“Run For Your Life”

By: RocketJesssieMusashi

Rating: PG ….there won’t be much naughty stuff here besides a few slight innuendos and a swear word or two ^^
Disclaimer: If I owned these guys do you think that I’d be bothering to write this stuff and not ask you to *pay* to read it?
Editor’s Note: Another story about Jessie and James’s daughter that *I* created ::bows::, Rose. ((thank you, thank you…no pictures ^^)) I love the idea of her, and here the family is attempting to break free from Team Rocket and save Rose’s life.
E-Mail Addy: Feedback: the *other* white meat…or is that pork? O.o uh…I’d like some of either, please ^__^ Mihorsbscribbles@aol.com ,or RocketJessieMusashi@hotmail.com , or RocketJessie@team-rocket.net ((I *rarely* go here O.o)) Also...feel free to AOL- IM me n.e.time^^


I won’t let anyone hurt you, my precious Rose…I never knew that something could be as precious to me as you are…I’d do anything for you…As I hold you here in my arms, I realize that you mean everything to me…I’ll protect you, my little, red Rose…

He gently kissed her forehead. He was in love, that’s for sure. He had been holding her close to him the entire time that Jessie had slept, whispering sweet nothings to her. She would coo and wriggle very few words and he would smile brightly at her.
“You’re gorgeous, you know that?” he whispered. “You look just like your mother…”
He rubbed her fuzzy, red hair. She only starred at him, her emerald-green eyes curious and eager. He laughed at her slightly and kissed her forehead again.
“You’re the cutest thing that I’ve ever seen!” he exclaimed.
“Really? I thought that *I* was.”
He turned at the sound of Jessie’s voice and smiled. “You are…but she’s right up there with you.”
She grinned. “I still think that I’m cuter…” she teased. “After all, I got you at the first look, didn’t I…?”
She rubbed Meowth’s. He sighed happily in his sleep and snuggled closer to her. With a loud yawn, she stretched tall and began to braid her hair. “How long have I been out?”
“Three hours,” he replied. “Guess having a baby is a lot of work, eh?”
She sighed and hugged her knees. “Yeah…more than *you’d* think…” She grinned. “Have you been wooing our little girl this entire time?”
He carried Rose over to her and gently laid her in her arms. “I can’t resist her charms,” he confessed. “She got me the instant that I laid eyes on her.”
She gently played with Rose’s tiny fingers now. “Just like me,” she said.
“Sure thing,” James said. “Just-like-you…”
She held their daughter close. “Do you know how happy I am to get you out of me?” she exclaimed. “Now I can hold you in my arms…and kiss your little head…”
She rubbed noses with the baby, causing her to gurgle happily. Jessie smiled her beautiful smile. “James…?”
“Yes, Jessica?”
She sighed and gazed into his eyes, her love for him shinning as bright as ever. “This little girl is the most perfect thing that we’ve ever done…”
He kissed her lips softly at this, moved by her words. It was rare that Jessie poured her heart out like this. “About time we did something right, eh?”
She grinned. “And to think how much *fun* it was to do it…”
He grinned back. “Yep…fun…” He kissed her again. “You know…we could always work on more babies…”
“Cool it, Prince Charming,” she teased. “Not while the cat is around.”
One of Meowth’s eyes slowly opened at this. “Tanks fer keepin me in consideration, youse guys,” he mumbled as he finally began to stir.
“Mornin, fur-ball,” James chirped. “Have a nice nap?”
Meowth stretched and gently scratched his claws along the bedspread. “Yep,” he replied. “Best one in a while.” He perched on Jessie’s lap now to get a better look at Rose. “Dat baby is so *quiet*,” he said in awe. “She hasn’t cried since the moment dat she was born!”
He wiggled his tail in front of the baby’s face, watching her eyes grow wide and gaze at him. “She’s pur-fect, youse guys,” he sighed. “An da cutest ting I’ve ever seen. I’m so proud of youse guys.”
James sat beside them and scratched the Pokemon behind the ears. “Thanks, pal,” he said. “That means a lot to us.”
Meowth sighed again as the baby gently tugged at his whiskers. “Just one little problem…”
“What’s that?” they asked together.
He looked up at them, a mixture of fear and remorse in his eyes. “What’s da boss gonna do when he finds out?”

::sings in a teasing tone:: I bet you want *more*… ^^ I bet that you are *dying* to know what happens next… ::grins:: if not, then what are you doing reading one of *my* fics? O.o Anyhow…I hope that you are intrigued and eager to read on…I will crank out the next part soon ^^ Lemme know what ya thought…and OH! …while I’ve got you…let me ask you to do a favor…PLEASE…support the Team Rocket sites…send them as much stuff as you can ((with patience to post it, mind you ^^))…Pokemon seems to be slowly dying in America ((well…here in Tucson, anyways *lol*))…and it needs the support of all of us Rockets! ^^ ::cheers triumphantly:: Keep these friends of mine in mind for the most support…all of them are *kind* and *excellent* web-hosts ^^((listed in no particular order, k ^^))
1. Musa-chan @ “Team Rocket Honbu” ((Musa is my *best* friend in the whole world! Please support her site! ::pleads:: she NEEDS fics and fanart…send some! ^^))
2. Amanda @ “Frogs VS Roses” ((Amanda is *so* sweet…and her site is one of the most imaginative out there…let’s keep her goin strong! ::power salute:: )) ^^
3. The Jolt Master @ “The Pokemon Tower” ((this guy has EVERY fic imaginable at his site *lol* An excellent writer as well! Check out his award winnin story! ^^))
4. SilverHuskey @ “The Pokemon Cave” ((He will be postin the entire “Surf’s Up Pikachu” manga soon…so that we can all see the “shippy” ending to the series! Yay! There is plenty of other cool stuff here as well. Check it out! ^^))
5. “Team Rocket World Wide” ((*awesome* site. Plenty of good fics, good art, and a fun interactive page! Sorry…dun know the host’s name *lol*))
6. “Blast Off: Another Team Rocket Shrine” ((*wonderful* people here who work their BUTTS off to post our work ^^ Support them…it will be worth it! ^^))
7. “Team Rocket Palace” ((one of the BIGGEST fic sites I’ve ever seen! Hasn’t posted me yet O.o But its okies…I still love the work there ^^))
8. “White Tomorrow” ((THE biggest Rocketshipper ever! You must read the “why shippers are right, and anti-shippers are wrong” page! It’s INCREDABLE! I *don’t* think that this person would like *my* fics tho.. O.O Doesn’t like the whole “dying” thing…tis okies!^^))

* If I did not list yer site, I have probably never been there yet, or might not have talked to you yet either. Please don’t be offended ^^ Please feel free to E-mail me if ya need the addys to ANY of these sites ^^ Tanks!