By: Kosaburofan

Bad things are always coming after a beautiful day. Why? I don’t know.

Today, Cassidy met Jack. It was one of her classmates. Jack likes her. And Cassidy? Well, I think she likes him too.

“What’s the matter, Butch?” Cassidy asked.

“Nothing. Why do you ask?”

“You was muttering in yourself about Jack.”

“About Jack?” he gives her a weak smile, “What do you think about him?”

“Are you jealous, Butch?” Cassidy asked again, a bit confused.

“Me? I jealous? To Jack?” Butch is rolling in laughter, “Mwahaha ha ha.... no Cassie.”

“Well, I’m sorry I asked you. It was just a question, not a joke.”

“Sorry, Cass. I’ll be serious, if you answer my question.”

“Okay. Jack is very nice to me, but not like you,” she answered quiet, “I hope I never meet him again.”

“Are you sure?” he blushes, “What’s the matter with him?”

“I’m not sure, but I think he wants to be my boyfriend. He is very nice to me. Too nice,” Cassidy sighs.

Butch is looking outside trough the window of his room. The first stars are twinkling at the sky.

“Well, you must excuse me now, Butch. I’ll go take a shower,” Cassidy walks out of Butch’s room.

“Please don’t use every hot water!” Butch shouted.

“I will try!” Cassidy shouts back.

It is 40 minutes later. Cassidy steps out of the bathroom. She sees Butch looking for something at the corridor. “Where are you looking for?”

“O, geez! You’re frightening me!”


“Never mind. I am looking for my pillow.”

“I thought you hate your pillow?”

“Yes I do. I hate my pillow.”

“Why are you looking for your pillow if you hate it?”

“I don’t know.”

“I know where your pillow is,” Cassidy blushes, “Jessie and I had yesterday a pillow fight.”

“Yesterday? Why?” Butch crosses his arms, “And pillow fights are fun. Since when do you make fun with Jessie?”

“This wasn’t a fun fight. It was only to control our anger for each other.”

“Whatever. Tell me, where is my pillow?”

“At Jessie’s room,” Cassidy giggles.

“What a pleasure, Cass,” Butch mutters in his self, but walks to Jessie’s room and knocks onto the door.

Cassidy is walking to her own room. She just wanted to stay in her bed, but then she gave a loud scream. “Eeeek!”

“Who’s screaming now at this time? It is already midnight!” Jessie said when she gives Butch his pillow.

“I think it was Cassidy,” he takes his pillow, “Thank you for giving me my own pillow back.”

“Butch!” Cassidy yelled.

“What’s the matter, Cass?”

“A big spider is sleeping at my pillow!”


“I’m scared of spiders.”

“Why? They’re cute.”

“But this is a hairy spider!”

“Well, sleep happy. Maybe it gives you a nice dream.”

Cassidy gives Butch a knock into his face. “Butch. Please don’t be stupid.”

“Okay,” he walks with Cassidy to her room.

“Look, there.”

“Awwww...... what a cutie!” he puts the spider at his hand, “You’re a big one, aren’t you?”

“Butch, please. Leave my room with that spider of you!”

“Do you here that, spider? She doesn’t like you! I will protect you for her,” talking to the spider, Butch leaves Cassidy’s room.

“Butch, you’re talking like James with his rose!”

“Don’t call me James!!!!!”

“Hé! Please a bit more quiet! I can’t sleep!” Domino shouted.

“Hey, Domino. Do you like spiders?”

“Why do you ask?” asks Domino, a bit scared.

“Look, I have a cutie one here.”

“Butch..... please..... show your pet to other people.”

“Is everyone scared for spiders here?” Butch brings the spider outside of the Head Quarter and walks to the bathroom to take a shower.

It was a beautiful day today. The bad thing wasn’t come already. Maybe tomorrow. I don’t know. I haven’t a look at the future.

Fortunately, Cassidy said she doesn’t like Jack very much, like I though. Geez, I must stop dreaming about Cassidy. She said that I’m nicer to her then Jack, but is that true? Who knows?

It is 7 o’clock at the morning. The most Rocketmembers are already awake.


“Hey, don’t yell at me! I’m not deaf!”

“You are deaf!”

“If I’m deaf, I couldn’t hear what you said, Cassidy!”

“You don’t listen to me! You don’t do what I said!”

“I did never listen to you after we’re rivals!”

“Geez! What’s wrong at this morning! You’re yelling as if you want kill each other!” Butch shouted from the door opening of his room.

“Hey, Butch! What a good idea! Give me a knife,” Cassidy giggles.

“O, man! I had a wonderful dream, before you three were yelling!”

“Welcome to the family,” Butch sighs.

“Hey! We aren’t family, Botch!”

“No, fortunately not. I hate cousins or brothers who calls me Botch.”

“What’s the matter at this beautiful morning?” asked Mondo, a bit sleepy.

“Cat fight! I love them!”

“Meowth!!! Mind your own business!”

“That is your own fault, Jessie. If you train that hair ball better, then he would listen to you. But oh, well. We all know that your weakness is Pokémontraining,” Cassidy sighs.

“That’s not true! She trains her Pokémon better then you!” James is yelling.

“O, shut up. Ask her for a battle. She will easy win from you two together,” Butch answers.

“Jessies Pokémon aren’t weak. They are strong,” Mondo says.

“Mondo, you’re blushing.”

“I’m not!”

“Hey! Cass doesn’t lie a lot! And you’re blushing!”

“Well, goodbye. I don’t know were you fighting about, but I’m going outside,” Domino walks out of the corridor.

“Yeah.... the person who is lying now, is Botch.”



“If you call me just one time Botch, I kill your rose!”

“Don’t hurt my rose!”

“James, how old are you? Roses are so......”

“Yes? Well? Huh? Come on, come on..!”

“Roses are so... girlie!”

“Not my rose!”

Butch giggles.

“And what about Domino’s flower, Botch?”

“That’s a tulip, sap. Plus she is a girl.”

“What do you mean?! I’m a girl too, but I don’t walk around with any flower!” Jessie shouts in his face.

“Hey, don’t come so close by his face! He can be poisoned of you!”

“Are you jealous, Cassidy?”

“Huh? Me?” she blushes light.

“Cassidy is jealous!”

“I’m not!”

“I know why you’re jealous.”

“Well, what for fantastic reason do you have?”

“You love Butch!”

“Huh?” Cassidy blushes again.

“You’re surprised that I know that, aren’t you?”

“No, not that. Have a look at Mondo.”

Jessie looks to Mondo. “I don’t know what you mean.”

“He is the whole time staring at you, Jessie,” Cassidy giggles, “He loves you.”

“Oooo, James! Be jealous! Be jealous!” Butch jumps, “Mondo loves Jessie too!”

“Shut up Botch.”

“Pardon me. The name is Butch.”

“I don’t love Jessie! That’s the most bad joke I ever heard.”

“But, Mondo. It isn’t a joke. I mean, why was you staring at her the whole time?” Cassidy asks.

“I wasn’t staring at Jessie but to those birds outside!” Mondo blushes.

“James! Hit him! Hit him! Be jealous!”

“Botch, mind your own business.”

“Come on. CALL ME BUTCH!!!!”

“Be quiet Butch. Control your anger. I’m getting tired of you sometimes,” said Cassidy.

“Cassidy is right, Botch.”


“Mondo, you don’t love me I hope?”

“No. Of course not.”

“Awww... how sweet answered,” Cassidy sings.

“Well, what did I say? James!!! Why don’t you hit him? Hit him! Knock him to next millenium!”

“Butch! What are you busy? Do you have something against Mondo? Now I do understand why Domino was going outside.”

“I’m sorry Cassie. I was forgotten that James isn’t powerful enough to hit Mondo.”

“No?” James hits Butch in his left eye.

“Hey! That hurts!”

“Butch! You’re eye has the colors of the rainbow!” Cassidy growls at James, “You! You are the person who needs to learn how you can control your anger, not Butch!”


“Hmmm...”Mondo is looking at Butch painful eye, “I think you need to buy some eye spray.”

“But eye spray hurts!”

“Come on Butchie. I will buy some spray for you, right?”

“Okay,” Butch groans.

Cassidy is walking outside the HQ. There she sees Domino sitting under a tree. “Hey Domino!” She walks to her. “What’s the matter?”


“Want to buy some eye spray with me, for Butch?”


“Well, James couldn’t control his anger and hits Butch in his left eye. Mondo told us that eye spray is the best thing for Butch’s rainbow eye.”

“Okay,” Domino walks with Cassidy to the chemist.

“Eh, Domino. Can you buy the eye spray for me?”


“They don’t want sell things to me, because I have a reputation that I dupe everything that I buy.”

“Well, alright. Give me the money.”

“Here. I wait outside, right?”

“If you want that,” Domino walks through the entrance of the chemist.

Cassidy leans against the wall of the chemist, next to the door, waiting for Domino.

“Hi, Cassidy.”


“Did you miss me?”

“J... Jack! No, I didn’t miss you.”

“You’re lying.”

“I’m not!”

“Why didn’t you miss me?”

“Be... because I don’t like you.”

“I can’t believe you. Cassidy, you must lying. Why? Why do you lying to me?” Jack wraps his arms around Cassidy.

“Eh Jack... please.”

“What please?” he kisses Cassidy.

“Leave me alone.”

“What’s the matter with you, Cass? As classmate you was another girl. Always happy with boys. And now? You want to be alone! I can’t believe that,” Jack kisses Cassidy again.

“Jack! Please stop kissing me! I don’t want always with boys. And if I want, not with you!” Cassidy tries to push Jack away, but he is too strong for her.

“Why not me? Do you like other boys?”


“You mean that stupid partner of you in your team by Team Rocket?”

“Yes. So leave me alone!” she gives another push, but it failed.

Sudden, Jack jumps from her away. “Aaaah! That hurts!”

“So! Leave her alone if she wants that! She said it to you, I heard it!”

Confused and hurts, Jack ran away.

“How did you do that, Domino?” asked Cassidy, very confused.

“Ha! My tulip isn’t stupid at all! It can shoot lightningbolts,” Domino kisses her tulip, “By the way, here is that eye spray you wanted.”

Cassidy takes the eye spray. “Thank you.”

“Well, let’s go to the Head Quarter.”

“Okay,” Cassidy walks with Domino to the Head Quarter.

“Finally there you are! Stupid James was the whole time badgering me about my sore eye.”

“I’m sorry Butch that you must waited so long, but I had some trouble with Jack.”

“Who is Jack? Is that your new boyfriend?”

“Aaaah! Fortunately not Jessie! Don’t you remember that stupid guy?”

“A stupid guy? O, yes. I remember him! So, you have contact with him? Hm?”

“No. Why do you ask? Jealous? I remember that you loved him,” Cassidy walks with Butch to his room.

“Well, Butch. I have eye spray for you,” Cassidy closes the door.

“I hate eye spray!” Butch yells very scared.

Cassidy is rolling in laughter. “Butch! You are so.. so strange!”

“What do you mean?”

“Not scared for a big hairy spider.... just for eye spray!”

“Hmph. A big hairy spider doesn’t hurt. Eye spray does!”

“Okay, one point for you.”


“What’s the matter, Jessie?”

“Nothing Mondo,” Jessie answered very gruff.

“Geez, I’m sorry I asked you!”

“Look how nice Mondo is to Jessie,” whispered Domino.

“And..? Need I be jealous?”

“Raaaaaaaaaaaah!!!! That hurts!!!!”

“Who was that?” James asked.

“I don’t know. It was coming from Butch’s room,” answered Domino.

Then, Butch slammed the door of his room open and ran to the other side of the corridor.

“Butch! You’re acting like a kid!” Cassidy stays in the door opening.

“I’m not! You are scared for spiders, I am scared for eyespray, right?” Butch yelled, “Auch... my eye hurts. I gonna die with that spray!”

Cassidy sighs. “Never mind.”

“You was right Domino. It was Botch.”

“Even if my eye hurts, there is no reason for calling me Botch! I thought Butch isn’t a difficult name, but with your brain, if you have a brain, it can be difficult.”

“Of course I have a brain! A better one then you!” James walks to Butch, “But Botch sounds better then your frog name Butch.”

“I’m not a frog!”

Cassidy runs to the two Rocketmembers. “James! Leave Butch alone before you hit his other eye!”

That was a bad thing. James hits me. And I didn’t hit back! James is the most stupid and weakest guy I ever met. And what about that trouble with Jack, were Cassidy talked about? Maybe there are more bad things waiting for me.

Butch is sitting at his bed. He is thinking about the “trouble with Jack” were Cassidy talked about. Slowly, the door of his room opens.

“Butch?”Cassidy whispered.


“I want to talk with you.”




“I love you, you love me. We are a happy family,” Mondo sings.


“Yes, James?”

“I’m going to my room. My rose is thirsty,” James is walking to his room and closed the door behind him.

“I love you, you love me. We are a--”

“Mondo! Please! Don’t sing that song the whole time!”

“But I’m only singing the truth, Jessie!”

Jessie blushes. “What do you mean?”

Mondo giggles. “I love you!”

“Who loves who?!” Cassidy slammed the door of her room open.

Jessie sighed.

“Awww.... I know. Mondo said he loves you, am I right Jessie?”


“Never mind Jessie. You and Mondo are a cute couple,” Cassidy runs to James’ room and opens the door. “James! James! It’s true! Mondo loves Jessie!! He said it!”

James turns slowly to Cassidy. “Yes, and.....?”

“Aren’t you jealous?”

“You must be jealous! I know it Jimmy! So fight a battle with Mondo!”

“Botch, shut up.”

“Only if you call me Butch.”

“Shut up.”

Butch growls.

“Let’s having party!” Domino shouts.

“A party? Now? I’m sorry but I’m not in a party-mood today.”

“Me too.”

“Well, a party without you two is much nicer,” Jessie says.

“Why not a party, Cassidy and Butch?”

“I’m sorry, but Cassie made me sad.”

“Yeah of course it’s my fault.”

“I can’t help! If you didn’t tell me about you-know-who I wasn’t sad now!”

“Oh, Butch! If I didn’t tell you about you-know-who you were angry because I didn’t tell it to you!”

“O yes?! Of course Cassidy! Of course you’re right! You are always right...... after yourself!”

“Fine! I’m glad you know that!” Cassidy shouts, very angry.

“You aren’t glad! You’re angry!”

“Oh! So what?!” Cassidy walks to her room.

“But Cass.....”Butch runs to Cassidy.

“No Butch! I don’t want hear your sorry now!” she slammed the door close for his nose.

“What’s the matter with them?” Domino whispers.

“They have just a quarrel,” Jessie answered when she leaves James’ room.

Mondo and Domino leave James’ room too.

Butch shuffles sad to his own room. For one of the first times, he closed the door quiet.

This is the bad thing I waited for. A quarrel with Cassidy! What can I do to make friends with her? She even wants not to see me. What is she doing now? I can spying but that’s lame. What if she goes to Jack? What a nightmare. But it isn’t a nightmare. It’s true.

Cassidy is sitting on her bed with the quilt around her. An angry look is on her face. She’s muttering in herself. “Butch you brat. You’re making my life difficult. If I didn’t tell it to you, you were angry. So, I told it to you and now you’re angry too.” She steps out of her bed and looks into the mirror. “This night I’m gonna kill you.”

“What can I do? What can I do to stop this?” Butch is walking circles in his room. He holds a picture of a smiling Cassidy in his hands. There she was happy. And now? Butch hugs the picture with some tears in his eyes.

“Jessie leave me alone!!!!”

“But you have my pillow! I couldn’t sleep this night without my pillow so give it back!”

“Sorry for you. Maybe I give it to you tomorrow.”

“Geez what are you pissy today. You’re angrier to me then other days Cassidy.”

“So what?!”

“Give my pillow back, now and not tomorrow!”

“Alright!” Cassidy hands the pillow over to Jessie. “Happy? Leave me now alone!”

“Yes I’m happy,” said Jessie very sarcastic when she leaves Cassidy’s room.

“Close the door Jessie!!!”

“Shall I close the door?”

“Ha Butch!” Cassidy grins evil. “Don’t think you can stop our quarrel with closing my door.”

“I don’t think that!” Butch sighs. “But I don’t understand what’s so funny.”

“Nothing is funny for you,” an evil smile appears again on her face, “Only for me.”

Butch shuffles direction the bathroom. What’s the matter with Cassidy? She never laugh evil to me. Now, she is only evil to me.

“Hey look out were you walking Botch!”

“My sore eye can’t see a lot, that’s your own fault.”

“What are you going to do now?”

“I go take a shower.”

“O, no! I go first!” James and Butch are running to the bathroom.

“I don’t think so!” Butch knocks James away from the door and walks into the bathroom and locks the door.


It’s 12 o’clock at night. Everyone is sleeping except Cassidy.

“Alright Butch. This was your last day,” she grins evil but quiet. She takes a knife and sneaks to Butch’s room.

“Who is there?” Jessie asks quiet and very sleepy.

Quick, Cassidy holds the knife behind her back. “It’s me. I’m sleepwalking.”

“Oh,” Jessie closes her door.

“That stupid Jessie. Well whatever.” Cassidy opens careful the door of Butch’s room. She sneaks to Butch. “Are you prepared to die?” Cassidy holds the knife against Butch’s neck. “That was your last breath Butch,” she whispers.

Sudden, Butch opens his eyes. He screamed. “Aaaah! Cassidy! What are you doing?!”

“Butch no!” Her knife slipped.

“Aaaaargh! Cassidy why--”Butch swallows his words. Then, he said nothing anymore.

“Butch?” Cassidy throws the knife from her away. “Are you dead?”

Butch’s neck is bleeding. He is breathing very slow with his eyes closed.

Cassidy runs outside of his room with tears in her eyes. Why did I do this? I can’t live without him. Even not if we have a quarrel.

“Mondo!! Mondo!!!!” she opens the door of Mondo’s room, “Quick! Butch’s neck is bleeding!”

“Huh? The whata?”

“Butch’s neck is bleeding! Hurry up!”

“I come!” Mondo jumps out of his bed and runs with a first aid suitcase to Butch’s room.

“O, geez! I need to stop this!”

The other Rocketmembers are waking up from the screams and yells of Cassidy.

“What’s going on here?” Jessie asks sleepy. James, Meowth and Domino stay behind her.

Cassidy sits on her knees next to Mondo. “Is the bleeding stop?”


“Is he a life?”

“I don’t know. If he is, not very good.”

“What shall I do?” Cassidy places her head on Butch’s chest.

“I don’t know. But how could this happen?”

Cassidy starts cry. A lot of tears are falling from her eyes on Butch’s chest. “If my tears could you bring back to me....”she whispers.

“Cassidy, I asked you something,” Mondo said.

“It was me!”

“What do you mean?” Domino asks.

“I ... I ....would kill him.”


An ambulance with wailing sirens crosses to the hospital. Nurse Joy and Chansey bring Butch to the intensive care.

Cassidy, Jessie, James, Meowth, Mondo and Domino are sitting in the waiting room.

Cassidy is very nervous. “I hope it’s not too late...”

“Why do you hope? You would kill him,” Jessie answers very sarcasticily.

“Would, not want.”

“Can you girls please shut up? You two are making me nervous,” Mondo asks.

Jessie and Cassidy growl at each other.

Nurse Joy steps out of intensive care to the waiting room.

“How is Butch?” Cassidy asks very scared.

“Butch? I’m sorry. Very bad. Only a wonder can help him.”

“Can I see him?”

“No. He needs rest.”

“Please..?” some tears are burning in Cassidy’s eyes. She doesn’t want to cry. Not here. She sinks down on her knees.

Nurse Joy sees the Rocketmember. Cassidy, sitting on her knees in front of her.

An evil member of Team Rocket like Cassidy did never things like this in public.

“Okay, you may see him 5 minutes.”

Cassidy heard that words. She runs trough the entrance of intensive care. There, she walks slowly. Scared to see Butch. Maybe is he already dead.

There is Butch. She takes a chair and goes sitting next to the bed. Cassidy sees Butch. He is laying on a lot of machines. The wound in his neck doesn’t bleeding anymore. He breaths very slow and weak. The coronary care lets see that his heart doesn’t work hard. Is this what she wants? Cassidy takes his hand in hers. “Don’t leave me alone Butch.....please...”she whispers.

The coronary care gives a lout peep. Cassidy is frightening of it. She looks at the diagram of the machine. A straight line! No! What can I do?

In her fright she knocks Butch at his chest. “Butch! You can’t die now!”

Nurse Joy heard the peeps of the coronary care too. She runs to the intensive care. She sees a Cassidy with a white face next to Butch and the diagram of the coronary care. “It’s too late Cassidy! Butch dies.”

“No!” Cassidy yells.

“I’m sorry, but there’s nothing that we can do for him. You must believe me,” nurse Joy says, “So leave this place. Go to the waiting room.”

Cassidy mutters. She walks very sad to the others at the waiting room.

“What’s the matter Cassidy? Is it so bad with him?” Domino asks.

Cassidy shouts. “Shut up!” she feels the burning tears in her eyes again.

“I’m sorry I asked you! Geez.”

“No don’t say sorry. I’m sorry that I shouted to you.”

“Whatever. Now I know the answer to my question. Very bad,” Domino sighs.

“And that’s what you want, don’t you Cassidy?” Jessie sighs too, but sarcastic.

“You’re lying! I don’t want that he dies!”

“Oh? And why would you kill Butch?”

“Because I.....! I don’t know,” Cassidy sighs.

“Please stop fighting!”

“Shut up James! You’re glad that you rival dies, aren’t you?!”

“No, I’m not! How dare you think that?!”

“I can’t stand this place. I gonna see if... if.... Butch..... d.. died or not,” Cassidy slams the doors of the intensive care open and runs to Butch.

The diagram of the coronary care tones some waves. Cassidy sees that. Maybe there is hope...... she thinks.

She touched very carefull the dried blood at his neck. Her finger touched also his face. Sudden, she gives a kiss at Butch’s lips. “Please forgive me.......Butch.”

Slowly, Butch moves his head a bit to the left side of the pillow.

“Butch? Can you say something?” Cassidy asks, a bit happier.

Slower then the move with his head, Butch opens his dark brown eyes.

“Butch! You life!” Cassidy says.

“......Cass........ do you... want to.......kill me...?”

“Not anymore, Butch,” Cassidy eyes are full of tears.

“...why do... you cry? You ......don’t want to see..... me.”

“Can you forgive me?” Cassidy holds her head down close by Butch’s face. She cries.

“I..... can’t believe..... you wanted... to kill me....”

“Did I ever lie to you?” Cassidy’s tears are falling at Butch’s face.

“Cass...... I don’t....n...need a...shower.....”Butch gives her a weak smile.

“If you died, I killed myself too,” she tries to stop cry.

“I...don’t.....die......I promise...”Butch wraps his arms weak around Cassidy.

“Is our quarrel ends?”

“I hope...”

“Butch..... I know why I would kill you.”


“To stop our quarrel.”

Butch tries to laugh. But that failed. Only a smile appears on his face. Butch kisses Cassidy and blushes.

“Butch. Watch out. The nurse!” Cassidy escapes from Butch’s hug.

Nurse Joy didn’t see the kiss and the hug of the Rocketmembers, but she sees Cassidy next to Butch. The nurse walks to them. “Cassidy! You know it was banned to go to Butch! I said it to you! And what are you doing? You go to Butch!”


“......please nurse.....don’t shout....so loud....”Butch whispers.

“Huh???” Nurse Joy looks very surprised, “You talked! A wonder has been arrived!”

“I said it was not too late.”

“Yes, you said. But there was 99, 9% chance that he died. Oh, whatever. I’m glad that he’s still alive.”

“Can Butch leave this hospital now?”

“Of course not. He is too weak,” the Nurse explains and controls if everything is well with Butch. “Well, you must excuse me now. I need to help another patient. Oh, uh.... by the way Cassidy; Butch needs to rest. You must leave him now. You can visit him tomorrow.” Nurse Joy walks away.

“Oh Butch! I’m so happy!”

“Cass....please....can you yell.... a bit more quiet...? I’m glad you’re happy... but it gives me.. a headache...”

“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t think about you,” Cassidy kisses him quick and runs to the waiting room.

“James, I’m bored. Let’s go to the Head Quarter.”

“You’re first good idea Jessie,” Cassidy sings and dances trough the waiting room.

“Eh...Cassidy..... are you okay?”

“Of course I am! Butch isn’t die!!!!!!!! He is alive!” Cassidy yells and swings with her arms around, “He even could talk. Isn’t that good news?!”

“Not for you,” Jessie said it sarcastic.

“Jessie!!!!! Can you please shut up if you can’t say anything else?!”

“I’m talking about the truth!”

“Ladies...”Mondo sighs.

“Cassidy must explain!”

“Explain what?”

“Why are you happy that he isn’t died? You would kill him.”

“The only person I want to kill is Jessie.”

“Well, I think Jessie is right. I’m confused too.”

“Alright then. I wanted to kill Butch to stop our quarrel. But know, I had talk with him and that stops our quarrel. Happy? So don’t say anymore that I’m glad if he dies.”

“So you talked with him? I guess you two did more....”Jessie grins.

“Jessie.....”Cassidy growls, “I know where you think about, but we didn’t kiss or something like that.”

“Let’s go the Head Quarter, “Domino says.


The five Rocketmembers and Meowth walk trough the exit of the hospital to the Head Quarter.



“I’m sorry I said the whole time that you’re glad if Butch dies.”


“I was forgotten that you love him!” Jessie giggles and runs to her own room.

“Funny!” Cassidy shouts. She walks to Butch’s room. “Oh, where is that stupid knife?”

This was the most bad thing I ever had. Cassidy wanted to kill me!

What shall I do? Shall I forgive her or not? If I don’t forgive her, we have a quarrel for the rest of our life. But it isn’t a thing to forgive easy.

Cassidy, I made your life difficult, you made my life difficult. Maybe we must forgive each other.

Cassidy, I love you so think I forgive you. But when do I say it to you?

It is morning. The Rocketmembers are all awake.


“Yes Jessie?” she sighs.

“I hate you!”

“That isn’t news for me. I knew it since our friendship ends. So why do you say that?”

“Go out of my way! I want to go fi--”

“Good morning ladies. Busy with your morning-tradition?” Mondo asks.

“Hey Mondo. Want a kiss of Jessie? She said she wants to give one to you,” Cassidy giggles.

“You’re lying!”

“What a question.”

“Yes. I agree with Mondo.”

“Of course you do.”

“Grrrrr...... you’re crazy Cassidy.”

“Are you fighting again?” Domino asks.


“What’s the matter James?”

“I need to call someone Botch or frog!!!”

“If you talked about crazy persons Jessie...”Cassidy sighs.

“What do you mean? You mean that James is wrong with calling Butch Botch or frog?”

“No, I didn’t mean that. But James is wrong with that.”

“Awww..... Cassidy you are blushing...”Domino laughs.

“Why do you always say that? Two days ago you say that too!”

“But you are blushing.”


“Alright. I don’t say again that you love Butch, because you want to go to him so go now!”

“I go with you Cassidy.”

“Why do you want Domino?”

“ Because...uh...”

“Hey maybe does Domino love Butch too like Cassidy!” Mondo says.

“I don’t! Butch is too old for me. I guess you’re not awake Mondo. I’m eleven. Butch is nineteen. I’m just curious how he is.”

“Well, I go to Butch.”

“Domino you’d better to wait a moment. Give Cassidy a chance to be alone with Butch..” Jessie grins.

“You ...!”Cassidy steps out of the Head Quarter.


Why is Cassidy not coming today? Butch thinks. Oh, it’s not so late. I’m just too impatient.

“Morning Butch. Have any pain?” the Nurse asks.

“Not really.”

“Can I see the wound at your neck? I need to clean it.”

Butch groans.

“I do understand if you don’t like that,” Nurse Joy says, “Place your head at the left side of the pillow.”

Butch growls but places his head at the left side of the pillow.

It is 5 minutes later. Nurse Joy is just ready with cleaning Butch’s wound and walks away.

When does Cassidy come? Maybe she doesn’t come. That she cried yesterday at my chest was maybe only a dream. She didn’t mean about that she didn’t want to kill me. She is now laughing at the Head Quarter and dancing of happiness that I could die...

Butch sinks away in a deep sleep.

A half hour later.....

Butch awakes out his nightmare. “Wow. What a nightmare.” He awakes with purple eyes and gold colored hair in front of his face.

“Are you okay Butch?”

“Cassidy!” Butchs sighs, “Ah.... it was not a dream....”

“Where are you talking about?”


“Whatever. How are you?”

“I feel fine. I wanna go to the Head Quarter.”

Cassidy giggles.

“What’s so funny?”

“You will never believe this.”

“I don’t know.”

“James missed you this morning! He shouted: I need someone to call Botch or frog!”

“Geez. I’ll knock his eyes. Both.”

“And I will help you,” Cassidy places her head at Butch’s chest.

Butch strokes her hair. Say it! Say it to her! he thinks. “....uh... Cass..”

“Yes Butch?” she looks to him.


“Is there something wrong?”

“Bu the way, is the nurse here?”

Cassidy looks around. “No.”

“I need to say something to you.

” “Say everything. I will listen.”

“Hello! How is it with you Butch?” Mondo greets.

Butch growls.

“What’s the matter with him Cassidy?”

“Hey Botch!” James takes a chair, “Oh, man. I missed that.”

“What did you miss?”

“To say Botch.”

“See? What did I say Butch?”

“Okay you was right Cass.”

“Did you have enough time to be alone with him?” Jessie asks.

“Shut up.”

“Okay. Let me guess. You did kiss him.”

“Jessie!!!!! Please go away if you can’t say something else then that nonsense.”

Domino laughs.

“Well, how is it with you Butch?” Mondo asks.

“I guess good.”

“Of course you need to guess. You can’t know it, Botch. Because you know nothing.”

“James!!!! You dare if I’m wounded, don’t you?”

“Okay! Okay! I repeat! You know something.”

“James and Butch. Control yourself,” Cassidy sighs.

“I wanna go out of here.”

“Me too Butch.”

“Ask the nurse!”


Nurse Joy hears the shout of Cassidy and walks to the Rocketmembers. “What’s the matter?”

“Can Butch leave the hospital now?”

“I will see.” Joy controls again if everything is well with Butch.

“Well? Can he? Can he?”

“Wow Cassidy. You are very --”

“Shut up Jessie.”

“You may try. But if Butch feels something bad or pain, he need to go back,” Joy answers.

“Yay!” Butch tries to step out of the bed.

“Eh... Butch. Shall I help you?”


Cassidy helps Butch out of the bed.

“Hey! I stay! Finally! I’m even not dizzy.”

“Good. Let’s go to the Head Quarter Butch.”


“Where is Cassidy?” the person looks around. “Huh? No! There she is! With Butch! Grrrr..... I need to tell her how stupid he is. But I heard that Butch must be strong.”

The person throws a Pokéball. “Ariados now!”

“Ariaaaa dos!”

“Okay. Throw Butch and the others away from Cassidy! Eh... but don’t hurt her!”

“Doooos..!” The Pokémon runs to the Rocketmembers and pushes and kicks them away from Cassidy.

“Waaah! What’s happen?!” Cassidy shouts, “Butch! Where are you?! And where are the others?”

“Forgot him. I can be nice too. Much nicer then that frog.”

“Who’s that?! Who dares call him frog?!”

The smoke disappears. “It’s me.”

“Huh? No!!!!!!! Jack!”

“Yes,” Jack walks to Cassidy, “Give me a hand Cass.”

“Okay,” Cassidy takes his hand and flings Jack over her shoulder.

“Auch. Geez Cass. That hurts.”

“That’s what I wanted. I hurt.”

“But you can’t leave true love Cassie.”

“Do you leave me if I defeat you in a battle?”


“Okay. Hitmontop now!”


“Ariados Poison Sting!”

“Hitmontop Thunder Punch!”

“Ariados look out!”

“Fire Punch, Hitmontop!”

“Eeeek! Ariados come back!”

“Good work Hitmontop. Come back.”

“I didn’t promise to leave you Cass.”

“You should.”

“I don’t.”

“You should leave her!”

“Huh? A protective frog?”

“Butch! Finally!”

“Is this Jack?”

“Yes this is Jack,” Cassidy sighs.

“Awwww...... this is that partner by Team Rocket of you Cass?”

“Don’t call her Cass. Her name is Cassidy.”


“Mind your own business James!!!”

“I’m sorry. I was just curious where you ran to.”

“To this place. Go away before you make again trouble.”

“What do you mean ‘again’ trouble?”

Jessie, Domino, Mondo and Meowth come too to see what’s going on.

“Jack?! That’s a long time ago.”

“Yes it is Jessie,” Jack smiles weak.

“Back to the subject Jack. You must leave Cassidy if she wants that.”

“How protective..... I don’t leave her.”

“Need I shoot lightning bolts with my tulip?!”

“Huh? So you did that?”

“Yes. Did you kissed fine with her?”

“So Cassidy. You kissed with him!” Jessie grins.

“No! I didn’t want that! I couldn’t escape!”

“Hey Butch. I heard you must be strong,” Jack says.

“Really? Well I am strong and I will knock you to the next millenium if I want that!”

“But Butch....”Cassidy whispers.

Butch turns to Cassidy and whispers. “Sssshh... I know Cass..”

“But everyone has a weakness so you have it too,” Jack walks to Butch and knocks him.

“I guess your weakness is bigger then mine!” Butch grabs Jacks hand and flings him over his shoulder.

“Come Butch. Let’s go to the Head Quarter,” Cassidy says.


“I know you are stronger then Jack. At school I had a fight with him too. He loosed

I won. And you are much stronger then me Butch.”

Butch groans but walks with the other Rocketmembers away.


Cassidy kissed with Jack? She didn’t tell that to me. I hope she didn’t lie to Jessie but I believe her. Even at school she hated him, she said. And Jessie and James said that too so that is true. I need to tell it to her. Now and not tomorrow.


“Yes Cassidy..?”

“Finally you are at the Head Quarter. I missed you.”

“Yeah. I missed you too.”

“Kiss him Cassidy!”

“Jessie!!! If you kiss with James in public I will think about it.”


Butch and Cassidy walk to their room.

Cassidy sighs and looks at the mirror. “I’m the most beautiful person on earth....except one.”

Someone knocks at Cassidy’s door.

“Who’s there?”

“Me, Butch.”

“Come in.”

Butch walks into her room and slams the door.

“Butch!!! Close the door quiet!”

“Sorry Cass.”

“Oh nevermind. Well, what do you want?”

“I.... eh... want to tell you something.”

“Oh? What?”

“Eh.... well eh...”Butch blushes.

“Go sit down next to me at the ground and tell what you want to tell. I will listen.”

Butch goes sit down next to Cassidy. “I love you.”

“Are you sure?”


“Oh Butch! I’m so happy!” Cassidy wraps her arms around Butch. “I love you too.”

“Cass I was so scared,” some tears falls from his eyes when he hugs Cassidy back.

“For what?”

“For you. When I saw you with an evil look at your face and a knife against my neck.”

“I promise I will never kill you again,” Cassidy kisses Butch.

“I... forgive you Cassie...”

“I love you....”

Butch plants a soft kiss at Cassidy’s lips.


Bad things are always coming after a beautiful day. This was a beautiful day. The most beautiful day I ever had.

So when should the next bad thing come? And what should it be?