Interview #4- Todd, Richie, and Tracey

Disclaimer: Still only own ourselves, the lovely Duncan Sisters!

(Angel and Silver are in the interview room, waiting for their “guests”.)
Angel: Where are they?
Silver: They better not stand us up! I spent two hours preparing the cue cards!
Angel: (sighs and checks watch) I’m going to kill them when he gets here. They’re an hour late.
Silver: We’d waste the whole interview, though.
Angel: When I called them twenty minutes ago, they said they were just about to leave.
Silver: Maybe we should kill them.
Angel: Wanna play Monopoly?
Silver: I hate that game.
Angel: What do you suggest?
Silver: (pulls out shotgun, cocks it, and hands the notecards to Angel) Here, help me practice. You throw and I’ll shoot.
Angel: But won’t we need them?
Silver: (makes an exasperated face) Ever heard of improvising?
Angel: (throws a notecard in the air) Pull!
Angel: Hit! (throws another notecard) Pull!
Angel: Miss! (throws a card) Pull!
Angel: Hit! (throws another) Pull!
(BLAM!) Angel: Hit!
Silver: (puts gun away) Let’s stop now. The neighbors might call the cops.
Angel: Yeah, remember last time?
(They shudder.)
Silver: I ought to just shoot them as soon as they walk in.
Angel: Not until I stab them in the heart! I want them to suffer! With the gun you’re dead before you feel it!
Silver: (pulls out cell phone) I’m gonna see what’s taking so long. (dials Tracey’s cell phone number, listens for a moment, then presses END angrily) That stupid SOB isn’t answering!
Angel: Do you think they’re lost?
Silver: I think someone warned them off.
Angel: Let me try Richie and Todd. (pulls out her cell phone, phones Richie, listens, then begins speaking) Hi, Richie. It’s Angel. Where the hell are you three? You’re an hour and a half late! You goddamn SOB, get your lazy ass down here! (presses END) Voice mail. I left a message. Now for Todd…
Silver: I’ll do that one, my foul-mouthed little sister. (phones Todd, then presses END) No answer. I guess they WERE warned off.
Angel: This sucks. Let’s play Twenty Questions.
Silver: Hate that game too.
(Angel pulls out her daggers and begins throwing them at the wall and retrieving them.)
Silver: Screw this. I’m going to Starbucks. (exits)
(Angel retrieves her daggers and follows Silver out.)