

This is a shippy POV, but I'll give a little warning:

Meowth is kinda out of character here, and Jessie is even worse in some parts, but I had to make them that way for this to work. I don't think James is that bad, luckily.

And, there are some nasty words here, but not very, and they aren't to scary, I think.


I still remember it, that day. James had been gone for a couple of weeks, in a mission in Celadon, and Jesse and I was supposed to meet him outside the town. We had been spending the last weeks at our cabin, but now we traveled to the south.

By that time, Jesse still hadn’t confessed she was in love with James, but that’s kinda what this story is about.

It was ironically to see her when it was just the two of us alone. When he was there, she always seemed to be in a terrible mood, a cold, egocentric bicht who only cared for herself, but now…

I knew she was in love with him, she actually told me herself after some pressure. She came going to me, her hair wet from washing it and dressed in a t – shirt witch at least was in the King – size xxl. It seemed more like a dress to her.

"Meowth, what’s the clock?" she almost sang to me, "I can’t wait to see him again!"

"Yeah, see him and yell at him and smack him with a mallet… dat’s nice way to shove ya loves him." I answered.

"Oh, shut up. You know that this thing really isn’t of your business, and you hadn’t have to worry about this if you had let people have their privacy." She said acidly at me, but bowed down to pick up her watch.

"Two hours, that’s when he’s coming…" she said with a silly grin at her face.

"Gimme a break." I muttered, "Why can’t ya just be in love the way normal people would, as far as I have noticed they don’t hit each odda."

"I’m the one you’re talking about! Let me mind my feelings and you go take a bath or something, would you?"

She laid down at the ground and opened a huge book she had been reading the last few days, humming to herself and put away a piece of paper she used for bookmark. That when it hit me. It was written a poem or something on it, surrounded by little pink hearts.

"What's dat?" I asked and picked it up. She didn't seem to mind.

"It's just something I … wrote…" she said, not really caring for something else then the book. I started to read it.

"To my … only…lov…love…" I stuttered, "Are ya writin' him lovepoems?"

She still didn't seem to care of it.

"Yeah, sometimes…" she said at last. I after some spelling problems managed too read the whole of it. It seemed rather nice, but this Meowth don't know much about poetry. I still think it was nice, though.

Now she was singing that odd sang.

"I thought hat we would just be friends, thinks will never be the same again, it's just the beginning it's not the end, things will never…"

"So ya are going' tell him?" I smirked.


I was getting annoyed.

"But ya was singin' that weir song, it was all about…" I exclaimed. I was sick of this weird behavior of hers.

"Listen, if I sing a song it doesn't mean I am gonna do what I sing about, get it? I don't' have any plans to let him know I'm in love with him! He just is gonna be confused, and then he's gonna find a new partner if we doesn't get fired, so no good can come out of this anyway!" she yelled annoyed and tried to get her bookmark.

But that was enough for 'tis Meowth. I smirking held it away from her and started to run.

"I'm gonna give him ya lovepoem, I'm gonna give him ya lovepoem!" I started to sing and climped up in a nearby tree.

"Meowth! Mangy fleabag, give that to me! I gotta have it, it's just a couple of…Jeez!" she screamed, "My watch is broken! I don't know what time it is, oh god, he might come any minuet! Meowth, give it to me!" she begged and started to climb after me.

No, never I was to let her hide that from him anymore. I climbed higher.




"Meowth! Please, give it to me! Don't let him see it, please" I heard Jessie's voice from the meeting site, but she did NOT sound like herself. Actually, she was begging Meowth for something. But then it seemed like she began to be herself.

"You know this is ridiculous! Give it to me, and maybe I don't kill you when I reach you! Come down, you …" God, this did not seem to nice for Meowth. It's not very often you hear Jessie swear like that.

"I'm gonna give him ya poooeeeem…." Meowth sang from a treetop.

"No you're NOT! She cried. "Give me that! Please, Meowth, I'll do anything, just don't let him know…" Somebody was either deadly drunk or really desperate. I know Jessie, and she doesn't tend to be any of that. Anyway, I decided it to be the last choice.

I reached the campsite, and soon discovered Meowth in the top of a tree and Jessie halfway up in it, just dressed in that huge t - shirt of hers, and with half - dried hair. In that moment, without any make - up or nice clothing and with her hair a mess, she seemed more beautiful then ever before. I felt my heart skip a beat as I watched them in silence. God, I loved her.

"I promise, I ain't gonna hit you for another week, I'll buy you a great ball of yarn, anything, just give it to meeee…" she begged.

"No, 'cause I'm gonna give him ya poooeeem…" Meowth continued. What was it about this poem?

"What's the matter?" I asked. They both was stunned for about half a minuet.

"Hey, it's him!"


"No! I'm sick of you're weird actin'! If ya don't tell him yourself, then Meowth will!"

"James, go away! I'm gonna kill Meowth for a while, just GO AWAY!"

"Hey, buddy, see what Meowth found in Jessie's book…"

"You are gonna be a nice coat when I'm finished with you! What, Meowth, NO! God, James, get away! Meowth, I'm gonna… JAMES, PISS OF!"

"Ahahaha, Jessie is in trouble now…"




A sheet of paper silently landed in my hand just as Jessie not so silently landed on her butt in front of me, still with the broken twig in her hand.

"Auch, Meowth, I'm gonna…" suddenly she turned silent, as she discovered that I read the poem on the sheet.

"To my only love…" Is Jessie in love? I felt like my heart tore into pieces.

"Oh, you are in love?" I smiled teasingly at her, hoping she didn't hear my voice was about to crackle. For some reason, she looked terrified, but didn't say a word.

I read the rest. It was a beautiful poem, it wasn't something she just made up, this was real feelings. I just stared at the sheet, wondering who it was.

Then Meowth came down, and Jessie suddenly seemed to awake to life. She raised up and started to shake him and yell at him and slap him, more angry than I ever saw her before.

"Hey, who is this guy, anyway?" I asked, hoping to get her to stop. Instead, she terrified looked at me, before she began to try strangling Meowth.

"Dare you open your mouth, and I'll feed you to the next Spearow we pass, you hear that!" she yelled at him, knocking his head into the tree several times.

"Hey, James!" he managed to moan between to slaps, "It's ya!"

Well, that worked. She just stared at him before she let go of his fur, so he fell down at the ground. Then she turned to me, red color spreading at her cheeks.

Then at last she put on hand in front of her mouth as she sobbed and ran into the forest.

I, on the other hand, could only stare dumbfounded after her.

After a couple of seconds I turned to Meowth who was recovering and now was trying to raise up.

"Look what you did!" I cried at him, "Now she ran away, and it's gonna take an eternity to find her!" I wondered what had made her run away. She definitely wasn't herself today, but this was just a joke from that silly pokèmon!

"Yeah, she ran away, and you're supposed to follow!" he said angry to me.

"Are you out of you mind? You saw that mood of her, she's gonna beat the hell out of me if I go after her now!" I yelled back.

"She's not! GO!" and then he furyswiped me, so I found it safest to do as he said.




God, I HATED that creep. How could he do this to me? Now I just was of to wait for a couple of hours, and then return, and then I had to face James and tell him the whole dammed story, and then he was going to say it certainly wasn't smart of us being a team anymore, and then we would be parted the next time we got to the HQ, and… GOD, I HATED THAT MEOWTH!

I sat down beside a creek and tried to figure out exactly what I felt.

Relief? So obvious not. Maybe a secret was revealed, but it was a reason for this being a secret.

Sorrow? Not yet. Maybe later, but not now.

Joy? NO! I was far to nervous for facing James again to feel happy in any way.

Anger? Yes, I was angry. Very angry, just as much on myself as on Meowth.

I could have denied it all. I could have lied, I could have laughed and said Meowth was so wrong. But I didn't. I gave it all away by running of like that, and now it was all ruined. In a week we was going back to the HQ, and then James would get a new partner, and then I would never see him again.

Just that though made me wanting to cry, but I hate weeping teenage - girls, so I tried my best to have my eyes under control, and I managed it. I just buried my face in my knees and hoped to have my privacy for some time.

And then he came.

"Jessie?" he sounded afraid.

"GO AWAY!" I yelled and tried not to sob. Maybe some girls would have hoped for him to come over and embrace them, but I definitely wasn't that kind. I knew he wouldn't, so I found it safest just to scare him away as fast as possible.

"Err, I kinda can't for Meowth forced me to go here, and… If I go back he's gonna furyswipe me, and…" he stuttered.

"Well, you can tell that Meowth that he had done enough damaged for today, and if he's trying something then tell him I'm gonna make a purse of him when I get my hands on him!" I muttered and hoped he would leave. He didn't.

"You see, he was kinda upset for me to go, and I really think he's gonna…" he didn't finish but instead sat down and started to throw stones in the creek.

"You don't mind if I'm stay here for a while?" he said nervously. What the hell was he up to? Making me insane? I didn't say anything, but closed my eyes and hoped he would leave soon.

"Jess, do I know this guy?"

"Now what?" I exclaimed. He looked ashamed.

"Well, I know this maybe isn't the time, but I'm just so… curios…" he said sheepishly, but with a rather sad look too. I just glared at him, "Just tell me, do I know him?"

How dense could a human being possible be? He looked at me with tears in his eyes, wondering who I was in love with, ten minuets after he had heard it was himself.

"What do you mean 'do I know this guy'?!" I yelled at him, and rose up, starting to march around in the little clearing.

"Something is wrong with everyone I fall in love with. Usually, they just date dear Jessie until something better shows up, or they dump her after the second date or they… But this time, the bastard isn't clear enough to realize I'm in love with him even when you smear it into his face!" I screamed annoyed.


Tears in his eyes? Was he about to cry? Could it possible be…

NO! Not a chance! Give it up Jess, it's not real, he can't love you!

"What?" he said weakly, staring at me, "Was it true? Wasn't Meowth joking? Did he actually mean me?"

Oh no. Did again. Give the lady a second try and she's guaranteed to spoil it. Of course I couldn't keep my mouth again when I had the chance. But this time it was to late for all time.

"Yes! He was right! I love you, your idiot!" I cried at him, feeling tears come into my eyes.

"I love you and nobody but you, and your goddammed to slow to understand it!"

This time I actually was crying, but I didn't care to hide it. It was all lost anyway, so I continued to yell.

"But don't care of this, I understand you, of course you can't work with me know, but... OH!" I didn't know what more to say, so I sobbingly sat down at the ground.

"I thought you hated me!" he said, "You always hit me and blamed me for everything and yelled at me, so I thought… but what did you mean with me not wanting to want with you?"

My God, sometimes he isn't to believe.

"No, I don't hate you! I guess I only got a little to eager of hiding my feelings and not give you any ideas…" I said between two sobs.

"But not work with you…"

"Could you work with me knowing this?" I shrieked.

"Why not?" I didn't answer, so instead he crept over to me.

"Jess, don't cry… It's not that big a deal…" he probably tried to comfort me.

"But I can't work with you knowing you always had to feel sorry for me, and then you would have to think of me before you could allow yourself to fall in love, and I…" I started to sob again.

"But I wouldn't fall in love with somebody else…"

"Oh, give me a break!" I yelled at him, "It's not worth it to make me any pointless promises, we both know this won't work out this way! Give it up! We're gonna split up next week whatev…" I suddenly realized what he just had told me.

I stopped to cry and turned to him and desperately stared at him. He looked confused, sad, disbelieving, hoping, and everything mixed up with that childish look I loved with him, and I understood it all.

"Are you trying to tell me that you are in love with me?" I whispered, looking into his eyes.

"Yeah, I think so…" he said, somewhat reluctantly, trying to back of, but I grabbed his arms and held him again.

"Do you love me?" I asked. He looked terrified at me, but didn't try to break free, and then he lowered his head.

"Err…yes…" he muttered, staring at the ground.




She was going to hit me now. I didn't have a clue of what was going on, but when she heard this he was going to kill me for sure, love or not.

"You loves me?" she whispered again. I just nodded, preparing for the hit. I heard her panting, but then she suddenly threw her arms around me.

"I can't believe it!" she cried, hugging the breath out of me.

"You loves me, and I didn't know! I have been longing for this, crying for this, denied this for God knows how long, and then I didn't have to! You actually loved me all the time!"

I still don't know for sure if she was crying or laughing, so I just returned her embrace and tried to get my self to believe the happenings of the last ten minuets.

For a time we just sat there, hugging each other, she was still babbling the same things over and over again and I was realizing it all was true, but after a while we both calmed down and instead started to enjoy the embrace.

Then at last she let me go, and smiled to me still with tears in her eyes.

"James, if it's true that you loves me, why haven't you kissed me yet?" she said, but she handled that nice enough herself. She put her arms around me neck and lent forward, her eyes closed. I just sat there, feeling her lips press gently against mine, and then I let my arms around her waist while she was kissing me deeper.




This Meowth still isn't sure what took them so long in the forest back then, but they had managed to express their feelings in some way, that case was clear.

