, but when I found this Pikapuff, I just had an idea to get out of here.

"But James, you risked your life coming over here to get me."

"Jessie I could never leave you here, besides, whether I’m in here or outside, if I’m without you I’d feel empty either way."

Jessie smiled sweetly at him and looked down at the grinning Pikapuff.

"Wow! Isn’t that the Pikapuff on TV?"

"Yeah, I found it, and it, kinda wanted to stay with me." James said shyly.

"Alright then, " she said, "Let’s get out of here."

"Wait! What about our pokèmon?" asked James.

"If you got all the way from the guy part of the prison to here without getting caught, I think we can make it to the store room. Then we can grab our pokèmon and, as they say, ‘crack outta this joint’.

James smiled all three of them ran out of the cell leaving everyone else behind. After a few more lock cracking and singing, they made it to the store room, and grabbed their pokèballs, put under their names. After a bit more help from Pikapuff, Jessie and James burst through the gates and into the outside world.

"At last!" Jessie breathed, as James picked up Pikapuff in his arms and ran with Jessie into the forest.

"Let’s get to the Charachi hideout, then we can sort out all of our belongings."

"Good idea, then we can contact the Boss."

Jessie, James and Pikapuff ran into the forest making their way to their hideout.


Chapter 9: Poke-sitting

After a while, they made it to the Charachi City Team Rocket Hideout and went inside. They changed back into their Team Rocket uniforms and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well I’m sure glad that’s over with!" declared James, putting Pikapuff down on a chair.

"Well I’m just glad to be back in uniform." Said Jessie, straightening out her skirt.

Although that half was true, the bigger half of being pleased to be back was to be seeing James again. She peered over at him, looking down at Pikapuff. She sighed silently to herself, and then mentally winced. This wasn’t like her. Sure she was glad to have him back, they were partners…friends…best friends…perhaps even…? Nah, Jessie quickly vanquished that thought.

"Do you think we should phone the boss and tell him we escaped?" she suggested

James looked down at Pikapuff who smiled happily at him.

"I don’t know, what about Pikapuff? If the Boss finds out we have a rare pokèmon and we don’t give it to him, he’ll fire us for sure."

Jessie frowned at him.

"Who says we weren’t? If we give the Boss a rare Pokemon after all this time he’ll give us a promotion for sure!" she squealed happily.

"Yes I know, but what about Pikapuff?" James picked it up again and stroked it behind its little ears, "The Boss will just use it, he won’t treat it like a living thing. Besides Pikapuff helped us escape, do you really want to hand it over to the Boss?"

Jessie listened and her heart softened. James was right of course, Pikapuff helped them out of it’s own kindness, they couldn’t just hand it over.

"You’re right James. But Pikapuff or no Pikapuff, we have to phone the Boss and tell him we escaped from prison and can go back to duty."

"I guess." He held Pikapuff out in front of him and it giggled softly, waving its little arms in the air. "What do you want to do Pikapuff? Do you want to go, or stay here with us?"

Pikapuff wriggled out of his arms and dropped to the floor. It started running around in circles around James singing happily to itself.

"I think you’ve got a new friend James." Jessie smiled.

After a while, Pikapuff stopped running around and jumped up to James and sat on his shoulder. It snuggled up to his hair and closed its eyes.

"You know, I think this is just a baby pokèmon." James said.

"I think you’re right, it’s acting a little like that Togepi."

Pikapuff puffed happily and feel asleep. James gently plucked it off his shoulder and put it on a cushion on a chair.

"Well, I guess now is a good time to phone the Boss. If it’s asleep, the Boss won’t see it."

With this said, Jessie and James walked over to Videophone and dialled the number.

"We can ask if we can get Meowth back too. That is if he went back to Team Rocket."

"They probably put him on a different team." James answered.

After a few more ring tones, a man in a well-dressed suit sat in a large armchair, the top half of him covered in darkness. Jessie and James stood to attention, as Giovanni turned see who was on the phone. As he did, his eyes went wide.

"You two?! How did you…how did you get out of Charachi prison?!" he demanded.

James gulped and stepped forward slightly. Then, panic. What was he going to say? He couldn’t say Pikapuff helped them.

"Ummm, we, eerrrr…escaped?" He hoped his pathetic excuse would work. Giovanni sighed loudly.

"Oh never mind, I haven’t got time for you two."

James inwardly sighed a sigh of relief. Giovanni wasn’t interested.

Jessie stepped forward slightly.

"Err, we just phoned to say that we can go back on duty whenever you say."

James was sure he heard Giovanni mumble something incoherently under his breath, but ignored it.

After a pause, Giovanni continued.

"Oh very well. You can go back on duty as of now."

"Umm," began James, "We were wondering if Meowth was still in Team Rocket?"

"Yes, that furball is still here, he’s working with Cassidy and Butch, much to their disappointment.

At the name of Cassidy, Jessie cringed.

"Well in that case we would be pleased to take Meowth off their hands for them." She smiled sarcastically, only noticeable by James.

"Alright," Giovanni smirked, "I’ll send Meowth…"

"…Puff puff pika."

"What was that?" Giovanni asked suddenly

"What was what Sir?"

"Pikapuff puff!"

James sweat dropped. Pikapuff had woken up! He had to try and keep Pikapuff a secret from Giovanni. He deliberately coughed to try and cover up Pikapuff.

"Ahem, no, nothing, it’s just me Sir." James nervously smiled at him praying Pikapuff would be quiet. It didn’t. Pikapuff got up off the cushion and James saw it coming towards them.

"Umm, excuse me Sir."

James quickly ran out of the screens view, grabbed Pikapuff, and put it in the closet. He ran back to the screen and smiled again. Giovanni looked at both of them slowly, boring his eyes into theirs. He smirked at them.

"Actually, instead of sending Meowth there, you two come to Viridian City and pick him up from here." He leaned further forward in his chair, "And only bring yourselves, leave everything else where you are, understand."

"Yes sir!" they said in union.

With that said, the Video screen went black. James quickly ran back to the closet and opened the door. He found Pikapuff sitting on the floor crying. James picked it up and hugged it gently.

"I’m sorry Pikapuff, it’s just I couldn’t let our Boss see you. He would just take you away. You understand don’t you?"

Pikapuff looked up at him with big wobbly eyes and nodded. It snuggled closer to him and stayed there. Jessie walked up to them and patted Pikapuff on the head.

"What are we going to do with it when we go? The Boss said to leave everything here; I presume that means our Pokemon too." Said Jessie

James plucked it from his chest and sat it down on a cushion again. It looked up at him and giggled again.

"Maybe we can get our Pokemon to poke-sit it?" suggested James


"Yeah, you know, like a baby sitter, only this is a Pokemon."

"Hey, good idea James!"

Jessie and James released their four Pokemon from their Poke balls and told them what to do.

"Ok, you all got that? Don’t let anything happen to it while we’re gone okay?"

The four Pokemon nodded and stood guard around Pikapuff.


After that said, Jessie and James left the small house and headed for Viridian City.

Arbok, Weezing, Likitung and Victreebel crowed around Pikapuff and looked at it.

"Char char bok?" (What is it?) Asked Arbok.

"Aaaayyyyyyyy aaaayyyy." (I don’t know.) Replied Victreebel

"Liki liki tung tung likitung." (Maybe it tastes nice) said Likitung, extending its tongue towards Pikapuff.

"Weezing, Weez." (Don’t do that.) Said Weezing, coming in between Likitung’s tongue and Pikapuff.

Pikapuff giggled and jumped onto Weezing’s smaller head. It lost its balance and fell inside Victreebel. Victreebel screamed and Arbok had to put its head inside and pluck Pikapuff out. Arbok placed Pikapuff back down on the cushion. However, Pikapuff was to excited to stay still, and climbed up on top of Arbok’s head.

"Liki liki tung tung likitung" (I still think it would taste nice) sulked Likitung

"Weezing wee, weez weezing" (You think anything tastes nice)

Victreebel extended its vine whips and grabbed Pikapuff. It giggled as Victreebel gentle swayed it about in the air.

"Ayyyyyy aayyyyyyyyyyyaaaaayyyyyyy" (See, it’s just a baby, just play with it)

Pikapuff giggled some more and happily said its name.

"Charbok, char, chaaaaar charbok." (This is going to be long day.)

Chapter 10: Poke-napping

"Do you understand? You are to bring it straight to the Viridian Gym where I will be waiting."

"Yes Sir!" the two Rockets chorused.

"Good, now go."


Jessie and James finally made it to Viridian city. They walked up to Team Rocket headquarters and went inside. There, waiting in the Lobby, was Meowth. Seeing his friends, Meowth ran up to them and leaped into their arms.

"I’ve missed youse guys so much." Meowth said between sobs.

"You too fur ball." Jessie joked.

Meowth was to choked up to fury swipe her. Instead he just sighed.

"Youse two may be complete idiots sometimes, but at ‘east we can all be idiots toge’der."

James and Jessie laughed and hugged their friend.

"Well, be better get back." Jessie said.

She walked towards to the door, followed by James and Meowth who was sitting on his head.

"So, how’d you enjoy working with Cassidy and Butch?" joked James.

"Oh, don’t ask. Foirst, da Boss had us raiding dat Silph place, when we got der, Butch decided dat we should…"

Meowth carried on telling his friends his story as they got back in the Jeep and drove back to their hideout.


Meanwhile, back at Team Rocket headquarters, Giovanni was busily yelling at his scientists.

"You had better find that pokèmon quickly, the Press has already found out about it!"

"We’re searching as fast as we can sir, we’re trying to pick up electrical waves emitting from it, but it’s impossible to know whether it’s the Pikapuff or just some electrical equipment like a TV."

"I thought one of you was supposed to put a microchip on that thing so if it DID ever escape we could track it down!"

"We were just going to before it escaped. Josie Diamond was supposed to…"

"…what did you say?" Giovanni interrupted.

"Umm, Jo, Josie Diamond was supposed to fix it with a microchip." Stuttered a female scientist.

Giovanni walked over to one of the many computers and typed up a search on the Team Rocket employee database.

"I don’t believe it, she’s his sister."

"Who’s sister sir?"

"Never you mind. Get back to work."

The scientists quickly got back to work. Giovanni walked back up to his office, his Persian following close behind. He sat down in his chair and up loaded the database onto his computer screen. He looked carefully at the screen showing the information about:

Name: Josephine Diamond.
Address: The Diamond Estate
Family: Elizabeth (mother), George (father), James (brother)

Under each name was a photo, but Giovanni was only interested in one. The photo underneath James was the same photo as the familiar face of one of his worst employees. Giovanni looked at the last section of the database.

Last known Team Rocket Hideout Location: Charachi City

Giovanni smiled to himself. He leaned back in his chair and patted his Persian.

"Maybe this Josephine Diamond can come in handy. If her last location was in Charachi City, then that’s were she’ll be going to pick up her belongings."

He looked down at his Persian and snickered. "Which just so happens to be where James Diamond is as well."

"Mrowwwww" purred his Persian


2 hours later, Jessie, James and Meowth arrived back at Charachi City hideout. As they got out the Jeep, Jessie noticed that the windows on the small house were broken. James had also noticed this, as well as the door was slightly open. Frowning, they slowly opened the door to find the whole place was wrecked. Furniture was on the floor, shattered plates, tables fallen over. But most importantly, there was no Pokemon in sight. Panicking, Jessie and James ran into the house and shouted.

"Arbok! Likitung! Where are you?!"

"Weezing! Victreebel! Pikapuff!

"Pikapuff?" asked Meowth

Suddenly, smoke could be seen coming from the closet. James opened the door to find Weezing emitting the smoke. He was tied up together with Victreebel, Arbok and Likitung. James and Jessie dragged them out of the closet and un-tied them.

"What happened?" asked Jessie

"Where’s Pikapuff?" wailed James

"Weezing, weezing weez, wee wee weezing weez weezing."

"What did he say Meowth?" asked James

"He said dat two people wearin’ black came in an’ took it."

"Oh no!" James wailed, "They’ve been poke-napped!"

"Aaaaaayyyyyyyayayayyyyyyyaaayyyyyyaaaaaaayyyyyyyy." Screamed Victreebel.


Meowth looked up at them with a worried face.

"I tink I know who dey are."

"Well what did Victreebel say?" asked James.

"It said dat one was a girl wid yellow hair in da shapes a shootin’ stars, and da o’der was a man dat had a very croaky voice."

Jessie and James immediately looked at one another knowing exactly who stole Pikapuff.


"Hahahahaha, those fools really thought they could hide you from me." Laughed Giovanni, as he looked at the small round Pokemon in a cage on his desk. He looked up at the two Rockets standing in front of his desk.

"Well, I think you two deserve a vacation for your good work, and a pay rise."

The two people in front of him smirked, "Yes Sir," they said in union.

"This is brilliant work, un like those two idiots. You can go as of now, for 2 weeks. Dismissed."

With that said, the two dark figures left Giovanni’s office. Giovanni looked at his new Pokemon on his desk.

"Well now, what do we have here?"

Pikapuff tried to get as far away from him as possible by pushing itself against the bars of the cage. It shivered in fear as Giovanni picked up the cage and pressed a button on his desk and spoke.

"Miss Redford, make sure no body come into the head quarters, if somebody wants to see me, tell them I’m in the Viridian Gym."

"Yes Sir." Replied the secretary.

Giovanni pressed a second button on his desk that made a door appear, and leading down from it were some steps. Getting up from his desk, he walked towards the steps with the cage in hand

"I think my scientists would like to have you back my little friend, but first, your going to help me get rid of some…ex-employees."


"I cannot believe how easy that was." Mentioned a young blond girl as she walked out of Team Rocket headquarters.

"Yeah, even those two should know never to leave your pokèmon alone when you’re in Team Rocket," another replied, with a very raspy voice.

They both got into their Jeep and sat there for a moment.

"Well, where shall we go for our vacation Butch?" she asked

"Dunno, but lets get back to our hideout and change into some holiday clothes first huh Cass?"

"Good idea."

After their little discussion, Butch pressed his foot on the accelerator and sped away.

To be continued…