The nanny

by Meowthkid

" I'm telling you, we can't have little James running around in the office when we're working." Mrs Gregory said to her husband.

" I know dear, you're absolutely right." mr. Gregory agreeded.

" But what are we going to do then? Hopkins can't take care of him either, he's to busy working with his job." Mrs Gregory said. They both looked at their five year old son, James. James sat on the floor playing with his pet Growlithe, Growly.

" May I suggest something sir?" Hokins, the butler asked.

" Of course Hopkins." Mr Gregory said.

" Hire a nanny sir." Hopkins said.

" That is a wonderful idea!" Mrs Gregory said happily.

" Yes, absolutly brilliant!" Mr. Gregory said.

" NO! Not a nanny!!!!" James shouted.

" Now, calm down James. You'll like having a nany, and you know that shouting and screaming is no proper way for a gentleman to act." Mrs Gregory said.

James just scowled at Hopkins and his parents.

" Now. Go on, let mom and dad work alone, just go play with your little friend Jessibelle." his mom said to him.

" SHE IS NOT MY FRIEND!!!!!" James shouted,then he heared a voice: " JAMIE! Jamie! Were are you??"

It was Jessibelle. James tried to run, but it was too late, Jessibelle was already standing in the doorway with her Oddish.

" It's time to play tea party." she said.

" No! Mom! Stop her! She is torturing me!!!" he screamed as he ran out in the big hall, with Jessibelle in his heals and Growly after both of them.

" They are perfect for each other just like us honey." Mr. Gregory said.

" You are absolutely right dear. I can't wait for them to get married." Mrs. Gregory said.

The same day, after the dinner James and Growly finaly got away from Jessibelle.

James sat on the balcogny of his room, watching Growly, who chased Butterfries dwn on the lawn. He decided to go outside, and snook down stairs and out the back door, so that Jessibelle would'nt notice him. He suceeeded and sat down next to the giant-olympic-sized pool. He took of his shoes and socks and dipped his toes inthe bright blue water. He made circles in the water with his bare feet..

"I wish 'I had a real friend." James said.

" Grrrowlthe, grow!" ( You have me!)

" I mean besides you, you're my bestfriend Growly, but i'm talking about a human friend." James said looking at the sky.

" Arf!" ( I understand.)

Suddenky a bunch of pidgeys flew out of the bush behind James.

He got scared and fell into the pool.

On the other side of the huge stone wall that belonged to the manison, a young woman walked. She heared a Grollithe barking and howling. And decided to see what was wrong. She climbed over the wall and Growly ran towards her. " Hi, buddy. whats wrong?" she asked.

" Rrrowwlithe!!" ( Follow me!)

The woman followed Growly over to the pool. She saw James in the water.

" Oh god! I must help him!" she tought, then she pulled her boots of and jumped into the pool. She managed to get James out of the pool and onto the lawn.

He was still unconcious, she laid her ear down to his chest.

" He's not breathing but at least he has a heartbeat." she said.

" Growlithe!" ( Thank godness!!)

She did the whole CPR- thing on him, and he started moving, and then he opened his eyes. He looked straight into the face of a young woman with blue eyes, and purple hair. " Are you Ok kid?" she asked him.

" think so....." James said.

" Do you live here?" she asked.

" Yes. My parents own this place." he said.

" Ok then. What's your name?" she asked.

" My name is James, James Gregory." he said.

" Ok, lets go see you'r mother, so she won't yell at you for coming home soaking wet." she said. Then she took his hand and they walked over to the manison.

" Thank you for saving my life" James said.

" Just call me Miyamoto." she said.

" Ok. If you say so." James said.

While they walked over to the house James told her all about how he'd fallen into the pool.

They went into the house. And met Hopkins in the hall.

" Excuse me. Can you please tell me where James' mother is?" Miyamoto asked.

" She is upstairs on the office but she is very busy." Hopkins said.

" I don't think she's to busy to see her son." Miyamoto said.

"She obviosly don't know my mother." James thought.

" I can show you the way." James said. And then he led her upstairs to the office.

Miyamoto and James walked in, and Miyamoto said: " Are you James' mother?"

" Why yes." Mrs Gregory said.

" My name is Miyamoto and i'm here to talk with you about you're son, James." Miyamoto said.

" What have he done now?" she asked and looked at her son.

" He havent done anything. He fell into the pool, and I followed him back to you, so you wouldn't yell at him for coming home wet." Miyamoto said.

" James Gregory! How many times have I told you not to play near the pool when you're alone, and when there's no adults nearby!! You are lucky that this nice woman saved you're life!" she said.

" It's not his fault. He got scared of some pidgeys, and fell into the pool." Miyamoto said. " He has always been a wussy." Mrs Greogory said.

Miyamoto was shocked, she had never met anyone who treated their children like this before. She had a daughter herself, but she'd never treated her like this before.

" But i want to thank you for saving him. By the way...Are you here for the nanny job?" Mrs Gregory asked.

" No, not really.... but, when you mention it it sounds kinda fun..." Miyamoto said.

" Well, you seem to get along just fine with little James. So I guess if you want the job it's yours." Mrs Gregory replied.

" Say yes. Please say yes!!" James said.

Miyamoto smiled, i'll take it, if I can get it. But there is one thing I need to know at first..."

" What is that?" Mrs. Gregory said.

" That I can bring my daughter Jessica with me at work. She's about James' age. I think they'll like each other." Miyamoto said.

" Sure. Just take her with you." Mrs. Gregory said.

" Thank you. When can I start?" Miyamoto asked.

" If you want you can start straight away." Mrs. Gregory said.

" Thank you. Then I'll just have to get Jessica and i'll be you're nanny James." she smiled at James and he happily smiled back.

Miyamoto and James walked outside and Growly followed James as always.

" I'll go get my daughter now. You just wait here James, and stay away from the pool." Miyamoto said.

" Don't worry, i'll stay away from the pool this time." James said.

Then Miyamoto ran to get her daughter.

Five minutes later she returned with a little girl, she had ruby red hair, sapphire blue eyes and a dress that looked old, it was a lot of patches on it, but she didn't seem to care to much about it.

" Now, say hello to each other." Miyamoto said.

" Hi James, nice to meet you." Jessica said.

" Nice to meet you too Jessica." James said. And took her hand, but instead of shaking it, he kissed it.

She giggeled.

" What are you laughing of?" james asked.

" What was that for?" she laughed.

" Nothing, thats the way my parents tought me to greet girls with Jessica." james said.

" Oh, then I guess it's OK. But do me one favor; please call me Jessie!" she said, smiling.

" If you say so Jessie. By the way, this is Growly. Say hello to Jessie Growly." James said.

" Grroww!!" Growly said, wagging his tail.

" Hello to you too Growly." Jessie said shaking Growly's paw.

He licked her face and looked happily from her, to James.

" Look's like he likes you!" James said.

" I like him too." Jessie said.

The next day Jessie and Miyamoto came into James' room while he was still alseep.

Miyamoto pulled the curtains away from th window, and Jessie jumped up in his bed shouting: "TIME TO WAKE UP SLEEPY EYE!!!!"

James jumped at least three feet up in the air, falling down on the floor.

" Sheesh! You scared me!" he said.

Then he noticed what she was wearing, she had a black cap, who said 'scate city' in white letters, her hair was tied up into pig-tails, she had a grey sweater, with white stripes on the arms where it said 'original marines' and blue pants, with holes on the knees.

" What are you wearing?" he asked, every girl he'd ever known had alsways been wearing dresses, and here Jessie stood, dressed like some street boy.

" What's wrong with this outfit? I can't climb trees with a dress on can I?" she asked.

"C-c-climb trees??" James said.

" Yep! Now get dressed so we can go!" Jessie said, jumping of his bed again.

" Take it easy Jessie dear, remember the boy just woke up!" Miyamoto laughed.

" But she is right James, you better get dressed, it's breakfast in ten minutes." she took a marineblue suit out of James' closet and hung it on his chair.

He got dressed and was ready in the speed of light, then he ran downstairs with Miyamoto and Jessie right behind him nad Growly came like a tornado after them.

James ate breakfast so quick it was a miracle that he didn't choke himself.

Then he ran outside. " James slow down! Wait for me!" Jessie shouted after him.

" I can't slow down! I'm too happy! I've never had a real friend before!!" James shouted back, then Jessie started layghing and smiling too, and then she ran after him outside. After a while they got tired from running and sat down on a rock. Miyamoto sat in a chair watching them, she had a book and read in that between the times she looked after what the kids were doing. When she was reading Growly watched them.

After a while they got tired of running and sat down next to a big tree.

" Now what do we do?" Jessie asked.

" Didn't you say something about climbing trees?" James said.

" Yep, you read my mind baby!" Jessie said.

" What was that supposed to mean?" James asked.

" I dunno! I heared it on a movie once." Jessie said.

" Ok. Then I guess it's OK." James replied.

" Enough with the chat, lets climb those trees!" Jessie said

" Um, Jessie....I just remembered something....." James suddenly said.

" What?"

" I've never climbed a tree before. I don't know how to do it." James said.

" What's the big deal? I can teach you. It's not that hard, just watch me and do the same things I do." Jessie said. And after a while they climbed trees just as good as a Mankey could do. ( well, almoust)

Then they just sat in the top of a tree, talking. Jessie's mom was fully aware of that thye sat in the top of a tree, but she wasn't worried at all, Jessie did that all the time and she knew she'd be looking out for James.

"The boy needs to have some serious fun, along with kids on his own age. Hanging around with Jessie will be good for him." she thought.

Up in the tree James and Jessie was talking, and having fun.

" Jessie?"

"Yes James?"

" Would oyu be my best friend?" he asked.

" Yeah! I'd love to!" Jessie said.

" Cool! Then we say that! You and me! Bestfriends forever." James smiled.

" Jessie and James forever." Jessie said.

" Hey, I wonder why it's so unfair, I mean, you didn't grow up with rules for everything, while I've been living my entire life with rules for everything." James said.

" I don't have a freakin' clue!" Jessie said.

" Y-you said freakin'!" James said.

" So?"

" My mom would kill me if I said a word like that!" James said.

" My mom don't even notice." Jessie said.

" Weird! If mom found out you would'nt be here much longer." James said.

" You mean it's even rules for swearing in you'r house?" Jessie was almost speechless.

" Yep." James said.

Then they heared Miyamoto's voice: " James! Jessie! It's dinner time!"

" Coming!" they shouted back and climbed back down from the tree again.

Then they ran over to Miyamoto and they all walked inside the house.

They met Mr. Gregory in the hall.¨

" Ah. You must be the new nanny." he said to Miyamoto.

" Yes, sir." she said.

" And who is this young lady?" he asked looking at Jessie.

" That's my daughter Jessie." Miyamoto said.

" What a charming kid, nice to meet you Jessie." he said. ( He didn't sound very convincing though.)

" You and you'r daughter can sit down in the kitchen, along with Hopkins and the rest of the servants." Mr. Gregory said.

" But dad! Do they have to sit in the kitchen?`Can't they sit with us?" James asked.

" No, you know very well James, that a nanny is just like any other servant and that all the servants sit in the kitchen. It's improper to have the servants at you're dinner table." Mr. Gregory said to his son.

" But....Theire not servants! Miyamoto is my nanny and friend and Jessie is my bestfriend!!!" James said.

" James, listen to you'r dad." Miyamoto said.

" Yeah, we'll be OK." Jessie said.

" Ok, if oyu say it......" James said.

" Now, thats my boy, sit down next to Jessibelle and eat you'r dinner." Mrs. Gregory said.

James scowled at Jessibelle and stuck his tongue out at her.

She just smiled her usual smile, the smile he hated, and the smile that made his parents melt totally.

After dinner James and Jessie could play again.

They walked outside.

" Mom, can we borrow you'r poke'mon to play with?" Jessie asked.

" well, I don't think it's safe to let you play with Gyarados and Kabutops. But feel free to play with Dratini" Miyamoto said.

They took the pokeball and sendt Dratini out, sat down on the lawn in fromt of Miyamoto.

" Hey, why aren't my mom and I allawed to sit with you?" Jessie asked.

" It's that stupid rule I guess." James said.

" What rule?" Jessie asked.

" The rule that says that only 'important' persons and family get to sit at the table with us." James said.

" Important persons?" Jessie said.

" Im not sure who they are, but mostly it's boring people who doesn't have a sense of humor at all, most of them hates children, and some of them are people who writes poetry, and they starts reading it so i'll almost fall asleep." James said.

" Wow! I'm glad we don't have rules like that back home!" Jessie said.

" Jessie dear, remember we don't come from a rich family like this. Our home is completely different." Miyamoto said, looking up from her book.

" Oh, that's right. Sorry." Jessie said.

" Were do you come from Jess?" James asked.

" I'll tell you later, it's really not important." Jessie said.

Just when James was about to ask why she didn't want to tell he heared Jessibelle yell from her room; " James! You'r mother told me to tell you that you're going to come in and play with me, Oddish and the dolls.Right now!"

" I guess i'll have to go....." James said.

" Yes, I guess so. See you later." she said.

When James' ran in to get tortured....erm...I mean PLAY with Jessibelle.

Jessie said to Growly: " I hardly met her, and I already hate her! "

" Grrroww! Awwlithe!"

" You don't like her either Growly, do you?" she asked.

" Grroww!!" he growled.

For the next few weeks Jessie and James made a real strong friendship.

Miyamoto even took them into town and bought friendship bracelets for them; James' was a red dolphin who said; "best", and Jessie had a ble one who said "friends".

They picked the color. They picked them out themselves, Jessie had chosen blue because of James' hair and vice versa.

They hardly never took them off, and when they did, they quickly put them on again. And when Miyamoto knew that James' parents wasn't at home she even let James and Jessie bathe together in the hottub, they played with rubber duckies and little boats, but their favorite game was to splash each other down with water.

But one day while Jessie and James were playing with Growly, Miyamoto came running into James' room.

" Jessie! Jessie, I have some awful news! And I know this will break you'r heart. But....Madam Boss just called me, we gotta get back to the headquarters.

We're leaving to morrow. So be prepared." she said.

Jessie and James were stunned.

" NOOOO!!" they both shouted in unison.( they even did that back then! ^__~)

" I'm really sorry. But, remember, you still have one more day with each other." Miyamoto said.

Jessie looked at James with tears in her eyes when Miyamoto walked out of the room.

He had never seen her cry before. She hadn't even looked like she was going to cry, not once, not even when she fell down from the stears a few days ago.

And now she stood there, with big blue, tearfilled eyes looking into James' emerald green eyes.

" Now that i'm leaving anyway i'd might as well tell you were i'm from." Jessie said.

" That's fine by me." James said.

" Ok, you see....My mom is a top agent in the big crimeorganissasion Team Rocket.

We don't have much moeny, and that's why mom took the job as you'r nanny. But now mom's boss called her, she probably gotta leave for a mission again, it happens all the time. So I gotta go back to the head quarters again, to start with my training, i'm going to follow her footsteps and grow up to be a Team Rocket agent." Jessie said.

" Wow! And I though I had a hard life!! I wish I could come with you." James said.¨They sat down at the bed, then all of the sudden Jessie's face lit up; " Hey! You actually can!"

" I do?" James was confused.

" Well not exacly right now, but Team Rocket starts taking agents form the ages fiftheen and up. Unless you are born at the HQ like me. But you can join in when you turn fiftheen! And then we'll meet each other again. I'll write you a letter when you can meet me, and join up." Jessie said.

" Hey! It sounds like a great idea!" James smiled." I'ts an awfully long time, but we'll get to see each other again."

" Does that mean we have a deal?" Jessie asked.

" It's a deal bestfriend...." James said.

" Yep, it's a deal bestfriend!" Jessie said.

The next day:

Jessie and Miyamoto was standing by the huge manison gate, ready to take goodbye.

James and Jessie just looked at each other.

" Do you have the adress Jess?" James asked.

" Yep! Right here in my pocket." she said.

" You won't ever forget me, will you?"

" No never! And no matter what happens i'll alaways have this." Jessie said, clutching the bracelet.

" I won't forget you neither Jessie. Not ever!" James said, a single tear ran down his face, Miyamoto wiped it away from his cheek.

" It was nice to meet you James." she said. " You're a great boy. I'll miss you."

" I'll miss you too, and i'm very happy I got to know you." James said.

" Come on Jessie! We have to go now honey!" Miyamoto said.

" One sec mom!" Jessie said.

" I'll miss you James. And i'll never forget you, never ever ever!" she cried.

" I'll miss you too Jessica." James said.

Then they shared a hug, both with tears flowing down their faces.

" Bye Jessie." James said, and gave her a little red rose.

" Bye James. The rose is beautiful, i'll carry it all the way. Bye." she said, then she bedt down.

" Bye Growly."

¨" Ggggrrrrooowwllliitthe!!" he said.

And then Jessie walked after her mom.

" Bye James!!" she shouted at him.

" Bye Jessie!" he shouted back, and they both waved until they couldn't see eachother anymore.

And then James looked down at a picture of Jessie whispering; " Bye Jess, i'll miss you." And at the exact same time Jessie looked down at a picture of James, whispering: " Bye Jimmy, i'll never forget you." and then a tear fell from her face and onto the picture.

~~Nine years later:~~ Fifthteen year old James ran down the stears, and into the dining room.

" James, it's a letter for you here." Mr. Gregory said.

" Can it be....?" he thought as he took the envelope out of his dads hands.

He was about to open it when Mrs.Gregory said: " James dear, eat your breakfast first, and then you can look at the letter."

James mumbeled something, but ate his breakfast, then he went up to his room,

he laid dow at the bed and opened the envelope, he took out the letter and read it.

Dear James.

Do you remember me?

I sure remember you.

It's me, Jessie. It's tiem now.

TRHQ is taking in new member iun three weeks,

ïf you still want to join.

If you do, meet me in a city called

Sunnytown. You'll get to a big bridge,

there you'll meet a bikegang.

They'll most likely try to stop you.

But if oyu just tell them, you're a friend of

Jessie, they'll show you the way.

I hope you can make it!

By the way, happy birth day, and with that

I mean all the birthdays

you've had, that i've missed over theese years.

Hope to see you soon.

With love

~~~~Jessie~~~~ " I can't belive she still remember me!" James said, then he read the letter again.

" Sunnytown." he whispered. " It won't be long and i'll see her again."

He ran downstairs, out of the house and into Growly's doghouse, he just had to share this with someone.

" GROWLY!!!" he shouted and Growly came running down.

James brought him into the livingroom of the dog house.

" Guess who this letter is from Growly." James said holding it in front of Growly's face. " Grrrow....Growlithe....Grow?!!" ( can't be....JESSIE?!!)

" It's from Jessie." James said.

And then Growly started to act crazy, he ran around barking and then he jumped up and down in the couch for ten minutes, and finally he calmed down, walked over to James ad likced hi face.

" I'ts time Growly. I'll leave tonight." James said.

" Grrooww." ( I'll come with you.)

" You'll have to stay here buddy. My parents need someone to take care of the property.I'm sorry Growly." he said, stroking Growly's back.

" Grrooww, Growlithe." Growly said. ( I understand you. But i'll miss you.)

" I'll miss you Growly, but we still have this one day toghether and we'll just have to try to get the best out of it."

" Rrrowwlithe!" (I agree!)

The rest of the day James and Growly was inseperable, they went wimming in the lake on the property, they played with a frisbee,played fetch, and just sat together under the big trees, James petting Growly.

And then the night came, James pretended to be asleep, but both he and Growly was wide awake. When the clock had snailed down to 2.30 James jumped out of bed.

He'd packed the night before and he already was dressed.

" Well, I guess this is it Growly." James said.

" Arf." ( yep, I guess so...)

" Walk me out, will you?" James asked.

" Groww! Growlthe, growlithe grow!" ( Sure, anything for you!) Growly said, and then they snook down stairs.

When they got outside and reeched the gate James bendt down, gave Growly a picture of himself. " Don't ever forget me." he said.

" Groww." (I won't! i promise.)

" So I guess this is goodbye...." James said.

" Growlithe...." (I guess so....)

" Good bye." James said, kissed Growly's nose, turned away and started walking.

"Grow." ( Bye.)

" I'll miss you Growly....Good bye!" James said, tears flowed down his face, as he walked away from the huge manison.

Growly lifted his head to the sky and howled; " GRRROOOOWWWLIIITHEEE!"

( I'll miss you too buddy!!)

James walked all night and when he figured out he was so far away that it was no way his parents could find him, he decided to take a break. He stoppet at a coffe'shop and bought some food and a soda.

Then he looked at the town, it was a nice little city, eventhough he had no idea' what it was called. Across the street it was a store that sold pokemon, James decided to buy Jessie a present, so he walked in.

The girl behind the counter looked at him, then she said: " May I help you?"

" Yeah, I'm looking for a present for my friend, but I don't have much money. Do you have any cheap pokemon?" James said.

" Well, we do have this Ekans." the girl said.

" She'll absolutely love that one. How much?" James asked.

" Well, we've tried to get it sold for quite a while now, so I'll let you have it for ten bucks." she said.

" Great!" James exclaimed, he payed for Ekans and walked out of the store.

"She'll love Ekans." he thought as he walked trough town, with Ekans' pokeball in his backpack.

He walked for two more days, and then he finnally got to Sunnytown.

He walked through it and just as Jessie wrote in her letter, he came to a bridge.

And just as she said, he got stopped by a bikegang.

A boy named Chopper walked over to James and said: " So, what are you doing here you little creep? Don't you know that this is the Sunnytown bridge bikegangs territory?"

James swallowed. " but....I'm a friend of Jessie."

" Jessie? Why didn't you say anything before?" a girl called Tyra asked.

" Erm...." James was confused.

" Come on, just follow us and we'll show you were she stays." Chopper said.

Suddenly the whole gang was acting very nice to James, and just a few seconds ago it had seemed as if they wanted to kill him.....or at least beat him up.

Chopper, Tyra and the rest of the gang walked him into the building where the bikegang usually stayed. " Now, if you just walk up those stears, Jessie's room is the first one to the left. K'?" Chopper said.

" Allright." James said. " Thanks for your help." James said.

" Like Jessie says: Nemo problemo!" Chopper smiled.

James went up the stears and quietly opened the door to the first room at the left.

He looked around in the room, it was a small table next to the bed. And on top of the table, it was a small gold-painted frame, with roses on, who contained a picture of him.

Then he looked towards the window and saw a girl, she stood with her back against him.

And she had her long red hair tied up in a ponytail.

"Jessie?" he asked carefully.

She turned around and just looked at him.

Then she said: "James? Oh, my god!James!"

They ran towards each other, and shared a hug, and all of the sudden the air was filled with:" I've missed you so much!"" I can't belive it's you!" "And I knew you would come!"

James and Jessie separated from the hug, then they just stood there looking at each other.

James suddenly remembered something and shoved her his hand.

" Oh my god! You still have the bracelet?" Jessie looked at him.

" Of course, i've been wearing it every day." James said.

" Me too." Jessie shoved him her arm.

" Like we said nine yeas ago..." James started.

".....Just as we promised...." Jessie continued.

And then they said in unison: " Best friends forever!"

And then they hugged again.

And just as they were in the middle of the hug Tyra came in.

" Ooops! I'm sorry! Am I interupting something?" she said.

" No, not at all. It's OK." Jessie said, pulling away from James.

" I'm really sorry, I was just going to tell you that it's time for dinner." Tyra said.

" Nemo Problemo, we'll be with you in a few minutes." Jessie said.

" Ok. I'll go down stairs and wait for you then." Tyra said.

Jame and Jessie came down a few minutes later.

And sat down at the huge table. next to Tyra.

after a while Tyra asked Jessie: " So are you two"

"No! I think you got it wrong. You see...James and I are best friends. My mom was his nanny when we were kids, and we became bestfriends back then, and now he's here to join Tr along with me." Jessie said.

" Oh, I see."Tyra said.

After dinner they walked outside and stood on the bridge watching the sea.

"It's nice to be with you again James." Jessie said.

" It's nice to see you again too. I didn't think you still remembered me." James said.

" I could never forget you James!And besides, I promised you that i'd never forget you. Remember?"

" I guess you're right." James said, and then he remembered something.

" I've got a present for you." he said.

" A present? For me?" Jessie was stunned.

" Yep, I just wanted to give you something." James said and gave her a tiny box.

Jessie opened it and looked at the red and white pokeball, that lay inside it.

" Oh James! You got me a pokemon?" Jessie said.

"Yeah, open it!" James said.

" Come out whoever you are!" Jessie said throwing the pokeball.

Ekans appeared and cried out its name: " Ekansss!"

" Oh James! It's really cute! I love it already!" Jessie said. And gave Ekans a big hug.

" I knew you would like it!" James said smiling.

" Like it? I LOVE IT!" Jessie said, petting Ekans.

" Besides, I've got something for you too James...."

" F-f-for me?" James said.

" Yeah, I felt like I had to get you something, I guess you could call it a birthday present,after all you've just turned fiftheen." Jessie said, handing him a box.

James opened it, and guess what he found inside? A pokeball.

" Jessie! You got me a pokemon too?!" James exclaimed.

" Yes, I sure did! Go ahead! Let him out already!" Jessie said.

"Ok. Pokemon. Come out!" James said and threw the pokeball.

" Koffing!" the pokemon said as he appeared.

" Oh! A Koffing! I'vbe always wanted one of those!" James said, smiling at his friend.

" That's what I thought." Jessie said.

" But, how could you know?" James asked.

" Intuitive." she replied.

" Cool, long have you been in this gang?" James said.

" A few months, I guess." Jessie said. " But I won't be here much longer. Soon I'm following my moms footsteps as a Team Rocket agent."

" Jessie?"

" Yes?"

" What are your mother doing right now? Is she back at the HQ?" James asked.

" She is......she's gone.....remember the mission she was sendt out on, when we had to leave you and your family?" Jessie said.

" Yes...."

" Well, her boss sendt her out to the Andes to find Mew. But there was an avalanche and...I never saw her again......" Jessie bursted out in tears.

" Oh, Jess.....I'm so sorry I brought it up....." James said.

" Don't apologize James. Why should you? When you didn't know about it." Jessie said.

" Because." he said wiping away a tear from her face with his tumb. " Because I hate seing my bestfriend crying, knowing that something I said caused you to."

" Thats really sweet of you James. But you'd probably figured it out anyway." Jessie said. She didn't seem that sad anymore.

" I know you miss her, and I do to. She was a really nice person." James said.

" She was, wasn't she." Jessie said. " But now that you're here with me and I have Ekans i'm not that sad anymore. Cuz now i'm not alone anymore."

" Thanks Jessie." James said.

" Luv ya." Jessie said, hugging James.

" Luv ya too Jess." James said, hugging her back.

For the next few weeks James became accepted as a member of the bikegang too.

He and Jessie had nicknames: Jessie was called "chainerJess" because she swung a chain over her head while riding her bike. And James was called " Training Jim" because he was the only member of the gang who had to use trainingwheels on his bike. After all his parents never gave him a bike.

They had a lot of fun in that gang, and it turned out Ekans loved being curled around Jessie's neck while she rode her bike.

And their friendship got stronger over the next weeks too.

But they both discovered something about the other. Jessie found out that James had grown into a extremely handsome teenageboy over the years.

And James found out that Jessie had over the years grown into an extremely beautiful young girl. You could say they both were about to fall in love, it was just that, both thought the other one didn't feel the same way. But that was completely wrong.

And it appeared a sexual tension between them, the kind of tension who alway appeares when a boy and a girl who like each other spends so much time together as the two of them did.

But they were still the best friends on earth though.

And each day they had fun with the gang, and learned something

new about each other all the time.

But one day the fun had to end, James and Jessie had to leave for TR.

Jessie and James woke up early that day.

They dressed and walked down into the kitchen, some of the other gang members were up, eating breakfast too and Jessie and James decided to join them.

" So this is the last day you two are here?" a boy asked.

" Yep Tommy. After today we're outta here!" Jessie said, smiling.

" We'll miss you guys." another boy said.

" Don't worry Jack. We'll stop by nad visit you some time. I promise." Jessie said.

" But still, it wont be the same...." a young girl with and pink striped hair said.

" Hey, don't be sad Amber. Like Jessie said, we'll be back." James said.

They sat down,ate breakfast and talked with the others about how much fun they'd been having. After the breakfast they went outside, and sat on the reiling of the bridge, like they'd been doing for about every night while they had been in the gang.

They looked at the sea and Jessie said: " Well, it's kinda sad, to leave this place."

" Yeah, i'll miss to come up here at night, watching the lights from town. Watching the sea, and just to sit here, talking to you...." James said.

" I know, i'll miss all of this too. But this time, we'll not miss each other. Cuz, we'll always be together. " Jessie said.

" Unlike the last time. When you had to leave. This time we're leaving together." James finished.

They sat there for a couple of hours, then Jessie said: " I guess it's time. Lets go get our stuff, and then leave."

So they went inside, packed their things, and then it was time to say goodbye to every member of the gang.

They had all gathered on the bridge. And everyone was pretty sad about J & J leaving.

" We'll miss you Chainer Jess. And of course you too Trainer Jim." Chopper said.

" Take care of you're selves guys. And come visit us at any time." Tyra smiled.

" We will. And some day, when you don't expect it, we'll drop by." Jessie said.

" Well, we'd better get going, don't you think James?"

" Guess so." James replied.

They said goodbye to the entire gang and to the gangs maskot, the Ninetales named Punk.

And then they were off. They walked trough Sunnytown and stopped at a coffe' shop. Bought food and something to drink and sstarted walking again.

When the night came they arrived in a forest andspent the night there.

And the next morning they decided to take a swim in a lake that was only a few feet away from their sleeping bags.

" Come on James! Lets take a swim!" Jessie shouted.

" But Jessie....We don't have any bading suits!" James whined.

" So? When we were kids we always bathed together, bading suits or not. Just because we have grown older, don't mean we have to change that. So come on!" Jessie said.

" Well, I guess you're right. Lets do it!" James said.

James turned away while Jessie got undressed and got in hte water, and she turned away while he got undressed and go into the lake.

They just swam around for a while, and then James said: " Hey Jess! I remembered something we used to do when we were kids!"

" What?" she asked.

" This!" he said, and endt a huge wave of water over her.

" Oh! You are SO gonna regret that!" she shouted, pretending to be angry, but she had said it in a playful voice.

" Yeah right!" James shouted back. he didn't get any time to say anything more before he almost drowned, Jessie's revenge was a fact, she has made a wave just as big as the one James had made.

They continued splashing each other down for quite a while, and they wasn't even embarrased about being naked aound each other anymore.

But they had to get going so they'd arrive at the HQ in time.

So they got dressed, packed together the camping stuff and started their trip again.

For days they walked and finally they arrived in Viridian city.

" The HQ is in the outskirt of the city, so we'll be there in about two or three hours." Jessie said.

" Ok, fine. But can we eat first please??!!" James said.

Jessie couldn't help but laugh, every time they had reahced a city James had started whining about being hungry.

" sure." she giggled.

They decided to eat pizza, so they went into a restaurant.

And then they took a walk around in the city park, just to let Ekans and Koffing out of their pokeballs for a while.

Then they went to the TRHQ.

They arrived after a few hours and stopped next to a huge black gate.

" Well. Here we are." Jessie said.

" Welcome to my home."

James looked at the gate, then he followed Jessie inside.

" We must go see the boss first." Jessie said. " It's Giovanni who's the boss now, he's the son of Madame Boss, you know the former boss of the team, who sendt my mom to the Andes."

" Do you know him?" James asked.

" In a way, yeah. We grew up together, well, sorta. He's older than me, but I remember following him every where. He got pretty tired of me sometimes." Jessie smiled as memories from TR came into her head. She truly loved being back.

" Sounds like you had fun growing up here?" James said.

" Yep, some people says it must be terrible, after all TR IS a crime organisasion, but almost everyone here was nice to me, after all i'm the daughter of TR agent #1! And everyone loves their home right? well, this is my home and I love it!" Jessie said, leading James through training ields, labs and cabins.

Then they reached a building. " The boss' office is in here." Jessie explained.

They walked in and over to a girl in a black leather jacket, and matching skirt and boots.

She sat in a chair behind her desk, reading a magazine.

" Who's that?" James asked.

" Thats Flame, the boss' secretary." Jessie told him.

" What do you want kids?" Flame asked them.

" We want to see the boss." Jessie told her.

" Hold on for a sec, i'll call him up." Flame said, pressing a button on her desk.

" Hi Sir. Its a couple of teenagers here, they say the wants to see you."

" send them in."

"Ok, sir!" she took her finger of the button. " Just walk inside that door right there." Flame said.

" Thanks for your help Flame." Jessie said.

" Anytime!" Flame said and went back to her magazine.

They opened the door and came inside a dark office.

They saw a chair who was turned with its back against them.

The chair turned around and they saw a tall man, they could hardly see his face, cuz it was covered with a dark shadow. A Meowth sat in his lap.

" Ah, you must be some of the new members?" the boss asked.

Jessie and James nodded.

" What's your names?"

" I'm Jessie and thats James." Jessie said.

" Ok. I'll sign you up, do you want to go solo, should I pair you up with someone or do you want to be a team just the two of you?" The boss asked.

" We'll be a team, just the two of us." they said in unison.

" Alright then." The boss said. " Now I just need to know where you came from."

" I came from a town not so far away from grandpa canyon." James said.

" I came from here." Jessie said. " I was born here, trained here and raised here."

" Wait a minute! You can't be......Lil' Jessica??!" the boss exclaimed.

" Yup! That's me!" Jessie smiled.

" Wow! You've really grown! The last time I saw you, you were this tiny little brat, no offense, and now you are a beautiful young woman!"

" I know." she said.

" well, eventhough we know eachother well Jessie, I won't give you guys special treatment. You'll get treated like the rest of the members....If you are good agents I treat you well, if you are medium i'll treat you medium and if you stink.....well....You get it right?" he said.

" Yes Sir!" Jessie and James nodded.

" You can stay in the cabin that you and your mom, lived in when you were here before. You don't mind do you?" The boss said.

" No, Sir." Jessie and James shook their heads.

" Good! You're dismissed."

Jessie and James walked out of the building and through all the training fields, and over to the cabin.

" You go in first James." Jessie said.

" Ok." They walked in, James first.

" It's only one bed here.....I guess we'll have to share don't mind do you?" Jessie asked.

" N-n-n-no...not at all...." James managed to say.

" Ok,good. I want the left side!" Jessie said, puting her backpack on the bed.

They used most of the day walking around, Jessie told James about the different members, fields and so on. She introduced him to the mascot, a Umbreon named Nicki.

" Hi Nicki!" Jessie exclaimed and hugged him.

" UMBRE!!!" (Jessie!!!)

" Well look at that! He remembers me!" she said.

" Of course he does! No one can forget you Jess." James said.

Jessie blushed. " Thanx James. Oh Nicky. This is James, my bestfriend. Say hello to him!" Jessie said, letting Nicki down.

" Umbre! Umbreon!" ( Hi! Nice to meet you!)

" Hi Nicki!" James said, before Nicki jumped up in his arms so he fell backwards.

Both Jessie and James laughed.

Then they sat inside the cabin, watching Tv, eating pizza and were just having fun.

Then they went to bed.

The next day they heared Flames voice through the speakers:

" Will the agents Jessie and James please report to the boss' office on the spot?"

" I wonder what he want's us for." James said.

" Me too. Lets run over there to see what he wants us to do." Jessie said and dragged him along with her.

They went to see the boss.

They walked over to the office building and knocked the door to his office.

" Come in!" they heared him from the inside.

They walked in.

" You wanted to see us boss." James said.

" Yes I did, sit down please." the boss said.

They sat down.

" I just wanted to give you this box." the boss said, and pointed to a box next to his desk.

" In this box it's everything you guys need as TR members. It's your uniforms, pokeballs, handbook and so on."

" Thank you sir." they said.

" And I want you to take care of Meowth for me." the boss said.

" What! Ya want em' ta take ova me-owth?!" the Meowth exclaimed.

" I didn't say I was going to give you away Meowth. I just want them to look after you for a while." the boss said.

"Oh." Meowth said.

" You don't mind watching Meowth do you?" the boss asked them.

" no, not at all." James said.

" Good."

" Um boss....can I ask you a question?" Jessie said.

" Go ahead Jessie."

" Why do this Meowth talk?"

" I don't know. He already knew how to talk when I got him." the boss said.

" Ya got a problem wit dat?" Meowth said.

" No, I just wondered why you talked, i've never een a talking Meowth before." Jessie said.

" Well. I'm not like other Meowths." Meowth snapped.

" We've noticed that." James said.

" Looks like you are getting well along." the boss said. " You're dismissed."

When James, Jessie and Meowth who sat on James head, had walked out of the boss' office he thought: " I finally got rid of that cat and it's big mouth!"

Then he pressed the button on his desk: " Flame?"

" Yes boss?" Flame asked through the speaker on his desk.

" Send in my new Persian please." he said.

"Ok boss." Flame said.

A few months later Jessie,James and Meowth sat in a cabin out in the forest of Viridian. When the video phone rang: " Ringringring Phone call! Phonecall! Ringringring! Phonecall! Phonecall!"

"Hello?" Jessie said as she answered.

"Oh Hiboss! We're fine thank you. problem...a kid? sure!

Ok, goodbye!" and then she hung up.

" What did the boss want Jess?" James asked.

" We've just gotten an assignment!" Jessie said.

" Wadda we gonna do eh?" Meowth asked.

" We're justgonna steal some kid named Ash Ketchum's Pikachu." Jessie said.

" That'¨s all?" Meowth asked.

" Yup!"

" You think we can do it" James asked.

" Of course we can do it! I it's just a KID! How hard can it be?"

" You're right Jess!" James said.

" Of course I'm right! I'm always right! That kid really should: PREPARE FOR TROUBLE!"

The End!

Disclaimer: I don't own TR (I wish!) they belong to Satoshi Tajiri, yatta yatta yatta....

And I don't own Flame either, she is the property of well, Flame.....

Authors note: I don't know if James' real lastname is Gregory.

But i've read other fanfics were the uthor has used Gregory. And if the person who used it first read this and gets angry at me for using Gregoy as James' lastname please e-mail me and tell me and i'll change it. Also i'd like to say that I know that Jessie's mother wasn't really James' nanny, and I left pokemon tech out, because it didn't fit in my script.

But I kinda like the story this way.

Got any comments, suggestions or flames? E-mail me and tell me about it at: