Strange New Beginnings
By Kelly Barina

Author’s note: Finally finished! J Only took me two weeks exactly to finish. Not bad considering I’m a slow typist.

“Say, Jessie, now that we’re officially out of Team Rocket…now what do we do?” I questioned dumbly.
“Hitch a train and join da circus,” Meowth replied sarcastically. I cocked my head sideways in confusion. “What do ya tink, James? We gotta find us a new job!”
“Oh,” I muttered, lowering my voice. Noticing my suddenly downcast mood, she piped up.
“It’s all right. Nobody’s as perfect as me,” Jessie smiled. I brightened up and flashed her a grin back.
“Oh yeah?” Meowth smirked playfully.
Meowth drew his claws back in preparation as Jessie whipped out her makeup kit as her weapon. “Ready…
“…Go!” Before I knew what was happening, they had both pounced violently… on me!
“Hey! That’s not fair! Meowth, stop! Ow! Jess, please…no! Not that, Jess! Jeesssiiiie!!!” I shrieked.
While the three of us playfully fought about in the grass, a familiar individual spied craftily on our trio, grinning evilly.
“Laugh while you can. Because when I return, you’ll have nothing to be glad about. Mark my words, I will have my revenge. And there’s nothing you can do about it this time, James,” the mysterious person cackled.
When they were finally through tackling me, they lay back on the grass and just giggled.
“What’s so funny?” I demanded.
“It’s…ha ha! Your…hehe…ha! …I…can’t…hahaha!” Meowth laughed hysterically. I picked up a lonely pink bottle of some sort lying on the ground and pocketed it. After this momentary outbreak of laughter, I’d return it to Jessie.
“I’m still waiting!” I grumbled. Jessie shakily handed me her pocket mirror then collapsed into another fit of laughter.
I really don’t know what’s so funny…suddenly my jaw dropped when I saw my reflection. I had never seen so much makeup in my entire life!
My face was totally covered in Jessie’s cosmetics! Actually, if I tilted my face a little to the left, I didn’t look half bad…no! I could never let anyone else see me looking like this! I rubbed my face furiously with my sleeve. Eventually most of it came off, but it didn’t make the snickering cease.
“Okay, okay! So it was funny!” I gave in and chuckled along with my friends. After our laughter died down, we reclined in the soft wet meadow.
“So…when we get to the next town, I suppose we will have to, each of us, …find a separate job and be apart for a while and…,” I stuttered, flushing slightly. Jessie smiled.
“I guess it all depends, James,” Jessie sighed.
“Oh,” I muttered. I hated to see the three of us part. I knew that under normal circumstances, Jessie or I wouldn’t hear of it, but I suppose if we had to…it may be for the best,…I guess.
“And what about Meowth?” Meowth broke in.
“How could we forget you?” Jessie rolled her eyes. “Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s go!”
“Ash! Slow down!” a voice yelled. I listened intently to the familiar sound.
“Listen…,” I whispered to my friends.
“Keep up, Misty! We gotta hurry! Gary’s getting farther ahead every second we waste!” another replied.
“Now that’s a voice I haven’t heard in a while…” Jessie grinned.
“Shall we?” I asked, nodding toward the noise.
“After youse!” Meowth smiled.
“Ash, come on! We need ta rest for a minute!” Brock called, pausing for a moment.
“Prepare for trouble!” Jessie started.
“And make it double!” I added.
“To protect our trio from devastation!”
“To unite our group in jubilation!”
“To denounce the evils of truth and love!”
“To extend our reach to the stars above!”
“Team Rocket is no more, but we’ll still take you on!”
“It will never stop us from doing what’s wrong!”
“Dat’s right!” Meowth concluded. “Hey, dat’s the first time it didn’t rhyme!”
“Oh well. We can’t always be perfect,” Jessie groaned.
“What do you want this time, Team Rocket?” Ash snapped.
“Did you forget already, Ash? James destroyed Team Rocket Headquarters! There is no Team Rocket!” Misty corrected.
“The twerp is right. We are no longer employed with Team Rocket,” I agreed.
“But that doesn’t mean we can’t still can’t steal anything else you’ve got on you!”
Jessie continued. “Oh yeah?” Ash smiled and pulled out a pokeball. “Let’s battle!”
“Okay, but we warned you!” I grinned. “Go, Weezing! Go, Victreebell!”
“Go, Arbok! Go, Wobafatt!” Jessie sent out her pokemon out along with mine. All of them stood side by side, prepared for battle.
“Here we go, Totodile!” Ash tossed his pokeball onto the ground forcefully. His obedient water pokemon met our glares. “Water gun!”
A stream of water flowed out of its mouth and toward our allies, threatening to knock them out.
“Wobafatt, mirror coat!” Jessie commanded. The strange blue creature gave off a red glow and sent the water attack right back at Totodile, knocking it off of its feet and back to Ash weakly.
“Totodile!” Ash gasped.
“Victory number 1!” I announced.
“The battle’s just starting to warm up!” Ash smirked. “Go Chikorita!” The tiny green grass animal replaced Totodile’s place in the match.
“Victreebell, razor leaf!” I ordered. Sharp leaves shot out at Chikorita, but its vine whip deflected them.
“Great, Chikorita! Now use your tackle attack!”
“Weezing! Sludge it!”
Weezing immediately spat out disgusting ooze in its face, blinding it. Arbok took the opportunity to bite it, causing it to collapse in defeat.
“You’re getting good,” Ash congratulated.
“Of course! What would you expect from former members of Team Rocket?” I grinned.
“But I’ll bet you’re still not ready to handle this! Go, Pikachu!”
“Pika!” Pikachu acknowledged, leaping into battle.
“Pikachu?!” I gasped.
“End this with a thunder attack!” Ash yelled.
“Pi-ka-CHU!!!” Pikachu shouted, as the electricity surged through its body and at our team.
“Wobafatt, mirror coat! Arbok, wrap that Pikachu in your coils!” Jessie commanded. Wobafatt sent Pikachu’s attack right back in its face, throwing it to the floor, giving Arbok the chance to take Pikachu.
“Now, Weezing finish Pikachu off with poison gas!” I yelled.
“Pikachu, try to get out!” Ash screamed. Pikachu squirmed and squirmed, but was unable to escape the attack and once Arbok released it, it was almost too weak to even stand. “Pikachu! Don’t give up! Try a thundershock!”
Pikachu summoned the last of its strength and sent electricity at us once again, and this time, it prevailed. All of our pokemon fainted in unison.
“Nice try, Team Rocket!” Ash cried happily. Pikachu leaped into his arms.
“So we lost. So what? Hand over your stuff!” Meowth snapped.
“Pikachu! Thunderbolt!”
“Pi-ka-CHU!!!” Pikachu thunderbolted the three of us, sending our trio sailing into the sky.
“We’re blasting off again!” we shrieked, flying off over the horizon and the setting sun.
“Just like old times,” Ash smiled.
* * * * *
We landed in the arms of an oak tree, and groaned in unison.
“Once again, the twerps are triumphant,” I muttered.
“For once, it worked to our advantage! Look!” Meowth cried, pointing to a large city, glowing brightly in the darkness.
I took a deep breath. This was it. Our chance to prove to ourselves and to others that we were worth something. Would we ever be able to make it? Team Rocket had been everything we had ever known. Could we actually make an…honest living?
“Well, let’s set up camp,” Jessie suggested.
“Why? We’re right here!” Meowth protested.
“Does it matter? Now come on; let’s get camp ready,” I interrupted. Meowth reluctantly helped us with our sleeping bags.
Jessie and I crawled inside and cuddled against its warm covers. Meowth sighed and ducked into his, yawning.
“G’night, guys,” Meowth groaned. “Don’t wake me too early.”
“Sure, Meowth,” I acknowledged. I puled the covers over a small portion my face and spied on Meowth and Jessie until sleep overtook them.
Once I was sure they were both asleep, I slunk out of my sleeping bag and strolled beneath the moonlight.
Well, I had what I wanted. No more Team Rocket and now a new path was before me. I was finally free, but…would we be able to make it? Well, I hoped so…
To calm myself, I pulled out my beloved rose and just gazed at its petals. The one thing I could ever compare to Jessica. Frail in its beauty and spirit though cannot be handled without causing and being caused pain.
I winced slightly as the thorns pierced my skin. Then I shifted fingers, away from the thorns.
Jessie was really more vulnerable than she believed herself to be. Even though she tried to keep a tough exterior, the truth was, deep down she was just as weak as the very petals of a flower.
“James…” Jessie called.
“Hmm?” I muttered, turning around.
“Um…,” she blushed a little. “…you dropped this.” She placed my crimson rose into my hands, beside the one I already held. I glanced it over, but I returned it silently to her.
“Keep it,” I said simply. She carefully and gratefully received the delicate flower from me smiling.
“Thanks…” she smiled. “…but I don’t see why I’d want this!” she snapped, dangling it over me distastefully. I turned back to the dirt path, but managed to spot her discreetly tucking it away someplace safe.
“So…did you want to talk to me about something?”
She stared off quietly into the distance as if she hadn’t heard my question at all.
“Huh?” she asked.
“Why are you out here? Shouldn’t you be resting?”
“…well, what about you? Why are you out here? I couldn’t sleep so I decided to just follow you!”
“I suppose I wasn’t very tired myself.”
“Then why did we decide to set up camp?” Jessie giggled.
“I…I don’t know!” I laughed along with her. I could hear a little nervousness in her tone. In mine too. She could never hide anything from me. “You’re scared, aren’t you, Jess?”
Abruptly, the laughter died.
“Scared? Scared of what?” I whirled around to face her.
“You know what, Jess. You know very well you can’t hide anything from me,” I replied. “Of this whole job and Team Rocket thing!”
Jessie just continued to stare at me as if she was trying to stop me from seeing past her. Seeing inside her.
“Okay! Okay!” She yelled in frustration. “I’m afraid that if we don’t find another job…we can’t make it…where will we go without Team Rocket? We’ve never known anything else…Why can’t things be as simple as they were!” she screamed.
“We’ll find one. And we’ll do it together. I promise,” I comforted.
“And if we can’t, it’ll be your fault!” she barked at me. She clenched her fists in frustration and glared at the ground as if that would solve all of her problems.
“Jessie…” Ever since the incident at Headquarters, I had never seen her so angry. I lowered my head and waited for her next blow.
“I…I’m sorry, James,” she apologized. “Look, I…I’ll meet you back at camp. I need to be alone.”
“But, Jessie…”
“I’ll meet you back at camp,” she repeated dangerously.
“James, if you really care, you’ll leave. Now please…just go.”
“Sure, Jess…” I sighed reluctantly. I walked dejectedly back in the direction of camp, but instead of obeying her orders, I lingered behind and just watched her silently.
I waited for a few moments curiously listening, then she angrily punched a tree in frustration.
“Oooh…what am I gonna do?” she moaned. “ I can’t do this by myself! What if we can’t do it? What’ll happen then? James thinks its so simple…so easy! For him maybe…but what about me?”
“Jessie…” I called quietly.
“I thought I told you…!” she growled, heading toward me angrily.
“I wouldn’t be a friend if I left,” I smiled.
“James…why do you care so much?”
“Because I’m your friend, Jess! It’s a dirty job, but someone’s gotta do it,” I grinned broadly at her.
“Nice to see you’re so optimistic about this! People will recognize us, you know? Ex-members of Team Rocket…do you think they’ll even consider hiring us if they know that? Face it, James. It’s a lost cause,” she muttered in desperation.
“Team Rocket may have destroyed our reputation, but we’ll get through it, Jess. Somehow. I promise you,” I comforted. Jessie stared at me in shock, all of her arguments shot.
Suddenly, she leaped into my arms and wrapped her arms about my neck gratefully.
“Thank you,” she whispered.
I was taken aback by her and I froze up in nervousness. The sweet smell of her perfume reached my nose and I relaxed in the comfort of my best friend’s closeness.
Without warning, she released me and pulled away. She stepped back and looked me over as if I was foreign to her all of a sudden. Then she continued to move farther away. I was losing her…
“Jessie, I’m sorry,” I apologized. I didn’t know what I was apologizing for, but I hoped it would help.
“It’s not you…let’s just go back to camp and forget this. Tomorrow’s going to be a busy day,” she responded.
“Okay,” I answered. Something was keeping her from me…holding her back…I had to find out what. Then destroy that boundary. She just had to let me remove it.
I need trust in the friendship, Jess. You don’t seem to trust me for some strange reason. Why is that? I had to find out...before it was too late.
Before I could react, Jessie turned away from me and walked back toward camp. I once again pulled out my rose and glanced in Jessie’s direction.
As weak as the petals of the rose…
* * * * *
“Time ta go! Wake up, youse two! Didn’t ya get any sleep? We gotta go!” Meowth yelled. We both groaned and turned over.
“Five more minutes, mommy…” I mumbled.
“Get up now!” Meowth screamed, clawing both of our faces.
“Meowth!!!” we shrieked and lunged at him.
“It was only a scratch,” Meowth pleaded.
“How dare you, you mangy alley cat! You’ve ruined my beautiful face!” Jessie cried. “Yeah, well it’s your fault! You didn’t wake up! We gotta get moving! And where were youse guys last night anyway?”
“Why, we were right here!” Jessie answered tensely.
“You sure? I could’ve sworn I saw youse two leave…”
“Why would we do that, Meowth?” I added. Meowth could never find out. Not until me and Jess sorted our whole friendship out ourselves. Meowth peered skeptically at each of us, but shook it off.
“All right! Come on! We gotta go check out da jobs here!”
“We can’t go like this!” I protested, motioning toward our clothing. We were still wearing our torn Team Rocket uniforms from when Headquarters went up in flames.
“You’re right. We gotta get sometin else ta wear…”
“Nonsense!” Jessie cut in. “Look!” Jessie tore off the sleeve of my white Team Rocket shirt.
“Hey!” I yelled.
“Look! Remember, we do have clothes under our Team Rocket uniform.”
“Ah! You’re right!” I hoisted the remains of the white shirt off, leaving the black shirt underneath on. Jessie did the same with her white shirt and we tossed it unfeelingly on the ground.
“The last of Team Rocket…” Jessie replied, gazing down at the red ‘R’ streaking across the white heap.
“Yeah…,” I observed.
“Oh well. Let’s go!” Meowth shouted.
“Right!” Jessie and me responded. We marched to the city, me wearing my black tank and white pants, while Jess wore her black tube top and white mini skirt.
“Say, do you think we could grab a bite first?” I suggested.
“Shut up and keep walking,” Jessie snapped.
* * * * *
“Um…,” I stuttered.
Dozens of unknown faces stared at the three of us keenly. I shielded my face from the crowd with my arm, but that didn’t hide me from the caretaker of the store.
He glared down from his tremendous height as if I was a bug just waiting to be squashed. I gulped then took a deep breath and continued.
“My friends and I…are in a bit of a predicament. We are in need of a job and…we’re willing to work long, hard hours…,” I replied.
“We are?” Meowth whispered to me.
“I warn you, I will not be easy on you,” the man grumbled.
“Hey, I know you!” a young boy began, getting closer to me.
“You do? I don’t think we’ve ever met!” I protested nervously.
“You’re the ones who tried to steal my pokemon at that festival!” he accused.
“Aren’t they Team Rocket?” another voice in the crowd wondered.
“Yes! I recognize them!” still another rang out.
“No! We left! We want nothing more to do with them!” I objected. The angry crowd closed in closer on us.
“I don’t want Team Rocket in my store!” the manager stated as the crowd pushed us in the direction of the door. The hard cold voices of the customers drove us out of the store and into the street where we had come from.
“So much for that,” Jessie sighed.
“Jessie, don’t give up. We can do this,” I encouraged.
“Let’s hope so, James.”
* * * * * *
Four stores and 2 restaurants later…
“James, this is hopeless!” Jessie cried, exasperated.
“No, it’s not, Jess!” I yelled.
“Yes, it is! Everyone knows who we are!”
“Team Rocket isn’t who we are, Jess…”
“Well, that’s what they think!”
“Hey! You three! Over here!” a voice called from a dark alley. We hesitantly glanced at one another, but followed the strange voice into the alley.
“Prepare for trouble!” one voice commanded.
“Prepare for trouble?” Jessie gasped.
“And make it double!” one other added.
“To protect ourselves from devastation!”
“To keep our group from discrimination!”
“To denounce the evils of the Team Rocket Organization!”
“To preserve the world and all creation!”
“Team Rocket scum should blast off or prepare to fight!”
“Because we’ll beat you guys; the Shiva stand for what’s right!” The two characters stepped out of the shadows.
The young man had short black hair and wore a torn t-shirt with baggy worn out blue jeans. The female redhead had on a tight, faded, black tank top and a pair of ripped blue jean shorts.
“How dare you insult Team Rocket!” Jessie retorted.
“Why are you so protective of Team Rocket? You weren’t one of them, were you?” Rider raised an eyebrow suspiciously at her.
“Just let me handle this, okay, Jessie?” I hissed into her ear. I opened my mouth to speak, but Meowth cut in.
“Yeah, so? Ya got sometin against us?” Meowth snapped.
“Way to go, Meowth,” I grumbled.
“You three had ties with Team Rocket?” Danny remarked in shock. She brushed her bangs out of her eyes as she awaited my answer.
“Yeah! Got a problem wit it?” Meowth interrupted my thoughts.
“Yeah! The Shiva an Team Rocket are rivals in case you didn’t notice,” Rider smirked.
“The Shiva…I know dem…” Meowth pondered.
“The Shiva?” I questioned in confusion.
“The Shiva are another criminal group. Dey’re alike ta Team rocket in every way possible; dat’s why we’re rivals.
“A few years back, da two of us actually came up head ta head and we annihilated them, but I guess dere were some survivors…” Meowth growled.
“Yeah, and it seems that you are some of the few survivors of Team Rocket,” Danny replied.
“There were more than a few, stupid!” Rider snapped.
“Was not! And don’t call me ‘stupid’!”
“What? There were others?” I gasped.
“You never heard? I know that there were a few survivors and I hear there’s a rumor going around that one of them is their leader.”
“The B-boss…?” I stuttered. It couldn’t be possible! I had seen the building collapse with him inside! But then again, I was also inside that building and through extreme luck, I made it out with my life.
But if he was still alive…he’d probably be out looking for revenge. And I knew already who was number 1 on his list: me.
“No, that can’t be right! He can’t be alive!” I protested.
“How would you know? It’s not like you were there!” Rider muttered.
“Well, we were! We saw it go down! With him inside,” Jessie stated.
“What happened there anyway?” Danny queried curiously.
“What, are you dense? It got burned down!” Rider interrupted.
“I know that, but how?” she snapped in annoyance.
“James burned it down!” Meowth announced.
“Him?!” the entire Shiva gang gasped in unison, staring at me.
“If you guys want to fight, let’s go! Enough chat!” Jessie demanded, holding up her pokeballs in annoyance. Rider cast Jessie a sideward glance and grinned smugly.
“A pokemon battle?” Rider asked, trying to surpress his laughter. “That may be Team Rocket’s way of doing things, but not for us. We use these.” He held up his fists and motioned toward us.
If I didn’t think of something fast, we were all goners! Thinking quickly, I blocked Jessie and Meowth from our opponents. Rider cackled at my weak attempt.
“Look, guys! He thinks he can stop us! Team Rocket Headquarters may have been vulnerable enough for you clowns to destroy it, but we won’t be so easy!”
“Meowth! Fury swipes!” Meowth cried, slashing the faces of our adversaries.
“You stupid cat! I’ll fix you! Pokeball, go! Catch that mangy Meowth!” Rider shouted angrily, throwing the pokeball in his direction. He was going to steal Meowth! Not if I could help it!
“Leave Meowth alone!” I commanded, forcefully tossing my own pokeball, blocking his.
“You’ve got a lot of nerve, kid.” Rider suddenly smiled. “ I like that. You know, maybe since you got this thing against Team Rocket, you can join us.”
“We could use someone like you on the Shiva team,” Danny added.
“James! You wouldn’t!” Jessie threatened.
“Uh…um…” I said nervously.
“Well?” Danny asked.
“…I’ll get back to you!”
“Weezing, smokescreen!” I yelled and released my pokemon. He immediately sprayed the dark alley with the foggy must.
Jessie, Meowth, and I took the opportunity to escape from the Shiva among the mists.
“Wow! We gotta get this guy, Rider!” Danny sighed.
“You think I don’t know that?” he retorted, then grinned evilly to himself. “And I know just how we’re gonna do it.”
* * * * * *
We panted for breath from our lucky escape from the alley. Once Jessie had caught her breath, she slapped me in rage.
“How dare you even consider betraying Team Rocket!” she snapped.
“Do I have really any other choice?” I retorted. “ We can’t find a job, Jess! If this is the only way, then…!”
I paused mid-sentence. What was I saying? Join another gang? Then all of my efforts to escape my past would be meaningless if I was just going to jump back inside the pit again.
“…you’re right, Jess,” I resolved. “Let’s keep looking then.”
“Good,” Jessie smiled.
* * * * *
“I’m tired, Jess,” I sighed as I slumped down onto the table as Jessie hungrily chomped on her burger.
“Then go to sleep,” Jess replied nonchalantly.
“You’re not hungry? Dat’s a first,” Meowth laughed as he ate his french fries.
“Ash, do something!” a voice called frantically. I listened intently to the voices. It was the twerps!
“Okay! Chicor-! Aaah!” Ash clutched his hand in pain as the pokeball slipped from his hand and onto the floor.
“We’re in trouble!” Misty gasped, hiding behind Ash.
“Ready to surrender?” Danny shouted. Danny? What was she doing? The rest of the Shiva took hold of Ash, Misty and Brock.
They desperately fought them, but with no luck. Before Danny disappeared with Rider into the alley, she winked at me. I immediately got to my feet.
“What’s wrong?” Meowth asked through a mouthful of food.
“It’s Danny!” I gasped.
“Danny? What does she want?” Jessie questioned distastefully.
“Looks like she’s trying to lure me. And it’s working. She just kidnapped the twerps.”
“If they were like Team Rocket, I wouldn’t care either, but this is the Shiva. Who knows what they may do to them. I mean, they’re only kids…”
“Can’t I finish my burger first?”
“All right. I’ll do it on my own.” I rushed out into the alley, following Danny.
“So, James, you decided to join us?” Danny asked, grinning.
“Why are you bothering with little kids when it’s me that you want?” I smirked, shaking my head.
“Whatever will do the trick,” Danny smiled. Misty glanced fearfully in my direction. I had to get them out of here before I could save myself.
“Danny, you’ve got me already. The least you could do is free them.”
“Anything. Partner,” she grinned widely. “Let em’ go, Rider.”
Rider reluctantly freed the twerps. They rushed away from the Shiva and to my side.
“We’ll fight em together,” Ash growled.
“No, this is my fight. I can handle it,” I assured Ash.
“Go, Ash.” He took one last glance at me and reluctantly left me. Misty smiled at me gratefully.
“Be careful,” she whispered. “And thank you.” She dashed off after Ash along with Brock.
“So, James, here’s your first mission…”Rider started.
“I quit,” I replied and rushed toward the exit.
“Stop him!” Danny yelled.
Out of nowhere, two marble balls bounced onto the ground and spread a musty gas across the alley. I stumbled about in shock, but then a hand reached out of nowhere and pulled me to safety.
“Jessie?” I asked my rescuer.
“Stop fooling around! We gotta keep looking!” she yelled.
“Yeah! Or we won’t have any job ta do!” Meowth put in.
* * * * * *
After hours more of searching, to no avail, we decided to rest for the day in one of the nearby hotels.
I reclined on my back on one of the large beds as Jessie took a shower, removing her disguise from earlier that day. Meowth just paced to and fro in front of my bed impatiently.
“What are we gonna do, James? What are we gonna do? It’s been a whole day an nothin! We’ve got nothin ta show for it!” Meowth complained.
“Maybe things’ll work out better tomorrow,” I concluded, shutting my eyes.
“An if dey don’t? Den what? We gotta do sometin! Maybe if you joined da Shiva…no! What am I saying? Arrgh!” I just smiled as Meowth continued to worry.
“We’ll be fine, Meowth,” I assured him.
“Nice ta know you’re so calm about all this!” Meowth yelled.
“Calm down. Here; Knock yourself out,” I tossed him a yarn ball and he chased it playfully across the room. I sighed. That’s all it takes to distract Meowth.
I personally found that things work out better if you just lay back and wait, but apparently, he thought of things differently. That probably explained why he was always stressed out.
“Jessie, you almost done?” I called restlessly.
“Shut up and wait your turn! I’m trying to get this red paint off my face!” Jessie answered in annoyance.
I grinned thinking back on the night before we had arrived in the city. When she had actually spoken to me like a friend. The way she had before we had gotten involved with Team Rocket.
Maybe through this obstacle, she would begin to trust me more. More than she had before. With the kind of trust I wanted.
“It’s all yours!” Jessie shouted from the shower. I sat up reluctantly and marched into the bathroom, slamming the door behind me. I could hear Jessie’s voice from the next room as I pushed her cosmetics to one side of the counter.
Then, listening closer, I realized that Jessie wasn’t the only voice I was hearing. Someone else was in Jessie’s room! I pressed my ear against the wall, in effort to hear their conversation.
“Wha-what do you want?” I made out the words Jessie had said. I could barely hear the stranger’s response. He must have been out of earshot for me to listen.
“What does this have to do with James?” she snapped. She was defending me? To whom? And why?
“It’s not that…Look, I only hung around him because it’s my job. It’s not like I didn’t want to get away! It wasn’t my choice.”
My face fell at her comment. So the truth finally came out. She hadn’t been defending me; why, she didn’t care one bit about me. Why didn’t she have the nerve to tell me herself before? Didn’t I deserve to know?
“Meet where? In the park? When? Tonight? Okay, I’ll wait til everyone’s asleep.” Then once again there was silence in Jessie’s room.
Maybe I was wrong…Jessie wouldn’t…couldn’t betray me like this…she was my friend…right? My feet suddenly felt weak and I toppled back against the door and just slumped to the ground slowly.
“James, are you all right?” Jessie asked from her bedroom.
I remained completely silent as I leaned my head back against the door. How could she deny everything I thought we meant to each other? Then resolve to meet with another man?
* * * * * * *
Late that night, I lay in bed, eyes darting about and ears alert to listen for when Jessie emerged from her room. I had to know who had been talking to her.
Suddenly, my ears detected a strange sound coming from Jessie’s bedroom. I slowly crawled out of mine, making sure not to wake Meowth and walked into the bathroom that connected the two rooms.
The bathroom door creaked open and I glanced inside the room, just in time to see Jess bolting out the door. As I was about to give chase, an object on her bed caught my eye.
A rose…a single, solitary rose…I picked it up delicately. As weak as the very petals of a flower…was there anything I could do to save my rose?
I dashed outside, keeping a good distance between me and Jessie, and copied her every move so she wouldn’t suspect me behind her.
As we reached the gate to the City Park, she quickly stopped, causing me to come to an abrupt and sudden halt as well. I hid behind a large garbage can and just waited until Jessie decided to move.
But she just stood there, staring out into the darkness as if she could sense me or something. I sucked in my breath just in case and my heart pounded faster.
Then Jessie just shrugged and took off into the park. After a few moments, I stood up and continued with the chase. When she finally paused beside some bushes, I did along with her and found a perfect place to spy on her and the mysterious man.
Before I knew it, we had been joined by a shadowy figure. He just stood there staring at Jessie.
“So what do you want?” Jessie growled.
“You’re alone, right?” the stranger responded nonchalantly.
“Yeah. Now what do you want to talk about?” Jessie snapped.
“Nothing. More something we need.”
“What? And what does it have to do with me and James?”
“James comes in later, but for now, we need you.” The stranger stepped out from the shadows, revealing his true identity. It was Butch!
Suddenly, a few more people leaped out of the bushes and secured Jess! She fought to break free of their grip, but couldn’t.
“Butch! How did you survive?” she demanded.
“The question is ‘how did James survive?’” Butch queried.
“Yes, Jessie, we’re all dying to know,” Cassidy added.
Jessie just glared at them defiantly. Cassidy met Jessie’s glare, but when she realized that Jessie wouldn’t say a word, she smirked and stepped back.
“No matter. It’s not like he’s gonna be around for that much longer,” Cassidy sneered.
“Weezing! Smokescreen attack!” I ordered, my gas pokemon spreading horrible smelling fumes over Cassidy and Butch and the rest of their comapdres.
“He’s here!” Butch observed. Cassidy felt Jessie being wrenched out of her grip and pulled away into the mist.
“James!” she shrieked angrily.
When we were far enough from the park, we just proceeded to cough and cough until we were able to catch our breath.
“James! You came after me! Why…?” Jessie gasped.
“I don’t know why, Jessica,” I stated coldly. “I wish I knew.”
“You called me ‘Jessica’…”
“That’s your name, isn’t it?” I turned away from Jessie and just gazed sadly at the ground.
“Well,…thank you.” Silence consumed us as we stood silently beneath the moonlight. I couldn’t even bear to look at her. It hurt too much. “You’re quiet…too quiet…what happened?”
“…nothing. Not that you’d care.”
“What are you talking about?” I noticed the rising annoyance and tension in her voice. But I didn’t care. Why should I? She didn’t.
“You know exactly what I mean, Jessie. I know you were talking to someone in the bedroom…about me.”
“What? When?”
“…I really don’t want to talk about it. So let’s just go.”
“Well, I do! Tell me! What did I supposedly say?” Jessie forced me to look her straight in the eye. Fine then. She wanted an answer? I’d give her one.
“You know, Jessie, don’t you hate it when people pretend, they act out their entire lives?” I smirked slightly, pacing around her like a hawk.
“I guess…”
“Because you are one of them! You pretended all my life to be my friend, but now I know the truth! I don’t need a fake friend!” I pulled out of her grip and turned my back to her again, for fear of lashing out again, for fear of crying.
“You know, I was right. I should’ve known it was too good to last. Everything in my life always is,” her tone softened to a whisper or a small whimper. Was Jessie…crying?
“You’re exactly the way I thought you’d turn out. The same as your family and any other person I’ve ever known. I hope you leave and join the stupid Shiva! Go ahead! We’re on opposite sides already,” Jessie grumbled.
“Maybe I will!” I snapped.
“Then go! Leave! I’ll be better off without you!”
“Same here!”
Jessie glared daggers at me in rage and moved back.
Just before she disappeared in the shadows, I caught one last glimpse of her. Her face seemed enraged, but when I looked deep into her eyes, I realized that deep down, she was extremely hurt.
Maybe I had been wrong. If she truly was a fake, then why did she seem so devastated when I told her so? Or was that an act too? I don’t know what to believe anymore. The little trust that we had had was gone. Forever. Never to be replaced.
* * * * * *
My hand rested on the door handle to Jess’ bedroom. Stalling as long as my conscience would allow, I just stared at my feet.
I admit, I did feel somewhat bad about saying those things to Jessie, but I knew that every word was true. Well, for my sake, I hoped they were.
Before I could react the door flung open and Meowth crashed into me. We both were tossed back roughly onto the ground.
“James, where’s Jessie?” Meowth asked frantically.
“Where is she…isn’t she here?” I questioned, the tension rising in my voice.
“No! I don’t know where she is! Hey…where were you?”
“Did you see Jess leave?”
“Yes and no.”
“What do you mean?”
“When she left the hotel, I followed her to the City Park, but after that I don’t know where she went.”
“Well, come on! We gotta find her!”
“I…I think I’ll stay here.”
“What kind of a friend are you, James?”
“You mean, ‘what kind of a friend is Jessie?’”
“Sometin’s going on between you two and you’re gonna tell me what,” Meowth demanded.
“Nothing happened, Meowth,” I responded dryly. Images of that night flashed through my head-Jessie’s conversation with Butch in the bedroom, the attack, our argument-but I bit my lip and kept it all inside me.
“James, as a friend, I’m asking you. Come on; maybe I can help you,” Meowth begged. I sighed, my entire defense falling.
“Why do you want to know?”
“Because I’m your friend.”
“…friend?” I asked Meowth.
“Yeah,” Meowth smiled.
“…Jessie and I kinda had a fight…met with Butch and Cassidy…told them that what we had meant nothing to her…”
“Slow down! You say you saw Butch and Cassidy? How? Where?”
“In the city Park. They called Jess and that’s when I overheard their conversation.”
“How do you know she was talking about you?”
“I just…know. Then I rescued her in the park from…Team Rocket…and that was the last I saw of her.”
“So she was in Central Park…do you think Cass and Butch caught her?”
“I don’t know…”
“…all right then. Let’s go find Jessie before they do!” Meowth yelled heroically.
“Ah…” I interrupted his dramatic moment. “Can we eat breakfast first?”
* * * * * * *
“Jessie! Jessie! Where are you?” I called, searching frantically through the City Park, our only clue to where she may be.
“Jessie! Jessie!” Meowth yelled. “Meowth needs a manicure!”
“Jessie, please answer!” Please be safe.
“I’m right here, James,” she replied softly, stepping out from the bushes. She didn’t seem at all like herself. She seemed very upset…sad almost. Probably from what I had said.
“Jessie, I…” I motioned toward her.
“Don’t move any closer, James,” she warned in a hostile tone. Meowth placed a claw on my pant leg and just held me back.
“James, leave while you can…” Meowth advised under his breath. Why were they acting so strange?
I gazed into her pleading eyes. I guess she didn’t want a second chance with me. They way it appeared was that…she hadn’t been lying to Butch. Our relationship did indeed mean nothing to her. But I wasn’t willing to let go that easily.
“Jessie, please…” I begged, taking another step closer…and fell right into a trap. A rope wrapped tightly around my ankle and hung me upside down in the air.
“Good work, Jessie,” Butch congratulated. “Seems you never did lose your touch.” Jessie just glanced away from Butch and me.
“You too, Meowth,” Cassidy added. Meowth lowered his head. “Now let’s see what we’ve caught in our net,” Cassidy looked me over.
“Keep away from me! Or I’ll…” I swung angrily at the air, but instead of landing a perfect punch, I just continued to spin round. Cassidy laughed at my weak attack.
“Very amusing, James.”
“Pathetic,” Giovanni sneered as he too stepped out of the shadows and joined them.
“The…Boss…” I gasped.
“’Giovanni, you may have thought you won, but I refused to let it end like this. Whether I get out or not, you will never win.’ Weren’t those you’re exact words, James?” Giovanni cackled.
“Well, not my exact words…”
“Don’t contradict me!” I winced slightly at the sound of his voice. “Even now that your time is coming to a close, you still have the nerve to defy me.”
He glowered in fury at me and I returned his glare in rebellion. I just hoped he wouldn’t retaliate.
“Get him out of my sight,” Giovanni growled. Cassidy and Butch released my leg from the snare reluctantly and hoisted me back to my feet.
“Say, g’bye, James,” Butch grinned at Jessie.
“…wait!” Jessie begged Giovanni.
“Wait? I thought you didn’t care? Isn’t that why you joined up with us again? So you could live?” Giovanni laughed.
“But…I have something better,” Jessie smiled broadly. “Why just kill him when we could make him suffer for the rest of his days?”
“…go on.”
“Let’s return him to his home. I’ve been there before; it’s a horrible place of torment and torture.
“His parents neglect his feelings and his soon-to-be wife is cruel and hostile toward him, which she shows by chasing him about the house with her whip,” Jessie continued.
“No! Never! I’ll never go back!” I protested.
“Hmm…it seems plausible. What do you think?” Giovanni turned to Cassidy, Butch, and the other few members present.
“But what if she’s lying?” Butch questioned.
“For her sake, she better not be,” he shot a cold stare at Jessie. “Either way, James won’t remember her to come back.”
“What?” Jessie queried curiously.
“You don’t think we’d let him leave with his memory, do you? He knows too much. Besides, we can’t have him coming back and disrupting you or Meowth from your work. If either of you are still around by then.”
“Hey! You promised us dat if we turned him over to you, you’d forget dat we’d ever been involved wit him inda first place and let us back on da Team,” Meowth protested angrily.
Temporarily. You’re time is up.” The other remaining members took hold of Jessie and Meowth.
“So I guess I was right, Jessie. You’re just a big fake,” I grumbled.
“No, it’s not that, James. I didn’t have a choice! I told you to go! I…I’m sorry,” Jessie apologized.
“…really?” I raised my eyebrow skeptically.
The men restraining her suddenly yanked harder on her arms and pulled her farther out of my reach.
“Just forget everything I said to Butch! It’s not true!”
“We’re sorry, Jimmy!” Meowth cried. “Meowth’ll neva do that to ya again! But I don’t tink we’ll be getting anoder chance!”
“Meowth! Jessie!” I struggled to release myself from my captor’s grip. Now I had a reason to fight it. I couldn’t just let all of our memories just disappear forever.
“Enough talk!” Cassidy snapped. She clobbered me over the head with a metal rod.
As the cold, hard steel whacked into my head with a sickening clang, I sank down to the ground weakly, all around me growing dim.
“James!!!” was the last thing I heard come out of Jessie’s mouth as I collapsed weakly on the floor.
* * * * * *
“James? Are y’all okay?” a distant voice called out to me. I dizzily opened my eyes to see a young woman hovering over me.
“Je-Je…?” I stuttered. Who was she?
“Yes, James,” she smiled. “It’s me, Jessibelle.” Jessiebelle? That wasn’t what I was trying to say. Heck, I don’t even know what I was trying to say!
“Jessibelle? What am I doing here?” I asked in confusion.
“You must have hurt your head pretty hard, James dear. Ah’ll leave so you can rest,” Jessibelle stepped back from the bed after planting a kiss on my forehead and retreated silently from the room.
How did I end up back where I had started? I swore to myself that I’d never return again! I rested my hand on my forehead, over top of my bandage. Bandage? Wha-?
I got to my feet and sauntered over to the mirror. I removed the bandage to reveal a bloody scar streaking across my forehead. How…? I shakily placed my hand on the wound. Blood stained my fingers and dripped onto the counter.
What happened to me? All I remember is being somewhere other than home with a rose…a small red rose…who knew what the significance of it was?
And also with a mysterious woman. Her name is Je…Je…oh, I don’t know. Maybe my family would have answers. I tightly fastened my bandage and approached the door.
“Mom? Dad?” I called.
“Yes, dear?” Jessibelle answered sweetly, heading in my direction.
“I wasn’t talking to you. Where are my parents?” I snapped.
“Ah’m sure ah can help you. Now what do you need?”
“My parents.” She giggled softly.
“Oh, come now. You can tell me.”
“…fine. How did I get here? I’m lost…”
“Oh, silly thing! You must’ve lost your memory! Ah suppose you were coming back to me and you hit your head somehow. Ah found you in the garden all alone.”
“But before…oh, never mind.” How did I come to be there? I refused to accept that I was on my way to see that witch. Why would I waste my time? Something must’ve happened to me…that would explain my bruise.
Jessibelle pushed me into my bedroom once again.
“Don’t worry about your memories, James! Everything’ll be fine now that you’re home.” I fell back onto my bed roughly as Jessibelle locked my only exit.
Very suspicious…she knew something. I was sure of that much. I had to find out what. I leaned against the door, listening to any clues that may be helpful.
“Hopkins, get James’ parents right away! Ah’ve got to discuss something with them in the family room.” Probably about me. Somehow, I had to eavesdrop on their meeting.
My eyes darted about the room for a possible exit. Hmm…a dresser, a bed, an air vent…an air vent! That was it! I climbed on top of the dresser and reached up for the vent, and pulled off the lid.
After making sure I had a firm grip on the edges, I pulled myself skyward. As my feet left the security of the dresser, I strained to lift myself into the air vent.
“No more…donuts for me,” I wheezed as I disappeared into the vent.
* * * * * * *
“Yes, Jessibelle?” my mother asked impatiently.
“Ah’m worried. James is starting to question too much. If he finds out what really happened, then he may leave me again!” Jessibelle yelled.
“Whatever do you mean, Jessibelle?” my dad queried curiously.
“It seems that when he first came to us, he didn’t quite remember anything about what happened. He doesn’t remember ever joining with that impudent Jessie.
“As long as he doesn’t remember any reason to leave, he’ll stay here with me, but now he’s starting to remember something. If we don’t do something…huh?” Jessibelle glanced upward at the air vent.
I held my breath as I moved away from the opening. She saw me already…I know it.
“What is it, Jessibelle?” mom asked.
“Ah thought ah heard something.” She shrugged it off. “Oh well. So what do you suggest?”
“Keep him confined in his bedroom. As long as he has no contact with anybody, he’ll be fine.”
“Very well, mother,” Jessibelle grinned.
My own parents…what were they keeping me from? I knew why-because Jessibelle was a psychotic woman bent on making my life miserable. But what?
And who was this ‘impudent Jessie’? Could it be that she was the mysterious woman from my memory?
“Why don’t you go accompany him in the bedroom?”
I gasped in shock. What would she think if when she came in, she spotted me jumping out of the air vent? I had get there first!
I crawled as fast as I could through the tiny enclosing. My elbows started to burn with pain as I dragged them along the bottom, but I didn’t care. I saw the opening leading into my bedroom coming closer and closer.
“James!” I heard Jessibelle call as she began unlocking my door. Time was running out!
The door creaked open as Jessibelle poked her head inside.
“James…” she called again. Her eyes fell to the bed, where she spotted me sleeping. She smiled and approached my bed. “James, dear, time to wake up. Ah’m here.”
Apparently, she didn’t care a bit that I was supposedly sleeping. Very kind of her to be so considerate. I sleepily opened my eyes and glared at her.
“< Yawn >! Oh, it’s Jessibelle. Must be a nightmare…,” I groaned. She laughed dumbly.
“Y’all are so funny, James! So what about the wedding?”
“What wedding?”
Our wedding.”
Our wedding? Excuse me? There is no our; there is no us! There is no wedding!” I snapped. She smirked defiantly and pushed me up against the wall. My head clunked against it, causing a stream of pain to shoot through me from my injury.
“You must’ve forgotten about that, dear. We are getting married. Today.” She suddenly pressed her lips against mine. I struggled desperately to break away from her death grip, but my efforts were futile.
Just then, the doorbell rang, disrupting her. I gasped for breath as she sat up in annoyance.
“Hopkins, will you please get the door?” she yelled to our servant.
“What if it’s that ‘impudent Jessie’? You don’t want me remembering things, do you?” I smirked. She raised an eyebrow in suspicion, but reluctantly retreated downstairs to get the door.
I breathed in relief. Gone at last. Now to find out who the visitors were. Luckily for me, the door had been left open for my escape. I sneaked out the door and cautiously hung by the stairs.
“Uh, hi. Is James there?” someone questioned from downstairs. He sounded somewhat familiar…did I know him?
“And who, may ah ask, are you?” Jessibelle asked defensively.
“I’m Ash Ketchum,” he answered.
“And I’m Misty,” another piped up.
“And Brock,” one other added. Before I knew it, Jessibelle had spotted me.
“James, what are you doing here? Go now!” she ordered.
“I’m here for answers, Jessibelle. And if you won’t give them to me, maybe they can. What are you afraid of, Jessibelle?” I challenged.
She pursed her lips, but said nothing as she left the four of us alone.
“But don’t be long. Ah don’t like to be kept waiting, James,” she replied, disappearing from view.
“James, are you all right?” Misty asked, glancing at the bandage on my head.
“First of all, who are you and what do you want?” I questioned. “Do I know you?”
“How do you not know who we are? You’ve been chasing after us the past three or four years!” Ash gasped in amazement.
“It worked then. They did what they planned. And you let them,” Misty removed the bandage from my head, revealing the scar.
“What are you…?” I gasped. How dare she even touch me! I shoved her aside.
“You really don’t remember, do you?” She gazed questioningly back at her friends. I frowned. This conversation was getting nowhere fast.
“Look, I don’t know who you are, but…”
“Misty, let’s just go. He doesn’t want our help,” Ash grumbled.
“Ash, we owe him at least that much,” Misty retorted. “Now think of something!”
They just stood there for a moment, glanced at each other, and nodded. I don’t know what they were planning, but I decided to hang around for a moment longer.
“Prepare for trouble!” Ash began, winking at Misty.
“And make it double!” Misty added, grinning. Wha-? Prepare for…trouble?
“To protect the world from devastation!”
“To unite all peoples within our nation!”
“To denounce the evils of truth and love!”
“To extend our reach to the stars above!”
“Je-Jessie?” I asked in confusion.
“James!” Brock put in, smiling.
“Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!” Misty yelled, tossing me a red rose. A rose…why? Why was it so important?
“S-surrender now…or prepare…prepare to fight…” I replied unsurely and collapsed to my knees, the tiny flower falling out of my grasp.
What was happening to me? How did I know that? It seemed like such a distant part of my life. Was it even my life? Or was it somebody else?
“James, are you all right?” Misty gasped.
“What’s wrong with me? I shouldn’t be remembering this…. It’s not me…”
“But it is, James!” Ash protested.
“…It can’t be. And stop calling me that!” I snapped, getting to my feet angrily.
“You can’t deny who you are, James! Or do you prefer to be called ‘Jimmy’?”
“Jimmy? Someone used to call me by that name before…no! That can’t be right…or is it?”
“No, it’s not, James!” Jessibelle interrupted. “Don’t listen to them! They’re trying to confuse you! Ah know what’s best for you, dear!”
“She doesn’t, James! If you don’t hurry, that entire town is gonna be destroyed by Team Rocket and the Shiva! They’re completely destroying everything to try and prove who’s stronger!”
“That’s a fight no one will win,” Brock muttered, shaking his head sadly.
“The only thing they’re gonna do is kill themselves. And Jessie’s one of them,” Ash added.
“Je-Je-Jessie?” I stuttered. Jessie…did I care for her? Did I even know her?
“Jessie?” Jessibelle snorted. “You don’t like her, James! You don’t even know her! You love me, don’t you, James?”
“No, James! Don’t listen! You remember Jessie, don’t you, James?” Misty protested.
“James!” Ash shouted.
“James!” Brock yelled. I clutched my throbbing head in pain. Who to believe? Who to believe? I’m so confused! I felt as though I would pass out…
‘James,’ a quiet voice called out.
W-who’s there? I glanced up and peered around. Everyone around me was screaming my name, but strangely, they sounded distant so…far away.
Suddenly, visions flashed through my head.
“Friends?” Without a moment’s hesitation, Jessie shook my hand warmly.
“Friends. Always.”
“You forgot Meowth!” Meowth shouted. Then the vision disappeared and darkness surrounded me.
‘This is you,’ the voice informed me.
Me? Who am I? Who am I?
‘A part of me.’
A new background formed in the darkness. A collapsed building formed in the background as Jessie and Meowth lifted me off the ground.
“We will always be there for you, James. I will always be your friend. You don’t need to worry,” Jessie assured me as she lifted me to my feet.
Was it…real? I…I…don’t know…
Just then, everything blacked out and I slid onto the floor.
* * * * *
“James. James, wake up,” a voice whispered.
“Huh?” I slowly woke up. The redhead from earlier was hovering over me, with Jessibelle behind her. “M-Misty?”
She smiled at me and said, “You remember.”
“I suppose, but I’m not exactly sure what. What’s wrong with me?”
“James, you lost your memory, that’s all. But you have to do something or Jessie and Meowth’ll lose.
“The Shiva have a lot more on their side. Team Rocket may have weapons, but they’re gonna lose. You know the weaknesses of both sides. You’re the only one who can save them.”
“Jessie’s in trouble?”
Jessie…sounded familiar…partners…Team Rocket…best friend…I…I’m remembering! My memories are returning!
“Yeah, James. Are you with us?”
“Yeah!” I resolved, getting to my feet.
“No, you’re not!” Jessibelle screamed, reaching for me. My hand went automatically to my belt and I fingered my pokeballs.
“Weezing, go! Smokescreen!” I yelled.
“Whee…” Weezing acknowledged, blowing smoke in every direction. In the midst of the smoke, Misty took my hand and we vanished in the smog.
“James!” Jessibelle shrieked in rage. Sorry, Jessibelle, but I’m not gonna lose myself for you. I have a job to do.
Well, here I go. Be safe, Jessie. I’m on my way.
* * * * * * *
“Well, were finally here,” Ash announced grimly.
“What happened?” I gasped in shock.
“Team Rocket and the Shiva. That’s what happened,” Brock stated. The entire city appeared to be a ghost town of some sort. The shops and houses were boarded up and the streets were completely deserted.
“It’s awful, isn’t it?” Misty remarked, staring at the remains of it.
“How could this have happened?” I replied.
“That’s what fighting does, James. It destroys. Hey, James! Where are you going?” Brock called after me.
Please be okay, Jessie, Meowth. I gotta see you…hold on a little longer.
I banged frantically on one of the doors.
“Hello? Is anyone home? Please open up!” I begged.
“Go away!” was the response.
“I begging you; I need your help. Two friends of mine are missing. Can you…?”
“You think you’re the only one? Get outta here! I’ve got work to do.”
“Look, I understand how you must feel, but this may be my one last chance to see them. They’re all I have left…” I pleaded, striking the door softly one last time.
I wasn’t getting anywhere with this person. I turned my back slowly from the door…and suddenly and slowly, it creaked open.
“…come on in.” I grinned happily at the twerps and we all dashed inside. “I’m sorry for that little incident at the door, but you saw how this town is; you never know who could be at the other side of your door.”
“Thank you anyway,” I smiled. “Do you know when this happened?” I questioned.
“Is your name ‘James’?”
“Just curious. It’s been going on for a few days now. Team Rocket came after the Shiva and they fought back. So now there’s this big war going on to see who’s the stronger gang. I’ve had to close down my shop ever since. It’s the same for everyone.”
Wow. I had been asleep for a few days. Jessie and Meowth could be dead by now…I shook the thought from my head. No, I couldn’t give up hope. They were still alive; they had to be.
“What about the police? Can’t they do anything?” I asked.
“The police? Ha! Maybe if they’re weren’t so many they had to battle, but the Shiva and Team Rocket combined are too powerful to fight. Maybe if there were less, but I don’t see that happening any time soon.
“The Shiva aren’t doing too well, but as long as there’s still some left, there’s no telling what they could do.
“So the police have given up. They’ve been inside their station eating doughnuts ever since this started.”
“They’re getting paid for eating doughnuts?”
“What else can they do? I’d say about 95% of the crimes committed here are either by Team Rocket or the Shiva. I told you already-until the gangs shrink or kill themselves, there’s nothing they can do.”
No police guarding the town…this was horrible. Those two gangs were completely out of control. Something had to be done to stop them and retrieve my friends from the jaws of danger.
But what could I do? Alone, I was powerless against them. I couldn’t save them alone. I needed help. The twerps would lend a hand, but how much could we do?
“Have you seen a young woman and her pokemon around here? She has extremely long red hair and the Meowth has an extremely big mouth,” I informed, still hopeful. I saw the woman hesitate a bit, but she spoke after a few seconds.
“I haven’t seen anybody like that around these parts. Say, you look familiar…”
“T-to whom?” I was heading back in the same direction. Everyone seemed to know me for my former reputation. Nothing would ever change.
“You’re from Team Rocket, aren’t you? I saw your wanted poster in the police office the other day.”
“You’ve got it all wrong! I’m not…” I protested.
“I also heard you completely destroyed Team Rocket Headquarters to stop their master plan. Good job!” she applauded, laughing to herself about the incident. “Ya gotta have a lot of guts ta do something like that; or no brains.”
I laughed along with her in spite of myself. At last, remembered for doing something good. Well,…sort of.
“But now it doesn’t matter. Cause the whole purpose of doing that was to give my friends and me a chance…a chance to do something worthwhile… a chance to prove to everyone we were…worth something. But they’re gone forever.”
She just sat there thinking for a moment, then she took me by the hand and led me up the stairs.
“Come with me,” was all she said. The twerps followed uncertainly behind. Where was she taking me?
“Where…?” I started to ask, but once she brought me inside an upstairs room, I paused.
Lying on the beds were two well-known figures. The two people with whom I had grown up with. It was…
“Jessie! Meowth!” I cried, dashing to their side. They just lay on their beds, unmoved. Then I spotted the bandages covering their numerous wounds. What happened to them? “Who did this to them?”
“Supposedly Team Rocket. Just before the fighting started, my daughter said that she saw them dragging these two out of City Park. She figured they were in trouble, so she rescued them from Team Rocket. Then Team Rocket killed one of the Shiva members to get back. That’s how the fighting got started.
“She also told me never to show anyone these two were in here. Unless, I met a lavender haired Team Rocket member named James. I wanted ta make sure it was you before I showed you this room.”
“Will they be okay?” I queried in fear.
“If they get the rest they need and the wounds heal like they’re supposed to, maybe. But it’s not for sure. They’re pretty beaten up.”
I hoped with all of my heart that they would be fine. Thank goodness her daughter had saved them. Who was her daughter anyway…?
“What’s your daughter’s name?”
“Her name? Her name is Danny.”
“Danny?! As in Danny from the Shiva?”
“You know her, James?” Ash asked.
“Know her? Yeah. We met the day I arrived here. She tried to get me to pick sides…”
“Between the Shiva and Team Rocket…” Ash put in, thoughtfully. I nodded in agreement.
“Yes. I see what she’s doing.”
“What do you mean, James?”
I clutched my fist angrily. She didn’t care about me; all she wanted was my knowledge of Team Rocket to help the Shiva in their fight, since she knew Jessie and Meowth wouldn’t.
In a way, she had them as a ransom. No, a trap. Another trap.
Them-all of them-were all the same. Using me in their cons and plans as a pawn. Nothing more than a pawn to use as they please. But there was nothing I could do in this matter.
If I had to join the Shiva to save my friends,…I would do it. Even though I didn’t want that to be a part of my life anymore, I would sacrifice my freedom for them.
“…Never mind. Ash, Brock…Misty…” they all turned their gazes to me.
“Yes, James?” Misty questioned.
“…I’m going to join the battle with the Shiva.”
“What?!” they all gasped.
“But I thought you were out of those gangs for good!” Misty demanded in shock.
“It’s not my choice, Misty. It seems the decision has been made for me already,” I glanced wistfully at Jessie’s bed.
“What do you mean ‘it’s not my choice’? Of course it is!”
“…you don’t understand, Misty.”
“Then explain it to me!”
“Open up now!” a voice commanded from downstairs.
“They’re back!” Danny’s mother observed in fear. She shoved us all into the room and slammed the door shut. I listened intently as the men broke into her home. “Get out of my house!”
“Move it, lady! We don’t need you!” All we heard next was a loud thump against the hard floor. The pounding of footsteps banging up the stairs panicked all of us as we desperately searched for an exit.
“What’ll we do? They’re bound to look in here!” Misty cried in fright.
“Out the window!” I suggested. “Take Jess and Meowth.” The four of us quickly tied some bed sheets together, end to end, forming a rope for us to climb down.
Ash went down first with Meowth in his arms, Misty followed him, and I carefully handed Jessie over to Brock. As Jessie slipped out of my grip, I watched to make sure she got down safely, then began my climb.
Abruptly the door flew open and the Shiva members rushed inside.
“Look, there he is!” they yelled, lunging for me. Not wanting to get caught, I tried to escape, but there was no way out for me. They grabbed me by the arms and hoisted me back inside.
“We’ve been looking for you,” the other smirked.
“James!” Misty cried.
“Watch over them!” I ordered.
“Don’t worry; you’re friends aren’t going anywhere, so you can watch over them yourself,” he grinned as the rest of his men captured the twerps and Jess and Meowth.
* * * * * *
Danny crouched low behind a stack of crates, shrouded by darkness. She pressed her back against it nervously as sweat poured down her forehead.
Just then, another Shiva member dashed rapidly to her side.
“TR status?” Danny hissed.
Unexpectedly, the member saluted and dropped to her feet, dead. Danny bit her lip in fear. Team Rocket was killing off their members as if they were nothing!
Rider leaped over the crates and blasted bullets in Team Rocket’s direction.
“Rider!” she gasped.
“You all right?” he asked.
“Of course! I’ve been here the whole time. You won’t let me check it out,” she pouted.
“Too dangerous for someone like you,” he sneered. “Now come on!” He took her hand.
“Go? But the battle’s barely started!”
“Sometimes you gotta retreat to win! Besides, I’ve got someone I know you’re dying to meet!” He started to drag her from the battlefield, while a few more members followed.
“We lost, didn’t we?”
* * * * * * * *
The Shiva agents hurriedly sprinted into a huge warehouse across from the scene of battle. Rider and Danny wheezed tiredly from their run.
“Danny,” Rider began. “I…got you…what you wanted…”
“Hmm?” she cocked her head to the side in confusion. Rider glanced at her with a somewhat upset look and motioned toward where the rest of the Shiva held us captive.
“I brought you…James.”
“James!” she cried with glee. I broke out of the other Shiva’s grip roughly.
“So what are you going to do with them, Danny? You already have me.”
“That won’t work this time, James,” she replied sweetly. “I’ll hold on to them.”
“Yeah. As ransom,” I smirked.
“You’re cute and clever,” Danny smiled. “I just want to make sure that you’ll be loyal to the Shiva, that’s all. Do you know just how valuable you are, James?”
“You speak of me like I’m an object-a thing!” I snapped.
“I didn’t mean it like that. I’m just saying that the knowledge you have about Team Rocket could help us in our fight.”
“Look, I don’t want to help you fight! How is that supposed to solve anything? You’ve already lost a good majority of Shiva, correct?”
Danny peered back at Rider questioningly then at me once again.
“How did you know that?”
“You’re mother.”
“Mom? What happened to her? What did you do to her?” she whirled around and glared down the other members who had captured us.
“Danny, she was getting in the way…,” one responded, somewhat annoyed.
“She’s my mother! How could you?” She lunged toward them, but Rider caught her and held her back.
“Danny, calm down! You’re mom’s all right! I promise! They just knocked her out for a while. She’ll be fine, Danny!” Danny slowly relaxed and just fell into Rider’s arms.
“You…you promise? She’s okay?” Danny inquired.
“I was there, Danny! All they did was spray a little gas on her to keep her from getting to excited and she fell asleep. She’s on the couch sleeping. You think I would’ve let them hurt her?”
“No, I guess not.”
“You gonna calm down?” Rider asked, slowly releasing her. “We’ve already lost enough Shiva; I don’t need you killing off the rest!” Danny smiled and nodded. “Nothing. Please, Danny. Let us go. Jess and Meowth are in trouble. If I don’t do something…they may not make it…”
“James, James, James,” she shook her head. “You realize that we’ve had this conversation before. You asked the Shiva to spare your friends and we did. You never came through for us and now I saved them again. Don’t you think you owe us something?”
“This is just one big conspiracy,” I grumbled.
“So you’ve noticed?” she giggled.
“James?” groaned my weak friend.
“Jess?” I gasped.
“…Meowth,” Meowth corrected feebly. I dashed to his side.
“Meowth, are you all right?”
“Few bruises here and dere, but I’ll live,” Meowth grumbled. “James, what happened?”
“It doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters is getting you and Jess outta here safely.”
“What are you talking about, Jim? Why do we hafta get outta here? We’re not in any danger…are we?”
“If you don’t consider the Shiva dangerous, no.”
“Da Shiva?!” Meowth sat up in shock, then he immediately doubled over in pain.
“That’s right, Meowth. And James is gonna help us defeat Team Rocket,” Danny informed.
“What?!” Meowth glared daggers in my direction.
“It’s not what you think, Meowth! I don’t have a choice!”
“This is really getting tiring. Shiva, secure them,” Rider ordered. The members took hold of Ash, Misty, Brock, and Meowth. One member lifted Jessie out of Brock’s hands and she just winced.
“Jess!” I shouted.
“James, she’ll be fine just as long as you help us,” Danny advised. “I’ll leave some Shiva with them to make sure that they’re all right. I promise.”
“What will this solve, Danny? Absolutely nothing!”
“That doesn’t matter, James. Now, are you in or out?” I weakened to her. I was trapped and this seemed like the only option.
“I’ll watch over her, James,” Meowth encouraged. I nodded in response.
“All right, Danny,” I sighed. “I’m in.”
* * * * *
“So what’s the plan?” I whispered.
“What plan?” Danny answered.
“That’s good,” I mumbled.
“Who needs em’? Shiva go on their instincts!”
“Maybe I’m just new to this, but this to me, just seems like the reason why you’re losing.”
“Shh…,” Rider hissed. “…Team Rocket scum…”
We pressed our back against the wall as Team Rocket slipped outside of another large warehouse, which was apparently their temporary hideout. I recognized those members…it was…it was…Cassidy and Butch!
“Team Rocket scum! You’ll pay for what you did to the Shiva with your lives!” Danny screamed, leaping out from her hiding place.
Danny! What was she doing? Was she crazy, trying to attack Team Rocket on their home turf?
“Oh, look, Butch. Shiva. How amusing,” Cassidy sneered.
“Yeah, and she’s all alone,” Butch added, grinning.
“Let’s show her, shall we?” Each of them drew their weapons threateningly. Before any of us could react, the bullet was already out of the gun and zooming in her direction.
“Danny!” Rider shrieked. Rider shoved Danny out of harms way, but ended getting the bullet himself. He fell to his knees for a moment from the sharp pain.
“Rider! Are you…?” Danny asked frantically.
“…fine. Now shut up and go!” he yelled.
“James, hurry!” Danny instructed.
“James?” Cassidy replied, startled.
I followed after them, but more members of Team Rocket blocked our path.
“How did you…? That’s impossible! You couldn’t have remembered!”
“When you have friends, you never forget,” I muttered under my breath.
“Let’s end this.” All of a sudden, Rider dropped to his knees and clutched his side weakly.
“Rider! Rider! Wake up!” Danny cried desperately. “Come on, Rider! Don’t let go! You’re part of the Shiva; be strong!”
Rider dizzily stared at Danny as tears flowed down her cheeks. He brushed them away gently with his frail fingers.
“So…are you, Danny,” he whispered. “Be strong. Be…strong…”
“That’s why I need you, Rider,” she whimpered. He smiled slightly.
“You never could…take care of yourself. Just like…a kid…”
“How sweet! But your sentimental moment is finished! Team Rocket: attack!” Cassidy shrieked. Rider gritted his teeth and stood, trying to reassure Danny that he could defend himself.
Then Danny defiantly stood up.
“No! No more!” she yelled. We all turned our attention to Danny. She glared at Cassidy and Butch with such defiance that they lowered their arms.
“How will this solve anything?” Danny yelled. “We shouldn’t be fighting like this! Look around,” she waved her hand around the remains of the once whole city to demonstrate.
We did this! It’s gotta stop before we destroy the city and everything in it! Rider,” she drifted her focus on Rider. “…I’m sorry. I didn’t…I…” Tears once again formed in her eyes.
Just then, Cassidy and Butch loaded their pistols and pointed it at us.
“All of a sudden, the city matters so much to you. You didn’t seem to care when you killed off two of our members to save Jessie and Meowth!” Cassidy replied.
“Let’s get rid of them!” Butch growled.
“Stop right there,” Giovanni stated.
“Giovanni…” Danny gasped.
“Don’t kill that one,” Giovanni pointed at Rider. Rider just firmly planted his feet in the ground and glowered at him in opposition. “He’s the leader of the Shiva; as long as we have him, the battle is already won. Dispose of the rest.”
Rider just stood there bravely, guarding Danny, standing his ground as the men approached him.
“Take me if you can,” Rider growled.
Cassidy and Butch pushed Danny and the rest of us back, away from Rider.
“Danny!” Rider gasped, roughly breaking away from their grip and coming after us, but they restrained him.
I had to do something to stop this! It was getting way out of hand. If one of us didn’t come up with a backup plan, we were all in big trouble!
“Team Rocket to da rescue!” someone cried. Smoke poured out of nowhere, blocking our view. Jess? Meowth?
“What’s going on?” Cassidy coughed. “Who’s behind this?”
“Don’t you recognize us, Cassidy?” another voice piped up.
Suddenly the smoke cleared to reveal the two strangers.
“Meowth!” he put in.
“Jessie!” Jess grinned.
My heart leaped with joy! Jessie! Meowth! They were both all right!
“Jessie? Meowth? You two couldn’t have survived that!” Butch gasped.
“Well, guess what? We did!” Meowth laughed.
“Keep in mind that we did get the same training as you and Cassidy,” Jessie smirked.
“Told you I’d take care of her! Jess woke up a little while after youse left and she decided ta come after you! It wasn’t all dat hard ta break away from dose Shiva either! She figured you’d need her!” Meowth smiled at me.
“James,…are you all right?” Jessie asked.
“…I thought you were gone forever,” she blushed slightly.
“Me too. Specially’ with Jessibelle around,” I responded. “She tried to keep me from remembering you…guys,” I added hurriedly, blushing as well.
Before we could react, Butch sneaked behind Jessie and grabbed her arm, twisting it behind her back. She gave out a little cry for help as Butch backed away with Cassidy.
“Seeing that we’re outnumbered, we decided to take a little consolation prize,” Butch grinned evilly.
Jess! How could I save her? Well, I had done it once before; the least I could do is try. I just hoped that I would live through it. I gulped.
I reached into my pocket and pulled out the small bottle from a few days back. Back when we had nothing, and yet had everything-each other. It was a container of a sweet smelling perfume that Jessie loved to wear.
Jess, this is for you.
I drew my arm up behind my head and prepared to throw the bottle. I released it from my hand with such force that when it hit the arm that Butch held his weapon with, he let go of it with a screech of pain.
The minute that the weapon hit the ground, Jessie elbowed Butch in the stomach with her free arm. He was doubled over on the ground in moments.
Danny dove down and retrieved the gun before Team Rocket could do a thing. She aimed it at each of them in turn and they all raised their arms in reluctance.
“Don’t move a muscle! Or I’ll let you have it!” Danny threatened.
“Let us have it?” Cassidy mocked. “What about you’re little speech, Danny? I thought you didn’t want any more fighting-any more violence?”
“Don’t listen, Danny!” Rider warned. “She’s trying to weaken you!”
“Don’t pay attention to her trap! Focus, Danny!” another Shiva cried. Danny glanced at the gun and at the cowering Team Rocket and willingly tossed the pistol in their direction.
“That’s right. I don’t want any more fighting,” Danny acknowledged.
“Fool!” Giovanni reclaimed the gun and ordered his members to secure us once again. “Now that the tables have turned, Team Rocket will not be so forgiving, my dear. The only thing that we can give to you is my solemn promise that you will die last,” Giovanni sneered.
“Thank you, but I don’t need your promises,” Danny retorted. “Because no one here will be killed.”
“Are you saying that you alone can save your friends?”
“What if she is?” Rider stepped in, blocking her from Giovanni.
“You’re almost as crazy as James was!” Giovanni laughed.
“But I won, correct?” I advanced toward him.
“If you think we’re afraid of Team Rocket anymore, we’re not. We may have been before, but that’s in the past. And the only reason it scared us is because it has people like you leading us!” Jessie snapped.
“Now that were free, nothing can stop us! Not even da likes of Team Rocket!” Meowth shouted. Giovanni stood there in shock at all of us actually standing up to him one by one even though he had us up against the wall.
“You all have a lot of guts, but guts alone won’t win this battle,” Giovanni replied.
“Maybe a little backup will!” Ash yelled from a distance. The twerps! They came back!
“Them again!” Giovanni muttered angrily.
“You may have weapons, but we have power!” Misty added.
“Power?” Giovanni cackled. “You three children? And how do you plan to defeat us?”
“With girl power!” Misty squealed.
“Speak for yourself,” Ash and Brock grumbled. Misty ignored them and blew a little whistle that was around her neck.
Immediately after, a whole army of Officer Jennys came to our rescue.
“Those little runts called the cops on us!” Butch observed in fear.
“Retreat!” Cassidy ordered, dashing off with Butch and the other few members.
“Where do you think you are going?” Giovanni demanded. The Jennys leaped out of their vehicles and apprehended the fleeing criminals and their leader.
“The Boss isn’t gonna bail you two out this time. Oh, I forgot. He’s going with you,” Jessie smirked as Butch and Cassidy were dragged screaming into the police cars.
“Looks like you’ll have a good 90 years in prison to think up a new plan. Make it a good one,” I sneered.
“Yeah! If youse eva make it outta dere!” Meowth laughed. Giovanni just glared daggers at us as Officer Jenny shoved him into the car.
But I didn’t care. He was out of my life forever! I would never have to worry about him or Team Rocket again. Free at last!
As soon as all the police cars disappeared from view, the Shiva began to slowly remove their small jackets with the gang’s emblem on it in disgust and diminish from sight until there were only two remaining…
“James, look, I’m really sorry,” Danny apologized. “I shouldn’t have forced you into this. It was my battle; not yours. But thank you so much.”
“Did I really have a choice?” I smiled. She grinned broadly at me. “Well, it’s back to square one again…”
“You’re still whining about that job thing? Don’t worry about it! You said you met my mother, right?”
“She owns a business of her own and she’s always looking for extra help! When she hears that you guys fought with me and Rider to defend the city,…”
“Danny, can we just save the conversations for later?” Rider questioned, clutching his bleeding arm.
“Sorry, Rider,” she smiled, ripping part of her shorts off and wrapping his wound tightly. “Meet us back at the house, guys! I gotta get this stiff back to my house.”
“What stiff? I can walk,” Rider grumbled. He started to walk back toward her home, but stumbled.
Then she groaned, “You don’t even remember how to walk.”
“Well, excuse me, but I’m losing all of my life’s blood here!” He draped his arm over her shoulders and hopped all the way back home.
“Like you could walk when you were well?”
“Oh shut up!”
“No, you shut up!”
Jessie, Meowth and I just giggled as they disappeared into the small house.
Then Jess and me just stared from the ground to Meowth. Meowth just smiled after a moment or two and nodded as he followed Danny and Rider.
“Hey, guys, wait! Ya got any yarn balls?” Meowth cried. Alone at last.
“So…,” I began.
“So…,” she repeated.
“First things first,” I sighed. “Hi.”
She grinned at me and said, “Hi.”
Without waiting a minute longer, I just wrapped my arms around her and we just relaxed in our tight embrace. I felt moisture upon my shoulder and that’s when I realized that Jessie was crying.
“I missed you so much..” she sobbed.
“Me too, Jess.” Then she pulled away slowly and just stared at me. It felt so good to be reunited with my best friend once again.
Just by that simple act, she had shown me she can be trusted and she trusted me. Much more than she had and hopefully with time that seed of trust would grow.
No longer was she a frail rose petal. Her pain would always be there, but she found the strength to rise above it and trust once again. As long as I’m around and as long as she lets me, I will protect her and keep our bond strong. The way it should be.
“Jess! James! We need backup! Rider’s out of control!” Meowth yelled for help.
“No! Not that! Not the alcohol!” Rider shrieked.
“It has to be done, Rider! Now hold still…,” Danny replied, moving toward him.
Jessie and I laughed as we took off in their direction.
“Jessie, did you really miss me?” I questioned skeptically. She wiped the tears from her eyes and winked at me.
“Of course not!” she grinned.
I flashed her a grin back. Now I knew the truth about Jessie and our past together. And I knew that our bond was unbreakable. Nothing could ever, or would ever separate us again.
“Aaaah!” Rider screamed.
“Stop being a wuss,” Danny scolded.
“I am not a wuss.”
“Am too.”
“Am not.”
“Am too!”
“Am not!”
“Am too!!”
“Am not!!!”

The End!

This is the last sequel. I promise. Maybe.