Disclaimer: Pokemon and Team Rocket are NOT mine, they belong to 4kids, Warner Kids, Nintendo etc. This is written for your entertainment purposes only.

Summery: (you need to see the movie to understand this). In THIS story, Jessie and James have let go of the Beast of the Sea and Meowth has blasted off. But this time, they have something different to tell each other as they fall to their deaths…

What SHOULD have happened in the movie Pokèmon 2000

In their hearts, they all knew that for Ash to save the world, they had to let go. They had to fall. Either way they would die, but at least this way, the whole world wouldn’t die with them. James gulped.

"Ready?" he asked

"Ready." Said Jessie softly, looking straight at James

"Hey youse guys! Meowth don’t wanna die!"

"We’re not making you," said James. "But it will be a lot easier for this thing to fly without us hanging off it."

"On three." Said Jessie, "One." She looked into James eyes

"Two" said James, looking into her eyes as well.

"Three." Meowth gulped.

They let go. Gravity pulled them down to Earth like a spring. However, just at that moment, The Beast of the Sea had to move out the way of a fire blast coming from Moltres. It’s wing hit Meowth, which sent him blasting off again.

Jessie and James clung to each other as they watched Meowth fly out of sight.

"Goodbye Meowth." whispered James, sadness in his voice.

As they fell, they turned towards each other. In each other’s eyes they could see their lives together. Their combined sadness and joy, failures and occasional successes, hatred, and most importantly, love.

Time seemed to slow for them. The only sound they could hear was the beating of their hearts, as they fell for what seemed like forever, into their endless feats of their emotions, and the not so endless Earth rapidly approaching them. James looked down. The brightness of the ice shone in his eyes. He turned back towards Jessie.

"This is it."

"James. I know this is probably a really bad time to tell you this, but..."

James rested his forehead against hers. She looked into his eyes, shining with love. She didn’t need to tell him, because he already knew.

She leaned her head closer and touched his lips with hers. For them, the world around them stopped. The only thing’s for miles were them and their love surrounding them. She held on to him tighter, determined not to let go of this feeling until the moment of death came to both of them. James felt like crying, but he wouldn’t let the tears fall. At last, they know that they love each other, but this feeling wouldn’t last forever like each one now hoped it would have. James, with his lips still against hers, whispered his last words to her.

"I love you Jessica."

The ground loomed up on them like a falling star from above.

"I love you too James."

They held on together, and although they knew they would never see each other again, they knew their love would last forever in their spirits.

They looked into each other’s eyes for the last time, as the icy floor came, and they crashed though.

Pain ceased every limb of their bodies. They couldn’t see, they couldn’t breath, they couldn’t feel. Well, nothing except the pain. But suddenly, the pain went away. Both of them, still clinging on to each other, opened their eyes. They were under the sea…but they were alive!

An overwhelming scene of joy filled them both.

They swam as fast as they could to the break in the ice where they fell through. They burst through the prison of water into the free world where living pokèmon and humans worked and played together.

Their lungs filled with oxygen, while their hearts filled with love and joy. Still in the water, they clung to each other again and kissed for the second, but now not last, time.

Now that love they wished would stay, will stay.

Together forever.

Jessie and James.

No boundaries, no disasters, just them, their love, and their whole lives ahead, just for them.

Nothing could ever separate them; they were joined together in body and mind, heart and soul.

They were as one.

The End