Disclaimer: I OWN JAMES!!! HE’S MINE!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! (ahem) Sorry, not really. The only thing I own is the poem, which I wrote myself. DON’T SUE ME PLEASE!!!!

Summery: Jessie finds out what James does in his spare time.

The Heart Is A Secret Place

Roses, the red of love,
the red of your hair…

James highlighted the sentence and deleted it. He sat there in front of his computer while Jessie and Meowth were out shopping. The little shack that they all had was kind of their own headquarters. It had the essentials, beds, kitchen, running water and heating, one TV, and one computer.

James sat there looking blankly at the screen. He had sat there for half an hour, trying to think of another poem to type to add to his already pretty impressive collection. Jessie didn’t know about this. After all, all his poems are about her. She’d kill him if she knew he was doing this, at least, that’s what he thought.

He put his hands back on the keyboard and tried again.

Roses are the flowers of love and romance,
And if we’re ever too far apart,
Think of me while you look at the moon,
Cause the moonlight leads the way to the heart.

He leaned back in his chair and looked at his first verse. He was happy with it and went to write the rest.

The rose of your love shines in your eyes,
Those beautiful eyes of sapphire,
Stay with me forever and a day,
Cause your love makes my heart on fire.

My heart has never felt so loved,
Like no other feeling before,
My ruby red heart will always beat for you,
Today and forever more.

If today you went away and left me alone,
My loving heart would sure be shattered,
But if you return with your love for me,
In my heart that’s all that mattered.

Your love for me makes my soul alive,
You lift my heart up high,
In the sun and snow, the heat and cold,
My heart is no longer shy.

So let me tell you one more time,
What your love really means to me,
You love me and I love you,
Together is how we should be.

I hope one day you’ll be reading this,
That friend that I love so much,
And that day when you tell me you love me back,
My Jessie, the only heart I can touch.

Always, James. –xxx-

James sat back and read back the poem to himself. Satisfied, he got up to get a drink. Jessie should be home in about 15 minutes, so he had time to get himself organised. As he tucked his chair back behind the desk, he chuckled to himself.

"If Jessie ever did read this, I’d be Growlithe meat."

"Read what?"

James leaped three foot in the air and crashed landed on the floor. He quickly got up and stood in front of the computer.

"Jessie?!?!" he gulped, "You’re, you’re back early."

His poem, happily sat there on the computer screen, just waiting for anyone to come along and read it.

"What are you hiding?" she asked, suspiciously.

"Nothing" said James nervously, "I’m not, I’m not doing anything, nothing at all, nope, not a thing."

He smiled nervously at her, trying to cover up the fact that only just behind him was one of his many love poems he had written about the girl standing in front of him.

Jessie moved to the side, trying to see past James, but James followed her path around the computer, blocking her view.

"There’s something typed on that computer isn’t there?"

James’s breathing started getting faster, how was he gonna get through this?

"Ummmm, n,n,n,no."

Just then, Meowth strolled in.

"Hey guys, what’cha doin’?

Jessie walked up to Meowth, bent down, and whispered something in his ear. Meowth grinned and looked at James. James wanted to go over and hear what they were whispering, but if he left the computer, his poem might go public.

Meowth moved to the left of the computer, while Jessie went to the right. James dodged his eyes from Jessie to Meowth, and back to Jessie.

Jessie nodded to Meowth and Meowth leapt onto James face, so he couldn’t see. James struggled to get Meowth off, but ended up tripping over the chair and falling on his back. Jessie took this opportunity to sit down and read the poem.

By the time James had got Meowth off and stood up, Jessie had already read half the poem. She was transfixed by the powerful, yet so gentle words of the poem. James saw he couldn’t stop Jessie now, so sat down on the sofa nearby. As Jessie sat there, her eyes went soft with love, yet saddened.

‘Whoever this poem is written about, she sure is one lucky girl to have James in love with her.’

She read the sixth verse and started reading the seventh.

‘I hope one day you’ll be reading this,’ Jessie smiled sadly to herself, wishing this was her he was writing about.

‘That friend that I love so much,’ ‘Friend?’ she asked herself, ‘but I’m the only one he hangs around with.’

‘And that day when you tell me you’ll love me back. My…’

Jessie froze in mid reading. She couldn’t believe it. Could it…could James be writing this poem about…

‘My Jessie, the only heart I can touch.’

Even though she had stopped reading, she sat there staring at the screen. After a while, she swivelled around on her chair slowly to look at James sitting on the sofa. But, James wasn’t looking at her; he sat in the corner of the sofa, looking in the opposite direction, trying to cover his face. Meowth was looking at James sadly. The pokèmon turned towards Jessie and looked solemnly at her, then walked slowly upstairs leaving to two down below.

Jessie frowned at James. His breathing was stuttering, almost as if he was…crying?

She slowly got up of the chair and sat next to James on the sofa. She put her hand on his shoulder but he shrugged it off and turned his head even further away.

"What’s wrong James? That poem was…"

"It’s not about the poem" James interrupted.

"Well, what is it?"

James sighed heavily,

‘Better get this over with.’

"The fact is," he began slowly, "That, isn’t the first poem, I’ve written…about you."

Jessie looked at him. She listened, as this was obviously hard for him to get out.

"Why haven’t you ever told me about these poems before?"

"Why do you think?!" snapped James. "Sorry, sorry I didn’t, I didn’t mean to…Oh, it’s just, the reason I didn’t tell you, was…"

He swallowed hard, trying to hold back to tears, without much success.

"The fact is, I’ve loved you for a long time. But, I never told you about the poems because…because…" The tears rolled down his cheeks.


"Because, I knew that…you could never love me back."

Jessie looked at him with surprise, yet sadness in her eyes. James tried to calm his breathing, but that just made it worse. Jessie could see he was heart broken, but why he thought she could never love him back she understood. All the times she was so horrible to him, all the times she hit or insulted him. All the wrong signals. She felt the tears pricking at her eyes now, but she held them back. She didn’t really know what to say, well, she did. She wanted to say how much she loved him back, how long she had waited for him to know that she loved him, all this time she just wanted to be with him. James took a deep breath and asked the question,

"Jessie, just tell me one thing." he paused, "Would it, ever be possible, for, for you to love me?"

He closed his eyes waiting for the answer he knew he was going to get. How she would now scream at him, saying things like, ‘how could I ever love anyone like you?’, or, ‘you’ve got to be kidding, you?’.

The waiting seemed like an eternity. His heart cracked even more as each second passed. Then Jessie spoke on simply word,


James’s heart shattered,

"Oh, ok, that’s fine." The tears were following, "I, I understa…"

"…James, I said yes."

James only then realised what he had heard from her was true. He turned around to face her, a huge grin on his face.

"Yes? You mean…?"

Jessie put her finger to his lips.

"As I said…yes."

She leaned forward and pressed her lips to his. James’s shattered heart flew back together like flock of birds returning from their winter break.

There and then, they knew that their whole lives would be changed forever, for the better.

After they broke the kiss, James was still crying.

"James?" she asked with concern.

He looked at her like she had never seen him look at her before. The love, the kindness, everything. She could see straight to his soul. He smiled at her embarrassedly and brushed the tears from his face.

"No, it’s nothing, it’s just, I’ve so wanted to tell you how I feel about you for so long, and now it’s happen, I’m just, just so happy."

She smiled at him, and now it was her turn to go embarrassed.


She looked at him, and smiled rather seductively. James saw the look in her eyes, and wasn’t sure what to make of it.

"James?" she said seductively.

"Err, yes?"

"I’ll say yes to another question…if you want to ask it?"

James hadn’t a clue what she was talking about. He looked at her quizzically. Jessie saw James was totally confused and burst out laughing. James had no idea what she was laughing about, but seeing her laughing made him laugh.

After Jessie had calmed down, she grabbed him round the neck and kissed him passionately on the lips. When she let go and looked at him, he still had his eyes closed and was totally dazed. She giggled and James opened his eyes. He blushed and smiled shyly at her.

She wrapped her arms around his waist and snuggled up to him. James smiled to himself and rested his head on hers.

"Jessie? What did you mean by saying you’ll say yes to another question if I ask it?"

Jessie giggled again, he honestly had no clue.

"I’ll tell ya later. Or hopefully you’ll ask it before."

James frowned. Even though Jessie couldn’t see his face, she knew he was confused. She looked up at him, and was right. She giggled once again. He look so cute when he was confused, which was common sight. She leaned forward and put her lips to his gentle.

Meanwhile, Meowth watched from the railing by the stairs.

"Well it’s ‘bout time."

He smiled and watched his new friends; happy in each other’s arms, as the new sunset poured it’s light through the window, casting its beautiful colours on the two newfound lovers. The heart was a secret place, but now the key of love has un-locked it, and could be shared with one other person.

The sun set on an old chapter in the story, and would rise to a new beginning, of a new chapter, of the lives of Jessie and James.

The teammates, the friends, the lovers.

The end