A Girl’s Best Friend
Part six

Chapter 13: Everyone arrives

“Whoa! Dalel! Slow down a bit would you?”

Josie held on to the side of the car as Dalel speed down the road heading towards Viridian City. Perhaps speeding a little too much.

“I know I’m doing over the limit, but the Boss will go over his limit if we’re late.”

“Good point, I just hope that group of people by the side of the road by that Jeep are okay.”

“I’m sure they’re fine, just a bit dust covered.”

Josie sat there thinking about two of the people by the side of the road. As they were going so fast, she couldn’t make out their features, but she did recognise something about them.

“You know, I think two of those people we passed were in Team Rocket.”

“Team Rocket? Nah, they wouldn’t be wandering the side of the road, Officer Jenny’s could be around.”

“Hmm, I guess. It’s just…one of them…” Josie trailed off, thinking about the group they passed.


About an hour later, Josie and Dalel arrived back in Viridian City. They parked their Jeep around the back of the Team Rocket headquarters and made their way over to the Gym. They walked into the large building side by side, into a room of darkness.

“Hello?” said Josie.

Suddenly, the blankness was replaced by bright lights all over the ceiling. Around the walls of the gym stood 30 Team Rocket guards, all holding rifles, but the worst thing, was that they were pointing their rifles at the two scientists.

Josie gasped and stepped back a little into Dalel.

“Wha, what’s going on?”

One more bright light shone down on a large chair sitting at the opposite end. The occupant of the chair sat there stroking a Persian on his lap.

“Welcome, Josephine Diamond.”

He nodded towards one of the guards by them. He shut the door and aimed a rifle at the two scientists. He herded them over to the middle of the room and hit them both on the back of their heads. Before unconsciousness engulfed them, Josie lastly saw a small, rubber cage next to her, where a small, yellow pokèmon was cowering with fright.


“Come on Cass.” Butch shouted behind him, as he piled the luggage into the back of their Jeep.

“I’m coming Butch, I was just looking through the holiday brochure, this place looks really nice and…. “

Ring ring ring, ring ring ring, phone call, phone call,
Ring ring ring, ring ring ring, phone call, phone call.

Just as Cassidy walked through the door, the video phone started ringing, turning back into the hideout, followed by Butch, she switched on the screen.

“Sir?” she asked.

Giovanni sat in his chair looking back at them.

“Change of plan, you can have your vacation, but first I need you to come to the Viridian Gym, I may need you for backup.”

The video screen went blank before Butch and Cassidy could even reply.

“So much for that.” Said Butch.

They both walked out and back into their Jeep.

“I wonder what he needs back up for?” said Cassidy, as they drove off back to Viridian City.

@~> align=center~>~~ 15 minutes later, James, Jessie, Meowth and Team Twerp arrived in Viridian City. They parked the Jeep round the back of Team Rocket headquarters and sat there, trying to think of a plan.

“Okay, we’re here, now what?” asked Misty.

“We have to get Pikapuff back.” said James.

“WE KNOW THAT!” she snapped back.

“Well you know this place better than us,” said Ash, “Isn’t there a secret entrance or something?”

Jessie and James sat there thinking, then perked up.

“You know I think there is!” exclaimed a smiling James.

“Wow Ash, you actually came up with a good idea!” mocked Misty.

Ash scowled back at her. James’s smile was soon wiped off his face a he realised an important factor.

“But, I, I’ve never actually used the secret entrance, so I, don’t…exactly…know where it is.”

Team Twerp sighed and sat there shaking their heads.

“Well it’s lucky I have then.”

James turned his head to face Jessie.

“You have?”

“Well, I haven’t used it, but I know where it is. I remember my mama talking about this secret entrance when I was little, and she gave me the key before she…died.”

“Okay, well, we have a way ta get in wid’out being noticed, now wat do we do once we get in dere?” asked Meowth.

“Find Pikapuff, create a diversion using James Weezing, grab Pikapuff and scarper outta there.” Said Jessie in on big breath.

Misty started at her.

“I thought you said you didn’t have a plan.”

“It just came to me.”

Once again, every one sighed.

Chapter 14: Creepers

After a few more talking and discussing, Misty put Togepi on the back seat of the Jeep and told it to be good and stay there. The group got out the Jeep and quietly made their way around the back of the Viridian Gym. Sneakily, Jessie brought out a very old key, and un-locked a hidden door around the back. It obviously hadn’t been used in a long time, as it creaked as she slowly opened it. The five humans and two pokèmon slowly creeped along the dark passageway, Jessie in first as she knew roughly where she was going more than anyone else. James crept up behind her and held onto her right arm.

“Jessie I’m scared.” He whispered into her ear, “What if we get caught?”

Without looking away from the corridor in front, Jessie brought up her left hand and placed in gently on James’s. That was all James needed to calm down. He held onto her tightly. Being close to Jessie always made him feel so calm, as if nothing could hurt him. They all carried on walking down the corridor, James could vaguely hear Misty whispering to Ash, but all James was concentrating on was being close to Jessie.

Although Jessie was giving all the comfort James needed at that moment, Jessie wished she could just stop and hug him there. Every time he put on that cute little lost voice, Jessie felt she could just melt there and then. She knew that James needed her, but in the back of her mind, Jessie also began to think that she herself needed James. Not needing him to protect her, or be strong for her, she could do that, but to love, to treat her special, as if she was the only thing in the world that he cared for. Thats what she wanted from James, and although she knew she would never admit it to him, a part of her felt lighter, that she has at least now admitted it to herself. Admitted to herself that in her heart, she does love James. That she wants to be loved, by James. That she wants James to love her back.

She squeezed his hand a little tighter, and she was glad that it was too dark for James to see that she was probably blushing. James was her best friend, and although she knew she never show it, she would do anything for him. Anything to keep him with her. She felt her heart relax, thinking that James was with her. Here and now. Holding onto her hand like a frightened child. Well, he was frightened, and well, sometimes he could act like a child. Jessie laughed under her breath thinking how silly that actually went together.

“What’s so funny Jess?” she heard him asked gently.

Jessie’s heart skipped a beat. That voice. What was so different about being close to him this time? That had been a lot closer before, and she had felt nothing. Still walking, she lowered her head a little, embarrassed, and whispered to James.

“I’ve never told you why I thought we’d be best friends when we met at Pokemon Tech have I?” she asked shyly

Thinking nothing of it, James innocently replied, “No, why did you?”

Before she could answer, Brock, quietly, shouted over to them.

“Hey, stop you two, there’s a door here, and I can hear voices.”

Jessie and James turned around and walked a little back. Sure enough, there was a door with a keyhole. James bent down and looked through the keyhole. The other side of the door was the Viridian Gym, but he couldn’t see anything. The lights were out. But he could here voices.

“Do think they’ll come Boss?”

“They come alright, I saw how worried James was that I’d find out about Pikapuff, he’ll turn up. Besides, I think he’s going to get more than he bargained for when he does arrive.” He snickered.

James gulped, what he mean by that?

Straining to see if he could hear anything else, he heard a soft, frightened little voice.

“Pika, Pikapuff.” It said sadly.

James gasped, Pikapuff was in there! He turned around to face Jessie

“Pikapuff and the Boss are in there,” he whispered, “Do you have a key for this Jess?”

“No.” she replied.

“Oh great.” Sighed Misty angrily, “You drag us all the way down here with this great and masterful plan, we get in and now we’re stuck here?!”

“Quiet Misty!” whispered Brock, placing his hand over the angry red heads mouth.

“Hey look.” Said Ash, looking down at James.

James had gotten a small piece of wire and was busily trying to pick to the lock without anyone on the other side hearing. Jessie watched him intently, his face looked in concentration as he strained to hear the welcoming click.

‘He may not be the worlds greatest pokèmon master’, thought Jessie, ‘but no one can say he doesn’t have his talents.’

After a minute or so, that welcoming click was heard, but then horror.

“What was that?” asked a man the other side of the door.

“What was what?”

“That click?”

“What click? I didn’t hear anything?”

The five humans froze and prayed the two men would forget about it.

“Hmm, oh well.”

Everyone mentally sighed and sat down on the floor.

“How many people do you think are in there?” asked Ash

“I’d say about four.” Replied James

“Four? How can you be so sure?” asked Brock

“I heard them, three guards and the Boss, as well as Pikapuff, but he’s on our side.”

“So what now?” asked Misty.

“We get James’s Weezing to use it’s Smog Attack, and then we all make our dramatic entrance!” squealed Jessie excitedly.

“Another variation on our motto!” James squealed back, taking Jessie’s hands in his own. Jessie looked back at him grinning widely, but as she stared into his sparkling Jade eyes, her grin turned into a small, happy smile. She truly did feel happy when James was holding her.

“Cut it out youse two, we ain’t doing da motto when ambushing our own head quarters.” Said Meowth, resisting the urge to fury swipe them, but afraid they would cry out and they’d all get caught.

“Look you mangy Meowth, the motto is supposed to be the distraction while you and the twerps grab Pikapuff.” Snapped Jessie.

“Besides,” said James, “There’s only four of them in there, they’re out numbered, this’ll be a synch!”

“Oh all right.” Said Misty, “I just hope you know what you are doing.” ‘For once’ she added in the back of her mind.

James grabbed Weezing’s Pokèball from his belt and got ready to push open the door.


To be continued…