Chapter 7: The Evil Inside

The Rocket’s screamed in terror as James’ eyes began to glow once more. Suddenly, Butch shouted out,

“Boss I thought you said you were only getting rid of the Rockets in white uniform? Me an’ Cass are black Rockets! Why are we here?”

“Your here because I thought you might like the pleasure of watching the weak ones be killed.” He snickered evilly.

Butch frowned disgusted and turned to Cassidy. Giovanni saw that Butch wasn’t agreeing with his way of work and shouted down to them again.

“Or perhaps you two are also a weak link. Perhaps I should get James to get rid of you two as well?” Butch and Cassidy looked up in horror at their Boss, “In fact,” Giovanni turned to look at James, “Finish them all off! I’ll start a new and better Team Rocket with loyal and strong team members!”

Jessie watched in the corner on her own as James’ powers suddenly became brighter. The entire crowd of Rockets lifted into the air. She couldn’t just stand there and watch as her best friend was being told to kill dozens of people against his will. He was being controlled, she had to do something.
In a blind panic, she ran forward.

“STOP!!” she shouted towards James, coming to a halt in front of him.

James’ eyes stopped glowing and the Rockets behind Jessie fell to the floor un-harmed. Giovanni smiled.

“Yes, kill her off first, kill your best friend.” Giovanni watched intently, waiting for James to prove himself.

Jessie stood her ground. She stared into James’s cold and heartless blue eyes, hoping for some flicker of recognition. In the distance, Mew and Mewtwo had awoken and now sat watching as Jessie risked her life to save her best friend from this mind control. Mew, already weak from losing most of its energy to James two years ago, sat panting quietly.
James stared back at Jessie. He raised his arm to once again use his powers against her…but stopped. He paused, and frowned.

Giovanni also frowned, “What are you waiting for? Kill her!”

James stared at her intently. Suddenly, he flashbacked to a scene in an air balloon. It was early evening; the sun was setting behind them. He was standing in front of Jessie holding her hand looking into her eyes, smiling sweetly.
Snapping back to reality, he gasped and stepped back from Jessie
Another flashback.
This time he was holding both her hands in his, their faces only inches away. They were on a ship, a sinking ship. Something, some feeling inside him was beginning to surface as he looked into her eyes for the last time. At least that’s what he thought at time.
Again snapping back to reality, Jessie watched as a flicker of green passed over James cold blue eyes. He gasped again and rubbed his eyes.

Giovanni watched from the ledge and could see something was wrong. Angrily, he jumped off the ledge and ran up to James.

“What the hell is wrong with you?! Do as I commanded you and ki…”

Before he could finish his sentence, James snapped around to him, his eyes glowing with immense power. Giovanni stepped back.

“What are you doing? Kill her!” he ordered nervously.

James raised his arms towards Giovanni who froze on the spot.

James sneered at him, “Even evil turns against evil.”

He threw his arms up to the hole in the ceiling where Mew and Mewtwo had come through and Giovanni soared through the ceiling, sending dust and rocks crashing down, and flying off into the distance and out of sight.

James’ eyes stopped glowing and they returned to the icy blue. He turned around to face the frightened Rockets who stepped back against the wall. He looked at Mondo, holding Meowth close to his chest, staring at James with fear in his eyes. He finally turned to Jessie.
She looked back at him, not knowing weather to smile or scream. Suddenly, once again a flicker of green passed over James’ eyes. Then again, again and again. He stepped back in pain and held his head in his hands. He started to whimper, as a different kind of energy seemed to be coming from his body. Instead of the usual white, it was a purple. His whimpers turned into screams as his head was filled with a pain he had never experienced.

Mew perked up as it saw what was happening. James stumbled around still holding his head as more of the purple energy flew faster around him and became more intense. With one last scream, James collapsed to the floor as the purple energy flew upwards away from him. It hovered in the air before surging downward straight towards Mew. Mew happily jumped up of the ground as the energy flew around it. It mewed happily as the energy was absorbed into its body.
Its power had been returned and it was once again the strongest pokèmon of all time.

After watching Mew, the Rockets and Jessie turned back to James. He was lying on his stomach on the rocky floor not moving. Jessie gulped. She felt tears pricking at her eyes. She had just got James back, she couldn’t lose him now. Suddenly, James moved. He put his arm under his head and slowly pushed himself up. Swaying a bit, he managed to stand up. His eyes were still closed, and he rubbed them with his hands. Pausing for a second, he took his hands away and opened his eyes, looking at Jessie.
Jessie wailed with happiness as she looked at her best friends eyes.

They were green.

James looked at Jessie for a moment, then smiled.


Jessie leapt into his arms and hugged him like she’d never let go. James hugged back tightly and sighed a sigh of relief. Then he started crying. Jessie looked up at him and wiped the tears from his cheeks.

“What’s wrong?”

James sniffed slightly before looking away. He looked at the Rockets, now standing bewildered at what was going on.

“I’ve hurt so many people. So many pokèmon,” he turned back to look at Jessie, “And you.”

He traced a trickle of blood coming from her head when she had gone head first into the wall earlier on.
James continued,

“Everything I did, I knew I was doing, if that makes scene. Every time Giovanni ordered me to hurt or kill something, I didn’t want to, but I could feel my body doing as he said. Giovanni wasn’t controlling me; he was controlling something inside me, something to do with that energy. It was that that was evil. Every time, I watched myself as I killed, screaming inside to stop. I tried to fight back, but it was too strong.”

He paused for a second then chuckled, “You know, I’ve only just realised what had made me come back to normal.” He stroked Jessie check, “Every time I was ordered to hurt something, I realised I was so intent on just simply stopping, I didn’t think of an actual reason to come back to normal. But then coming here and seeing you, you made me realise that it is you that’s my reason. I remembered all those times we had together in those last few seconds, and those thoughts made me strong enough to break free, “ he paused again before blushing, “You are my strength Jessie.”

Jessie smiled at him lovingly, looking into his now perfect jade eyes, glittering with emotion. She leaned into him and pressed her lips against his softly, barley even touching, almost as if she was afraid this wasn’t real.

“Oh please knock if off!”

Pulling away from James, Jessie turns to see Craig standing a few feet away.

“What I am I saying? You two go perfect together, dumb and dumber, it’s like a perfect match. Although what the hell you see in her James I have no idea. She’s just a selfish slut who’s convinced she’s the most beautiful thing on this planet. Pleeease, my mother is better looking than her.”

Jessie gritted her teeth and glared past James at the wall, “Excuse me for a second,”

She walked towards Craig quite calmly and stood in front of him smiling widely. Craig stared at her quizzically before she spoke,

“Ya know, I’ve been waiting a loooong time to do this.”

She quickly drew her fist back and punched Craig as hard as she possibly could right in the face, causing his the fly backwards into the crowd of Rockets.
Cursing and swearing, Craig felt blood coming from his nose and upper lip.

James smiled to himself, “That’s my Jessie.”

Jessie heard this and suddenly turned around to face him, “I’ve just realised something too.”

She walked up to James and held his hands in hers, “I know this is gonna sound stupid, but you are my strength.”


“Yeah. When you weren’t here, I let people mock me, I let them hit me, but now as soon as your back, I feel the strength to fight back.”

James smiled sweetly at her, “I guess we both need each other in more ways than one.”

Suddenly, they both heard the click of a gun. James turned around just in time to see Craig press the trigger.

In lightning speed, James eyes flared up and the bullet stopped in mid air after only coming inches out of the gun barrel. The bullet flew to the right and crashed against the rock wall, rolling to the ground and coming to a halt at Mondo’s feet. Mondo put Meowth on the ground and picked up the bullet staring at it, and then staring at James.

“How did you do that?” he asked amazed.

James looked at the ground, then back up, “I don’t know, I just, I felt worried that Jessie was going to be killed.”

“I can explain.”

Everyone turned around to see Mewtwo standing looking at them, with Mew darting about around him.

“The powers that both I and Mew were born with are evil, but because we are so advanced, our minds are able to control the evil and keep it at bay, letting the powers it holds be controlled by our minds. However, if the evil is in control, it will slowly take over the mind. When the evil residing within you came out, it had been in control for so long, it had left part of its powers behind. You have the same powers as you did before, you have the same powers as us, only now, you, your mind, controls them.”

James stared at him blankly, “I was with you all the way up to ‘I can explain.’”

Jessie giggled. Even after this long, he still hadn’t changed.

“He means you can still use telekinesis.” She informed him.

“Tele ka what esis?”

Jessie laughed, “The ability to move objects just with the power of the mind.”

“Ooohhh.” James realised

Suddenly, an idea came into her head. She leaned into James and whispered something in his ear. He smiled wickedly and laughed,

“Okay, I’ll try.”

He turned around to Craig, who by now was standing there fuming, seeing that he didn’t get his way.
James lifted his arm towards Craig and concentrated. Suddenly, Craig was lifted off the ground,

“What the…? PUT ME DOWN!”

Jessie grinned at him, “Give my regards to The Boss.”

James moved his arm again up to the ceiling and Craig flew through the rock-ceiling out into the distance. James watched as he disappeared then laughed,

“Hey, now that I’m in control, THIS IS FUN!”

Suddenly, James felt something brush against his leg and looked down to see Meowth staring up at him. He picked him up and hugged him tightly.

“Glad yer back Jimmy, now let’s get outta ‘ere.”