Picture From the Past

Part Two By Crazy4TR112

*20 years ago*

Giovanni followed his mother, Madame Boss, down the line of new field agents. She stopped at one. She had long purple hair that hung out on each side of her head.
“Name?” Madame Boss asked.
She turned to her.
“Train her. Make her into the best field agent she can be.”
He nodded.
That was the first he met Miyamoto.

Over the months the two started showing interest in each other. Madame Boss noticed and didn’t like it. Her son was too good to be with a field agent. So, she cut all communication between the two. That didn’t stop them.

Giovanni would tell his mother, he was at the diner with some friends, when instead he met Miyamoto at her apartment. Madame Boss became suspicious. She went to the diner one night and found it closed. Outraged, she ran to Miyamoto’s apartment and saw her worst dream come true.

*Six years later*

Miyamoto kissed her daughter.
“Bye, Jessie. I’ll be back soon.”
“Bye, Mommy.”
Giovanni waved as she drove off towards the Andes. He kissed Jessie’s forehead.
“Bye, Darling. Be good for the rocket agent.”
Jessie made a face.
“I’ll try.”
“Love you.”
“Love you, too.”
That was the last time either of them saw Miyamoto.


As Jessie walked towards the ice cream parlor, she decided not to tell James and Meowth that she was the Boss’ daughter. She didn’t want them to feel different about her or treat her differently. She slid into the booth and sat next to James.
“Hey, guys!” She said, happily.
“Hey, Jess,” James said, alittle surprised that she looked so happy.
Meowth gave him a knowing smile.
“Why are you so happy, Jess?” The cat asked.
“You need a reason to be sad. You don’t need a reason to be happy,” She replied, smiling.
Meowth and James exchanged glances.

*The Next Day*

Jessie, James, and Meowth walked into the Boss’ office.
“Da..uh Sir, we finished your atttic.”
No answer.
Jessie’s eyes widened as she took notice of a note on his desk. James picked it up and the three of them looked at it.
It read: Have taken your Boss hostage. If you want him back, bring the girl. You know who you are, Jessica. I’ll be waiting. –Midas
Tears sprung to Jessie’s eyes.
“No..no...not again....” She whispered.
“Why does always happen?!”
James and Meowth looked at her.

End of Part Two