By James’s Rose

Disclaimer: I don’t own Pokemon or anything to do with the characters. This fic is for your personal enjoyment only and I’m making no money out of this.

Summery: Stranded on Titan Island, Misty and Jessie find that Brock, Ash and James are acting a little strange. Then they bump into Officer Jenny, and find a strange signal emitting from an abandoned warehouse, which causes all men to act like the first pokčmon they ever owned.

AN: I don’t actually know how to rate this seen as I don’t know how it’s going to end, but at the moment, I’d give it a PG.

Chapter 1: Boys will be pokčmon

“Victreebel, go get ‘em!” James shouted onto the deck. Victreebel flew out of its Pokčball in a brilliant flash of white light.

“Aaaayyyyyyy!” It screamed, before turning around and eating him.

“Ooohhh.” Jessie sighed.

The boat rocked from side to side as the waves crashed heavily against the boat.


James fell on his backside from the sheer weight of his grass pokčmon and kicked his legs about in the air. Jessie picked up the Pokčball on the ground and held it out towards Victreebel. After one last screech, Victreebel was sucked back inside its Pokčball.
Suddenly, an extra big wave hit the boat and made it rock almost completely over, sending Jessie, James, Meowth, Misty, Brock, Ash and Pikachu over the side of the boat into the rough and cold sea water.


“WELL WOULD LIKE ME TO GET YOU SOME FRESH, DRY WATER YOUR MAJESTY??!!” Jessie screamed back him, holding on to James for dear life as Meowth grabbed onto her hair.

“STOP ARGUING!” Misty shouted at them, “WE’VE GOT TO SWIM TO SHORE!”

“WHAT SHORE!?” Jessie shouted over the raging waves.


Misty called out her Staryu and Goldeen, giving her Staryu to Brock, while Ash called out Squirtle. As they started swimming away, Team Rocket shouted after them



Jessie growled at her, as she got further away, “YOU JUST WAIT TILL WE MEET AGAIN YOU BRAT!!” as she, James and Meowth held onto each other and let the storm take them.


James slowly opened his eyes. He squinted at the sun as he realised he was lying on sand. He felt gentle waves lap at his legs as he sat upright. In front of him was a long expanse of endless blue sea. He looked down at himself and realised that the raging storm had ripped his white jacket off and his right trouser leg (hey, I’m English, we don’t say pants) was torn all the way down the seem. He looked behind him to see Palm Trees swaying gently in the warm breeze, and endless shrubbery and hills that seemed to go on forever.

“Am I in heaven?” he mumbled to himself.

“I don’t think so!”

He snapped his head back around to see a very bedraggled Jessie standing in front of the sun light. Her jacket was gone too, and her skirt was crumpled and torn in several pieces. Her hair was down and tangled, but the thing that striked James about her most…was the mallet she held above her head.



“Ooooooowwww! What was that for?” James asked, rubbing his sore head.

“For getting us into this mess!”


“Yes you! YOU were the one who said you had the ultimate plan for capturing Pikachu, YOU were the one who wanted to go on that boat despite me saying I didn’t particularly want to go on it because of that St. Anne incident, and…”

“…but Jessie…”

“AND YOU were the one who said ‘Oh no, that St. Anne thing could never happen again.’ Well guess what?! It did! And here’s another thing that’s gonna happened again!”

She brought her mallet down on James’s head again, and again.

“Owww…Jess owww…but…owww…jess…stop…I…owww…I’m…sorry…oww.”

She stopped hitting him and took a deep breath to calm her nerves. Grabbing him by the front of his black t-shirt, she dragged him along the beach to an outcrop of rocks that disappeared into the sea. She dragged him over to the rocks on the sand and dumped him on one.

“Now stay there while I go and look for Meowth!”

James rubbed his head one more time while watching Jessie before crossing his legs and sitting calmly on the rock. For the first time since we woke up, he wondered where he was. It certainly wasn’t one of the Islands they had followed the Twerps too when they were going around the Orange Islands, the again, all the Islands look the same. Speaking of the Twerps, he wondered if they got out all right. He and Jessie may try and capture their pokčmon, but they would never want them hurt…especially cos if they did, they would be out of the job.

His thoughts turned back to Jessie and he smiled. Why he was smiling he had no idea, all he knew is that every time she hit him, he felt closer to her.

‘Admit it James, you have a crush on your best friend’, he thought to himself.

He looked up to see Jessie storming towards him with a wet and bedraggled Meowth under her arm. Suddenly, he heard a different voice behind him
Turning around, he spots Misty, Brock and Pikachu chasing Ash down the beach. That was strange; Ash was running…on all fours? Yes, on all fours. James frowned and watched as Ash ran up to him and stood up. Ash stupidly smiled and said the last thing James was expecting to hear:

“Pika! Pika pi!”

James stared at him. Jessie saw Ash by James and started fuming again. Running up to him, she dropped Meowth on the sand and ran up behind Ash, before she had time to say anything, Ash turned around and glared at her.

“Pika pika.” He growled

Ash then clenched his fists together and screwed up his face.

“Piiikaaaaa chuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!” His body shook, almost as if he was trying to imitate Pikachu doing a Thunder Shock.

Jessie stared at him blankly, “Well he’s cracked.” She said matter-of-factly.

Misty and Brock ran up beside her out of breath.

“What is wrong with you Ash? What are you playing at?”

“Yeah Ash, what are doing trying to…” Brock stopped in mid-sentence. He looked straight ahead and stood still.

“Brock?” Misty asked, waving her hand in front of his face.

Suddenly, Brock put his arms up and stared flexing his muscles;

“Geodude, Geodude.” He turned around and started walking around in circles with his arms in the air, “Geodude, Geodude.”

Misty stared at him disbelievingly, “Not you as well?!” she sighed. Ash jumped up on the rock James was sitting up and looked up at the sky. James immediately jumped off and stood behind Jessie. He was scared. What was going on?

“What the heck is going on?” Jessie asked.

“NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!” Misty shouted, but then added, “Although I don’t know. When we arrived on this Island, a few minutes later, they started to act like pokčmon. First it was Ash, now Brock.”

“Hmmm,” said Jessie, “Maybe we should…”


Jessie and Misty slowly turned around and down to see James on all floors on the sand. James looked up at the two girls and stuck his tongue out the side of his mouth and started panting.

“Growwwlithe!” he howled.

During this time, Meowth had lay on the sand watching all this happen. He pretended to still be un-conscious, because he would be if he started laughing. James started crawling around before crawling over to the rock Ash was standing on. He put his arms on the rock and started barking at Ash. Ash looked down at him and jumped down from the rock.

“Pika pika!” he said happily, before running around James.

James barked again happily and started chasing Ash around the rocks and over the sand. Suddenly, James bumped into Brock, who was still walking around in circles repeating ‘Geodude’. Brock stopped and looked down. An anger mark appeared on his forehead before picking James up by his shirt and jumping up in the air, before slamming James to the ground. James moaned before getting back up and opening his mouth trying to use Flamethrower, but of course nothing happened.

“What on earth is going on?” Jessie and Misty asked themselves as they watched James and Brock fight while Ash continued running around them shouting out ‘Pikachu’.

The real Pikachu poked its head out of Misty’s backpack and looked around at its owner. Seeing Ash was still acting weird, Pikachu sighed and went back inside the backpack.
Misty clung onto Togepi tightly. Her boys were beginning to scare her.