I’ve done this fic a little differently. I’m doing this as Jessie’s point of view, but after I’ve done her, I re-write the same scene, but from James point of view. Then on the next scene, its back to Jessie, then I re-write that scene from James point of view. I got this idea from a StarGate SG.1 fic I read years ago, and it works, see what you think.

Chapter 1: Landing


"We’re blasting off again!!!!!!" came our very familiar, and tiresome cry. Flying off yet again into the sky, I land very painfully on my back on the grass. Cursing that the twerp has yet again beat us; I slowly get up and rub my sore back. Straightening out my skirt, I look around to find James and Meowth.

"Meowth, get me down from ‘ere!" I look up to see Meowth dangling from a tree branch. I shrug my shoulders; he can get out of that himself.

"James!" I call.

I hear a moan coming from behind me and I turn around to see that James had landed on a pile of very painful looking boulders. Struggling to get up, James looks over at me for help. Me? Help someone? Ha!

"Come on James we haven’t got all day!" I yell, whacking him over the head.

He looks at me with sad, yet pain filled eyes. He crawls of the boulders and falls on the floor, holding his arm. Trying not to look curious, I tilt my head forward to get a look at his arm. It was bleeding, badly. Suddenly, I hear a thump coming from behind me. I turn around to see Meowth had fallen out of the tree. I suddenly notice that nearby is a Team Rocket hideout. What a stroke of luck! Through the trees, I could just see the red R emblem. Without glancing back at James, because I know he’s just making out his arm hurts more than it does, I walk towards the hideout, followed by Meowth. Without even realizing it, I suddenly felt worried for James. I glance over my shoulder to see him struggling up off the floor. The pain caused from his arm could be seen on his face. But did I do anything? No.

‘He’ll be fine’ I say to myself, ‘He’s just a wimp’.

Suddenly, as if knowing I was looking at him, he looks up at me. I quickly resume my walking, hoping he didn’t see me. Though, why should I be worried?


"We’re blasting off again!" we all yet again cry into the air. I braced myself for a painful landing, yet again. Falling down, I hit a pile of boulders very, and I mean VERY, painfully. A surging pain went up my arm and I screwed up my eyes not letting the tears fall. I lay there for a moment, trying to wait till the pain subsided. It didn’t. I try to get up, but my arm hurt too much. I moan quietly from the pain, then I thought I heard Jessie yell my name, so I look up and see her looking over at me and I look at her asking for help. She looked down at me, then yelled!

"Come on James we haven’t got all day!" then she whacked me over the head.

Usually I wouldn’t mind, after all I’m used to it by now. But having my arm hurting and just been beaten yet again by those Twerps, I wasn’t in a very good mood. I obviously wasn’t going to get any help from Jessie, so I tried to struggle up off the boulders, but ended up hitting my bad arm. I fell to the floor clutching my arm in pain. I looked down at it. It was bleeding pretty bad. Great, now I’m going to have a blood stained White uniform. This defiantly wasn’t a good day, and its only 11.30 in the morning! I see Meowth fall out of a tree behind Jessie, as both of them start walking towards the woods. Jessie is leaving without me! What did I do this time? I suddenly felt angry as I tried to get up of the floor. I looked up to see how far they had got when I saw Jessie looking back at me. She immediately carried on walking. But I saw her, she was scowling at me. Well I’ve had enough! I’ve put up with this attitude for 10 years! Its time to out a stop to this……well, maybe when I pluck up the courage to talk to her again that is.

Chapter 2: Forgetting


As soon as I got to the hideout, I immediately went for lunch. Ahhh, whichever members had been here last, they had left the whole hideout fit to burst with food and snacks. Great! Meowth went over a switched the TV on, but I didn’t care what he was doing. I scrounged around the cupboards to see what I fancied. Suddenly I heard one of the bedroom doors above slam. I looked around and realised it was probably James.. Oh well, if he was going to be in mood, I didn’t care. Hmm, I seem to be saying ‘I don’t care’ a lot lately. I heard the walls of the hideout start to creak, a storm must be on its way.

After lunch, which included a large crack of thunder from outside, I sat down with Meowth to plan our next plan to capture that pesky Pikachu. We had to do it right this time, and then the Boss would give us a pay rise for sure!

"Alright, lets get started shall we?" I say to Meowth.

"Aren’t we gonna wait for James?" he asks

"Forget him. If wants to stay in a mood that fine with me. I can’t deal with him right now, we can tell him about the plan later."

Meowth frowned and looked up at me

"But we always tink of da plans togeder."

I scowled at him. I was already in a bad mood.

"Look you little furball! It was James’s fault we failed, just like it is every time. It’s always his fault and I don’t want to see him right now, so if you want to plan this with him, then go upstairs and tell him! Just leave me out of it!"

Meowth looked shocked. He looked at the piece of paper in front of him and stated writing, mumbling ‘sorry’ as he wrote. Arggh, I’m surrounded by people in a mood, can’t anyone just be normal around here and stop annoying me all the time!? I’m getting fed up with these attitudes, if everyone was as perfect as me we wouldn’t always be in these stupid arguments!


As I trudged along the grass towards the hideout holding my arm, I saw Jessie and Meowth walk through the door and close it behind them. I stood there for a second. It was like they had forgotten I was even here! Well, two can play at that game.

I walked silently up to the door and opened it slowly. Meowth was sitting watching TV, while Jessie was searching through the cupboards. I wanted to talk to her, but right now I was too scared to face her. Actually, I couldn’t figure out whether I was scared or angry. As I watched her completely ignore me, something told me to storm up the stairs and slam the door behind me. So I did.

I sat on the edge of the bed looking outside the window. A storm was beginning to start outside as the wind creaked through the hideout. Arggh, I’ve seen this movie. Why does the weather always have to reflect what you feel like inside?

The leaves started rustling as the storm continued. I could hear a low rumble in the background as the threat of a thunderstorm brewed over. The wind howled through the small house, as every now and then, a flash of lighting would brighten the room for a second, shining off the mirror, reflecting the wet tear tracks down my cheeks.

I don’t really know why I was crying; Jessie always shouts at me, or in this case completely ignores me. I wish she wouldn’t yell at me, or ignore me. I like Jessie, really I do, but the way she treats me, I’m beginning to wonder whether or not Jessie is trying to tell me that she doesn’t want me around anymore. Thinking that brought more tears to my eyes. I don’t want to leave her, I don’t want to go. I try to please her, to do things right, I can’t help it if I’m a bit clumsy. I can’t help it if all our plans go wrong. I can’t help it that it’s apparently always my fault! I try ever so hard, but everything I do just never seems enough for her.

I felt very alone right then, Jessie is all I have, if I lost her, I’d have nothing. But if Jessie doesn’t want me around, then leaving is the only option I have.

I lay back down on the bed and silently cried. I would have to leave, if that was what would make Jessie happy, that’s what I would do. I’d leave for her.

I remembered when Jessie first stared hitting me, I thought that she’d grow out of it. That’s why I stayed with her, that’s why I ignored it. But instead of stopping, she got worse. I don’t believe I’m going to say this but, besides of what I said earlier, I, I don’t think I like Jessie that much anymore. Suddenly, my stomach rumbled. It was then I realised I hadn’t eaten in a very long time. But for the first time, I didn’t actually feel hungry. My stomach was empty, but so was heart, and that rose above the rest. I don’t want to put up with her anymore! But I don’t want to hurt her felling either. Ohh, I don’t know what to do to. But I have to tell her, I’m not staying here any longer. I’m leaving…

I looked around in a draw and found some left over bandage, which I carefully wrapped around my arm. I got up and walked over to the door. Before I opened it, I heard Jessie and Meowth below.

"Alright, lets get started shall we?" I say to Meowth.

"Aren’t we gonna wait for James?" he asks

"Forget him. If wants to stay in a mood that fine with me. I can’t deal with him right now, we can tell him about the plan later."

Forget him? I looked at the floor, tears threatening to fall again. That’s just what she is doing, forgetting me, her best friend, at least that’s what I thought.

"But we always tink of da plans togeder."

"Look you little furball! It was James’s fault we failed, just like it is every time. It’s always his fault and I don’t want to see him right now, so if you want to plan this with him, then go upstairs and tell him! Just leave me out of it!"

That was it. Now the angry and loneliness levelled out. I didn’t even feel scared of her anymore. I was fed up. I took a deep breath and put my hand on the door handle. I would simply tell her, and then go.

Chapter 3: Confrontation.


"That’s a great idea Meowth," I exclaimed, "That’s so crazy it might actually work!"

"T’anks Jess," then he paused, "Hey wait a minute, who are ya callin’ crazy?!" he snapped.

"Oh shut up and lets…"


I paused when hearing a familiar, yet saddened voice coming from behind me. I looked around to see James staring sadly back at me.

"What is it James?!" I snap.

I look at him sternly, annoyed that he had bothered me. But as I looked at him, I didn’t see the usual James, there was something else there, something bothering him, and he looked…angry? Sad? I couldn’t tell, which was different, because I could always read James like a book. He didn’t answer, just looked at the ground. Now I was getting annoyed.

"WHAT?!" I yelled again impatiently.

He winced then frowned sadly, still looking at the floor

"It doesn’t matter," he said softly, turning away.

Now I really was annoyed. He comes all the way down here and calls my name, then just thinks he can walk away without an explanation! No chance! I leapt up of the chair, grab him by his good arm and sharply turn him around to face me.

"What is it James!? I yell in his face.

He gulps and looks at me nervously. I stare at him waiting for an explanation, but none came. As he looked at me, his bottom lip stated to quiver, and he looked away.

"I said it doesn’t matter." He took my hand off his arm and walked back up the stairs. I watched him and yelled back.

"James you’re so pathetic!" as soon as I said that I regretted it.

James lowered his head and screwed up his eyes keeping the tears back, walking quickly into the bedroom and slamming the door behind him. Did I really say that? I mean, I know I don’t exactly come out with the nicest things, but I would never have thought I’d say that to his face. I could see he was upset, but I was still annoyed. But still, something inside felt almost sorry for him……nah, that can’t be right.


I opened the door slowly to see Meowth and Jessie deep in discussion. I walked down the stairs and stood behind Jessie. She didn’t even notice me.


Jessie stopped in mid-sentence and snapped her head around to look at me.

"What is it James?" she snapped

As soon as I saw the look in her eyes, my nerves over took me and I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t tell her. I looked at the ground hoping somehow something would swallow me up right there.

"WHAT?!" she screams at me again.

I winced at her voice, still looking at the floor. I wasn’t sure whether I could face her after all. Without looking up, I said the only thing to get out of this mess.

"It doesn’t matter." I say softly. Coward. Suddenly, I feel Jessie’s arm on my own pulling me around to face her.

"What is it James?!"

I gulp, knowing that I want to cry. I hate it when she’s like this. I felt my bottom lip start to quiver and I quickly look away, not wanting to cry, again, in front of her. I put my hand on hers, taking it off my arm.

"I said it doesn’t matter."

I turned around and started to walk up the stairs. Phew, maybe I’ll pluck up the courage to tell her later, or tomorrow, or, oh I don’t know. But just as I thought I was safe for the moment, Jessie said the most heartbreaking thing she could ever have said to me.

"James you’re so pathetic."

That was it. I screwed up my eyes and practically ran through the door, slamming it behind me. With the door shut, I leaned against it and slowly slid to the floor. Jessie was right of course, I am pathetic. But that doesn’t mean she has to yell it to me like that. I sat there for a moment. What am I going to do now? It can’t get any worse.