Picture From the Past

By Crazy4TR112

Part One

Jessie always carried two pictures with her everywhere she went. One picture had her mother, Miyamoto, standing in front of a cherry blossom tree. The cherry blossom tree in front of the cabin they lived in, was very important to Jessie and her mother. Miyamoto had planted it when she became pregant with Jessie, and they had taken care of it ever since. Even after Miyamoto died, Jessie tended to it until she joined Team Rocket.

The other picture had Miyamoto with Jessie on her shoulders. The thing about this picture, was that someone's arm was around Miyamoto's waist. Jessie never knew who it was, because the person's body and face were ripped out of the picture. Jessie never really wondered about it. Until now....


"I wonder why da Boss wants ta see us," Meowth said, as he and Jessie and James walked towards the Boss' office.
"He probaly wants to fire us," James remarked.
"Don't be so negative, James," Jessie told him.
Meowth knocked on the door.
"Come in."
The three of them gulped in unison and walked through the door.

He had his back to them.
"You wanted to see us, Sir?" James asked.
"I have a new job for you three. It is something that will take deep concentration, and serious work. It is valuable to the team and to me. I want you to...."
Jessie, James, and Meowth held their breath.
"..clean my attic."
All three of them fell over.


Meowth grumbled to himself as he cleaned out some boxes. Then something caught his eye.
"Hey yous two! Look at dis! It's a photo album!"
James of course, was over there in a second. Jessie continued with her work.
As James and Meowth continued to laugh, Jessie rolled her eyes.
'Why can't they take our work seriously?' Jessie asked herself.
"Awwww man!" Meowth laughed. "Dis is sweet!"
While Meowth laughed, the way he was shaking the album caused a picture to fall out and land near Jessie.
"You two are so immature. Huh?"
She picked up the picture. Something was strange about it. Besides the fact that it was cut off. The background.....the colors.....
'Could it be......?'
Jessie took out the picture of her and her mother. She slowly brought the two together.
They fit! They matched! Like pieces in a puzzle! Like that song from Grease: "We Go Together". The Boss was the other person in the picture!!
Jessie realized James and Meowth were staring at her. She looked up.
"Jessie, are okay?" James asked.
"I...I'm fine."
She slipped the pictures in her pocket.
"Just fine," She told herself, softly.


Two hours later, Meowth got tired of working.
"Hey guys, why don't we go and get some ice cream or sometin'?"
"That sounds great, Meowth!" James agreed.
"Um..I'll meet you guys there." Jessie said.
"Are you sure, Jess?" James asked.
Jessie flashed him one of her prize-winning smiles that melt his heart.
"Of course. I won't be long." She left the attic.

Jessie walked down the hall, looking at the picture. When she reached the Boss' door, she stopped.
"What is wrong with me? I'm just being silly!"
She turned around.
"There's no way the Boss could be my fa..fa.." She laughed nervously.


James dug his spoon into his ssundae and left it there.
'Jessie never passes up ice cream. What's wrong with her? I don't think Meowth could have done anything. I KNOW I haven't. Right?'
Meowth stopped stuffing his face.
"What's wrong, Jimmy?"
"James, when you don't eat your sundae, sometin' is definitely wrong."
James looked up and found it very hard to lie when looking in his friend's midnight blue eyes.
"Well, I've been thinking, and Jessie's been acting strange. After we saw her looking at that picture, she's been really quiet. Which is very unlike her. And, she passed up ice cream, Meowth! Ice cream! Nobody does that!"
Meowth shrugged.
"Who knows. It's probaly dat time of da month again."
James thought a minute, then nodded.
"You're probaly right. Yet still......"


Jessie crossed her arms as she walked into the Boss' office.
"Have you three finished my attic?"
"No, Sir."
"Then what do you want?!"
Jessie held up the two pictures together.
Giovanni was silent.
"I was afraid of this."
He gestured to a chair.
"I suggest you sit down."
Jessie did so, without question. Giovanni sat down as well.
"Jessie, I am your father."

End of Part One