The Love The Moon Could See-Part 2

We looked for days but there was still no sign of him. We had discovered that the twerps were going to Mt. Silver to defeat the current champ. We had made camp a few yards away from the twerps. The sun was beginning to set then I realized it was going to be a full moon. I told Jessie I was going to pick some roses and I ran to a lake so I wouldn't do something I would regret. I looked into my reflection in the lake and. . . . . It wasn't me. I laid flouting in the lake wondering what would happen next. I close my eyes and awoke with Pikachu on my chest. I stood up and saw the twerp's hat, with. . . . . . . a peice of blue fur next to it. I ran to Jessie and took her to the lake. She looked at my reflection and fainted. I was turning into a. . . . . . . . . . .

To Be Continued!