Meowth’s Two-Minute Mysteries

A/N: This is my first try at a mystery and if I get good feedback I’ll continue this series. I own zip, got that?. Hopefully this’ll be the only disclaimer for the whole series. Anyway, solutions are at the end so you can match wits with Meowth.


The Case of the Red R

Meowth was just sitting down to tell Officer Jenny about his latest case when a dark-haired youth burst into the police station.
“Officer,” panted the boy, “there’s been a robbery at the Pewter Museum!”
“What happened?” the policewoman demanded. “Were there any witnesses?”
“Just me,” the kid replied. “I entered a mostly empty hall and saw a man with shoulder-length blue hair knock out a guard and smash his fist through a glass case! He had his back turned, but I saw him put a fossil in his backpack.”
“Describe him,” Jenny ordered.
“He was wearing a white long-sleeved shirt with a big red R on the front, white pants, black boots and gloves, with a black backpack. It was obvious from his broad shoulders that he was a man. He might still be there if we hurry. Let’s go!” The boy made a move toward the door, but Meowth stopped him.
“Not so fast,” he said. “Officer Jenny, arrest dis kid!”



The Case of the Wrong Attack

“My pitch last night was perfect,” Brock Harrison, the luckless ladies’-man wannabe, moaned to Meowth. “Where did I go wrong?”
“Tell me what ya said,” Meowth replied. “Maybe I can figga (figure) it out for ya.”

“My date was Violet Waterflower,” Brock said. “She’s one of the leaders of the Cerulean City Gym, and she won’t look at you twice unless you have some fantastic water-type. Well, since I only have Geodude, Crobat, and Onix, I had to figure out a good story. I even went out and rented a Dewgong to lend credibility to my story. We were just sitting down to dinner and I was telling her about how my Dewgong had saved the day in battle. We were behind three to one, and the battle had become one-sided. I sent out Dewgong, my very last Pokemon. The Venusaur we were battling used Solarbeam, hitting Dewgong square-on. Dewgong, just barely clinging to consciousness, used a terrific Rollout attack, fainting the Venusaur!”
“That was when Miss Violet gave you the mallet,” said Meowth. “And no wonder!”



The Case of the Silver Chalice

“Meowth, Meowth, we’re rich!” James squealed as he and Jessie rushed into Meowth’s room. “Look!” James held up a shining silver goblet engraved with the words “St. Catherine, 1977”.
“The St. Catherine was a luxury liner that went down in 1977,” explained Jessie. “It was the St. Anne’s sister ship.”
“How’d youse two find this?” Meowth asked, taking the chalice from James and examining it closely.
“James tripped over it while we were walking on the beach,” Jessie said as James smirked happily. “It must have washed up on shore.”
“I bet there’s lots more underwater!” James added. “We’ll have to get some scuba gear to go look for it.”
“Dat’s where you’re wrong, Jimmy-boy,” Meowth replied. “Dat goblet was probably planted on the beach to fool someone. I can tell ya now, it ain’t from 1977!”




“The Case of the Red R”: The boy told Meowth and Jenny that he had seen the man from BEHIND, but in his effort to frame him he had made a point of mentioning the red R on his shirt!

“The Case of the Wrong Attack”: Unfortunately for Brock, Violet knew what any water-type trainer should. It is impossible for Dewgong to learn Rollout!

“The Case of the Silver Chalice”: The goblet James held up was “shining”. However, if the goblet had really sunk with the ship in 1977, it would have been tarnished.