
A quick profile: I can be very nice and friendly, but I can get annoyed and irritated very easily. >.< Typical moody teenager… Hearing and seeing certain things on the internet doesn’t help much. >.< I figure a rants page will be a good outlet for my feelings. (kind of corny, ne?)

”James is gay”

There is no sorry way that he is gay. (rhymes ^_^) He is a straight heterosexual. A typical person who says that he is gay would use this evidence:
1. He cross dresses
2. He has a gay-sounding voice
3. He’s very sensitive and feminine
I’m sorry, but that’s not adequate evidence. “Why,” you may ask. Well, here’s why:
1. So what if he cross dresses. Many other characters cross dress in Pokemon. So why don’t we say that they’re homosexual? They’re not, simply said. Jessie has cross-dressed a few times, actually many times. Most of the time when James cross dresses, Jessie is also dressing like the opposite sex as well. I firmly believe that they only do this for the duty of Team Rocket. It just goes to show how determined they are to capture Pikachu. Brock has cross dressed, too. Remember he wears that frilly apron. So has Ash (remember “Ashley?”). Oh! Even Meowth has cross dressed. Remember the episode with the Magmar and Blaine? Meowth was dressed up as a female game show host.
2. You can not determine the sexuality of a person just by the sound of his voice. Sure his voice sounds a little different. But you have to remember that he grew up in a wealthy, high-class, and aristocratic society. So his voice may sound a little snobby and different. But that definitely doesn’t prove that he is gay. If you say that his voice sounds like a homosexual’s voice, then that’s just being stereotypical.
3. Just because James is in touch with his feminine side, that doesn’t mean that he’s gay. I think its cool and sweet that he’s sensitive and emotional. Most guys are so fed up with being macho that they don’t act sensitive. They think it’s not “manly.” Well listen up! I think a true guy will show his emotions, those guys who can’t are just wimps.
So that’s why those who think that James is gay are wrong. Hmph. :p There’s another reason. Remember the infamous Sailor Moon story with the 2 villains, Malachite and Zoisite? (I forgot how they’re spelled) If you don’t know: The two villains were both guys and they had a homosexual relationship in the Japanese dub. But when Sailor Moon was dubbed in America, the dubbers changed Zoisite to a female! So that’s why she looks weird… Anyway, you would think that if James was a homosexual, the freaked-out dubbers would change James’s sex. *shudders*

”Butch is a druggie and chain smoker.”

Nope. That’s a horrible assumption. Sure his voice can be a little froggie. So what? Maybe that’s just his normal voice he was born with. Maybe he had a medical problem that defected his vocal cords. Maybe he has allergies. But do not jump to conclusions that he did drugs. I personally like his voice. It really suits him, for some odd reason. Butch being a druggie wasn’t even hinted from his voice in the original story line. Everyone who visits my site should have heard Butch’s Japanese voice. (if you haven’t, please go over to the Voices section) Does he sound like a chain smoker? I think not. In fact, he sounds really suave and debonair. So obviously the writers didn’t want him to be portrayed as a druggie. If Butch were a chain smoker, then he would be smoking constantly. Have we ever seen him with a cigarette? Nope. I rest my case.

”Butch is a rapist.”

O_o Okay, this is going too far. I HATE it when people portray Butch as a rapist in their fanfiction. Ugh. He would never do that to a girl. Sure he may seem a little cold on the outside, but that’s probably because he has difficulties showing his softer side. A lot of people have problems with that. For example, Jessie. Speaking of Jessie, a person who thinks Butch is a rapist would use the time when Butch threw Jessie against the wall as an example of Butch’s womanizing antics. Again, inadequate evidence. Cassidy threw James against the wall, does that mean she goes around beating up boys? No. James and Jessie put guns to the warden’s head (dratini ep), does that mean they’re murderers? No. If Butch were a rapist or womanizer, Cassidy would be smart and tough enough not to hang around with him. But she’s always with him, so obviously she knows that Butch is a nice guy. So why can’t everyone else think that?

”Botch and Crappity”

Why the heck do people call them that?! Those who call them that don’t know the meaning of respect. They’re just sore losers, because they know deep down that Cassidy and Butch are successful people. Butch and Cassidy must be the few over-looked people in the show. They are more successful in capturing Pokemon than Jessie and James, thus they rank higher. Notice that their uniforms symbolize highest rank? Notice how Giovanni always trusts them rather than James and Jessie? Those who think that Butch and Cassidy are stupid would say that because Giovanni always has to bail them out of jail, whereas Jessie and James can escape on their own. But, in the original story line in Japan, there is absolutely no mentioning that their boss bailed them out of jail. It just isn’t mentioned how they got out of jail. They’re smart enough to get themselves out of jail on their own, so that’s probably what they did over in Japan. Why did the stupid dubbers make them seem low enough to where Giovanni has to bail them out?! Another thing that ticks me off: people who say they’re Team Rocket fans, but they hate Butch and Cassidy. Sorry hypocrites!!! If you hate Butch and Cassidy, then don’t dare call yourself a Team Rocket fan! :p New Year's Resolution

It’s that time of year where ppl make resolutions and most often abandon them in a few days. I like to be original so I’m going to try to keep my resolutions: be more confident, stand up for myself, and voice my own opinion. I’ll start out by doing this more at my site. In a way, the nature of this site has prevented me from voicing my opinion. Most of the time, it’s “The Gang” who does most of the talking over here and I’m sort of in a cloud of mist. I feel like a weakling. I think visitors that come here voice their opinions more than I do. It’s about time that I come out of that shroud of mist. I would like to start out by saying that I’m tired of all of the arguing and fighting in the message board and chatroom. I understand that arguments are a fact of life and they will always occur; it’s a daily routine for me to argue with my family. But these arguments have gone too far and are testing my short fuse of temper. That’s one of the reasons why I hardly ever go to the message board and occasionally the chatroom, I don’t want to be caught up in an argument and I’m tired of reading about them. I think that’s really sad and horrible that a webmistress would dread going to parts of her site. I think I need to reiterate that this site is called Frogs vs Roses for a reason: it’s James and Butch’s place to argue. However, this site is not called Visitors vs Guests: this site is not a battledome for fans to argue. I used to have so much fun updating my site and I felt very proud of FvR. For a while, I began to dread updating and I felt that this site is my job instead of a hobby. I’m getting over that, thankfully, but I still dread going to certain parts of my site. >.< I don’t care if I’m making ppl mad by writing this. This is my site, darn it, and I can say and do what I want to. If you don’t like my site or me, then make your own site and make it just as good as mine. I’ve put a lot of work and love into this site as if you can’t tell. The only thing that’s probably more important than my site is my grades in school (I won’t put down the fact that I’m an ‘A’ student and my grades and knowledge will probably take me to a successful career ^_^). Back to the subject, if you hate my site and me, but you don’t want to make a site, then go to another TR site. There are plenty of them out there.

Banned Episodes

Okay, I know I’m not the only one who’s dying to see the Porygon and the Dratini episodes, aka the banned episodes. So why in the heck can’t we see them? In my eyes, there’s no reason in the world why we can’t see them. In the episode featuring Porygon, there’s bright flashes of lights Porygon espisode

Reason for banning: Bright flashes of lights that supposedly gave people seizures when it was shown over in Japan.

If this moment with the bright flashes of lights is the ONLY reason why it’s being banned, then why in the world can’t the producer-people just edit that section? They should be used to editing and cutting things since that’s all that they seem to do to animes that are shown in the US. Just removing all of the lights is the simplest thing for them to do, and then the episode will be ready for all viewers to watch. But why don’t they do that? If I only I knew.
But still, people are still not sure that the bright flashes caused all of the seizures. After all, flashes of light aren’t anything new to TV shows. Just look at all sorts of movies that have explosions and all sorts of special effects. So people should be used to it. Or maybe the people who were watching the episode were sitting too close to the TV or were extremely tired. The are warnings about how harmful that can be such as “A very small portion of the population have a condition which may cause them to experience epileptic seizures or have momentary loss of consciousness when viewing certain kinds of flashing lights or patterns. These persons may experience seizures while watching some kinds of television pictures or playing certain video games.” These warnings are out there a reason. People should have listened to their parents when they said that they were sitting too close to the TV.

Dratini episode

Reason for banning: TR and another character use guns in the episode and Jessie acts “unladylike.”

First off, yes, Jessie not acting like a conservative female isn’t appropriate for a younger audience. Then again, little kids don’t watch the show as much as they used to. I can verify that by looking at the ages of most of the people who visit my site. Parents should also be telling their kids that Jessie’s behavior is inappropriate so that way the children will be able to tell the difference between right and wrong. But do the parents bother to explain? No. No wonder why there are so many sluts, teen pregnancies, and people losing their virginity at such an early age. It’s because parents aren’t being responsible and doing their duty as parents to educate their kids. In other words, they’re failures.
Oh my goodness! There’re guns in this episode! There’s evil violence! Oh no! Oh boy. Whenever there’s a violent act in real life, such as a school shooting, parents are always quick to point their fingers at a TV show or some other influence that made the kids perform the violent act. So the producers are afraid to show the episode because they think that when the children see the guns, they’re going to think it’s okay to play with them. First off, those parents who are pointing their fingers at the media as the blame for all of the violence need to turn their hands around so that they are pointing at themselves. It is the parents’ fault for why there is so much unnecessary violence in the country. Parents complain that TV shows have too much violence and that inflicts the children to do hideous acts. But have they ever stopped to consider what is being shown in other countries? For example, the anime being shown in Japan is unedited and contains lots of graphic situations and is very “hardcore.” Even the innocent Pokemon episodes are like that over there. The list also continues on for many other countries that have hardcore entertainment. If parents really think that the entertainment and media is really bad over here in the US, then they need to see what’s being shown in other countries. Logically, one would think that the countries that have the very hardcore entertainment would have lots of problems with violence. Ironically, that’s not the truth. The US with the violence meek compared to other countries is the place where all of the extremely violent acts are being caused. Why is that? One obvious difference between the US and other countries is culture. For some reason, children in other countries know the difference between real life and TV shows. How did they gain this knowledge? From their parents. Responsible parents. Why can’t the parents here in America be like those responsible parents living in different places of the globe? Good question.

Now if the producers would edit out the supposedly dangerous clips and if parents fulfill their duty as responsible parents, we would finally get to see the banned episodes. Unfortunately, I don’t see that happening any time in the near future, give or take a few hundred years. So in the meantime, the banned episodes should at least come out on video with a little warning on them.