Disclaimer: Team Rocket and Pokemon are NOT mine; they belong to 4kids etc. I am making no money out of this; this is for your personal entertainment only. I’ll return them all in one piece, well…maybe…

James’s Wish

By Jame's Rose

James felt himself fall further and further, into the darkness. All he could feel was the cold as he split the air in half like a saw through wood. Just he thought that this was it, no more life, no more chasing Pikachu’s, no more Jessie, his life came to a grinding halt.


He opened his eyes and looked up. And there, peering down over the edge of the cliff… was Victreebel, it’s vines extended towards him wrapping around his waist.

James let out a breath he didn’t realise he was holding. He looked down to see he was only about 5 foot from the ground! He felt a jolt as Victreebel hauled him back up.

At last James felt the safe feeling of flat land, well, as flat as you can get on a hill.

Jessie helped him up and flung her arms around him.

"I thought I’d lost you there James." She said softly.

She let go of him and smiled, looking into his soft, glistening green eyes. James looked into her eyes and saw that she was generally concerned. He smiled back but was interrupted by Meowth.

"Come on youse guys, we gotta get ta dat star before the od’ers do!"

Jessie and James turned to him, and both flared up.

"Alright! We’re coming!" they both screamed at once.

They turned to each other and smiled shyly.

"Dere always doin’ dat" muttered Meowth. "Alright you two, ya do realise we’re gonna have to walk now don’t ya?"

James put his hand behind his head in a nervous manner.

"Yeah, sorry about that." He said, peering over the side of the cliff to what was left of the Jeep.

"The Boss ain’t gonna be happy either."

"It wasn’t your fault James" Jessie said softly.

James snapped his head around. Could he really be hearing this? Jessie wasn’t blaming him for something?

"I shouldn’t have hit you."

She smiled at him again and turned to walk up the hill. James stood there on the spot, not moving, and stunned at what he had heard. Not only did Jessie not blame him, but she was blaming herself! His Jessie, who was always shouting and hitting him, was actually…apologising to him?

Jessie stopped and turned around when she realised James wasn’t following.

"James?" she asked.

James looked up at her and smiled the sweetest smile she had ever seen. He walked up to her and put his hand on her shoulder.

"Okay, let’s go."

Meowth looked up at his friends, ran up to James, and leapt onto his shoulder. He got himself comfortable and pointed his paw in front.

"Onward my dear James!"

James rolled his eyes and Jessie stifled a giggle.

Walking side by side, the three friends walked towards the bright light of the wishing star.


"Are you, sure Cass?"

"Yes I’m sure. They’re the, only ones in a Jeep remember, they would be, further up then us."

Cassidy and Butch jogged on ahead, arguing about weather or not they had heard Jessie and James by a cliff they had passed earlier on.

"I think, that star, is getting, closer." Panted Butch, looking towards the top.

"It, should, be" said Cassidy, "We’ve been, jogging, forever."

They jogged further on when something struck Butch (not literally).

"Hey Cass?"


"Is it me, or are there a lot, less people, up here now?"

Cassidy looked around and frowned. He was right. No one behind, no one in front. She shrugged.

"They’ve probably given up and gone back."

Butch accepted this and carried on jogging.

"Yes! We’re nearly there!" shouted Ash, running faster.

"But Ash!" panted Misty, "You just said, you we’re to tried, to run any, further."

"But we’re nearly there Misty!"

Brock and Misty caught up with Ash and Pikachu as they stopped and stared in wonder at the gigantic creator to which the star now resides. Swirls of orange and yellow moved around inside it as the star itself pulsed with energy. It was almost hypnotic.

"This is it" whispered Ash. He stepped forward, put his arm out front…and was yanked back as Misty pulled on his shirt.

"Ash, who says you get the wish? Besides, aren’t you just a little curious to where all the other people went?"

However, Ash wasn’t listening to Misty, he was looking past her and Brock to a figure dressed in black behind them.

"Who are you?"

Misty moved out of the way to see who it was.

"Hey wait," began Ash, "Your with Tea…"

The last thing he remembered was a large black object coming down on his head, to which Brock and Misty experienced after him.

"Yes, we made it at last." Said Butch, standing with Cassidy in front of the giant star.

"Great, now, who’s gonna make the wish?"

"Well I say that the wish should include the part of not listening to the Boss anymore."

"Yes, I agree" said Cassidy, "Now then, we should…Butch?…Butch?…what are you staring at?"

Cassidy turned around to see what he was looking at and was knocked un-conscience, as was Butch. A different figure stepped forward, wearing a suit.

"Take them to the strong hold with the others."

"Yes sir."

Butch and Cassidy were dragged away over a ridge where a temporary stronghold was situated. They were thrown inside while Ash, Misty, Brock, Pikachu and all the other villagers looked on through the bars.

The figure in the suit stood away from the ridge looking at the star.

"You’re mine" he whispered, "Those numbskulls Jessie and James won’t get here in time, but when they do…I’ll be waiting. This is one operation that they will not screw up for me."

Another figure, dressed in black, walked up behind him

"Giovanni sir! We’ve checked the rest of the hill, there’s no one else Boss."

Giovanni smiled.

"Oh there are my young Rocket, Jessie and James are still out there."

The Rocket looked surprised!

"But Boss, didn’t you order Cass and Butch to get rid of them?"

Giovanni snapped around.

"Yes! I did!" he calmed down, "However, I figured that a wish coming true might be enough for them to betray me. I was right. That’s why I came here personally to make sure no body gets that star but me."

He paused then spoke again

"They haven’t killed them. They’re out there somewhere. All we have to do is wait."

"Yes sir"

The Rocket turned on his heel and walked back to the strong hold.


A rustling could be heard in a bush near Giovanni.

"Did you hear that? The Boss wants us dead?" said James

"Yeah. Lucky we decided ta make sure da place were clear before we made dat wish." Said Meowth.

Jessie looked down towards the stronghold and an idea came into her head. She smiled and turned to James.

"If that wish belongs to anyone, it belongs to you."

James still couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

"What do you have in mind Jessie?"

"This is all your fault Ash!" Screamed Misty, as she towered over him while Ash sat on the ground. "You and this stupid wish!"

"Well it wasn’t just…" Ash was interrupted by Pikachu’s voice. "Pika Pika!"

Pikachu was standing by the bars pointing to a near by bush.

"What is it Pikachu?"

"Pika Pikachu, chuu, Pikachu!"

Ash, Misty and Brock walked to bars and looked at the bush. It rustled slightly and the colour red could be seen. Suddenly, very quietly, Jessie crawled out of the bush.

"Hey look! It’s Jes…mghmggmhmgghh"

Brock covered Ash’s mouth.

"Be quiet Ash, we don’t want to attract attention." Brock nodded his head towards the three guards at the gate into the stronghold. Ash got the point.

"Oh, right." Whispered Ash.

"What are you doing here?" Misty, quietly, snapped.

"Shut up brat, I’m here to save your puny lives."

Misty looked stunned.

"You? Aren’t you with these guys?"

"No. James made that star fall down, and it’s rightfully his. The only reason I’m setting you lot free is because you’re gonna be the distraction. Now just wait there and get ready."

"Get ready for what?"

Suddenly, a Tarzan like noise came from the top of the ridge


The three guards looked up to the top of the ridge just in time to see Meowth jump off and land on one of the guards pushing him into the others. Before the guards could un-tangle themselves from the ground, Meowth grabbed the keys and through them to Jessie.

"Come and get me, na na na na na!" Meowth stuck his tongue out at the guards and ran in the opposite direction, away from the star.

"Quick, after it!"

The three guards raced after Meowth leaving the stronghold un-guarded.

"Perfect" muttered Jessie.

She ran out of the bush, grabbed the keys, and stuck them in the lock.


The door un-locked.

"Alright, everybody out!"

Ash wondered why Jessie was shouting, it was as if she was trying to attract attention. As the villagers fled out, Giovanni moved away from where he was standing and headed to the stronghold, wondering what all the noise was about. He peered over the ridge.

"What the…?"

Jessie, seeing that Giovanni was distracted, called out to James.

"James! Now’s your chance!"

James ran out of the bush where Giovanni was standing until he moved, and ran as fast s he possibly could towards the star. Giovanni turned around to see James closing in on the star.


As if in slow motion, James ran one last step, arms out stretched…and touched the star. A brilliant flash lit up the whole area. Everyone stopped running and watched in amazement. The flash subsided and all eyes were on James as he stood by the star. Suddenly, a different bright light came down from above and Pip floated down again. He stopped and landed between James and the star, and spoke in his usual slow, dreary voice. "Congratulations, James. You have finally made it, to the wishing star."

Jessie walked up nearer the star and watched James from about 5 feet away. Giovanni stood ridged with anger watching, as his wish would be used.

Pip began to speak again.

"After the tone, you can make any wish you desire."

A small ‘ding’ could be heard and James screwed his eyes up as tight as he could.

"I wish..." The wish was said in his mind, no one heard it, except the star.

There was another flash of light and the star disappeared, leaving only Pip and a huge crater.

Pip flapped his tiny wings so he was James height. "Your wish has come true."

He flew up high and out of sight, now leaving James, and very curious people on the ground.

Giovanni fell to his knees

"I can’t believe it, I just can’t believe it!"

Jessie ran up to James and stopped in front of him.

"Well, what did you wish for?"

James looked at the ground, then at Jessie, and grinned.

"Well" he began, "Instead of one"

He pulled his hands out from behind his back and showed Jessie what he was holding.

"I wished…for two donuts!"

Jessie, Meowth, Giovanni, the Rockets, Ash, Misty, Brock, Pikachu, Cassidy, Butch, and the entire village fell over backwards anime style.

James looked at them innocently,

"What? What did I do?"

The End

(Authors note: Silly huh? I could just imagine James wishing that! ^_^)