Chapter 4: The Monster

*all of a sudden a a bunch of explosions hit the volcano and Butch and Cassidy are running from it in terror*
JM+J: Them!
M: Look!*points to the volcano and a giant fireball is floating out*
*30 magmars shoot out and come down and start flaming trees and things*
*another fireball comes down and boxing gloves and arms and legs made out of solid flames come out of it, a face then appears and it screams "FRIMEAPE!"
M*takes out the pokedex he stole from the twerps* Dexter: Frimeape, the fighting fire type pokemon, this pokemon is a legendary combination with the evil of Primeape and the power of Magmar.i t is told that it lives deep within the Magmamar mountain and when, If ever awakes ,shall realise a terrible rath and destroy whoever awoke it
*the three of them grabs fire extinguishers and start freezing the magmars solid*
M: *Sees B+C cowering against a wall with the Frimeape in front of them*......James, Jess?
JM+ J: What!?
M: Remember that time we went into the boss's lab and tried to make our own pokemon?
JM+J: Yes.
M: ....I got mine....
J: Well then use it!
M: Ok! *takes out a pokeball* Go! Slam Bam! *a strange typhlosion with a raichu tail and ears holding to hammers comes out*"Slam!"
*the frimeape looks towards it and then shoots out a giant fireball*
M: Slam Bam! Use metal cross now!*it crosses it hammers and the fire ball stops, it turns to water and hits the Frimeape*
M: Now! use thunder mallet!*it throws it's hammers and they get hit by lightning, and come down. the pokemon hits the Frimeape constantly and then the surrounding Magmars*
JM+J: *walk to the Frimeape and hold the extinguishers right by it's face*Your time is up!*B+C come behind it and do the same causing the pokemon to cower in fear*
* it points to the mountain and the magmars flyback to the mountain with the magmars and the rumbling stops and all the fires they started go out. it then get's caught by Meowth*
B+C: Phew...
B: Thank you you guys, we're sorry we did this, we didn't expect it to be so nuts!
C: Yes thank you.
JM: Well, after all this we better go home.
J: Yeah.
*in a few minutes they get their stuff and fly back*

2 months later....

*B+C are in the boss's office*
G: I brought you in here to tell you something..
B: What boss?
G: I'm giving you both a vacation!

The End

witten by Kittenith! ==^__^==