Chapter 3: It Is Time

Two years later…

“Prepare for trouble!”
“And make that double!”
“To protect the world from devastation!”
“To unite all people within our nation!”
“To denounce the evils of truth and love!”
“To extend our reach to the stars above!”
“Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light!”
“So surrender now or prepare to fight!”
“Syyyyther!” finished off Craig’s pokèmon.

“Not you two again!” shouted an irritated Ash Ketcham in the middle of Blackthorn cities Pokèmon centre.

“Hahaha! It certainly is, now hand over the Pikachu!” shouted Craig.

“How many times to have to tell you?! Your not getting Pikachu!”

“Pika!” the electric type agreed.

Suddenly, one of the many Nurse Joy’s runs out in between the two enemies and spreads her arms out wide.

“Stop it right now! This is a Pokèmon centre for injured pokèmon! Please stop it!”

“Injured pokèmon huh? Well there will defiantly be some of those if you don’t get out of our way.” Craig growled.

Nurse Joy stood her ground.

“*sigh* Syther, slash that pretty face.”

“Syyytherrrr!” it screamed, lunging towards the defenceless Joy.

“Vulpix! Flame Thrower!” came a familiar voice from behind Ash.

Syther turned just in time to see the flames coming towards it. Before it had time to move, it was frazzled, and fell to the floor un-able to battle.

“Thanks Brock.” Ash said turning around to see his friend. But he wasn’t there. Turning back around, Ash finds Brock moving Nurse Joy out of the way of the battle holding her hands lovingly, as usual.

“I couldn’t let that evil man hurt you Nurse Joy, and if you ever need me again, I will always be hear to protect you and help you in any way. In fact, why don’t be talk about my services to you over dinner this evening and…”

“No, I have a better idea, “ said Misty, grabbing Brocks ear, “Let’s talk about how idiotic your getting over dinner instead.”

“Argh! Syther, return!” Craig says, pointing his Pokèball towards his fainted pokèmon. Putting it back on his Pokèbelt, he turns angrily to his partner, “Are you going to do anything except stand there?!” he shouts at her.

Jessie slowly turns towards him and simply replies, “No.”

“N, no?” he asked disbelievingly. An anger mark appears on his forehead as he stares at Jessie.

“When we get out of here I have a mind to use my Syther on you! It might knock some sense back into that puny thing you call a brain!”

He turned back to Ash and pulled out another Pokèball from his belt.

“Go Machamp!”

The Pokèball bounced of the ground and opened up, spouting out the white light forming the shape of the chosen pokèmon.

“Maaachamp!” it proclaimed, thumping its chest with its two pairs of arms.

“Machamp! Use Headbutt!”

Machamp leaned forward and charged at the electric rodent as hard as it could.

“Pikachu, Thunderbolt!”

“Pika!” Pikachu yelled, leaping up into the air. Just before it used its attack, you could make out a simple sentence coming from a defeated Jessie.

“Here we go again.” She sighed, before herself, Craig and Machamp went flying through the top of the pokèmon centre and out of sight.

Meanwhile, back in Sunny Town…

“Everybody get out! There a maniac around here!” a young man screamed as he ran over the bridge followed by hundreds of other people trying to get away from this so called maniac.

“Excellent James, show them what your capable of.”

James’s eyes began to glow white as the hundreds of fleeing townsfolk were lifted off the ground, screaming for help. James moved his hand to the left and everybody floated over the sea.

“Do it.” Giovanni ordered.

James’s eyes stopped glowing and everyone fell straight into the seawater. Giovanni leaned over the side of the bridge and laughed.

“Next time I won’t be so generous when you mess with Team Rocket, next time I’ll get James to finish you all off!”

The frightened humans were frantically swimming to the shore and running in the opposite direction to James and Giovanni.

“Hey little Jim, what are ya doing?”

Both James and Giovanni turned around to see a young man and woman on two bikes. There were James’s old friends, Tyler and Chopper.

“Hmm, seems these two know you James.”

“James what’s wrong with you?” asked Chopper, looking into James’ icy blue eyes.

James did not answer. He stood staring at his two old friends. Giovanni nodded to him and James’s eye began to glow again, lifting the bikers off their bikes and into the air.

“Jeez! James! Stop it!” Tyler cried, turning to Chopper, “I dunno how but he’s using psychic moves, try using ya Gastly.”


Chopper reached for his Pokèbelt and through a Pokèball down to the ground.

“Gasssstly!” hollered the Ghost pokèmon.

Suddenly, something clicked inside Chopper, “Hang on, I ain’t gonna use a pokèmon against Little Jim.”

“Just do it!” screamed Tyler, not from anger, but for that fact she was scared of her old friend.

“Gastly! Try using Night Shade!”

Gastly shook for a moment before sending its attack straight towards James. The purple Night Shade engulfed him, covering every inch of him. Giovanni just smiled and waited. Suddenly, the Night Shade was sent flying upwards and away as James’s eyes glowed whiter and he himself lifted off the ground, the psychic energy was building up fast and he ‘stood’ in the air, white gushes of energy coming from his body, almost giving him an ethereal look.
Giovanni’s eyes grew wide, he had never seen James use this much of his psychic powers before.
Tyler and Chopper looked at each other and gulped. James raised his hand towards them and clenched his fist like he did before with ten pokèmon. Both of them cried out as Giovanni watched James cause pain to his friends.

“Enough.” Giovanni commanded.

James put his arm by his side and his eyes returned to normal. His feet touched the ground, as did Tyler and Choppers.

“Get out of here.” Giovanni growled at the pair. Without hesitation, Tyler and Chopper got back on their bikes and rode as fast as they could away from them.

Giovanni stood by James as he watched them go.

“The past two years I have been training you to use all your psychic abilities as powerful as you can, waiting for a sign telling me you have reached the highest point of psychic perfection anyone can ever reach…” He turned to stand in front of James”…I believe you have now reached that point; therefore you are ready to fulfil my plan that I had from the very start.”

James, as usual, didn’t say anything. Just started straight at Giovanni.

“Come, with you by my side, I can now put my plan into action.”

Giovanni and James walked back to their helicopter they had come in on, and flew away just in time to hear the sirens of police vans arriving down below. But Giovanni wasn’t worried, he controlled the most powerful human being on the planet, and nothing could harm him with James as his slave.