Chapter 2.The Plan and The Flight

(Before the present happenings this is what happened after B+C left J,JM and M's room)

*Cassidy is sitting down while Butch paces back and forth thinking*
B: We've got to get our revenge on those guys.
C: But how?
B: *grins evily*I got just the plan....I*whispers it to C*
C: Oh! Then I guess we should start packing!......


*they are all running with their bags trying to get to their plane*
J: Why did you have to go for long term parking James!?
JM: I didn't know the plane was leaving now!
*they all run onto the plane quickly, little do they know, B+C come on with their things too*
*J+JM+M sit down in their seats*
JM: Well,heh heh, soon we will be in a tropical paradise, just think how Botch must feel!
Strange voice: THAT'S BUTCH YOU MORON!
J: Are you alright James?
JM: Oh yeah, just thought I heard something.
M: There better be a in-flight movie or I'm leaving!

3 hours later....

J: That was a strange movie, like that weird shape-changing guy.
JM: I've never seen Terminator 2 before and now that I've seen it I love it!
M: You said it!

2 hours later....

JM: I thought first class flyers were supposed to get a nice dinner!
*they get hit in the face with pies*
M: You just had to Jinx it didn't you!

7 hours later....

J: *yawns*I barely got any sleep, someone was making some horrible noise!
JM: Yeah,it sounded like a roar or something...
*they look to Meowth who is snoring loudly*
JM: Wake up!*pinches him*
M: YOW!*scratches him*
*they go outside to see a beutiful beach and nearby hotel*
J+J: wow...
M: It's Beautiful!
J: There's our hotel.
*they walk off towards their hotel and meanwhile B+C snicker evily gettng off the plane*

to be continued....what is Butch and Cassidy's evil plan? find out in chapter three!