Picture From the Past

Part Four By Crazy4TR112

*Ten Years Ago*

"You wanted to see me, Mother?"
Giovanni stepped into Madame Boss' office.
"Indeed I did. I'm old, Son."
Giovanni noticed her assistant, Midas, snickered at this.
"Son, I'm going to give you a very important job."
Midas looked up.
"You will be the new boss of Team Rocket."
Instantly, Midas lept up.
"Madame, you promised your job to me when you retired! Me!"
Madame Boss nodded.
"I understand, Midas. However I've seen my son progress throughout the years and last year when that wretched Miyamoto died, he's done better than ever."
"Madame, he..he doesn't have the proper training!"
"Then I or Flame will teach him."
Midas knew Giovanni had a daughter, and that Madame Boss didn't know.
"Madame, he has a..."
"It seems, Midas, that you are doubting mother's judgment."
"If you don't believe my son is good enough to be your boss, I don't think you value your job enough."
"Wha..what are you s..ss...saying?"
"You're dismissed, Midas."
Giovanni smirked.
As Midas walked out of the office, he whispered in Giovanni's ear, "You and your daughter...will pay dearly for this."


Midas watched Giovanni struggle against his chains, a smile of amusement on his face.
"I never forget a name, Giovanni," He whispered.

Blaze lit the lantern Meowth held, causing the dark hallway to light up. Blaze led the way, Meowth following, and then James carrying an unconcious Jessie in his arms.
"Where exactly are we going?"
"We're goin' to save the Boss."
James nodded.
"Uh huh. Then what?"
"Then we scram," Meowth replied.

They reached the dungeon five minutes later. Blaze used an ember attack to melt the bars on Giovanni's cell, and Meowth undid his chains. "Thank you, you'll be getting a raise...." Giovanni begun, then noticed Jessie. "What happened to my daughter?!?"
Meowth explained what happened. While Giovanni listened intently, James was thinking.
'Why was it so easy to reach the Boss? This must be some kind of trap.'
"Do any of you know the way out?" Giovanni asked.
"I do," said someone behind them.
Everyone screamed.

Jessie's sapphire eyes opened slowly. As her sight came into focus, she saw she was in some sort of torture chamber. She tried to reach her communicator to call the guys, but found her arms chained to the wall.
"Guys! Blaze! Where are you?!"
"Wouldn't you like to find out where you are first?" Someone asked.
Midas stepped out of the shadows.
"Who are you?"
"Why, I'm just an old friend of your father's. Nothing to worry about, my dear."
He put his hand under her chin. Her eyes narrowed and she kicked him in the stomach. He fell backwards, but quickly got back up.
"You're a tough little spitfire, aren't you?"
He stared into her eyes.
"Well, we'll see how tough you are when I'm through with you."
Jessie's eyes widened as he retrieved a whip from the wall.

End of Part Four