(Oh yeah, I forgot the disclaimer at the beginning, so I’ll put it here instead. I do not own anything to do with the animated show ‘Pokemon.’ ‘Pokemon’ and everything to do with it is owned by 4Kids, Nintendo and WB Kids.)


(Plus, this part features Mondo. If you don’t know who Mondo is, he is a young boy in Team Rocket who would help Jessie and James when they ‘blasted off’.)

Chapter 5: Boat Bashings

Giovanni watched as his Persian beat the pulp out of a poor Meowth.

“Persian, one more Seismic Toss.”

His Persian bit the Meowth by the scruff of its neck and hurled it in the air, smashing it to the ground.

“Meowwwwth,” it groaned, “I can’t take any more of dis.”

“That’s enough Persian.” Giovanni ordered, his Persian slinking over to him and purring contently as it sat by its master.

Giovanni walked up to Meowth and stood in front of him as he tried to stand up on his hind legs.

“Why won’t you evolve Meowth? Don’t use understand you will become a lot stronger when you do? ”

Meowth squinted up at him, “Yeah, but Boss, I don’t wanna evolve.”

Giovanni scowled at him and paused, “Then I think it’s time we took a little trip.”

He held out a Pokčball towards Meowth.

“Uh no, not again.” Meowth whined as he was sucked inside it.

Giovanni put the Pokčball on his Pokčbelt and turned on his heal. He walked around the outside of the giant building out to the front where a helicopter was waiting, with James standing by its side.

“It’s time we went to meet your old friend again James.” Giovanni snickered as he got into the helicopter, his Persian following behind, and James behind him.

The engines were switched on and the propellers spun round as the helicopter lifted off the ground heading towards Reater Island.


The next morning, Jessie met Craig down in the lobby and both of them climbed into their car, Craig in the drivers seat.
By mid afternoon, they had arrived at Darshen Port. Large Ferry’s and Cruise Ships were docked with hundreds of people busily rushing around to get to their right ship. As Craig pulled up into the Port’s Car Park, Jessie noticed something yellow standing by one of the Ferry’s. As she and Craig got out the car, she couldn’t believe who she was staring at.

“Cassidy?!” she asked, more at herself.

Cassidy turned around to reveal who she was talking too.

“Well well well, look who it is Butch.”

Butch put his finger to his chin and rubbed it thoughtful, mocking Jessie.

“Hmm, I dunno Cass, Oh wait, isn’t that Jessie. I didn’t recognise her without that blue haired leach attached to her.”

Jessie scowled at them, as they laughed, “That isn’t funny,” she said warningly.

“Hey Butch, Cass!” Craig said happily.

“Hey Craig,” Butch greeted, “How’d you get stuck with her?” asked Butch, pointing towards Jessie.

“Uh, long story. Anyway, what are you two doing here?”

“We got a call from the Boss, told us to come here, so here we are, although we haven’t seen him yet.” Cassidy filled in, crossing her arms.

“Ahh, I’m glad you could make it on time.” The four turned around to see a young man wearing jeans and a baggy dark blue t-shirt, “Your, Cassidy, Butch, Jessie and Craig right?”

Cassidy nodded.

“Great, your the last four, come on board.” He said, turning and walking across a small walkway over to the Ferry.

“Last four? How many of us are there?” wondered Butch allowed.

Shrugging, he walked across the pathway followed by the other three. When they got on board, they saw the whole boat was filled with hundreds of people that they all recognised.

They were all Team Rocket members.

“What the hell is going on?” asked Cassidy, staring at all the people.

Suddenly, a voice rang over the tanoi system all over the boat; it was the voice of the young man that brought them on board.

“Hello and welcome aboard the ‘Deryann’. Your all probably wondering what’s going on, and frankly so am I. But, we’ve all had orders from the Boss to come to Reater Island, so I’m here to take you all. The crossing will take about 2 and a half hours, and once there, I have been to ordered to take you all to a large underground cavern on the Island where we will meet the Boss. Any other news and I’ll keep you informed.”

The tanoi went dead and the foursome stood on the deck looking bewildered. Not wanting the company of her hated enemies, Jessie walked around to the other side of the boat and sat down on the deck looking at the sea gently lap against the side of the boat.
The loud blow of the horn echoed around the boat as it slowly pulled out of the Harbour.

An hour or so later, a shadow suddenly covered Jessie making her look up from her picture of James. Standing there was a teenage boy with short brown hair, wearing a pair of dark green shorts and a white t-shirt, with a picture of a Sandshrew on the front.

“Mondo?” Jessie asked wearily.

“Hello Miss Jessie.” Mondo said politely, sitting down opposite her.

Jessie looked back down at her picture of James and sighed. Mondo sat there awkwardly, not sure what to say without bringing up the subject of James. Mondo knew Jessie was devastated when she found out James was dead, and Mondo was pretty upset to see Jessie so upset.

“So,” he started slowly, “The Boss told you to come here too huh?”

“Yes,” she replied simply.

“Oh, me too.”

He looked around the boat for a second before turning back to Jessie again. She looked like she hadn’t had a decent nights sleep for ages. Her eyes were heavy, almost half closed. She wore no makeup, and she obviously either rushed, or didn’t care about how messy her ponytail looked. Even her hair looked lifeless, hanging down her back instead of standing proud.
Mondo felt so sorry for her. He had always thought of Jessie as a high-spirited, independent woman, but now he realised she wasn’t independent, that all this time she had been dependent on James.
He had to say something to break the silence.

“Miss Jessie. I know things don’t look, or feel, very good at the moment, but they will get better, I promise they will get better.”

Jessie looked up from her picture and looked at Mondo in the eyes. She smiled slightly at the young boy, realising that had never experienced this feeling, and prayed that he never would.

“Thanks Mondo, although somehow I doubt that.”

“It will, you’ll see it will,” he paused, “Is there anything I can do to help?”

Jessie looked back down at her picture, “Bring James back?” she whispered hopefully.

Mondo didn’t answer. Although he knew he wasn’t going to get much of a conversation out of Jessie, he sat with her anyway to keep her company. Besides, he would always get picked on by other Rocket members, so staying with Jessie would benefit both of them.

The time passed slowly for Jessie. At times she would here Craig laughing with Cassidy and Butch and glancing over at her. She tried to hide her head, not wanting to show to tears threatening to fall. Mondo saw them laughing at her and saw her reaction of tears. He scowled at them and stood up straight, pushing back his shoulders and taking in a deep breath.
Jessie watched as Mondo walked up behind Craig and tapped him on the shoulder. Craig stopped laughing and turned around. Craig was a lot taller than Mondo and towered over him. Mondo gulped, but stood his ground.

“Wadda ya want shrimp?”

“What I want is for you to stop laughing at Miss Jessie, it’s not nice.”

Craig turned to Butch and Cassidy and burst out laughing.

“Wadda ya gonna do? Cry?”

Mondo scowled even harder at them as they laughed. Craig put his hands on Mondo shoulders and pushed hard, causing Mondo to fall backwards and fall over, landing quite painfully on his back.

“Get lost Mondo.”

Craig turned back to Cassidy and Butch and continued laughing at both of them. A few seconds later, Craig felt another tap on his shoulder. Sighing, Craig turned around.

“I told you Mondo, get…”

As he turned around he came face to face with a very angry Jessie.

“Oh, it’s you.”

“Yeah, it’s me. Now listen here, Craig, “she spat, pointing at his chest, “I can understand you laughing at me, but I don’t like you picking on a boy who is a lot younger than you, and a lot more polite than you will ever be!”

Craig looked at her sternly, “Excuse me? Are you being serious? Do you really think I’m gonna care about what you don’t like about me?” He grabbed her wrist sternly, which made her jump, “Well I have a very long list about all the things I hate about you.” He squeezed her wrist even more tightly, which made her yelp. He leaned in closer to her, “Now why don’t you just sit down like a good little girl before I show you just how un-polite I can be.”

Jessie stared right back at him, although inside she was shaking with the though of what he could do to her.

“You don’t scare me Craig.”

“Oh really?”

With his spare hand, Craig punched her hard in the stomach that sent her flying back against the rails of the deck.

“Miss Jessie!” Mondo yelled, running straight to her side.

“Losers,” Craig mumbled.

Suddenly, the male voice over the tanoi echoed once again through the boat.

“Okay everyone, in a few minutes we will dock in Reater Island’s harbour. Once docked, will you please make your way to the front of the boat and exit over the pathway. Once off the boat, please wait until I can lead you to the cavern.”

The tanoi went quiet as people looked over the edge of the boat and watched the boat dock.
Everybody filed off the boat, Mondo holding Jessie’s arm as she held her painful stomach.
Standing as far away from Craig as she could get, Jessie waited with Mondo for the young man who spoke over the tanoi to come out. A few minutes later, the man emerged from the boat and stood in front of the large crowd of Rockets.

“Okay everyone, follow me.”