Chapter 11: Switch


When I came back from looking out the window, only Jessiebelle and James’ Grandma were down there. Hmm, this has given me an idea.

“Meowth, I’ve got an idea. Jessiebelle an I are wearing the same clothes right?”


I took a Pokčball out my pocket and showed it to Meowth.

“Het wait a minute, I told ya, I ain’t getting back dat t’ing.”

“This isn’t for you, it’s got Victreebel inside it.”

“Victreebel? But dat’s James’ pokčmon, how come you have it?”

“He never picked up his pokčmon when he…left.”

Meowth looked at me with soulful eyes. He must have guessed that I’m missing James by now.

“So what are ya gonna do wid it?”

I smile at him.


I bring the Pokčball close to my mouth and whisper.

“Listen Victreebel, I’m going to let you out of your Pokčball, but don’t screech or try to eat anyone’s head okay? Your master is in trouble and we need you to get him out of it, but you have to be quiet okay?”

I didn’t expect an answer, I just had to hope. I held the Pokčball out in front of me and told Victreebel to come out. The Pokčball snapped opened and the bright flash of light emerged, forming the shape of Victreebel. It ‘stood’ there calmly and didn’t move.

“Hey, it actually did as it was told fer once.” Whispered Meowth, “Now what?”

“Follow me.”

I crept over to the stairway and slowly crept down it. Luckily Jessiebelle and James’ Grandma were facing the door so they couldn’t see me.

“Well then Jessiebelle, looks like everything’s ready out there, I better go and sit down. Remember, come out when the music starts.”

As I got to the bottom step, I saw James’ Grandma walk out the door. Excellent, now it was just Jessiebelle.

“Okay Victreebel, when I say, I want you to use your Sleep Powder okay?”

It ‘nodded’ and stood ready.

“Okay, now then, Meowth I…”

Oh no. The music’s started! I looked at Jessiebelle, she straightened out her dress then walked over to the door and opened it!

“Jess now what are…?”

I didn’t think, I leapt up from the step and ran over to the door. Just as Jessiebelle came through I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her back.

“What on Earth?…”

“Victreebel, use your Vine Whip.”

The plant did as it was told and wrapped its Vines around her arms, putting one over her mouth keeping her quiet. I quickly straightened out my hair and quickly walked through the door in Jessiebelle’s place.

As I walked down the Aisle, I could see James at the other end. His Grandfather was beside him with his hand on James’ shoulder, probably keeping him from running away. As I walked up beside him, I could see James was glaring at the ground.

“Time to get married James.” I say I my corny southern accent.

James peered at me through his hair and scowled at me. At least he thinks I’m Jessiebelle.

“Oh Jessiebelle you do look lovely.”

I turn to see James’ Grandma sitting with a tissue in her hand wiping the tears form her eyes. Ha, like she’s never seen a wedding before. Hey, that’s a point. I’m supposed to be Jessiebelle, so that means…I’M MARRYING JAMES!!


I look over at James who was still staring at the ground. The Top Hat had gone and he was clenching his fists. He obviously didn’t want to do this. I wonder if he would still be as angry if he realised he was marrying me instead of Jessiebelle? After that argument I wouldn’t blame him. Oh great, now I feel guilty. When James finds out that he married me, he’s going to think I married him for the inheritance instead of trying to save him from Jessiebelle. Well, I’d better get this over with and deal with James’s attitude later.

Suddenly I see Growly running towards James with something in its mouth. It trotted up to him and dropped a bunch of keys at his feet and sat there waging its tail.

“Thanks Growly.” He sighed deafeated.

Those must have been the keys James was talking about earlier. A little late don’t you think Growly? Growly looked from James to me and barked happily. It leaped over to me and sat down beside me. Go away Growly! Your going to ruin this, your not supposed to like Jessiebelle.

“Oh, get this flea bag away from me.” I say trying to make it go away. It didn’t. It just sat there panting looking up at me. I gulp.

I look over at James who is frowning at me. He’s going to find out. Oh come on Growly go away! Luckily, James’ Grandpa takes it by its collar and drags it over to him. Phew, no one guessed.

“Dearly beloveds. We are gathered here today to join in…”

The married is starting, well, here goes nothing.

As it came to the vows, James was first. I expected him to start complaining or shouting he wasn’t going to go through with it, but instead, he stares at me and says the vows as if he wanted to get married. I wonder if he’s guessed. Out the corner of my eye I can see James’s Grandmamma whispering and staring at James, as if she too was surprised he wasn’t complaining. It came to my vows and I said mine is Jessiebelles’s accent.

“And now, by the power invested in me, I now pronounce you Husband and Wife.”

The priest turns slightly to James.

“You may kiss the bride.”


No, snap out of it. I’m still Jessiebelle, don’t screw it up. I turn towards James who was still facing the priest and blushing furiously.

I smile, that’s my James.

I guess he knows it’s me, because he wouldn’t be blushing if he thought I was Jessiebelle.
He slowly turns towards me and gulps.

He’s so cute.

Argh! Stop it! Your gonna mess this up.

“Go on then James, kiss the bride.” His Grandmamma encourages.

Can’t she shut up this is embarrassing enough? I can feel my cheeks start to blush now. James edges closer to me. What is this has time stood still or something?
Oh what the hell.
I lean forward quickly and kiss James deeply. I can feel he was surprised as he takes in a sudden sharp intake of breath. As I pull back, everyone starts clapping and more people burst into tears. I smile. There’s going to be more tears when they find out I’m not who I’m supposed to be.


“No! How many times to have to say this? I don’t want to get married!”

“You are getting married today James or the entire inheritance goes to Charity, which is defiantly not what your mother and father would want.”

“Yeah well I don’t want to get married!”

I stood there at the alter arguing with my grandpappa, again. Why can’t anyone understand I do not want to marry Jessiebelle? Can’t they see she’s insane? I take that stupid top hat and through on the floor. I’ve had enough! I stand there with my arms crossed staring at the floor.

“What on Earth has gotten into you James?”

I don’t answer.

“Now now James,” I heard my Grandmamma start, “This is your wedding day and we won’t have any of these tantrums, we are all very pleased for you to finally find someone you love.”

Did I hear that?

“Love? Yeah well that’s the point I don’t love…”

I was interrupted as the wedding music started. I turned back to staring at the ground as I felt my Grandpappa put his arm on my shoulder. I wanted to shake it off, but I’d probably get into more trouble, so I just stood there. I saw Jessiebelle through the corner of my eye as she stood next to me.

“Time to get married James.”

I cringe at her voice. I scowl at her through my hair, hoping she’d just go away.

“Oh Jessiebelle you do look lovely.”

I peer at my Grandmamma who was wiping tears from her eyes. I un-cross my arms and clench my fists instead. Suddenly I see Growly coming towards me with something in his mouth. He trots up to me and drops a set of keys at my feet. Hm, nice try Growly, but you’re a little late.

“Thanks Growly.” I sigh.

I think I’ve given up hope now. The only way I’m going to get out of this is if Jessie is pretending to be Jessiebelle. Ha, as if she’d do that for me anyway. Although, I do wish she was Jessie, and not just to get me out of this either. I miss her, a lot, and if I had to marry someone, I want to marry Jessie. I love Jessie, and now I’m never going to see her again, and instead I’m marrying this maniac.

Suddenly, Growly walks over to Jessiebelle and sits down behind her barking happily. Surely he can’t be glad I’m marrying her? Besides, Growly has always hated her, and the only time he would get this close to her is if he was trying to bite her. What’s going on?

“Oh, get this flea bag away from me!”

Her voice was almost trembling, as if she was nervous. I look at her face. It didn’t seem like Jessiebelle, I can’t put my finger on it. Something’s different about her. Hey wait, Jessiebelle always wears those three little blue earrings, but now she’s wearing single green ones. They look just like…like Jessie’s.


No. Surely it can’t be Jessie?

“Dearly beloveds. We are gathered here today to join in…”

I wasn’t really listening to the priest, I was staring at…Jessie? Jessiebelle? Who the heck am I marrying? I look over at Growly who was now sitting by my Grandpappa panting quietly. It can’t be Jessiebelle; otherwise Growly would be going nuts. I look over again at, however it is. As I watch her stand there, I look at her hair. It seems lighter, not as red as Jessiebelle’s, it’s more like…Jessie’s colour, and the earrings, the earrings are defiantly Jessie’s. It IS Jessie! It IS her! She’s…I’m…we’re…we’re getting married?

Oh wow!

I’m marrying Jessie! Jessie! My best friend! The only person in the entire world that I, I love.

When it came to the vows I happily repeated them, knowing now that I was marrying Jessie. Oh, this really is the happiest day of my life.

“And now, by the power invested in me, I now pronounce you Husband and Wife.”

I’m so excited; I can’t wait to talk to her.

“You may kiss the bride.”


Oh my God, oh Jeez, oh wow. I can’t face her. This is so embarrassing. I can see out the corner of my eye that she’s turned towards me. Okay James calm down, you’ve got to do this.

I turn towards her and gulp. I’ve never kissed Jessie before. What if she whacks me over the head? No, no she can’t do that, she still pretending to be Jessiebelle.

“Go on then James, kiss the bride.” my Grandmamma encourages.

Oh boy, here goes. I edge closer to her. Oh I can’t, this is so embarrassing. Suddenly, Jessie quickly leans towards me and kisses me. But not just any kiss, a very deep kiss. I breathe in quickly in surprise. Wow, I’m kissing Jessie!

As Jessie pulls back, I can hear everyone clapping, but my mind isn’t on them, I’m still in a daze.

I just kissed Jessie.

Jessie I just kissed.
