Disclaimer: Team Rocket and Pokemon are not mine; they belong to 4 Kids etc. I’m making no money out this; this is for your entertainment purposes only. Don’t worry, I’ll return them all in one piece, well…maybe…

James’s Wish
(Part two)

By Jame's Rose

By the time James, Jessie and Meowth had got the jeep and drove back to the village, the village was practically empty. In the distance shouts could be heard coming from people going up Falls Hill. James, in the drivers seat, sped through the village heading towards the hill.

"We’ve got to get there first. It’s my wish!"

Meanwhile, Cassidy and Butch wondered into town.

"I wonder where everyone is?" stated Cassidy

"Yeah, this little village is usually bustling with people, and their pokèmon." Replied Butch.

A rustle was heard behind them and they ducked into an ally way by a café.

"Come on Ash, if you want that wish of yours your gonna have to peddle faster then that!"

A bicycle sped out of the bushes carrying a young red headed girl. Another bike followed behind carrying an older boy with darker skin. After a while, another bike came through, this time carrying a younger boy with dark hair with a Pikachu on his shoulder.

"Wait up you guys!!" he said as he peddled as fast as he could.

When they had gone, Cassidy and Butch turned towards each other.

"A wish huh?"

"Sounds interesting."

They walked out of the ally to see where the bikes were heading.

"Look, up there" pointed Butch.

"That must be where they’re heading. To that yellow, ball, thing."

"Well I say we get there first, how ‘bout it butch, fancy a wish coming true?"

"Defiantly" replied Butch.

They laughed and ran towards their own car when a dark figure ran out of the ally and stood in front of them. In the light, the figure could be seen wearing a black Team Rocket uniform, the same as Cassidy and Butch.

"Who are you?" asked Cassidy

"Just call me a messenger from on high. The Boss wants a word with you two."

Cassidy and Butch stood side by side in front of Giovanni’s desk. Giovanni’s chair was facing away from them and a shadow covered the top half of his chair.

"You wanted to see us sir?"


Giovanni moved his chair around to face them, his head still covered by the shadow.

"I want you two to make sure that no body gets to that wishing star. Follow everyone else up there, then once at the star, secure it until I get there. Let no body touch it, do I make my self clear?"

"Yes Sir." They said in unison.

"I’m counting on you. I have my own wish I’d like to come true. If that star is touched by anyone other than me, it will be your heads. Do you understand?"

Both of them swallowed simultaneously. "Yes sir."

"Anything else?" Asked Butch

Giovanni paused for a moment, thinking. After a few moments, he replied.

"Yes. Those two idiots, Jessie, and James. I don’t want to see them again."

"Very well sir, we’ll steer them off track."

"I don’t think you understand" said Giovanni.

He leaned closer to them, letting his head into the light. He looked at each of them in turn, his eyes boring into their own.

"I don’t want to see them again…alive."

Butch and Cassidy were shocked.

"But Sir, their in the White Platoon, surely they can’t be that much trouble?"

Giovanni smirked at the thought, "You have no idea."

Butch and Cassidy nodded in turn and walked out the room, closing the door behind them.

Giovanni smiled to himself and pressed the intercom on his desk linked to his secretary.

"Miss Redford?"

"Yes Sir?"

"Ready my helicopter."

"Yes Sir"

Giovanni leaned back in his chair as his Persian sat by his side. He absently patted the Persian as it purred in delight.

"When I have my wish…they’ll all be gone."

Cassidy and Butch got back in their car, Butch driving, and drove off towards Fall’s Hill as fast as they could.

"I can’t believe the Boss actually wants us to kill those two." Said Butch

"Yeah. Someone outside Team Rocket I could understand, but someone who is in Team Rocket, I would never have thought."

After a moment, Cassidy had an idea.

"Butch, stop the car."

Butch did as he was told and stopped. He looked as Cassidy who was smiling,

"What is it?" he asked.

"We don’t have to kill anyone. In fact, we don’t have to even do what the Boss has said."

Butch was horrified!

"WHAT!! Have you cracked!?!? He’ll kill us, you heard what he said. It will be our heads if we fail!"

Cassidy leaned closer to him.

"Yes, but if one of us makes a wish that will stop him doing that, as well as give us want we want, it wouldn’t make any difference."

She leaned back into the chair, smiling to herself at her brilliant thinking.

"Oh, I get it" smiled Butch.

He turned back to the road and drove off again.

"Giovanni prepare for trouble"

"Cause the wishing Star belongs to double."

They laughed together as they headed off towards their wish.

Jessie and James were slowly trudging up the hill in their Jeep. They had come across a very rough patch, rocky and steep. Luckily their Jeep was 4-wheel drive, so that made it a little easier.

As they slowly climbed the hill, they passed cyclist’s who could no longer ride and had decided to run. Other people who were in cars couldn’t get passed the rocks, so left their cars behind and tried to run up the hill.

Although everyone else had had a head start, Jessie and James were the only ones who had a Jeep, so they were catching up quickly.

The Jeep struggled up the last section of rock and came out on a less steep and smoother road. James sighed a sigh of relief and stepped harder on the accelerator.

"So Meowth" started Jessie, "If you could have any wish in the world, what would you wish for."

"I can’t tell ya cause then it won’t come true when I touch dat star."

Jessie suddenly realised what Meowth had said.

"Hey, that star belongs to me."

"No it doesn’t, it belongs to Meowth!"

Jessie and Meowth were eye to eye





"Will you two be quiet!? It doesn’t belong to either of you. It belongs to me."

"Oh no it doesn’t!" Jessie and Meowth both said in union.

Jessie pulled out her mallet and whacked James over the head. Big mistake.

James lost control of the Jeep and it sped towards a cliff.

All three Rocket members screamed in union as the Jeep went over the edge plummeting to the bottom. As the jeep hit the ground it burst into flames, leaving nothing except a pile of charred metal.

"Great, how are we going to get up that rocky road?" said Cassidy, as Butch and herself stood by the Jeep looking up the rocky trail that led up the hill.

"Well we can’t use the car." Said Butch, "We’ll have to walk."

"Oh great, I had to wear these shoes didn’t I?" Cassidy sighed and began walking.

"Well?" She asked, "Are you coming or not?"

Butch sighed and followed his partner up the road.


"I, can’t, move, any, further" said a breathless Ash, as he dismounted his bike and sat down.

"Ash, you’re never gonna get there first at this rate." Said Brock

"Yeah Ash, you’re dragging us up here, if you don’t want to carry on that’s fine with me."

"No, just, let me catch, my breath first, okay?"

Misty sighed and sat down, as did Brock. Pikachu sat in Ash’s lap and look around at the scenery. Above them a flock of Sperow flew by, and on the ground, a Caterpie slithered up a tree.

‘I’m gonna get that wish’ thought Ash, ‘ no one else, just me.’

On the cliff edge, two hands could be seen clinging on for dear life. It was James. Jessie hanging on to his legs, and Meowth clinging on the Jessie’s skirt.

"Help! Get Meowth outta here!" Screamed Meowth

"James don’t you dare let go!" shouted a panicked Jessie. "Try and pull us up!"

"I can’t!" struggled James, "You’re all to heavy."

James clung on there for another minute until an idea entered his head.

"Jessie! Try and get Victreebel out of it’s pokeball."

Jessie tried to reach the pokeball but lost her grip. She fell further down James’s legs.

James’s hand’s were gradually slipping off the edge.

"Hurry Jessie!"

Jessie scrambled back up and reached James’s pokeball’s.

"Which one is it!?"

"The one nearest the back."

James hand slipped further, now he was barely holding on.

"Alright, here goes."

Jessie un-hocked the pokeball from James’s belt and through it onto the ground above them.

"Please don’t try and eat me Victreebel." Mumbled James, as Victreebel materialised out of its pokeball.

It screamed it’s usual high pitched scream and looked around for its master. It saw James hanging on below.

"Alright Victreebel, listen this is an emergency. I need you to… mhhhhggghghhgmm."

To late, Victreebel grabbed James’s head and continued to scream. James tried to shake it off.

"Victrehhhmmbel, hhgethmmhhhoffffmmhmh."

"Meowth!" Jessie began, "Try and climb back up and scratch that Victreebel."

"I’ll try Jess"

Meowth clung on to Jessie’s skirt and pulled himself up. He grabbed the back of her shirt, and then James legs. He climbed back up onto the cliff and promptly fury swiped Victreebel. Victreebel let go of James head and screamed even louder.

"Listen to James you giant vegetable!" screamed Meowth

Victreebel stared down at its master as James’s right hand slipped completely. Jessie held on tighter as James gave the orders.

"Victreebel, use your vine whip and get Jessie off."

Victreebel did as it was told and extended its vine whips down to Jessie. It wrapped them around her waist and pulled her up. It placed her on the ground, screamed…and covered Jessie’s head.

"Victrhsjhghjebel, this hugugmm is no time hmhhmh tohnhm…"

She stopped as she heard James scream as his left hand slipped. She yanked Victreebel off her head to see James plummeting to the ground.

"Jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaames!!!!!!" screamed Jessie

To be continued…