Twistedshippy (Butch & Jessie)

Jessie likes you?
I didn't know that.
Me neither. I mean why would she go out with you? You have a terrible voice and you're not exactly the nicest guy on earth.
Yeah, you're the nicest guy on earth. How can we forget? I don't like Jessie so don't worry, Mr. Rose.
Trust me, I'm not worrying. I just don't know why people would even pair you guys up.
I guess if we paired up, we can end the rivalry and become a big happy Team Rocket, as you said once.
I guess...
If we got together, Jessie wouldn't beat you up all the time anymore, she would beat me up. I don't want that. If anyone will beat me up, it can only be Cassidy.
Ok, ok, I get the point. You don't like Jessie. Good.

My View

I don't think Jessie and Butch like each other. They might make a cute couple, but they would never go out.