James' Birthday

"Yeeesss! Tomorrow's my birthday!" James celebrated, jumping into the small apartment he shared with Jessie and Meowth at the Team Rocket Headquarters.

"Excited?" Jessie looked up from the book she was reading and raised an eyebrow at him.

"Of course I am! I'm going to be 19! I'll be able to do almost anything!" he grinned. Jessie smiled up at him.

"Well, you'd better get to sleep then! Save your energy for tomorrow, when you *can* do anything..." she said.

"Okay!" he quickly changed his clothes, and then jumped into his bed. About 10 minutes later, he was sound asleep. Jessie couldn't sleep at all. She was thinking too much about what she would get James for his birthday. She wanted to get him something special, but she had no idea what.

"I know!" an idea suddenly sparked in her head. "If I can wake up early enough, I can crawl into his bed, before he wakes up, wait for him... then when he wakes up... I'll kiss him!" she smiled at the thought. "I guess... it's about time I let him know that I really don't think badly of him... and that I love him... I'll do it! He'll love it!" Satisfied with her thoughts, she contently fell asleep.


The next morning, James woke up with a big smile on his face. He dreamily looked over at Jessie, who was still asleep.

"She's so beautiful..." he sighed. "I'm so glad I met her..." he stood up and walked to the kitchen. "I'll wake her up after I make breakfast..." After he was finished making breakfast, he went back to the other room and sat on Jessie's bed. "Wake up, Jess..." he gently shook her. Jessie opened her eyes and yawned.

"Wha...? Morning already?" she slowly sat up.

"Good morning, Jessie!" James grinned.

"Good morning, James. Happy 19th birthday..." Jessie smiled. Then she looked at her clock. Darn it! Her whole plan had backfired! She woke up to late! She guiltily looked at James.

"Come on..." he held his hand out to her. "Breakfast is ready." Jessie took his hand and walked with him into the kitchen. All during breakfast, Jessie was upset. For one thing, she didn't get James a birthday present. Heck, she didn't even make breakfast for him! After breakfast, she decided to try one last thing.



"Um... I'm sorry... I didn't get you a present..." she admitted, guiltily.

"That's okay, Jess..." he smiled.

"No, it's not. I want to give you something special. Anything! If there's anything you want.... just name it and I'll do my best to get it for you..."

"Anything?" he blushed.

"Anything..." she repeated.

"Well... all I really want... is... you..." he said shyly. "Just... I mean... I just want to be able to look into your eyes and know that you'll never leave me..." Jessie looked at him, a bit shocked, but she was completely happy to hear him say that. She looked into his eyes and smiled. "Um... I will ask for one thing though..." James shyly added.

"What is that?" Jessie blinked.

"Can... can I have... a... k-kiss?"

Jessie blushed. "If that's what you want... then I'll give you the best one ever!"

They ran at each other and wrapped their arms around one another. Then, they slowly pulled their heads together and kissed. Very deeply.

"I love you, Jessie..." he whispered.

"I love you too, James... Happy birthday, my love..."
