Opinions 2

by CorgiGirl88

TV Announcer: Hi, and welcome to the Opinions show!! Here's your hostess, Ria!!
Ria: :: walks out from behind stage :: Hey, people!!
Audience: :: begins chanting :: Ria!! Ria!! Ria!!
Ria: :::::waves her hands::::: No, no, no, don't do that!!! Jerry already threatened to sue me once before, I don't need it again!
Audience: :::laughs:::
Ria: Uh, that wasn't a joke. I was serious....but anyways, I'm your host, Ria! But, I guess you already knew that, so let's get this show on the road! Today, we're not gonna ask opinions of the guests on the show. Today's topic is, ' Don't quit your dayjob!'. Kind of like a talk show instead. No, wait,:::scratches head in confusion::: this is already a talk show...um, I'm confused now. Anyways....... Today, we have two guests on the show first, who are both members of Team Rocket. Now, we'll bring out Cassidy and Butch. They've both been here before.......I remember all to well. I don't know why I invited them back. Maybe it's 'cause they're friends of mine....but they can get a little short-tempered....but they are my friends...and the ratings went up after that show.....nevermind. Cassidy, Butch, come on out!
Cassidy and Butch: :: walk out on stage and Cassidy waves to the audience. then they both sit down on a sofa across from Ria, who is sitting in a chair. Raticate curls up beside the sofa. ::
Audience: :: claps ::
Ria: Hi, you guys.
Raticate: Rat Rat. Raticate.
Cassidy: Hi.
Butch: :::very energetically::: Hello!
Ria: I hope we have a better ending on the show than last time....:::::she looks at Butch::::
Butch: ::::grins evilly, and points to pocket, where gun is, just in case::::
Ria: :::is now slightly worried:::.......uh, anyways....can you guys tell me about your job?
Butch: What job?
Ria: The job you do everyday.
Butch: Which would be?
Ria: Uh, you guys ARE members of Team Rocket, right?
Butch: ::::sarcastically:::: No, this stupid R is just a fashion statement.
Audience: :::laughs:::
Ria: Then tell me about your job.
Butch: Why? Is it any of your business?
Ria: THAT'S the reason you came on my SHOW today, Einstein.
Butch: I thought my name was Butch.
Audience: :::laughs again:::
Ria: It is, I was being sarcastic.
Director: ::::from behind stage:::: Psst!! Ria!! You're eating up time!!
Ria: :::whispers back::: Sorry! :::back to Butch and Cassidy::: So, Cassidy, can YOU tell me about your job. ::::she glares at Butch:::::
Cassidy: Well, what do you want to know?
Ria: I don't know.....uh, tell me. What's the oddest task you and Butch have EVER had to do in your line of work?
Butch: ::::he raises his hand energetically and waves it around enthusiastically:::: Ooh!! Me, me, pick me!!! I know, call on me!!!!!!!!
Ria: :::to Cassidy::: Why's he so hyped up today?
Cassidy: Well, we went to a party before we came here, and they had a huge plate of chocolate cookies there. Butch ate the whole thing before anyone else got even 1.
Ria: Oh.
Butch: :::still waving his hand::: I wanna say it!!! Pick me!!!
Audience: :::laughing:::
Ria: Er.......ok, Butch.
Butch: Well, see, one time, the Boss was mad at me and Cassidy, cause we were in jail, so what he made us do, he had 52 cans of Tomato soup, and he wanted to get rid of 'em, and he wanted to punish me and Cassie, so what he did, was he made us eat ALL 52 CANS of Tomato soup.
Cassidy: :::sighs::: Don't remind me.
Ria: Whoa, 52 cans at once?
Butch and Cassidy: Yep.
Ria: Wow. So I have another question. Do you guys get to travel alot on this job?
Cassidy: You wouldn't BELIEVE some of the places we go.
Butch: Yeah, and all the junk we eat!! Brownies, and cookies, and eclairs, and ::::he keeps naming lots of things, and they're all chocolate::::
Cassidy: Butch, dear, I think we get the point.
Butch: I'm a deer? But I don't wanna be a Stantler!!! I wanna be an Arcanine.
Ria: Cool. I like hyper Butch. He's A LOT more fun that regular Butch!
Cassidy: This is just hyper Butch. You should see SUPER hyper Butch.
Audience: :::laughs:::
Butch: Wait, if I'm a Stantler, then where's my antlers? I want some antlers, Cassie!!
Cassidy: No, I didn't mean D-E-E-R. I ment D-E-A-R.
Butch: Oh, DEAR like as in I'm a dear friend.
Cassidy: Exactly!
Butch: I'm touched. ::::sniffles::::
Raticate: :::rolls it's eyes::: Cate rat raticate.
Ria: I've got one last question before we bring out our next three guests. Do you two have fun being Pokemon theives?
Cassidy: Well, sometimes.....but then sometimes not.
Butch: Heck yeah!! You should see the looks on those weird little kids faces whenever we take their pokemon and their money and their backpacks and their :::he goes on and on:::
Cassidy: Here we go again. See,:::she explains to Ria and everyone else:::, Regular Butch wouldn't say that. Regular Butch would have the same answer as me. Whatever Hyper Butch says is mostly caffine talking.
Butch: I wonder what would happen if I took some pep pills....
Ria: Heaven forbid THAT should happen. Anyways, now it's time to bring out Jesse, James, and Mondo. Come on out you guys!
:::::Jesse, James, and Mondo walk out, followed by Meowth, and sit down in chairs between Ria and the sofa B&C are sitting on:::::
James: :::pouts::: I wanted the couch!
Butch: Too BAD!!!! ::::sticks tongue out at James::::
James: :::sticks tongue out back at him:::
Jesse: Don't stoop to his level, James.
Cassidy: Go ahead James. If you go to Butch's level, you'll have gone up at least 15 from where you and Jesse were.
Jesse: HEY!!!
Ria: Oh, boy. Anyways, Jesse, James, Mondo, Meowth. Can you guys tell me a little about yourselfs and your job.
Mondo: Oh, I can do this! ::::he stands up:::: I'm Mondo, and I'm fourteen, and I'm a pokemon theif!
Audience and Butch(since he's still real hyper): Hi Mondo!!
Mondo: :::waves happily to the crowd and Butch::: Hi ya'll!!
Cassidy: ::::sweatdrops:::: I should've called in and said we couldn't make it....
Ria: :::::sweatdrops::::: Not exactly what I had in mind, but I guess that's good enough. Jesse? James?
Jesse: I'm Jesse, this is Meowth :::she points to Meowth and he waves:::
Meowth: I'm da top cat around here!
Raticate: Rat rat raticate rat rat. ( Best if you don't know what he said, this is supposed to be rated PG-13)
Cassidy: Raticate!! What did I tell you about talking that way?!
Butch: ::::: is sniggering :::::
Meowth: :::to Raticate::: HEY!!! DITTO TA YOU, PAL!!
Jesse: ::::rolls her eyes::::and this is James ::::she points to James::::
James: I like donuts.
Audience: Hi James!
Butch: Hi, Looney Bird!!
James: :::whines::: I am not a looney bird!

Butch: Yes you are. Remember that Moltres outfit?
Cassidy: That sickly revealing Moltres outfit? Of course, I'm sure it's nothing Jesse hasn't seen before.
Jesse: ::::blushes:::: How dare you?!
Raticate: ::::starts laughing:::: Rat raticate cate ratta ratta cate raticate! ( Meaning: It's nothing you haven't seen on Butch before, either. I know what you were doing last night. Haha!)
Meowth: ::::starts laughing at raticate's comment:::: Hahahaha!!!
Cassidy: ::::blushes violently:::: How d'you know about that, Raticate?!
Butch: ::::is serious for a moment, and also blushing violently:::: We locked the bedroom door!!
Raticate: ::::grins:::: Rat raticate raticate cate ratta cate cate rat- ( Meaning: It's not like I can't hear what you're doing in there. You're both very loud. Especially Cassidy right when Butch-)
Cassidy: ::::clamps her hand over Raticate's mouth:::: Not another word!!
Meowth: I'll bet I know what Ratty here was about ta say! Right when Butch---OUCH!!!
Butch: :::has stepped on Meowth's tail::: Don't say anything else, fleabag!!
Jesse and James: :::::are laughing violently::::::
Ria: ::::sweatdropping:::: Uh, Meowth? Raticate? Maybe it's best you DON'T say anything, because I don't think the audience would like to know the details of Butch and Cassidy's.....um.......nighttime activities.
Audience: Oh yes we would!
Ria: No, way! The show's rated PG-13, not NC-17!!
Audience: ::::chanting:::: Tell us! Tell us! We wanna know the details! Tell us! Tell us! We wanna know the details!
Butch and Cassidy: :::::yelling at the top of their voices::::: NO!!! THAT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!!!!
Jesse and James: TELL US!! TELL US!! WE WANNA KNOW THE DETAILS!!! :::chanting along with the audience:::
Ria: ::::slaps her forehead:::: Alright, that's it, show's OVER!!!! I can't afford to lose anymore money! Cut!!
Director: Hey, that's MY line!!
::::::screen goes black, and the TV announcer guy gives an explanation::::::
TV announcer guy: Hello, today the Opinions show will end early AGAIN, thanks to the Rockets on the show and what they do in their spare time.
Butch: ::::his voice can be heard but he isn't seen (the screen is black, duh)::::: It's Raticate's fault!!!
TV announcer guy: Yeah, whatever. Bye, and be sure to tune into the Opinions show tomorrow!!! Have a nice day!!!

THE END ( until the next sequal)