Jessie-The Beginning by: Samantha Disclaimer: Team Rocket doesn't belong to me. Wasn't before, won't be later. No sueing please!! "Get away from me!!!" a young boy yelled, running across the field. He ran into the woods, twigs cracking under his feet. "James where are you going? We're not done yet!!" a ypung girl about 7 yelled, running after him. "Please, leave me alone," the boy, James, yelled, running deeper into the woods. James ran as fast as he could, trying to escape the girl. A few hours later, he fell to the ground. He was exhausted. Clothes dirty and ripped. His stomach growled. "Ohhhhhh.....I'm so hungry. I need something to eat." he said to no one in particular James got up determined to find something to calm his aching stomach. Soon exhaustion took over his fragile body and he collapsed on the ground. A young girl looked at the young boy lying facedown in the dirt. He wasn't moving. She turned him around so she could get a good look at his face. His face was covered with dirt, and his hair was all over. The girl picked up his hand and checked for a pulse. A sigh of relief left her mouth as she felt a faint pulse. She stood up, not sure what to do now. 'I'll take him to my house' she decided. The girl bent down and picked up the boy. James woke up finding himself in a small room. His head hurt badly and his stomach ached. A young girl with flaming red hair stood in front of a small oven cooking something. James sniffed the air. It smelled delicious! His stomach growled even louder. The girl turned around and smiled. "Glad you finally woke up. Are you hungry?" James nodded. The girl filled a plate with food and gave it to him. "Here, eat up." James took the plate eagerly and began eating. He finished the food and looked at the girl. She was still at the stove cooking. 'Wow, she's pretty' he thought. "Excuse me, but who are you?" he asked. She turned from the stove and walked over to him. "My name is Jessie. I found you outside and brought you in. Are you okay? Why were you in the woods anyway?" She answered, suddenly very interested in him. "I'm James." he told her. "I was running away..."he whispered softly. "...from Jezebel." "Who??" Jessie asked. "My fiancee, Jezebel. She was the worst. My parents wanted me to marry her 'cause she was rich. I had to go through her so-called training sessions everyday. I-it was horrible..."James said softly, he sniffled and continued "...she was trying to make me into a gentleman. But I hated it. If I did something wrong, she would whip me. It was so bad!" James cried out and started sobbing. Jessie wrapped her arms around him, trying to comfort him. "Sh.. James. It's okay." "I-I-I would c-cry myself to sleep every night. An-and the next day would be the same..." James continued through his tears. "I was terrified of her, she crazy! My parents wouldn't do anything about it. They knew what was going on, but they didn't try to stop it" James yelled and cried into Jessie's shoulders. She rocked him back and forth and whispered words of comfort to him. Even though she was young, only seven, she knew a lot. She used to comfort her father every day after her mother's death. He had been depressed for many days and Jessie was his only source of comfort. "It's okay James, she's not her. It's okay." Jessie rocked James back and forth until he finally calmed down. He lifted his head from her shoulders and looked into her eyes. "Thank you, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to break down like that. I'm truly sorry." "No problem James." Jessie said. "Stay here for a while." James' face brightened up. "Really! Thank you Jessie, thank you so much." James smiled gratefully and looked around the room. "So this is where you live. It's nice" James told Jessie. "Thank you. But it's your home now, too" When night came, the kids both got into the single bed that was in the room. "Are you sure you want to do this Jessie?" James asked, "I could always sleep on the floor." "It's okay James. You don't need to sleep on the floor. There's enough room." Jessie told him. Soon, James was fast asleep. Jessie lay awake, thinking about the events that had happened throughout the day. The boy turned out to be better than she had thought. A whimpering sound woke her from her thoughts. James was squirming next to her. Every now and then, a whimper would escape his mouth. It was obvious he was having a nightmare. Jessie put her arms around him and he calmed. Soon after, Jessie fell asleep, too. The next morning, James awoke to find Jessie's arm around him. For some reason, this made him feel safe. In his mind he knew. He knew Jessie could be trusted with all his secrets. She was the one that would be with him always, no matter what. Somehow, James knew they were unsepearable. He could feel it. Jessie had offered him a home and didn't treat him like Jezebel treated him. Yes, Jessie was the one... So, how'd you like it. Did it suck or was it good? This was my VERY first attempt at writing a story with Team Rocket in it. Tell me what you think.