Brocketshippy (James & Brock)

Hey James! Do you like Brock? I never knew you had a thing for him.
I never knew either.
He's one of the twerps so why would you like him?
I don't like him. I never have and never will.
Sure, that's what they all say.
*whines* I'm serious! I hate him! I'm straight!
Oh yeah? These pictures say differently:

Are you guys going to kiss? Your lips are awfully close together.

No we are not about to kiss. We were under a spell, remember?
Hmmm, let me Take a look at this picture:

Look where your head is. It's resting on his butt.
Do you think I did that on purpose?
I was hanging on for my life.
Oh you were hanging on alright!

My View

I don't think James and Brock have a thing for each other. Just as James said, they never have, and never will.