Chapter 6: Nothing

The gang of Rockets slowly trudged up a small mountain, scrambling through thick forestry and brambles. The late afternoon sun filtered through the trees, casting strips of light on the ground.
Jessie and Mondo brought up the rear, and both walked into the person in front when the whole group stopped.
They had come out of the forest and were now standing on a flat piece of ground with the peek of the mountain about 50 yards away. In the side of the Peek a large Cavern was waiting for them. It went so deep, none of the Rockets could see where, or if, it ended.

“In here. You might need your flashlights.” The man got his own flashlight and switched it on, leading the perplexed Rockets deep into the dark cavern.

They had been walking for about half an hour when they finally saw a sign of light. But it wasn’t sunlight. The gang walked into a gigantic hole, the end of the cavern, it must have been a hundred feet wide and 50 feet deep. Hundreds of fire torches decorated the plain rock walls. On one end of the hole was a rock that stuck out, and on it was a man sitting on a chair with a Persian by his side.
The Rockets scrambled down the edge of the rock into the hole, and there waited, talking and mumbling amongst themselves.
Jessie and Mondo stood at the edge of the crowd to the left.


Jessie turned to look out in front of her. There, standing with eye’s wobbling, was Meowth.

“Meowth?” she asked, unbelievingly.

“It is you, it is you!” Meowth cried happily, running up to his long lost friend. Jumping into her arms, Meowth hugged her as tightly as his little arms would allow.

“I’ve missed ya so much Jess,” Meowth cried.

“Me too Meowth,” and for the first time in two years, Jessie smiled. Suddenly, a voice boomed out, making everyone stop talking and look up to ledge in front of them.

“Well done, I’m glad you could make it.” Giovanni, sitting up high, pointed towards a Rocket standing by the entrance to the hole. The Rocket nodded, and with the help of others, pushed a large rock in front of the entrance, blocking everyone’s only way of escape.

“Hey! What’s going on?” someone shouted from the crowd.

“Don’t worry Anna, you will all be fine, well, the majority of you.” He snickered to himself, but all the Rocket’s stood there with blank faces.

Giovanni sighed and rose from his chair. He searched the crowd for a moment before his eyes rested on Jessie.

“I think it’s about time you met another old friend of yours Jessica.”

He looked towards his right up to the steep face of rock near the ceiling. Suddenly, a huge explosion shattered the rock face, the Rockets cowering themselves from the flying rock, with various screams echoing around the cave from fight. As the screams and dust settled, all eyes were fixed on the black silhouette of a man. He was standing straight, yet floating a few feet of the ground. Bright white light seemed to emit from his body. His eyes, they too glowed white. The white energy seemed to slither over his body and around the rock, like a snake searching for its prey.

Jessie’s eyes grew wide in shock. She couldn’t, she wouldn’t believe who she was looking at. She gulped and let the tears of joy stream down her face as she cried out the name of the only person she had ever loved.


Grinning like crazy, she pushed past the crowd to the front and stared up at James. She had no idea what was going on or what he was doing, but she didn’t care. This was James, her James.
She watched as he floated down and landed softly on the ground a few feet in front of her.
His eyes stopped glowing and returned to the icy blue colour. Jessie stared quizzically at him, it didn’t seem like the James she knew.


James looked up at Giovanni who nodded in return. James’s eyes began to glow once more, as he raised his arm in the air, sending Jessie flying across the ground landing painfully on her side against the wall of rock. Once again, Mondo came running to her side making sure she was okay. He then ran back to James and stood in front of him seething with anger.

“What are you doing James?!”

James’s answer was to send him flying across the room and joining Jessie on the floor.

“You know what to do James!” Giovanni shouted down to him.

James slowly looked over the crowd of Rockets and raised his arm again. Four Rockets rose out from the crowd and started screaming in pain, just like the pokčmon had done before.

“What are you doing?!” another Rocket yelled to Giovanni in panic.

Above the screams of pain, Giovanni shouted,

“All I am doing my friend is getting rid of the weak links in Team Rocket. Anyone who wears the Black uniform in duty means they are worthy. Anyone with a white uniform, I can’t think why I ever hired you. Your pathetic and weak, and my new slave will help me get rid of you.”

James’s powers grew, but just as the Rockets were about to either fall unconscious from the pain or physically be killed, another explosion blew the roof of the cavern right off into the sky, the Rockets again shielding themselves from pieces of rock falling down from above.

Floating above the hole in the roof, two pokčmon were standing. As they floated down, one of them flew down to Jessie and floated in front of her.

Suddenly, something in Jessie eyes sparkled, and she remembered.

“Mew?! Of course, Mew!”

Mew waged its tail and flew back up to join a larger pokčmon. Jessie looked up at it and again recognised it. But before she could say anything, Giovanni leaped out from his chair and raised his fist in the air.


“Yes,” the pokčmon spoke, “I am Mewtwo, the one you promised to be partners and equals, but used me as your slave.”

Giovanni, red with anger, shouted down to James.

“James get up there and get rid of this mistake once and for all!”

James did as his master told him to and floated straight up and hovered in the air 15 feet away from Mewtwo.
On the ground, Jessie looked at Mew and spoke quietly to herself.

“It knew. Mew knew what was happening to James, so it went to get help. It knew.”

Jessie looked past Mew to Mewtwo, then past him to James. Suddenly, James’s eyes flared up again and the white energy started flowing around him, making him look like the most powerful being on Earth. But now, now Mewtwo was here, and James wouldn’t stand a chance.
Mew and Mewtwo also flared up and there energy forces combined to create the equivalent to two Mewtwo’s.
Jessie was worried that they may hurt James, but thought it best not to complain if they were all going to die anyway.
Mewtwo’s energy suddenly burst forward, engulfing James with its strong, impenetrable forces. There was no way no pokčmon or human could come out in tact with an attack like that. Suddenly, Mewtwo’s energy around James flew outwards away from him. James still hovered there with his arms out wide, eyes glowing with a force Giovanni had never seen. Staring at James, Giovanni suddenly laughed loudly.

“There’s nothing you can do, you can’t stop the most powerful being on Earth! You had your chance Mewtwo, but now I have a slave that is not only more powerful than you, but will do anything I tell him to do! I own the only invincible being in the universe, and you can’t stop me from ordering him to kill every weak human and pokčmon on this Earth, let alone in this cavern!”

Mewtwo and Mew glared at Giovanni, before turning back to James. Before it had any time to attack, James gathered his energy so forcefully around him it began to spark with immense power. Extending his arms towards Mew and Mewtwo, the energy plunged forward towards them. They had no time to move and cried out in pain as the energy engulfed them, suffocating them. The energy James had made was 100 times more powerful than Mewtwo’s, and that wasn’t even the strongest attack James could do!

As the energy faded, Mew and Mewtwo fell to the ground. They weren’t dead, but they had fainted. James’s attack may have been strong, but the pokčmon he was fighting were the strongest on the planet. The Rockets couldn’t believe what they had seen and ran quickly to the exit, desperately trying to move the gigantic boulder so they could escape this indestructible creature Giovanni had created.

James floated back to the ground and looked towards the crowd of screaming and panicking Rockets.

“Finish them off, “ shouted Giovanni, as Jessie stood and watched her best friend ‘s eyes glow.

He raised his arms towards the crowd and Jessie stared at him. If Mew and Mewtwo couldn’t defeat him combined, there was nothing on this planet that could stop James now.


To be continued…