it's The Jerry Springer Show! a fic about TR starring on Jerry Springer.

Jerry:Hello people, my topic today is "My girlfriend is from another dimension" And time to bring out my first guest, James!
James:*walks out and waves*
James:Hello Jerry! Good to see you.
Jerry:Hello James, now you tell me your girlfriend acts like she is from another dimension.
James:Yes she does, she hits me over the head for no reason constaintly and sometimes she says words I don't know the meaning of, but I think they are curses, yes, she acts real stupid like she's from another dimension.
Jerry:Well guess what.
Jerry:WE have her here behind stage, Jessie could you come out?
Jessie*walks out and hits James over the head with her mallet and sits down*
Jerry:Hello Jessie, what would you like to say to James?
Jessie:WAAAAH! You always told me you liked me and now you say I'm stupid! WAAH!
James:I'm sorry Jessie, I still love you...
Jerry:That's beutiful, and now here is my next guess, uh, oh Botch!
Botch:*comes out and screams*It's Butch Jerry!
Jerry:Well the card says Botch.
Butch:James must have wrote on it!
Jerry:Anyway, Butch, you tell us that your girlfriend acts like she's from another dimension.
Butch:Oh she seems more like she's just weird nowadays, she used to be meaner, and to me that is like nicer, but now she's always picking flowers and dancing. I sometimes wonder if she is a morphineatic.
Jerry:Well we have her backstage, Cassidy come out please!
Cassidy:*comes out and hits Butch over the head with a paper fan*
Butch:That's my Cassidy!*kisses her*
Jerry:Beautiful,well now we have our next guest, Mondo!
Mondo:*Comes out and dances around*Hello everybody! I just ate five pounds of chocolate!
Jerry:Um, that's nice. Now you tell us that your girlfriend acts like she’s from another dimension.
Mondo:Nope! She's perfect!
Domino:*comes out and sits next to Mondo*
Mondo:Your just like chocolate!
Domino:Thanks!*kisses him*
Jerry:Ok, now our last guest is Meowth!
Meowth:*comes out and sits down*
Jerry:Now Meowth you say your girfriend acts like she is from another dimension.
Meowth:No, she IS from another dimension!
Jerry:Well, we've got her back stage, Gatomon! come out please!
Gatomon:*comes out and sits down*
Jerry:Now is it true you are his girlfriend even though you are from different dimensions?
Gatomon:Well, no actually. I don't even know why I'm here!
Meowth:Hey! You said you liked me!
Gatomon:As a friend!
Meowth:Oh dat's just *beep*
Butch:*laughing with Cassidy*this is rich!
Jessie:I can't believe they come on this show when they aren't even *beep*ing girl and boyfriend!
James:That is so *beep*ing true.
Meowth:Speak for yourself you *beep**beep*!
Gatomon:Yeah you stinking *beep*
*the audience starts yelling and starts to yell Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!*
Meowth:*jumps on Butch and starts scratching him for laughing*
James:Get that Botch!
Cassidy:HEY! DON'T CALL MY BOYFRIEND BOTCH!*she kicks him down* Butch:*Screams and tackles Mondo who is,laughing at him*
Domino:Hey!*starts kicking them both*
Jessie:How dare you kick my boyfriend!*slaps Cassidy*
*James joins Mondo and Butch and Meowth*
*guards come out and try to calm them down while they fight*
Jerry:*escapes and starts his "lesson" thingy*
Jerry:I think what we all learn here today is that you should not date males or females who act or actually are from a different dimension. Thank you.
*the show ends with scenes of them all fighting*

The End