Disclaimer: i don't own pokemon or please let that be you

story: normal type
lyrics: italics

Please Let That Be You

Butch's POV

I wonder down the halls, sleepless. I feel so... up. To many cookies before bed, I guess.

Lost out in the machinery
Lifeless, slow, and cold
Alone at home, alone tonight
Walk around the complex
No visitors, no oxygen
Just me, no movement
Suddenly, I find myself in front of Cassidy's door. As if some unknown force was pulling my hand I knocked, then ran away.

Cassidy's POV

I hear a knock. I hope it's Butch. I need him, cuz i want a friend to talk to. Or kiss. Yup, kiss. Lord I love him. Oh well...

Please let that be you
Knocking on my door so loud just like you do
Bring in a message or two
You know you are my fate and I love you

Butch's POV

Now safe in my room, I wonder why i did that. Do I love Cassidy? Hold on, where the hell did THAT come from?! I see my phone on the desk. I feel that pulling feeling again, and dial Cass's number.

Empty, everything's technical, sterile, and endless
Inside, a malfunction
Observe and obsess

Cass's POV

My phone rings. Butch?

Please let that be you
Ringing my phone right now, like I wish you would do
Call in with some good news
You know you are my fate and I love you

I pick up to hear dial tone. Damn.

Butch's POV

I'm gonna go tell Cassie how I feel. *walks to Cass's room* "Cassidy?" I ask. She calls to me to come in.

Normal POV

"Cassidy, I think I'm in love with you"

"Butch, I know I'm in love with you"

*they kiss*

Both Butch and Cassie's POV

You are my fate and I love you
Stand by my side, always be true
You are my fate and I love you
I'll raise my right hand and swear it's true
You are my fate

Cass's POV

Butch picks me up and sets me on my bed. He snuggles in next to me and starts to sing. His singing voice is nothing like his normal speech, not gruff at all.

Please let that be you
Singing my song so nice sounding like you do
Just humming along to your tune
You know you are my fate and I love you