Meowth's scheeming

It seems like I always make up these odd stories when I'm reading deep and seriously ones: This is no miss of that theory.


It was our day of, and Jessie was shopping in the nearest town, and Meowth was bored, so he unfortunately decided to mock me.

"Hey Jimmy, when are ya tellin' Jess yer in love with her?" he smirked, and I felt myself blushing, I swear, that cat can read the mind of Mew itself if it shows up!

"What are you talking about?" I said innocently, knowing that I wouldn't work.

"Don't play stupid! I know yer havin' da hots for her!" he said annoyed.

"Just leave it down, would you?" I muttered, looking just the other way.

"Nah, I find tis amusing." He giggled, and stared demandingly at me, but when he realized I wasn't going to break down for that he tried to change strategy.

"I bet ya don't dare to do so!" he grinned.

"Give it a break! That old trick is used too many times!"


"I always am. Go away, stupid cat!" I told him.

"James and Jessie, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" he began to sing loudly, and I was getting afraid people on the road nearby was hearing him and coming to investigate.

"First comes love, then comes marriage..."

"Shut up, you mangy feline!" I hissed.

"Does dat mean yer telling her?"

"No! I mean, yes, I do love her, but there's no way I'm EVER gonna tell Jessie I'm in love with..."



I slowly turned to face the worst sight ever at that point: Three twerps with huge grins on their faces. I thought my cheeks was to catch a fire.

Then, I turned into the direction the 'huh?' had come from, and faced Jessie, with an odd look in her face, but then she seemed to catch herself up again.

"Oh, for God's sake, James, don't stop now! I'm finding this very interesting" she smirked and seated herself in front of me, and the twerps didn't seem to move either. It was on that point I understood why some people choose "the easy way out".


Does Jessie love James? Will he ever hear the end of this from the twerps and Meowth, and if she doesn't love him, also Jessie? Well, I don't know!


Now that was odd, huh?