The Love The Moon could See Part3

I was turning into a werewolf! Jessie woke up and asked me if it was a dream and I said no. I had to find the celibi . I had to stop this. I ran. I just ran as fast as I could not knowing where I was going. I ended up in Viridian. I ran from Mt. Silver to Viridian City within 10minuites. I could tell that this curse had done something to me. I was in Viridian so I decided to see the boss. I tried to tell him I had to quit TR for the sake of who I was after. I went to the first place I could think of, the place where I had met the celibi. Right there I saw.......Meowth and the twerp! Meowth was....stuck in some sort of bottle. I yelled for the evil celibi Sakura to release them. She waved her hand and Jessie appeared. She said that if I destroyed myself they would be free. I said yes. I took a dagger and was about to fling it into my chest, but Madison stopped me. She released Meowth and Jessie but Sakura killed Ash before she could do anything. Madison walked off talking to Sakura and we saw nothing but woods. We had survived our encounter. The next full moon had come and something else happened......I HAD A TAIL AND CAT EARS! The End ^ ^