by: Colin Mcleod

" Now go before I change my mind!" boomed Giovanni at the whimpering trio kneeling down in front of him. The three bolted out from the head quarters and ran all the way down the street before stopping from lack of breathe. " Wa...was that a good thing the boss just did?" muttered Meowth bearly able to breath. Jessie and James both looked at each other in bewilderment for a few seconds then Jessie finally said " Well yeah I guess so, he did give us enough money that would add up to ten extremely rare pokemon and a little more to buy a house..." James continued her sentence for her "And he gave us new pokemon for our own the way, what pokemon are they?" Everyone just looked at Jessie as she pulled out six poke'ball and held them in her hands. "Well there's only one way to find out" said Jessie giving three to James and keeping three herself. At the same time Jessie and James through the balls in front of them yelling " Poke'ball go!" Six pokemon leap out from the balls and to the ground. Jessie had never seen so many pokemon that cute before but then said " What a weird looking bunch of pokemon" James then got quite annoyed at Jessie and shouted at her saying " These pokemon are not weird they are my favorite pokemon... well not all of them...but if you don't want them I'm glad to take them off your hands and keep them myself!" Starting to get a bit to exited James was jumping around the pokemon singing to himself. The pokemon included Growlithe, Squirtle, Scyther, Electrabuzz, Eevee and Dratini. All seemed to be at a low leave but the group didn't mind. "Wow James I didn't know you were so passionate towards pokemon" chuckled Jessie. James went bright red in the face "So which ones do you want Jessie? You know how it is 'Ladies first'." "Yeah but to bad for the both of ya, seeing how your both ladies, HAHA!" Meowth teased "Shut up you, no one asked for your opinion" Jessie said wacking him over the head. "Well James I think you should choose first since your favorites are in there and I don't know which ones you like...well I guess Growlithe. I don't know?" James just looked at Jessie wondering why she's so nice all of a sudden but finally agreed and started to pick three pokemon. " Well, yes I will have Growlithe, and I like Electrabuzz and??? I guess Scyther...Is that ok with you Jessica? Jessie looked up in amazement, that was the first time since they had met that he had called her Jessica. "Yeah that's fine with me I guess I'm left with Squirtle, Eevee and Dratini then. So where to now?" The gang stood there looking in all directions seeing which way to go, they decided to go straight ahead down the hill. Not to far along the journey look who just happened to walk by, Ash, Misty and the adorable Brock. " GOD! Not you three again" Ash moaned " Haven't you given up yet...Pikachu thunder shock now!" Ash rushed into things making Pikachu shock them "Pikaaaa..." Pikachu started but was rudely interrupted by Jessie. " For your information Twerp we are not here to steal your stupid Pikachu." Ash, Misty and Brock all just stood there confused, " Your not?" Asked Ash. "No, Not that its any of your business but we are on holidays and we dont want to see you or any other little brat for the rest of our holiday now be good girls an boys and scoot"Jessie explained to them. Brock stood forward and said " We didn't know that bad guys go on holidays" "Well a little guy like you isn't supposed know much so it doesn't matter, we have our new pokemon, money and we need to buy a house right now so if you don't mind go away." Said Jessie pushing past them, leaving James and Meowth behind. "But Jessie, wouldn't this be a good time to see if our new pokemon are any good?" asked James hoping to be able to battle. " Yeah Jessie don't spoil James fun, or are you to chicken to battle us in case we win...AGAIN!?" Teased Misty Jessie turned around in anger and shouted " I am not a chicken I just cant be bothered with you today...but if James would like us to battle I guess I could handle kicking your behind." 'For once' she thought. "All right three pokemon each...Brock will you be the umpire?" Ash bossed "Sure I love being the umpire" said Brock. " Misty you can be with James and Ash your against Jessie". The four kids stood a distance apart and waited with their first pokemon for Brock to give the signal to start. "Ash and Jessie you can go first. Are you ready?...Begin!" Brock said starting the battle. "Pidgeot, I choose you!" Ash started the battle " Squirtle, Go!" commanded Jessie "Squirtle, water gun attack now!" Squirtle obeyed and blow a gush of water from his mouth, but before he could hit Pidgeot Ash made him fly up. "Now Pidgeot use gust and blow that squirtle away!" Ash Said. The pour Squirtle was to slow getting out the way and flew into a tree trunk and passed out. "Squirtle return" Jessie said calling back her pokemon. "Eevee, come out and play!" Ash looked surprised but he got over it. " Pidgeot return...Pinsir I choose you! Now Pinsir Vicegrip" Ash told Pinsir. "Eevee dodge it with quick attack, now tackle while him backs turned" Jessie said getting exited. Eevee galloped up to Pinsir and head butted it in the back causing him to go flying in to the air and landing hard on the ground. " Damn Eevee for a little guy you sure are tough" Jessie said smilling at her new Eevee. "AAHH! Pinsir are you ok?" Shouted Ash to Pinsir, with no answer he called him back to his poke'ball. " Fine want to play hard ball? Pikachu its your turn" Mumbled Ash calling his Pikachu out to battle this last round. "Nice job Eevee return" Whispered Jessie calling her Eevee back. The last round is always the hardest when you both only have one pokemon left. "Dratini GO!" Dratini leapt from her ball and landed gently on the ground. " Wow what's that?" Ash asked checking Dexter. After it had be explain to him he commanded Pikachu to use thunder shock. "Dratini, Agility!" Jessie said thinking for a change. Pikachu couldn't get at Dratini because he was to fast and was getting worn out. "Pikachu that's enough" Ash sighed Both pokemon came to a stop and the Jessie took a swing. "Dratini, use Leer!" Jessie said, sounding like a real pokemon trainer. Dratini's leer was so good that it completely froze Pikachu in his tracks. " Dratini finish him off with and slam" Jessie communed. Dratini gave him a wack and Pikachu was down. "Pikachu is unable to battle Dratini win the round, Jessie is the winner!" Announced Brock from the side lines. " No!" Ash cried, not only for Pikachu but for losing. "Yah! Well done Dratini return", Jessie called back her pokemon turn to where James was sitting and winked at him " What ' d ' I say? Pro." She laughed. James giggled with excitement and jumped up for his turn.

Misty strolled over to her starting point and waited for James to finish talking to Jessie about her Glorious win again Ash. " Come on James, I thought you have to get going?!" Yelled Misty getting tired of waiting. "Alright Jessie I will try to please you and win." James whispered to Jessie. " It doesn't matter if you win James, we spent all our lives together loosing. Do you think this will make any difference?" Jessie said calmly." Now go out there and get her!" " Finely lets get started" Misty complained "Are you ready?...Start the battle!" Called Brock. 'She has all water pokemon so I guess Electrabuzz will do first' Thought James, as he threw his first poke'ball. "Electrabuzz go!" The ball landed and out came a yellow and black pokemon call Electrabuzz. "Staru Go!" Misty through her poke'ball and out came Staru "Staru, water gun now" shouted Misty " Electrabuzz thunder shock that water quick" James Said panicking. Electrabuzz shocked the water before it hit him and electrocuted Staru, Misty called staru back and James did the same with his pokemon. "Poliwag I choose you!" Misty called holding out a poke'ball. "Scyther, Go and get'em" James yelled after her. The two pokemon stood in front of each other waiting their masters commands. " Poliwag bubble beam!" Misty's pokemon blow a stream of bubbles over to scyther and gave him quite a hit. But the mighty scyther just stood there breathing deeper. "Scyther quick attack!" James promptly said. His pokemon was running raster and raster at Poliwag. "Poliwag Hydro Pump NOW!" Misty yelled The force from the Hydro pump was enough to stop Scyther and move him back but still not enough to K.O him. "Nice job Scyther keep it going" James said giving Scyther some friendly advise. " Ok Scyther last try. Slash attack now" Scyther ran close to Poliwag and before he could do anything Scyther slashed him really hard and Poliwag just fell to the ground. "Poliwag nice try, return" Misty said softly James was so exited that he had won two in a row on more and he is the champ.So he called Scyther back and got his favorite pokemon out, Growlithe. "Go Growlithe!" James said sounding happier by the minute. "HA! A fire are dumb." Misty stood there thinking for a few seconds and thought that the only other pokemon she had left was Togipi and Psyduck so she decided to ask Ash. " Hay Ash may I borrow Lapras? Please I want lose with her." Everyone looked at James wondering if that's allowed. He just agreed to get on with it. "Lapras I ch-" She begun "Psyduck, Psy" Psyduck had come out before she finished and was just standing there with a head ache. "AAAHH! Psyduck. What are you doing?!" Screamed Misty staring at her clueless pokemon. "Psy, Psyduck?" "Haha now who's dumb?. Growlithe use ember now" James said. With one hit Psyduck was hopping around crying, then fainted. "AAAAHHHH! You stupid Pokemon return!!" Misty was fuming. " I won I won I won I won! Jessie I won" James was nearly in tears from all the happiness. "Yes I saw come on James lets go." Jessie James and Meowth said their good byes and left down the same way as before. Ash Misty and Brock just look at their backs until Brock said " God they have improved".

Ash and the gang just went on their way while Jessie and James started looking at houses for themselves. They came across a little fenced off area which had about ten houses in side. "Wow what about these houses jessie?" James asked pointed at the houses. " Well I thought that we might get a two story James and these are only one...Come one lets keep looking, just for a bit longer." Jessie had a house in mind but she thought of it not as a house but as a home. She always wanted a two story home with a lovely garden and room for her pokemon to do what they do. The trio just continued not asking any questions and soon came to a lake where they saw it, they saw the most beautiful house they have ever seen...and it was for sale. "James! That the house I want" Jessie said nearly drooling. "But Jessie can we afford it, I mean it does look expensive?" James said. "Of cause we can look at it, the house is practically falling apart" Meowth answers. Jessie hit Meowth on the head while say " It's not falling apart its in perfect condition, what are you talking about?" No one answers but they just walked up to the sign out the front and wrote down the phone number which appeared. "Call Sora for more information?" james read confused. "More information? Well, I guess we need information. Lets go call it." "But James where can we find a phone, The Boss didn't give us one remember and there isn't any pay phones around" Jessie complained. "Well what about the Pokemon Center?" Meowth added. "The Pokemon Center? I guess we could try there but we need to change from our uniforms. Lets go and buy new out fits." The three of them ran to the nearest town and started looking around for clothes. "Team Rocket looking for their next costumes, hay?" This olderly man asked. "Not this time Mr. Gondi, we're looking for some fashion to wear while on holidays. Thanks anyway" James said running by. " they go on holidays???" Mr. Gondi asked himself walking back in the shop.

About ten minutes later Jessie stopped outside of a shop labeled 'The Magick Within' and gasped when she saw all the lovely clothes inside the window. "Come on" she said grabbing James's arm and pulling him inside while Meowth just kept on walking not even noticing them gone. "Wow Jessie this store is amazing" James cemented "I know James, come on lets shop" she said walking off to look through the ladies clothes. James went to the gentlemen section and browsed through there. Jessie went straight to the skirts and looked at them, while james went for the sexy looking pants they had. The clothes that Jessie picked first she loved which were, a short black leather skirt, a light blue boob tube top with a butterfly beaded at the front, a 100% cotton jacket that went down to her ankles and a pair of knee high black boots that zipped up (which also had a heel about an inch and a half).

James finally pick what he wanted which was, a pair of black boots, covered by a expensive pair of black jeans with a belt, and a plain white singlet. Jessie was surprised by his appearance but still thought there was something missing. They both stood in front of the mirror with their new clothes on trying to think what was wrong when Jessie finally got it. "Oh! Wait here." Jessie ran over to the men section and looked through the jackets, she came across this black leather jacket that almost went down to your knees but not quite. "Here James try this" she said handing the jacket to James. "Wow this is nice, ok I will take this too." James said taking it off and handing it to the Cashier. "that's a very good choice sir, would there be anything else?" The lady behind the counter asked. They said no and was on their way, with their uniform in a bag and the new clothes on.

They caught up to Meowth who was checking out the pet store which was full of pokemon. Then headed to the pokemon center. When they arrived Nurse Joy greeted them with a smile and asked to heal their pokemon, Jessie and James agreed and handed over the pokemon. James walked over to the phone and pulled out the piece of paper of which he had written down the number to call about the house. "Hay Jessie I will call the number ok?" James called. Paying no attention Jessie just said "Ok". James picked up the hand set and dialed the number and some lady picked up. "Hello, This is Sora speaking may I help you?" Sora asked. "Yes hi I'm calling about the house that is on spencer road near the lake." answered James. "Oh yes would you like to see inside it? I can give you a tour and then you can decide weather or not you like it." "Ok when can we do that?" "I can give you one now if you like or we can wait until tomorrow, which ever is better for you" "Today will be great if you don't mind, we would really appreciate it." "Ok then I will be there in ten minutes see you then" "Thank you, bye" James said hanging up the phone. "Jessie lets go we have a meeting to look through the house in ten minutes". Jessie got the pokemon back from Nurse Joy and ran out after James, Meowth followed.

When Team Rocket got to the house Sora was already there, they said their hello's and followed Sora into the house. On the first floor there was the master bedroom with a bathroom connected out to the side, a lounge room, another bathroom near the lounge room, a big kitchen and a the hallway was where you walked into from the front door, which had the stairs in it. Up stairs had yet another bathroom, a study or activity room, a family room and a smaller bedroom also it had the hall where the stairs lead down. "So do you like it?" Sora asked the pair, not knowing Meowth could talk. "Its perfect" Jessie answered back. "How much?" The next day Jessie James and Meowth were looking for furniture seeing as the house wasn't furnished. "I'm hungry can we stop and have some lunch?" Meowth wined. " Yeah Jess, we have been looking all morning lets stop" agreed James. "Alright but just quick I found something I like". Jessie said getting out her purse. The gang had their lunch then followed Jessie to a furniture shop down the road, inside was full of items for your house and all at affordable prices. "Over here. We need a wardrobe for our house first" Jessie said thinking of all the clothes she's going to buy. "Oh and we can buy this couch and chairs for the living room" James continued. "We need beds too you morons" Meowth added. "don't forget new clothes" James said "Ok, no more breaks we need everything in one day" Jessie said taking command.

One week later the final object arrived which was a computer for the study. "So much for all in one day" Joked James. "Well at least its all here, now we can concentrate on ourselves rather then the house" Jessie said. "Meowth, that's right" added Meowth. Well the team now have everything from clothes to kitchen wear and bedding to decorations. They may not have noticed but Jessie and James had become very close over these past few days and have been very polite to each other and not hitting anyone but Meowth. They would sit opposite to each other at dinner and when James looked at Jessie she would turn and blush, and when Jessie looked at James he would just look back at his food. Meowth had been keeping a eye out for this and had seen it coming a mile away, while the other two found it very new in what they were feeling.

By now some of their pokemon have evolved to the next level such as Jessie Dratini is now Dragonair, and her Squirtle has become a Wartortle. James's pokemon are are still yet to evolve but he's not in any hurry. Jessie had been battling her Dratini a lot so that's why it has grown so much, but James just battles every now and again because he would prefer just to watch Jessie battle. James had be planning a night out for him and Jessie to celebrate their success with the house, so he went in to the study room where Jessie was reading a book about pokemon training. "Hi Jess what ya reading?" James quietly asked. "Oh nothing just a book", she replied putting down the book. "what ya want James?" " I made renovations at that classy restaurant you always talk about, for tonight. So I was wondering if you want to come with know just to celebrate on the finishing of the house?" James was getting nervous. Jessie blushed and stood up to face him. "I would love to go with you James what time?" "Really? Great, its for 8:30 so be ready by 8pm ok" James said looking a bit brighter. "See you then" Jessie replied.

James ran down stairs and in to the shower it was already 6'O'clock and he wouldn't want to be late. Jessie did the same she ran to the bathroom outside of the study and took a shower. Both of them were very exited and couldn't wait, but they would let the other see that. At 7:50 they were both ready and james waited down stairs for Jessie, he was wearing a pair of black Leather business shoes, a black pair of Khaki pants and a white long sleeve button-down shirt. " Come on Jess we are going to be late!" shouted James to Jessie. "I'm coming, just don't laugh" she said coming around the corner upstairs. James could not keep his eyes off her she looked stunning in a long red gown with a spilt on the left side up to the middle of her thigh. She wore pearls around her neck with a matching pair of earrings,a pair of red shoes that you could just see from under the dress and her hair was done different, she had pulled it back in to a bun and had a few strands coming down for the finishing touches. "Jessie you look...lovely. I mean gorgeous Jess..." James was stuck for words, he thought she was the most beautiful person he had ever seen. He held out his hand to help her down the stairs and she took it with a smile. "Thank you James, you look handsome too". The pair walked outside hardly taking eyes off each other and into the car which they had bought. They parked their car at the restaurant and went in, they were showed to their table near the fish tank and given the menu. After they had ordered they were looking at each other and James spoke first, "Jessica?" Jessie smiled and asked "Yes James?" James started to feel better by the tone in her voice. "I have been thinking for a while now and I like you, I do but I'm not sure if you feel the same way so I just keep it to myself you have no idea how many times I have tried to tell you because I was afraid..." Jessie started to cry a happy cry and then laugh softly "Don't be James, don't be afraid of telling some one how you feel because it may turn out they feel the same way towards you". They looked in each others eyes for a moment the Jessie continued, " Because I do like, no I love you...James more than anyone in the whole world and I wouldn't be who I am today if it wasn't for you and I thank you for always being there for me through the hard times and the good". James was shocked by the reply but also happy, he stood up and walked over to Jessie who was still sitting. James kneeled down stuck his hand in his pocket and pulled out a little black box with a gold rim around it, he opened it and with one hand held Jessie's hand who was just staring at him with tears falling down. "Jessie" James started. "You mean so much to me in so many ways, I have loved you since the day we met in the academy.I would be so honored and you would make me the most happiest guy alive if you would be my wife" Jessie looked down at him with a worried look on her face then all of a sudden just smiled and laugh, James then stood up and they kissed for the very first time and a very long time then hugged. They could here everyone in the restaurant clapping for them and then Jessie and James sat down, James took Jessie's left hand and placed a ring on her finger. "James its gorgeous" Jessie said out of breathe. James just smiled and then the food arrived. On the way home Jessie was kissing James on the neck while he was driving and James was giggling all the way home. " So what should we tell Meowth?" James spoke. "Do we have to tell him anything, I mean its not like he cares" Jessie answered. "I guess your right. I love you Jessica. You know its such a relief to be able to finally get that out in the open." "And I love you James...Well I think Jessie Morgan sounds good to me". Jessie said still kissing his neck. As they arrived home Meowth greeted them at the front door, "Have a nice night did we?" He asked curiously. "Curiosity killed the cat" James joked. As they walked by Jessie flashed the ring to Meowth but not letting James see her doing so, Meowth jaw dropped as he saw the huge diamond in the ring.

"Lets go to bed I'm tired" James whispered to Jessie. "Yeah me too" she answered. The two of them went to the master bed room and shut the door behind them, leaving Meowth in the hallway by himself. James put on a pair of boxers and Jessie put her short silk nighty on, and both slipped into bed. Jessie rolled over on top of him and started to kiss him stomach while james just layed there shaking. As she got further down James reached over and turned the light out.

Jessie woke up to the smell of food the next morning and to find James wasn't in bed, she wondered down stairs and in to the kitchen. "Breakfast is served madam" James said to her as she turned the corner. "James that looks delicious" Jessie said sitting down at the table. "Well it better, it took me for ages to make it. Here try some." James handed Jessie a plate with some pancakes on it and a small plate of syrup for dipping. "I made them from scratch so they will probably taste pretty gross." "MMhh James they taste great" Jessie said with a mouth full of pancake and syrup. She swallowed them and then got up and gave James a kiss. Just as they were kissing Meowth walked in without them noticing. Jessie pulled away and James said, "mmhh tastey". "Aahh. So the love birds finally come out" Meowth interrupted. "Meowth what are you doing here?" James squeaked. "I smelt some food and wanted some" "Well its not for you" "I can see that" "Here Meowth you can share some of mine" Jessie said getting a plate for him. "Well, fine but I want some to" James moaned getting himself some. "So what's new" Meowth asked already knowing. Jessie and James exchanged glances then James answered. "Well I asked Jessie to marry me last night...she said yes". "Geez, when's the wedding?" Meowth teased."How many kids are you going to have?" The questions kept coming until Jessie hit him over the head.

That night Jessie came up to James who was lying in bed reading and layed next to him. "James I wanna get married" she said. "We are getting married?" James answered looking a bit confused. "I mean I want to get married soon." she continued. "Well ok then when?" "This week" she shrugged. "ok? At the end of the week?" "Yeah that's fine. Just this week". "Ok then lets start making plans" James said jumping out of bed. He would do anything to keep Jessie happy and he wanted to show her that.

They really did n't have many people to invite so they invited: Cassidy and Butch, Ash, Misty and Brock, Mr. and Mrs. Morgan (James's parents), Brock was taking one of the Nurse Joys, Ash got his mom to go, and Misty got her sisters to go. Mrs Ketchum also invited Giovanni to go and was surprised when he said yes. Meowth was the best man but Jessie didn't have a bridesmaid, she didn't want to ask Cassidy so she saw her next opportunity as Misty as much as shed hate to admit it. "Misty hi its Jessie" she said as Misty answered the phone. "Hi congratulations, what can I do for ya?" Misty said cheerfully "Look I hate to ask this but I'm stuck for time, could you be my bridesmaid?" "Umm me? Be your bridesmaid? I guess I could be" Misty said trying not to sound scared. "Really? That's great. We have got a dress here if you want to try it on." "Yeah sure what like now?" "Yep you could come over now if you like. You know where we live don't you?" "Yeah I do. Ok then I will be right over" "Tah Misty. See ya soon" Jessie said hanging up the phone.

The wedding's not going to be a big churchy one but a beach wedding, so the outfits are going to be kinda casual but pretty. Jessie isn't even wearing a white dress. James is going to wear a hawaiian shirt and work pants, and Jessie is wearing a yellow halter neck top that pulls around the back and ties up showing a bit of her belly, and three quarter white pants that are fitted.

Misty knocked on the door of Jessie house and she answered. "Hi come in" Jessie said moving out of the way. "Wow its a nice place you have here" Misty said. "Yeah isn't it. It took a week just to finish it." "Well it looks well worth the wait" Misty said thoughtfully. Jessie guided the way though to her bedroom and pulled out the bridesmaid clothes. "Its just a short skirt which is tired up at the side and a strapless top that cris-crosses at the back" Jessie said. "Its not much but it is a beach wedding so I didn't want to over dress you", Jessie handed the clothes to Misty to try on. Her face was lit up because she is going to be wear a lovely out fit that could get anyone attention...even Ash's. "Come on Misty let me see it on" Jessie commanded. Misty walked out of the bath room with the outfit on and it looked stunning. She also borrowed a pair of sandles from Jessie to go with it, Jessie clapped as she saw that it looked great on her and glad that it fitted. On the day everybody was exited but nervous, James and Meowth were fiddling at their clothes trying to look better than each other, but knew that they both looked handsome. As everyone was sitting, waiting for the bride the band started to play a nice tune. Then Misty walked out from the back barring a bunch of flowers, and walked slowly down the lane. "Doesn't Misty looked gorgeous?" Mrs. Ketchum asked Ash who was staring at Misty. "Yeah. Lovely" Ash said drooling over her. Misty looked at Ash and blushed. The Jessie turned the corner and started walking as well, James had a huge smile on his face as he saw her. "Never in my life have I been this happy and scared all at the same time" James whispered to Meowth. "Yeah and this is only the beginning" Meowth laughed back. As they both approached the alter Misty stood aside to let Jessie stand next to James. "Hi" James said softly. "Hi" Jessie answered.

After the wedding Jessie and James were talking. "So do you think we have a chance going back to The Team?" Jessie asked. "I don't care, I just want to be with you all my life, The Boss can shove it" James said. They kissed for the second time as a married couple and watched the sun set.