The Mission

By Rosie

Butch and Cassidy are going to have lunch, they meet outside the fastfood place, but Cassidy doesn’t seem to be ok with that.
“What the hell are we doing outside Mc Donalds?!” She shouts “Do you know the freakin fat content in the pommes frites?!”
Butch tries to calm her down, and informs her that it was her idea to visit Mc Donalds in the first place. Cassidy frowns.“What a… I did not suggest this… piece of crap!!” She yells, and points at the happy people inside Mc Donals who’s all eating yummy burgers. “Honestly, I did no such thing! …And, the soda isn’t so tasty either, at a closer thougt. ”
Butch sighs at her.
“So why did you said it, then?” he asks in a tone, not too irritated of the misunderstanding, he tries to smile, with sucsess. Cassidy stairs at her white boots, and sighs too for some reason. “Ok, come on.” Butch says with a sweet smile, he takes Cassidys hand and leaves the area. “ Lets go home and cook something up”

“As you eventually can see, I’m not in the best mood.”
Cassidy is sitting in the sofa, she’s tired and she’s starving. “Can you forgive me, Butch?”
She looks nervously at her dear friend, Butch looks at her with another, almost heartrending, smile. Cassidy knows exactly what she needs now.
“I’ve noticed, and of course I forgive you” Butch says as he stands in the front of the oven. “This will make you in a better mood…” he continues in a mysterious kind of way.
Cassidy walks over to her friend and wonder in her mind what the thing is. Maybe a kiss…?
“Is it …” she starts hopefully, but Butch interrupts. “Yep. Lunch’s ready. Sit down.”
Cassidy didn’t hope for just lunch, but since her sweet friend did the generous gesture; to make her food, she’s defitinaly going to eat.
“Oh, fine. Good. I’m starving, you know…” She says and tries to smile. That’s working, and the two friends sit down to eat.
“Have you’ve finished all of the scientific calculations for tomorrows mission, Cassidy?” Butch suddenly asks and takes another bite of the delicios food he made. Cassidy becomes a little nervous, thinking about those calculations. She haven’t done any. Not a single number. Should she tell the truth, or… no. No. “Um…” she start and sounds innocent “Of course I have. They’re all lying on my…” Where are the invincible papers going to be? Something is just coming up. “…On the… um… balcony. Dish.”
Butch stairs a little bit confused at her. “Why on the balcony?” He asks, and stands up. “Gosh, what if they blow away?!”
He runs to the balcony, Cassidy sighs sadly. “Yeah…” she mumbles and puts her fork down. “’Cause that would just be too bad…” she says and rolls with her beautiful eyes.
Butch comes back. “I can’t find them!” he says, and he seems really worried. “We’re screwed, we really are!”
Cassidy beg him to calm down and relax, but Butch is too worried. “I can’t relax now!” He practicly yells, standing in the middle of the livingroom. “Come up with something!” He yells once more and he doesn’t know where to go and where to leave the problem, that suddenly came up, behind Cassidy tries to help. “We can do it all over, if…”
“All over?! Hell no! Oooh…” Butch sits down in the sofa and sighs sadly. Cassidy wants to comfort, of course.
“I’m sure it will be allright, and I…” she starts, but Butch interrups again.
“It’s not going to work, we’re dead. ‘Twas nice knowing you, Cassidy… ”
Cassidys temper is now crushed. She yells at the top of her voice “GOD DAMN YOUR NEGATIVITY, BUTCH!! WE CAN DO THIS, GET IT?!”
Butch gaps, and tries to face facts, which are: they can do it all over. Just as Cassidy yelled a second ago.
“Oh… ok… I guess we can do it” he says, now happier”You’re right, Cass.”
Cassidy kisses her lovely friend with a lot of tender.
“Of course I’m right. Come on, lets get this over with” she says after the kiss, and takes a piece of paper from a drawer under the livingroom table.
“But…” Butch starts and makes a confused gest”We’re just on lunch”
“Then call the boss and tell him that you and me is taking the rest of the day off… add that we are doing it for a very good reason.” Cassidy says calmly and walks to the bedroom”I’m sure he’ll understand.”

Later, as suspected the two friends got the day off. At the kitchen table once again, Butch is energeticly writing a ton of numbers on a paper, Cassidy takes the paper and looks at it.
“Wha…” She says and shakes her head for a sec; she is very confused “What’s this?”
Butch rips the paper out of her grip and looks at the numbers. He doesn’t understand either. “I forgot…” he says in a confused tone “Oh my god… all this freakin writing, and I don’t have a god damned clue what I wrote just a second ago?!” He shouts and Cassidy looks at the paper one more time. “Wait a sec… here…” She says quietly and shows Butch a line of numbers “this is supposed to be… um… “
“What? What’s what?” Butch says in an eager kind of way.
“Oh, give me a cup of coffee, would ya?” Cassidy asks because she got a little headache just now. Butch gives her what she wants.
“So, what now, any luck?” Butch wonders and takes a sip of his own coffee. “Perhaps I’m going crazy; writing numbers instead of letters and vice versa.” Cassidy sets triumpantly her pointingfinger in the air, Butch has totally right.
“That’s the way! Just like that! Oh…”
She starts to figure the number combination out, and sometimes she giggles to herself. Butch is still confused. “I can’t understand your brain, Cassidy. I really can’t.”He pauses and looks around ”But your hair sure looks good!” He says happily and looks at his friend’s hair.
Cassidy looks up from hiding behind the paper, and turns the serious, thinking look on her face into a thankful, but a little blushing one “Oh! Well, thank you! That’s so sweet. Yours looks great too. As allways” She smiles warmly, Butch smiles back and Cassidy continues with her work.

Suddenly Cassidy hits her coffemug at the table. “Coffee, sweetie!” she says loudly, but Butch won’t. “If you drink more, you’re surely going to be hyper. I don’t want that to happen, because I’m going to bed in fifteen short minutes.”
He says, gasps, and puts Cassidys empty mug on the sink. “Who the heck cares if I’m hyper?!” Cassidy shouts and then she says a little bit calmer that she doesn’t want Butch to go to bed, not at all.
“I care if you go hyper. So, tell me what to do, then. I can’t see me doing something right now…” Butch says and gasps again. Cassidy shrugs her sholulders quickly and continues her work with the numbers, and Butch brings himself good book. “Aah…” he says and feel very comfortable with a book, a cup of coffe and his lovely Cassidy.

When reading for ten minutes, dish, Butch looks up from his book. Cassidy is sleeping with her arms crossed on the kitchen table.
“Aaaw… isn’t that just too adorable… don’t I think? Yes, you do, Butch.” He says gently and takes the paper with the number combinations. “Aaah… I get it” he says triumphantly when he understands Cassidys way of thinking. “The one who came up with “blonds are dumb” couldn’t have been thinking of Cassidy. Uh uh, no way.” He says and smiles warmly at his wonderful friend straight across the table.

Twenty minutes later, Butch has finally finished the calculations and has turned the numbers into letters. Cassidy is now sleeping in her bed, because Butch carried her to it. Now, Butch can go to bed as well. That was his thought. In the bathroom, the shampoo is all gone. Every bottle is empty, and that makes Butch sad. “Ooow…” He says sadly ”Why me? Cassidy is so going pissed off tomorrow…”

“Where’s the freakin food?!”
Cassidy opened the fridge following morning, and found it totally empty. Butch comes to the kitchen. “It’s not there?” He asks in an confused tone. When he sees the fridge empty, he gaps. “What a…” he says. “We did have food here the last time I checked, I swear!”
“This is insane, I’m telling you.” Cassidy sits down. “What if someone took it, while we were asleep?”
Butch shakes his head, and says that it can’t be. “It’s not impossible” Cassidy says and shrugs her shoulders, and Butch has to believe her. He can’t come up with anything else, so why not trust her?

“Food… anything, just something…” Cassidy says, pining after food while she and Butch are walking in a watertower, they’re going to make an experiment there. “I’m just as hungry as you are, Cassidy, but you can’t… “ Butch stops. “…wow, a banana?!”
Butch sees a banana on the floor and picks it up, Cassidy rips it instantly out of his hand.
“Wha…” he says, when Cassidy starts to peel the skin off. “I want banana too!” he yell like a litte child. “Wow, come down, would ya?” Cassidy says calmly and sits down on the floor “I peel for us.” Butch smiles happily and sits down as well. “Um... of course you do. Silly me… share?”
Cassidy smiles softly while giving Butch the other half of the banana. “Tasty, huh?” she says when almost finished her bite.
“M-mm, this is really good. I can’t understand why people throw away bananas in watertowers. Can you?” Butch asks as he leans back at a wall.
“Uh-uh, I really can’t.” Cassidy says and feels kind of full, after just eating one half of a banana. ”By the way, today it’s Friday. What’s up for about tonight, any plans?” Cassidy asks and looks around for a sec sitting on the floor. Butch trums his finger at his chin ”Hmm…” He smiles at his friend “Sorry,
I’m busy. I have plans with my girl. Cassidy’s her name, she’s my best friend you know. Very cute, and smart.”
“Oh?” Cassidy says and blushes. “I would like to meet her sometime. She seems really nice.”
“She is.” Butch hugs his dear friend, who hugs back with a lot of love. “She really is…” Butch continues and sighs for having such a great partner and friend. And a good tasting half of a banana in his stomach.
“Which direction?” Cassidy suddenly asks and points to the left and to the right. Butch points up. “Ok, ‘nuff resting, lets get to work.”

“Do you know what I dreamt last night, Butch?” Cassidy asks as they are working gauging the waters pH worth out of a cabin of water. “Um…no… oh, here comes another beam! Catch it, Ca…” The beam misses Cassidy and her black uniform with a thin, thin margin. Cassidy was going to catch the beam with a bucket, but unfortunately she missed, just like the beam of water luckily saved her from getting insanely wet. “Oops…sorry. It won’t happen again, I…” She starts, but suddenly comes another beam, and Cassidy catches it. “Wohow! Well done, Cassidy!” Butch says and applauses. “Are you ok?”
Cassidy stands up and smiles, giving Butch the bucket of water. “I’m ok Where’s the sprout thingy?” she asks. Butch smiles for Cassidys cute vocabulary. “If you mean the injection, it’s right here.” Butch says and gives her the injection (shoot) to obtain water with and then to put the water on a pH paper with. Cassidy doesn’t seem to know how to use the shoot.
“Allow me.”Butch says and takes the injection, brings it to the bucket and sprouts in the water hoping for it to be inhaled into the injection. “There’s something wrong with…” He starts, Cassidy sighs stressfully “But would you please…” she says quickly and pours out the water directly from the bucket to the pH paper, then the paper starts to change color. “What color may we see?” she asks and itches her head for a sec.
“Green, ‘cause then we know that the water is neutral” Butch says, and a green color appears on the paper. “Yay!” Cassidy shouts.
“Yeah, we need to make the pH worth lower” Butch says and takes a hose to sink down in the enormous watertank that they are standing beside of.
Cassidy and Butch are going to split up the water in two halfs; one for them and one for the people in the city, generous as they are. They are going to turn the peoples water acidous, and them selves is going to keep the clean part. When having it, the neutral water, they can sell it to the people for a lot of money, since the people can’t drink acidous water.
“The dream you had, Cass, tell me about it!” Butch says eagerly and Cassidy titters for a sec, thinking about the weird dream she had. “Ok” she says “It’s really freaky, but don’t blame it on me… anyway, it was Jess and James, they were locked up in a birdcage”
“…And I was the one who locked them in?” Butch asks, once again with an eager smile, Cassidy titters again “Oh, no. Domino, she did it, she’s the rat. Ok, but the two of them couldn’t get out of the cage, and were just as teenie as my thumbnail, can you imagine? Suddenly, I’m sorry, Butchie, but you came.
“That’s a bad thing?” He asks, Cassidy shakes her head “Oh, no, no. But you kicked Dominos butt and locked her up in the oven. Ooh, cruel you…”She lauhgs with her friend and continues “And then you freed Jessie and James, you took them in your hand and let them eat a carrot or something, I do not sure remember, maybe ‘twas a strawberry. Anyway, they got normalsized, but unfortunately, thay didn’t even thank you, they just dissapeared. Hm.”
“I see… freaky dream, ey? … But why was I the bad subject as you said?” Butch asks.
“Haha, you don’t want to know your haircut that you had in my dream, Butch. Believe me…”
“Oh… it wasn’t good?” Cassidy shakes her head “Promise me, do not ever change your hairstyle, I really like it as it is right now. Really.”
Butch is touched “Oh… once again you break my heart with your compliments. I won’t change, I swear.” He says and hugs his Cassidy.

The hose is set, and everything is ready. Cassidy and Butch has connected the hose to a special built airship, which they later are going to send to the headquarter, to the boss.
“Ok, press start…” Butch begins and Cassidy presses start before she should’ve.
“No, turn it off, for god sake!” He says with a happy smile on his face, dispites the situation. “What?” Cassidy asks, a little bit confused and turns off the water. “Please… don’t say that you’ve changed your mind about this whole waterpoisoning thing?!”
Butch laughs at the silly question, and shakes his head. “I just need to put an gasmask on, you know, just in case. You should put one on too, Cass.” Cassidy laughs “I do have rumour, to your information! I’m not touching an gasmask” she pauses and turns the smile into a serious look “I never had and I never will.”
Butch acts sad and says wtith a kind voice “But… what if a bad, yucky stank comes into your sweet little nose? You’ll maybe get poisoned, and I don’t want that to happen, uh uh. Please, put it on? For me? Hm?”
Cassidy smiles, because Butch just looked soo adorable and cute. Of course he does all the time, but… “Oh, whatever. It’s only you and me here, after all. Ok, I’ll do it for you, sweet Butchie. But if you laugh…” she continues with a lot of threat in her voice.
Butch puts his hand over his heart, and says seriosly “I won’t laugh. I swear I won’t, just as much as you and me are going to have a heck of a cosy night tonigth. Lighted candles, wine…”
“Ooh! I can’t wait! Just you, me and nobody else!” Cassidy shouts happily and hops up and down, Butch laughs because Cassidy is soo sweet, the jumping really brings out her hyperactivity from the coffedrinking the day before. That is an given answer, and the friends won’t laugh at each other.