Team Rocket's Miracle

By: Artimus

One day, Jessie and James and Meowth were walking in the woods. along the path, they found a young girl about the age of 6 crying her eyes out. James felt sorry for her. So they stopped to comfort the child.

"What are you doing out here all alone little girl? What's your name?" asked James.

"I'm Mary, and my momma and daddy were sending me to church to pray for my brother and his squirtle who got hurt in a gang fight. But I got lost!" she wailed.

Jessie got an idea. "We'll help you find your church, come on."

When they all found the main road, they found the church quickly. At first, the TR trio was reluctant to go inside when Mary invited them in. But when they smelled the food from the kitchen being made they went in, hoping to take some for the road. After Mary told the priest what happened, he went to thank TR for brining her safely to church. After the service was over, James Jessie and meowth went to the kitchen and there they were given some warm clothes, a basket of food, and some warm blankets. They made their way to the nearest pokemon center. When they had arrived at to pokemon center, they found out that the twerps were there too. They argued on who gave them the food and blankets. The arguing settled down after they became too tired to talk. that night, James had a dream. It was an angel who looked like Mary, the one they had saved. Mary warned James about Giovanni and his henchmen who were trying to find and kill them. She gave him a rosary.

"This will protect you. Never take it off!'' she stated." Take Jessie, meowth and your friends {the twerps} and leave the city now."

James woke up. Was it only a dream? He noticed that he had something around his neck. It was the rosary that Mary had given him in his dream. When he went to wake the others, he found out that they all had the same dream and they each had a rosary around their neck.

They left immediately. They all headed for the next town, but then Jessie started coughing and wheezing and gasping for air. She was very sick. They stopped and checked her temperature. 100.2 degrees. James carried her as they traveled to the next town. When they got there, they found the nearest hospital and checked Jessie in. It was morning and the twerps decided that they were going to the pokemon center. after they left. the doc came in and said that Jessie had pneumonia and that she would be out in a couple of days. When the doc left, James watched TV a while. He channel surfed a bit until a news station caught his eye.

"Hi I am Fantine Manor for news TV 5 and what you see behind me is the devastation that a gang called Team Rocket has caused. Everything here is absolutely destroyed except for this church on my right. We have no idea when the raid began all we know is that ..."

James turned off the TV. He saved his friends and the twerps!

the end