What's In a Name - 2

By: Amanda

Disclaimer: I don't own anyone, wish I did...

The "Butch" stanzas are told in Cassidy's POV and the "Cassidy" stanzas are told in Butch's POV.

B is for Butch, your name.
U is for the unconditional love you have for me.
T is for each touch I love all the same.
C is for the concern you have that I can see.
H is for your hands that I cannot tame.

C is for Cassidy, the name I love to say.
A is for the appreciation you give me since you are true.
S is for the sanctuary you give in to me to stay.
S is for your shimmering eyes where my heart flew to.
I is for the infinite time we will be together, I pray.
D is the desire to be with you.
Y is for you, shining in the sun's ray.

B is for your beautiful voice I long to hear each day.
U is for the undivided attention you give to me when I speak.
T is for the trust you give me in every way.
C is for your cheeks I love to tweak.
H is for your hair where my hands like to play.

C is for the caresses you give which I feel.
A is for the affection you show.
S is for my soul with a kiss you seal.
S is for the soft skin of yours that I know.
I is for intimate passion you deal
D is for the dreams of you where you are no foe.
Y is for yearning to be together, for real.