Jessie and Tnt

By Meowthkid.

Disclaimer; I don't own Team Rocket, I don't get payed for this fic, it's a gesture of pure love. Now, the character Liz is based on my friend Liz in Spain and Joey....well, he's just made up. Tnt and Sugar is also my characters, if you want to use any of these please e-mail me at:

Hope you'll enjoy the fic! And please send me comments.....I'll be your best friend!! ^__~

On with the story;

Jessie and her friends, Joey, James and Liz sat in the school cafeteria, under their table a Jolteon slept peacefully, it was Jessie's jolteon, Tnt. A flareon slept there too. Her name was Sugar, she was owned by Liz.

" Hey Jessie!" James said. " Why don't you tell Joey and me how you got Sugar and Tnt?"

" Sure, Why not." Jessie said, And then her story began;

" It all began a day I was on my way home from school. And it was raining. Usually i'd go over the semetary and the yards of those red houses, but that day I for some reason decided to walk through town. it was before James and I started sharing an apartment, so I went in another direction then I do these days. When I walked around a corner I heared some whimpering. I looked down and saw a cardboard box. In the cardboard box it was two small 'puppies'.

They couldn't be more than at least two months old. But still they were elvolved, far too early. They were elvolved into a tiny jolteon and a small flareon. They were very skinny and it looked like they had been hit and abused.

I picked them up, held them under my jacket and brought them home.

I fed them, then they fell asleep in my bed and I called Liz.

I asked her to come over and she did, straight away. When she came I showed her the sleeping puppies. " They're so small, and so cute and helpless!" Liz said and carefully stroke the flareon over it's back.

" I know, but I can't understand why they're elvolved! It's too early!" i said.

" It's a mystery." Liz looked at me.

" Yeah. But I can't afford to keep them both....." I said.

" No problem!" Liz said, smilling. " i'll take one!"

" You will? Oh thank you! `But first we must name them." I said.

" You're right." Liz said. "But what's good names for these two.....lets see.....AHA! I got it!" she suddenly exclaimed. " We can call the flareon Sugar! She's he cutest thing i've ever seen!"

" Great name Liz!" i said. " And what about Tnt for the other one? He looks like dynamite!"

" Cool name!"
" What do you say about keeping Sugar? After all, you gave her the name!"

" Really? Oh thank you Jess!"

I kept Tnt for a while, and he grew older, bigger, smarter and cuter for every day. I started to train him, and he got stronger and always ready to fight. I had given him the right name, that's for sure! But still I wondered, who on earth would be so cruel that they actually put two, way to early elvoved, hurt and skinny eevee puppies out in the rain in a cardboard box? It made me seriously angry......"

" Rrrrrrrrriiiinnngggg!"

The school bell rang. " Darn!" Joey said. " Now we don't get to hear the rest of the story!"
"Yes we do!" James said. " Let's meet back at Jessie and my place, after school and Jessie'll tell the rest. Right Jess?"

" You bet."

" Ok." Joey and Liz agreeded.

The rest of the school day snailed away, James and Jessie didn't have all the same classes as Joey and Liz did, and was done an hour earlyer. And went home to make everything ready for the afternoon.

And after what felt like forever the bell rang for the last time that day, Joey and Liz ran like they were on fire. when they arrived at James and Jessie's apartment James led them to Jessies bedroom, where everyone cuddeled up in a big pile of stuffed animals, pillows and blankets. Their pokemon also laid down on the bed, Jessie went out into the kitchen and made some popocorn. While James turned of the lights, lit candles and put on Celine Dion with " my heart wil go on" on a weak volume. Jessie sat down on the bed, put the popcorn and soda down, adn Tnt put his head in her lap.

" Continue the story Jess!" James said.
" Ok, well, where was I? Oh yeah! I was seriously mad at the trainer who had abandoned Tnt and Sugar in that box. ut I knew it was almoust impossible to find the trainer, nad I didn't think more about it.....until today. As you know, James and I had one class less than you today and when we walked home, James went by the videostore and I went straight home with Tnt. So I walked the same way as I did that day for exacly a year ago. You know, when i foung Tnt and Sugar:"

They nodded.

" And then I saw this man. He was standing outside a building, with two Vaproeons and three eevee puppies. He had something in his hand. I don't know exacly what it was, but i thikn it was a........" Jessie paused adn took a sip of her sprite. " A what???!" Joey shouted out.

" A firestone." she mumbeled.

" So, you think it can be....." Liz started.

"...The same man who abused and abandoned Tnt and Sugar!" James ended the sentence." Yes." she said.

" But you can't be sure." Joey said.

" No. But when we walked past him Tnt growled at him, he looked as if he wanted to use his pinmissileattack against him." Jessie said, placing a hand on Tnt's neck. " So you mean he actually recognized him?" James said.

" Exacly!" Jessie said. " know, you can be right,it actually does make some sese!" Liz said. " lets take the pokemon for a walk in the park. This subject is seriously depressing."

" Yeah." everyone thought that was a good idea. They went to the park and when they got there Jessie had to play fetch with Tnt.

" Get the stick boy! Come on Tnt! Get it!" she said as she throwed the stick for about the twentieht time. But this time Tnt didn't return with the stick. So Jessie, James, Joey and Liz decided to take Sugar and Growly and go look for Tnt.

They found him near by the lake. He stood there growling, the fur bristled on his back and neck. Sugar looked aroung and started to growl too. " Oh my god!" Jessie said. " It's him! That's the man!"

" Hey kids!" the man said. " Can you please controle your pets?"

" Tnt! Get over here!" Jessie said.

Tnt went over to her and sat down by her feet, but he didn't stop the growling.

" Do you recognize this flareon and jolteon?" Jessie asked.

" No." he said.

" If you think back in time, about lets say a year, you might remember two puppies, elvolved WAY to early, abused, nearly starved to death, abandoned in a cardboard box to die in the rain." Jessie said.

The man was spechless. then he said; " But, but, but..It can't be them! i thought they died a year ago!"

" As you can see they didn't! So, whats your name Mr?" Jessie asked.

" Thomas Stubbs." he said.

" well, mr Stubbs. The reason they didn't die is simple; I saved them. I gave my friend Liz here, the flareon and kept the jolteon myself. We made them survive." Jessie said.

" Yeah! But why did you elvolve them that early?" Liz wanted to know.

" Because, I have two vaporeons that I use for breeding. And the puppies they get I use for fighting. Last year they got three puppies, I elvolved them into three different spechies, I started training them. I wanted them to want to fight. That's why I elvolved them that early, it's so much easier to train them that way, so I elvolved them, hit them and starved them, so they'd get violent, crazy and angry.

The vaporeon turned out great and did what i wanted him to do, but those two....They were such wusses that I had to get them away. So i put them in that box and left them." it seemed as if Mr. Stubbs was proud over what he had done to them. " You are a creap mr. Stubbs!" Jessie said. " A real little greap that deserves to die." Jessie hissed.

" She's right!" James said. " You don't deserve this life!"

" Joey, get officer Jenny!" Liz ordered.

" Ok!" Joey ran to find officer Jenny.

" You can't keep me here until the police gets here! I'll just escape from you kids!" mr. Stubbs said.

" We'll just see about that!" Jessie smirked.

She stepped on mr. Stubbs foot with her high heals and then she said;


Tnt did as he was told and then Mr. Stubbs laid on the ground, if he tried to move, Tnt sendt his needles at him. Finnaly Joey and Jenny came running over to them. They told Jenny the whole story and she said; " I'm taking your pokemon away from you, that means all of them. I'll rehome those who don't act that agressive, and the rest of them I guess i'll have to get put to sleep." Jenny said. " And you mr. You are under arrest for abusing pokemon."

" Um Jenny.." Jessie said.

" Yes?"

" I don't think those pokemon deserves to die, havent they suffered enough?" she said. " James and I can train them, we'll make them calm, cuddly pets."

" Well, lets see.....OK, after all you've done a great job with this one," she said, petting Tnt.

James and Jessie trained the pokemons and they all got rehomed and got the lifes they'd always deserved. It was amazing they'd once been killers on four legs. Tnt and Sugar didn't have to be afraid anymore.And noone did ever see Mr. Stubbs again.

The end!