The Lost Baby

by.. me! Musa-chan! ^_~
Disclamer: This'll be the only disclamer i write... and this goes for all of my stories. I do not own Team Rocket or any of the Pokémon characters. They're property of all the great peeps in Japan who work so hard to make all of it possible! =D

One dark night, our two favorite Team Rocket members were sleepily dragging themselves through a forest. How many times James had fallen on top of Jessie after falling asleep... I have no idea. But, she was just about fed up with it.

"James! Get off of me!"

"Wha...?" James yawned. Jessie violently pulled him to a stand, for what seemed like the millionth time that night. "Jessie, I'm tired. We've been walking through this stupid forest all night and we haven't found a thing! Why can't we just camp here for the night?" He tried to keep his balance as he tiredly blinked.

"There's a whole group of pikachu and pichu somewhere in this forest, just waiting to be caught! Now let's move!" Jessie sleepily trampled on, through the broken twigs and fallen leaves. James reluctantly followed.

Jessie and James woke up the next morning to the sound of crying.

"Huh... mmm... what in the world is that noise?" Jessie yawned.

"Noise? You mean, besides your stomach?" James playfully laughed.

"Get your head off of my stomach!" Jessie whacked him upside the head. He quickly sat up.

"I'm sorry... hey! What *is* that noise?"

Jessie sweatdropped.

"It sounds like a, like a, a baby..." James stood up and began to look around. "Come on, Jessie. It sounds like it's coming from this way..." he motioned for her to follow. She quickly stood up and followed.

After walking a little ways more into the forest, they spotted something moving.

"That must be it!" They both scurried to the tiny bundle kicking at the air. < p> "I wonder what it's doing all the way out here... alone..." Jessie picked up the dirty, tear-stained infant, and gently cradled it in her arms. "The poor thing must be freezing!"

James scanned over the baby. He spotted a wristband on the baby's wrist. "Hmm..." he gently lifted its wrist up. "Name: Allison... Sex: female... Birth date: November 13..." his eyes suddenly became huge. "November 13?! This baby was born yesterday!"

Jessie's mouth dropped open. "What?! You mean... it was just abandoned here?!"

James nodded. " 'She,' Jessie. And yes, she was abandoned! We have to get her some food and something warm! She could die!" Jessie agreed. They quickly, but carefully, made their way to the nearest Pokemon Center.

As the walked inside the Pokemon Center, they looked around for Nurse Joy. They spotted her at the counter. Brock was there, flirting with her. Jessie and James walked up to Nurse Joy, trying to ignore the fact that there was a twerp right there.

"Excuse me, Nurse..." Jessie butted in front of the now pouting Brock.

"Yes, miss? May I help you?"

"Do you have any extra blankets I could use?" Jesse precipitously asked.

"Yes, I do. Here you go," Joy handed to Jessie a warm, comfortable looking blanket.

"Thank you..." Jessie and James walked to a small couch and sat down. Brock watched them.

"Jessie, you stay here. I'll go buy a bottle and some food for her, okay?" James patted Jessie's shoulder. Jessie nodded. "I'll be right back, Allison. You'll be able to eat soon. I promise," he gently kissed Allison on the forehead, making her giggle a bit. He then quickly walked to the door. Jessie wrapped Allison in the blanket and rocked her in her arms, softly singing a soothing song. Allison eventually drifted off to sleep.

Brock sat next to Jessie. "That's a beautiful baby, Jessie. Light purple hair, deep blue eyes... she'll make an interesting young lady one day..." he said quietly.

Jessie smiled. "I know... she is... isn't she..."

"You know... I had no idea that you and James were... were... that close..."

Jessie looked at him a moment, confused. "What?"

"I didn't know that you two liked each other that much..."

Jessie blushed. "I don't!"

"Yes you do. You can't hide it now. The baby proves it."

"This isn't our baby! We found her, just lying alone in the forest..."

"Oh... woops. Sorry..."

"And anyway, shouldn't you be with your little group of twerps?"

"Well, no. Ash and Misty are off looking at bikes. It's about time Ash paid her back for that bike..." he sat back. "So, what's her name?"

"It's Allison," Jessie responded.

"That's a nice name. Did you and James pick it?"

"No. It's her real name..." Jessie answered.

A little while later, a woman who looked to be in her late 20s or early 30s walked up to Jessie.

"Aww... what a cute little baby! Congratulations!" she smiled.

"Um... thanks..." Jessie stared at Allison. James quickly walked inside and over to Jessie.

"Here, Jessie. I bought everything we might need..." he began pouring some baby formula into a bottle.

"And this must be the father..." the lady looked to James. "Congratulations, sir. Your daughter is beautiful!"

James blinked, confused. "Um... thank you?" He screwed the lid onto the bottle and handed it to Jessie. The lady smiled, then walked away. Jessie held the bottle to Allison's mouth. She began sucking right away.

"Wow... that's one hungry baby..." Brock watched. Jessie and James laughed. Allison began to get a little fidgety, then started to whine. James smiled at Jessie with caring eyes.

"Do you want me to hold her, Jess?" he sat next to her and reached out for Allison.

Jessie smiled. "Sure..." she carefully placed Allison in James' arms. James hugged her closed to him. "James, here," Jessie handed him the bottle. "I don't think she's full yet." James held the bottle to Allison's mouth, but she refused it.

"I guess, she's full," he set the bottle down beside him, then held her up to burp her. She let out a loud burp. Jessie, James, and Brock sweatdropped.

"That was a big noise for such a tiny thing..." Brock inched away from Allison. James laughed.

"James, we have to find her parents," Jessie said quietly.

"I know, Jess. But, can't we at least keep her for one day?"

Jessie smiled and nodded in agreement.

"I could help out, too!" Brock offered. "I know alot about babies!"

"Hmm... I guess so," James sat back.

"Now wait a minute... Why should we let a twerp help us out?" Jessie growled.< p> "I'm not a twerp!"

"You are if you hang around with that Ash kid."

"Starting today, I'm not hanging out with him anymore! I'm the one who made them go out to look for a bike, because I was trying to get rid of them!"

Jessie blinked. "It sounds real..."

"So, I can stay with you?" Brock pleaded.

"I guess so..." Jessie sighed.

Jessie, James, and Brock spent the whole day in the Pokemon Center, taking care of Allison. By the end of the day, Jessie and James had completely fallen in love with her. Brock had, too. That is... when he wasn't busy flirting with a girl.

The next morning, Jessie and James woke up at exactly the same time to tend to Allison. They weren't the only ones who woke up, though. Allison's crying woke up everyone who was in the Pokemon Center.

"It's okay, Alli... calm down..." Jessie rocked Allison in her arms after changing her diaper. James was busy preparing a bottle.

"Here you go, Alli... breakfast time!" he handed the bottle to Jessie and smiled. After things were calmed down a bit, Jessie handed Allison to James, then sighed. "What's wrong, Jessie?" James asked.

"Today's the day we start looking for her real parents..."

James' face fell. "Oh..." he said, weakly.

Brock walked into the Pokemon Center and over to Jessie and James. "Well, seeing how busy you two new parents have been all yesterday, I decided I would buy you breakfast. You didn't eat anything all yesterday."

Jessie and James looked at each other, then blushed.

"Us? Parents? Together? Ha! That'll be the day..." Jessie quickly turned away.

James nodded. "What she said..."

Brock rolled his eyes. (how could he? does he even have eyes?) "Whatever," he set their breakfast on the table in front of them. Jessie and James' eyes got wide in excitement.

"Here, James. I'll hold Allison while you two eat."

James handed Allison to Brock. A split second later, Jessie and James were digging into the food. Brock inched away, afraid that they might decide to try to eat him, too.

"Ahh... delicious..." James sat back and patted his stomach after eating enough. Jessie also sat back, satisfied.

"Eat enough, James?" Brock sweatdropped. James burped, then nodded.

Jessie laughed, then rubbed over his stomach. "He always eats like that... I don't know where he packs it all..."

More sweatbeads formed over Brock's head. James blushed at the feeling of Jessie's gentle touch. He nervously laughed.

"You're the same way, Jessie. Where do *you* pack it all?" he then reached for her stomach, which he knew was her ticklish spot.

"James!" Jessie blushed and started laughing uncontrollably. Brock just stood there, watching, as more and more sweatbeads formed. "Stop it! Stop it or I'll kill you!" she continued laughing. She reached for the back of his neck and softly ran her fingers across it. "Ha ha! I'm not the only one who can be tickled!" she continued laughing.

James burst out in laughter, too. "Jessie!" he grabbed at her arms. "Come on! Stop it!" he laughed.

"Heh heh heh! Now the tables are turned!" she reached under his shirt and tickled his chest.

"Jessie!" he continued laughing. They continued tickling and teasing each other until, somehow, James' belt got loose and his pants fell down. Jessie stared at him, wide eyed, for a moment. Then she turned away and blushed deeply. James quickly pulled up his pants, then blushed. Brock fainted over, anime style. Jessie and James stiffly and nervously sat next to each other, in silence.

After a few minutes, Jessie broke the silence.


He looked at her.

"I didn't know you had roses on your underwear..." she laughed. James blushed. "Hey, Brock..." Jessie sat up.


"See if there's a last name on Allison's wrist band. I have an idea."

"Yeah, here it is right here...Orozio..."

Jesse nodded. "Do either one of you know where the nearest hospital is?"

"Yes, it's about a mile out that way..." Brock answered.

"Can I hold her now?" James whined. Brock handed Allison to James. James smiled. "I wish you were my daughter," he softly whispered to her. She sneezed then giggled.

Jessie smiled at James and scooted closer to him. She laid her head on his shoulder then patted his back. "I know how you feel, James. I wish we could keep her, too. But, we have to return her to her real parents. She's not ours..."

"I know," James said quietly.

"Who says you two don't like each other," Brock snickered. Jessie and James quickly glared up at him, their faces red in anger and embarrassment. Brock backed off. "Shutting up..." he nervously laughed.

"Come on... let's get going..." Jessie walked to the door. James and Brock quickly followed.

"James! You've held her for a half hour now! Can't I hold her yet?!" Jessie grabbed for Allison.

"Okay, Jessie. Here," he handed her to Jessie.

"You two are like, two kids who just got a new pokemon..." Brock sweatdropped.

"There's the hospital..." James pointed out, ignoring Brock's little insult. "Are we going inside?"

"No, James, we came all this way to stare at the building..." she sarcastically began. "Of course we're going inside!"

When they walked inside, they tried to find their way to a secretary... or information desk... or something.

"Excuse me," Jessie said when they found one.

"Yes? May I help you folks?" the lady behind the counter asked.

"We need some information."

"Okay...?" the nurse blankly stared.

"This baby was born two days ago. James and I found her, abandoned, yesterday morning. We were wondering if you could help us find her parents."

The nurse looked shocked. "An abandoned baby? Give me its last name first..." she quickly went to a search screen on her computer.

"Um... Orozio."

"First name?"


"Birth date?"

"November 13, 2000."

"Okay, thank you. She was born in this hospital. Her parents are... Denise and Keith Orozio. You said she was just... abandoned?"

Jessie and James nodded.

"That is just horrible!" the nurse picked up her phone and dialed a number. "... yes, Officer. Thank you..." she hung up.

A little while later, Officer Jenny walked to Jessie, James, and Brock.

"Are you the three who found the abandoned baby?"

Jessie and James nodded.

"I found *my* missing baby..." Brock said dreamily as he floated around Jenny.

Jenny sweatdropped. "Um... okay...? You three come with me. I know those two Orozios. They are nothing but trouble! About two years ago I had arrested them for selling illegal pokemon potions, being druggies, and going to illegal parties. They had escaped from prison; we weren't able to find them. But, if she just had a baby, they can't have gotten very far..." Jenny led them out the door.

It didn't take very long to find them. Officer Jenny recognized them right away.

"Excuse me, you two!" she yelled at them. "Stop right there!"

The two stopped, dead in there tracks.

"What do you two know about this baby?" Jenny asked, pointing to the baby in Jessie's arms.

"Nothin'! We don't know nothin'!" the guy said.

"Honest, we don't!" the girl agreed.

"I've had enough of you Orozios, but you have gone too far this time! This town does not have tolerance for people who just abandon babies! You're under arrest for child abuse!" Jenny quickly grabbed two pairs of handcuffs and placed them on the two criminals.

"So what if we did it?! There are enough people in this world!" the girl growled. "Why do we need anymore?!"

"You have the right to remain silent," Jenny said as she closed the doors to the back of her police van. "Hop in you three!" Jenny drove everyone to the town's prison.

A few hours later, the town had formed a meeting that everyone was to attend. Jessie and James weren't informed of it yet, as they were talking to Officer Jenny and Nurse Joy and the moment. Brock was on cloud 9.

"So... I guess... we'll just leave her with you then?" Jessie asked, with the sound of tears in her voice. She handed Allison to Nurse Joy. Tears began to form in James' eyes. Jenny and Joy smiled at each other.

"You're doing the right thing..." Joy comforted them.

Jessie felt herself about to burst out in tears. She set her face on James' shoulder then took a deep breath. She couldn't cry. It just wasn't her.

James, on the other hand, didn't care if he was seen crying. He felt Jessie's pain, too. He knew they would both miss Allison, terribly. He hugged Jessie close. She hugged him back.

"You two will make great parents," Jenny smiled.

Jessie and James blushed, then let go of each other.

"We have something to show you two. Follow me..." Jenny said. Joy nodded. Jessie, James, and Brock followed.

"... and as my speech about how important our children are is coming to a close, I'd like to introduce the two people who have inspired it all!" announced the mayor of the town. "Two very special people who will be remembered by this town forever... I give you... Jessie and James."

"That' our cue!" Joy said excitedly. Jenny and Joy pushed Jessie and James out on stage and to the mayor. The people in the crowd cheered frantically.

Jenny walked up to the microphone. "As the main police officer in this town, I would like to give a big thank you to these two young heroes. Let's all do that right now!"

Everyone in the crowd cheered.

"As this town's thank you to you," Jenny turned to Jessie and James, "we would like to grant you with this." She handed to James a birth certificate and some legal papers. "James, you and Jessie are now the legal parents of Allison. Congratulations!"

The crowd cheered again. Jessie and James' mouths dropped open in astonishment.

Nurse Joy stepped up to the microphone. "But because you work for Team Rocket and are always on the go, she will stay at the local orphanage. You are allowed to come to see her anytime you want and take her out for as long a period as you want."

Jessie and James dove at each other and hugged, then they began their victory dance. The mayor, Officer Jenny, and Nurse Joy all smiled. The crowd once again cheered.

Later that night, Jessie and James met with Brock, Jenny, Joy, and the mayor one last time. The mayor shook James' hand.

"I'm sure you two will make wonderful parents. No one could have made a better decision," the mayor smiled.

"Thank you, sir. We'll do our best to be the best parents we can be," James put his arm around Jessie's shoulder and pulled her close.

"All three of you look like one happy family," Joy giggled. Jessie held Allison tighter and blushed.

"We honor your achievement," Jenny saluted them.

"You two can't hide it anymore, can ya? I told you you two were in love..." Brock laughed.

"We are not!" they both blushed in embarrassment. James let go of Jessie.

"Good-bye! I hope to see you soon!" the mayor said as Jessie and James started walking off.

"Good-bye! James yelled back.

"And thank you!" Jessie added.

As they walked a little ways up the road, James returned his arm to Jessie's shoulder.

"Okay... so maybe that was a lie..." James said quietly.

"What was a lie, James?"

"That I'm not in love..."

Jessie blushed. "Who are you in love with?" she hesitated.

"You," James blushed, then let go of her. Jessie stopped walking and stomped, hard, on his foot. "Ow! What was that for?!"

"That was for lying." Then she kissed him on the cheek. James held his cheek and stared at her in shock.

"And that was for...?" he blushed.

"That was for saying you love me," she smiled. "I love you, too, James. Do I get anything for that?" she hopefully asked.

"Hmm..." James went into thought. "Well, you lied too, but I won't give you anything for that. But, for saying you love me... I guess that deserves something..." He pulled her hands off of the stroller she was pushing. He wrapped his arms around her waist. "Ready?" he asked. Jessie nodded in excitement as she hugged him tightly.

And, well... you can guess what happened next... go on, guess...

As if! They didn't go *that* far. It was just a kiss!

James took his hands off of her back and put them on her stomach. Jessie laughed and grabbed his hands.

"Oh no, James. We're not having another tickle war..." she laughed.

"Hee hee," James devilishly laughed. "I love you, Jess..." he said happily.

"I love you too..." she smiled.

They kissed one more time, then they walked on, down the road towards the beautiful sunset.

The End