J=Jesse, JM=James, M=Meowth, G=Giovanni, B=Butch(Botch), C=Cassidy

Meowth's Vacation Disaster

By: KittenithTR

Chapter 1."The News"

*J,JM and M are in G's office, and of course they are shivering with their funny little scared faces*
G: I called you here to say that I am worried, I think that the reason you are not capturing pokemon is stress. That is why I am giving your best planner a vacation in hawaii....Meowth
J+JM*mouths drop*
M*gasps*Me? Meowth? YAY! I mean...uh...finally some time to relax heh heh.
G: Yes,and to make sure of that I am sending Jesse and James to make sure you relax.
J: Wow! A vacation in hawaii!
JM: Think of the food! Coconuts, pineapple, MMMMM!
J+JM: We won't let you down!
M*holds his head in terror*
G: Good! You leave tomorrow! Here are the tickets. You should get ready tonight.*gives them the plane tickets*
M: *glares at Persian*
*Persian glares back with and evil grin*
M: *thinks 'this is gonna be the worst vacation ever, well, it may not be too bad..'*
JM: Just think of how Botch to feel!
J: Just think how Cassidy will feel!
G: James! Please don't use that language!
JM: *thinks how Botch and Cass will feel*

10 minutes later...

JM: He gave Meowth a vacation!
J: And we get to go!
*they both start laughing and jumping for joy while Meowth just packs with a glum face on*
B: I can't believe they would give you two doofuses vacations!
C: And especially one for that stupid cat!
M*mutters something while he packs turned away from them*
J: Well we're leaving tomorrow!
JM: So sorry you can't come Botch
C: I'm leaving!
B: I'm right behind ya!
*B+C leave and James and Jessie start packing again*
J: This will be the best vacation ever!
JM: You said it!
*M continues to pack and secretly packs a pic of Gatomon*
JM: What you got there?
M: uh...*sweatdrop*nothing!
J: Let me see! *grabs it*
M: No! *jumps for it*
J*shows it to JM*
JM: Oooh! Looks like Meowth has a girlfriend!
M: I do not!*grabs it back*
J: Well I'm done packing.
JM: Me too.
M: (quite glumly)Meowth.
JM: Let's get some sleep before tommorow.
*they get into their one bed while Meowth jumps onto the end and curls up*
M*thinking 'Maybe this won't be so bad after all....'*

to be continued....