My new story is how I am born, and Meowth figures out he has a son! he tries to train him but can't until something horrible happens to Meowth...( (ok, we all know Meowth had a crush on Meowzy right? but what they showed was not really what happened, you can all guess what really happened,

The Birth of Kittenith

Chapter 1:The Note

*J+J are in their appartment and Meowth is sort of playing with J+J's son*))
James: Stupid twerps, just once I'd like to teach them a lesson!
Jessie: *pounds fists on table*YEAH!ONE THEY'LL NEVER FORGET!
Meowth: Dat's easier said ten done Jimmy.
James: Meowth, don't you ever have any dreams of the future?
Meowth: I gave up on that cause everytime I tried to fulfill it youse two screwed it up!
Jessie: *growls and rolls up her sleeve but stops as there is a knock at the door*
*James gets it and holds out the package*
Meowth: It says it's for me....*opens it*reads a note*"Dear Meowth, I am afraid that this gift is yours so I sent it to you, I wanted it to be with it's rightful father, Love.........Meowzy".....
*a orange furry ball rolls out and two ears pop out*
Meowth: *gasps*It can't be!
*the ball slowly forms into a tiny Meowth with an adorable smile but no charm on it's head*
Kittenith: Daddy!*runs and hugs Meowth revealing he's half the size of Meowth*
Jessie: Meowth...has a...
James: Son....
Meowth: I have a son.....
Kittenith: I want to wearn alll about Team Wocket!
Meowth: *smiles*Ok son...*salutes*
Kittenith: *salutes and then falls backwards*
*all of them slap their hands on their faces*

to be continued....