Chapter 2: Training

*Meowth is helping Kittenith practice fight*
Meowth: Now, the key to fighting, is to be able to dodge any attack that comes out at you, now we've been training for two hours, so I think you can do this.
Kittenith: Yes Sir!
*Meowth moves a thing on a remote control and a robot with a boxing glove on a spring comes to Kittenith*
Meowth: Now, when it comes out I want you to quickly dodge it.
*the thing spring out and slams Kittenith making him cry*
Kittenith: WAAAAAAAH!
*Meowth attends to him*

5 minutes later after a bunch of crying and "it's okay"ing...

*they are standing in front of two balloons*
Meowth: Now, you want to lunge on your opponent and always jump off before he hits you. Now watch.
*he jumps on the balloon and lets the air out causing it to soar and he jumps off just before it hits the wall*
Meowth: Now you try it!
*kittenith does the same but the thing comes shooting towards Meowth and crashes into him*
Meowth: *rubbing head*Ok try it again*puts down another balloon*
Kittenith*jumps on and it just pops*

2 days later...

*they are in the balloon*
Meowth: *sigh*I guess Kittenith just wasn't ment for TR...
Jessie*Points*Look! The twerps!
James: Let's get them while they don't suspect it!
*they lower the balloon and surprise them*
Jessie: To protect the world from devastation...
James: To protect our peoples within our nation...
Ash: Yeah yeah, can we beat you up now?
Jessie: Why you! Go Arbok!
James: Go Weezing!
Ash: Pikachu, thunderbolt them.
Pikachu: Pika...CHUUUUUUUUUU!*shoots a bolt which hits Weezing, Arbok and Meowth*
*Meowth falls to the ground in pain and Kittenith runs to him*
Meowth: I've...survived so many shocks....but this might be the end...
Kittenith: No!*looks to the twerps and growls*
Meowth: Don''t win.....
Kittenith: At least if we both don't survive I won't have to live without you!
Kittenith: SCWATCH!*scratches Pikachu*
Kittenith: BITE!*bites Pikachu's tail*
Kittenith: FUWY SCWATCH!*knocks out Pikachu by scratching him and the twerps*
Ash: Geez louise! Let's get outta here!*runs with Brock, Tracey, and Misty*

later at the HQ infirmry...

Meowth: Kid, You did a excellent job out there...
Kittenith: Thanks pop!
Jessie: Hey Meowth, we got a surprise...
Meowth: What?
James: We told the boss about what Kittenith did and he wants to make him a member on our team!
Meowth: Wow!
Kittenith: Yay! I get to work with daddy!
Meowth: It truly is a wonderful life...
James: uh.... this had nothing to do with you wanting to never be born Meowth...
Meowth: Oh right.