Meowth's Birthday Surprise

*meowth is in bed and Jessie comes up with a megaphone*
Meowth: GAAAAAAAAH!*grabs it*SHUT UP!
Jessie: *grabs it back*Get up! Me and James are going somewhere so baby-sit the kids!
Meowth: Fine!
*J+J leave* Meowth: *goes over to the babies' cribs*Stupid James and Jess don't show me no respect.*goes and lays down on his bed.
Boy: Meowth!
Meowth: *quickly gets up*What!?
Girl: Meowth!
Meowth: *runs over*Wow!Youse guys can talk!Can you say daddy?
Both: Daddy!
Meowth: Mommy?
Both: Mommy!
Meowth: Wow!
James: Meowth,could you come to the living room for a sec?
Meowth: *picks boy and girl up and goes in there*
*lights turn on and Mondo, Domino, Butch, Cassidy, Giovanni, Jessie, and James are there*
Everyone: Surprise!
Meowth*sets the boy and girl down*Wha?
James: It's your birthday!
Meowth: Oh yeah!*blows out the candles on the cake*
James: Time for presents!*gives him his*
Meowth: *opens it*A poster of Gatomon....real funny James.
Jessie: *gives hers*
Meowth: *opens it*Oooh! My favorite shampoo! This stuff is expensive!
Butch: *gives one*This is from me and Cassidy.
Meowth: *opens it*An electric razor?
Cassidy: Yeah! For all your fur!
Mondo: *gives his*
Meowth: *opens it*A membership in the National Chocolate Society?
Mondo: Yeah!They send you a free box of chocolate every week!
Domino: My gift was making the cake!
Giovanni: I didn't know what to bring so I just brought a ball of yarn.
Meowth: *hugs it with heart eyes*
Persian: humph!
Meowth: *cuts the cake and eats some*
*everyone grabs a piece except Domino because she wants to see if they like it*
Meowth: *stops*(muffled)What are dees ard tings?
Domino: Well it's a mint choco-chip cake made from scratch so I put mints in it!
*everyone runs and spits it out in the garbage*
*raticate comes and eats the cake and runs off*
*they all get in a group and have their picture taken*
Meowth: Dis was the best birthday eva!