Part two

Chapter 5: Ring ring ring, phone call!


I slumped back down in my chair. What was wrong with him? What was wrong with ME!? Either way, he was really getting on my nerves now.

“What was dat all about?” asks Meowth

“None of your business” I say, whacking him over the head.

Sitting there thinking of James, I nearly jumped out of my skin when the phone went off. Still in a mood with James, I grabbed the phone roughly.

“What do you want!?” I shout down the phone

“-Is James Madison there Miss?-“ said the voice on the other end of the phone.


“-Would it be possible to speak to him please?-“

“Yes, hold on!” I snap.

After that little confrontation with James, I didn’t exactly want to speak to him, but I called out anyway.

“James! Phone!”

I put the phone on the table and crossed my arms, sitting in a chair. I heard James come out of the bedroom and down the stairs. He walked straight past me, not even looking at me, and picked up the phone.

“Hello?” he sighed, “Yes…….Hopkins?!”

Hmm, Hopkins, wasn’t that the butler back at James’ estate?

“How did you get this number?…….What do you mean ‘when I get there’?……What?! When?!”

James’s face fell.

“This isn’t come kind of trick to get me home again is it?”

James looked even more depressed than he did before

“Right…okay…” he said sadly.

Jeez, what did Hopkins just tell him?

James put the phone down slowly as a tear slowly rolled down his cheek. Wiping it away, he headed back towards the stairs.

What? He’s not even going to tell me?!

“What’s happened James?”

“It doesn’t matter.”

Okay, now I was REALLY getting fed up with him. The last three sentences he’s said to me is ‘it doesn’t matter’. This is getting ridiculous. I leapt out of the chair, grabbing his arm again, spinning him around to face me, but this time I slap him across his face.

“What the hell is WRONG with you James!? I am getting really fed up with this!!!”

James stood there staring back at me, and then said something I would never have thought would come from his lips…


I sat there in the dark. Even though it was still early afternoon, the storm had gotten progressively worse and I had never seen the sky so black during the day. I stared at the window, the tree outside losing its leaves as the wind howled around it, swaying it from side it side like a pendulum. The lightning lit up the tree for a second, almost giving it a ghost like apperence. I stared at that tree. It had no problems. No one to yell at it, no one telling it what to do. It had strong roots and a sturdy foundation. Unlike me. I have nothing to hold on to, the only purpose in my life is to be walking talking punching bag. Just then, I heard the phone ring downstairs. I wondered who would have the number of this hideout. It was probably the Boss. Great, just what I needed. First Jessie, now the Boss. I know, let me guess, we’re fired.

“James! Phone!”

I knew it. Let me re-phrase that, I’M fired. I got up of the floor and opened the door, down the stairs. I walked past Jessie; I didn’t want to talk to her, not after what she said to me. I pick up the phone, waiting for the harsh tone of Giovanni.

“Hello?” I sigh, getting ready, yet again, to get yelled at.

“- Hello, is this James Madison?-“ Hmm, that didn’t sound like the Boss, but it did sound familiar.

“Yes.” I replied.

“Thank heavens I’ve finally found you Master James, this is Hopkins back at your estate.”

“Hopkins!” What on Earth was he phoning for?

“How did you get this number?”

“-Never mind about that, I’ll explain when you get here-“

I frowned, “What do you mean ‘When I get there?’”

“-Your parents have been involved in a terrible accident, they died immediately, and you have to come home this instant-“

“What!?”, how could he say that so calmly? “When!?”

“-Yesterday afternoon, I’ve been trying to get hold of you for hours.-“ This didn’t seem true, not the way he saying it.

“This isn’t come kind of trick to get me home again is it?” I wouldn’t put it past them that’s for sure.

“-No Master James, you can even check the police records if you must, Officer Jenny was kind enough to be there on the scene just in case it wasn’t an accident. Plus the hospital will also have records. Now you must come home immediately to sort out the financial business of the Estate-”

He wasn’t lying.

“Right…okay.” I slowly put the phone down.

I never realised that I would have felt this bad knowing that they really have died. I mean they may not have been the most loving parents in the world, but they were still my parents, it was only natural for me to care about them. I felt a small tear roll down my cheek. I’m surprised there are any left to be honest. I wiped it away quickly and headed back towards the stairs. At least I have an excuse to leave now.

“What’s happened James?”

Oh great, now Jessie wants to talk. Well I don’t.

“It doesn’t matter.”

Before I knew what had happened, I felt Jessie spinning me around and slapping me hard around the face.

“What the hell is WRONG with you James!? I am getting really fed up with this!!!”

I felt like laughing. She was getting really fed up with this? She has no idea, and this is the last straw. She wants to know what wrong? Then I’ll tell her.

Chapter 6: The Fragile Leaf.


“You wanna know what’s wrong?” he said calmly, “You. That’s what’s wrong.”

I stood back a step. Me? What had I done? I winced mentally; I knew exactly what I had done, and what I’d done for years. Hit him, yelled at him, hit him, blamed my life on him, and then hit him some more. And what had he done? Nothing. He had stuck by me for no reason I could think of for 11…wait a minute…what am I talking about! Here I am feeling sorry for him and he snaps back at me! HOW DARE HE!!

“Me? ME?!” I slapped him again, harder than before. Although I knew precisely why he was angry, I refused to believe that anyone apart from me should be in control.

He glared back at me, those gorgeous green eyes really full of hate. I was a little stunned for a moment; I’d never seen that look in his eyes, not for the whole 11 years I’d known him, had he ever looked at anyone like that.

“YES, YOU!” he shouted back at me, “And I don’t know why you’re surprised…Jessie…”

He stressed my name, as if he felt disgusted by saying it.

“…Because all you have ever done is hit me, yell at me, hit me, blame your whole life on me, and then hit me some more.”

Jeez, did he just read my mind? That is practically word for word on what I just thought. Hmm, they say that great minds think alike. I smiled slightly, then realised I shouldn’t be, James was very angry, but I will never admit that I had done anything wrong…at least not to him anyway.

“Well I’m fed up with it Jessie. I’m not putting up with it any longer. This is the last straw! Ever since you started hitting me, insulting me, I always believed that you would grow out of it! But you haven’t! And I’ve had enough! I’ve had enough of you!”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing! I had never seen this side of James. Well I wasn’t going to stand there and let him beat me over an argument.

“Oh yeah! Well maybe if you weren’t such a wimp and stop whining like a girl I wouldn’t have to hit you and insult you all the time! You just can’t get it into your thick head that I am the brains in this team and you are always the one to ruin everything because your to stupid to realise how the plans are supposed to work!”

He flinched. I think I hit a nerve. Well serves him right. I was stupid to feel sorry for him, if it wasn’t for the fact that we were an assigned team I would walk out the door this second.

“I’m outta here.”

What did he just say?

“What do you mean your outta here?!” I snapped.

“What’s wrong, are you deaf?...” I scowled at him; he didn’t have to be sarcastic.

“…Well read my lips, I’m leaving.”

With that said he turned on his heal and walked up to the front door. What the hell did he think he was doing?! He can’t just leave, we’re a team.

“James don’t be an idiot, you can’t leave, you and me are part of Team Rocket!”

He snapped around and glared at me.

“Oh yeah? Just watch me!”

He opened the door and stormed out, slamming it behind him. Well, if he hadn’t just gone out the door, I would have kicked him out myself. He is total, total…a word is yet to be invented to describe how totally, whatever he is, and he is one, and a total, total one at that! I had never been so angry at him before in my entire life, and I really couldn’t care. I looked down at Meowth staring wide eyed at me.

“What are you looking at furball!?” I scream at him.

“Aren’t ya gonna go after him?”

What, and mess up my hair in that rain? I kick him hard across the room, smashing him into the wall. Okay, well maybe I didn’t mean to do that. He got up of the floor and looked at me sadly. He slowly trudged along the floor and up the stairs.

“I ain’t surprised he left Jess,” he said softly, “because I might soon as well.”

Argh, what is wrong with everyone?! I’m surrounded by morons! If they don’t like me then that’s their problem. I stormed up the stairs and into the bedroom. Jams will come back; he’s to weak and stupid to walk around in a raging storm like this.

As I sit on the bed, a lighting strike reminds of just how bad the storm is. The rain pounding against the window. Suddenly, I felt scared. Scared for James. I got up and stood at the window, seeing if I could see him, hoping he hadn’t gone to far. I could see him. I sighed. I looked at the tree just outside. The leaves roughly falling off. Somehow, somehow this reminded me of James. With a strong background, someone to care about him, James can be strong and stand-alone. I watched a leaf fall of the tree and fly in the wind, then land on the ground. But take that friendship away, and James can be fragile, just like that leave, he can fall down and never be able to return to that friendship, just like that leave can now never return to that tree.

He’ll come back, he has too. I lay back down on the bed, and with that thought in mind, drifted off to a dreamless sleep.


“You wanna know what’s wrong?” I say calmly, “You. That’s what’s wrong.”

Yowza. Did I just say that? I saw the look on Jessie’s face turned a shade of red. Uh oh. She’s angry.

“Me? ME?!” She raised her hand and slapped me again, a lot harder than before. That was it. I had tried to be reasonable, but she wouldn’t accept it. A new feeling surged through me, I was angry, very, very, angry.

“YES, YOU!” I shouted back at her, “And I don’t know why you’re surprised…Jessie…”

I stressed her name; I was actually disgusted by it.

“…Because all you have ever done is hit me, yell at me, hit me, blame your whole life on me, and then hit me some more.”

My God, this is not like me. But right now I don’t care. Its time someone told Jessie what she’s like, and how fed up I am with her.

While I was thinking up of something else to say, I saw her lips twitch. She was smiling? Argh, Now I AM angry!!!!!

“Well I’m fed up with it Jessie! I’m not putting up with it any longer! This is the last straw! Ever since you started hitting me, insulting me, I always believed that you would grow out of it! But you haven’t! And I’ve had enough! I’ve had enough of you!”

That smile was wipe of her face. Ha, that got her attention.

“Oh yeah! Well maybe if you weren’t such a wimp and stop whining like a girl I wouldn’t have to hit you and insult you all the time! You just can’t get it into your thick head that I am the brains in this team and you are always the one to ruin everything because your to stupid to realise how the plans are supposed to work!”

I flinched at her words. Okay, maybe that was too much of her attention. But that hurt, that really hurt. What had I ever actually done to her? Well, I might as well go back home, leaving Jessie is an added bonus.

“I’m outta here.”

She frowned at me. What? She’s surprised I’m leaving? Ha.

“What do you mean your outta here?!” she snapped.

She just doesn’t get it does she?

“What’s wrong, are you deaf?...” Ooo, sarcasm, that’s new.

“…Well read my lips, I’m leaving.”

I turned on my heel and headed to wards the door. This is it.

“James don’t be an idiot, you can’t leave, you and me are part of Team Rocket!”

That was her case huh? Her and I are part of Team Rocket. Of course absolutely nothing to do with the fact that we just happen to be BEST FRIENDS!!

“Oh yeah? Just watch me!”

I opened the door and slammed it behind me. Wow, that was dramatic. Suddenly, I was hit with a gale force wind with heavy raindrops intertwined. Oh great, I had forgot about the storm, and all I was wearing was my uniform. Oh well, after that exit I’m not going back inside, I might as well walk on until I find somewhere to stay for the night, then figure out how to get back home in the morning. I pulled my Jacket tighter around me, being careful not to get my bandage wet on my arm, and trudged on through the storm. I cannot believe how much I hated Jessie right then. Well she can forget it, I never want to see her again.